2516 Uppsatser om Fast Food - Sida 9 av 168
European Food Safety Authority - En studie av legitimitet i en europeisk expertmyndighet
This essay analyses the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) legitimacy. Theories on input- and output legitimacy are used in the examination. After analysing stakeholder representation, forum for deliberation, transparency, independence, and information sharing, input legitimacy in EFSA is assessed to be high. Output legitimacy was examined through the authority's outcome effectiveness, which was divided into compliance and effectiveness. Since food safety is an immense area, two important parts were chosen for the analysis of output legitimacy; transmissible/bovine spongiform encephalopathy (TSE/BSE) and genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Den privata säljarens kontraktsbrott och särskilt påföljderna prisavdrag och hävning: En jämförelse av felreglerna mellan fast och lös egendom
Uppsatsens syfte var undersöka vilka slags fel som en säljare kan bli ansvarig för samt dess påföljder vid köp av fast respektive lös egendom. Kontraktsbrottsreglerna i 4 kap JB och KöpL har undersökts med hjälp av förarbeten, praxis och doktrin för att kunna jämföra likheter och skillnader. Utgångspunkten för bedömningen av säljarens felansvar vid fast egendom är köparens undersökningsplikt medan vid lös egendom är utgångspunkten parternas avtal eftersom ingen undersökningsplikt är lagfäst vid köp av lös egendom. Vid fel i lös egendom är påföljderna hierarkiskt ordnade där avhjälpande och omleverans är de primära påföljderna medan prisavdrag och hävning utgör de sekundära. Avhjälpande och omleverans är inga påföljder som kan åberopas vid ett fastighetsköp.
Now ? let's eat! : en etnologisk studie om mat, minne ochtillhörighet i den svenskjudiska diasporan
This master thesis is an ethnological study focusing members of a young, urban Jewishdiaspora in Sweden. The study's aim is to problematize and describe the relation between theJewish minority that is regarded as religious, and the secular normative majority societyregarded as non-religious. The study explores questions regarding social positioning,belonging and memory and how Jewish traditions are practiced in contemporary Sweden. Themethodological approaches are interviews and participation observations with a specific focuson food; its symbolic value and how food can materialize identities and communicatememories. The empirical data comprises 24 interviews in total, of which 11 interviews havebeen chosen and thus constitute the material on which the study's analysis is made upon.
Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivet
Pets like dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy.
Gestaltningsförslag för Norbyvreten : från kvarterspark till stadsdelspark
The prevailing food and energy crisis of the world, due to the declining reserves of fossil energy and a never ending rise of consumption, forces us to look into new fields to supply our energy demand. The boom of bio energy is criticized, as food crops are used to provide biodiesel and ethanol and the volumes are ridiculously small to supply world demand. Algae are one of the world?s oldest life forms and exist in many different phyla, providing a great variety to choose from, for different purposes. Cultivating microalgae offer a way to produce energy at great volumes without competing with food production and at the same time the algae offer a way to use our expensive nutrients in a more efficient way, besides this the algae are carbon dioxide neutral since their carbon source can be supplied by the atmosphere and the additional energy required can be supplied by algal oil or other renewable sources.
In search for something "real" - consumers' perceptions of authenticity in regional food brands
Marketing research has acknowledged the concept of authenticity. It is argued that consumers in modern society increasingly search for something real, in contrast to what they perceive as mediated and distorted. Producers of regional food brands has acknowledged this trend, and started to market their products as being authentic. Given the potential practical and theoretical contributions in studying the concept of authenticity in this context, this study aims to explore how consumers perceive these claims of authenticity. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to extend knowledge on how consumers come to perceive a regional food brand as authentic.
Arbetsledarens uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda : Skillnader och likheter i arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren
Efter avregleringen av lagarna under 1990-talet öppnas marknaden med uthyrning av personal. Bemanningsföretag anställer arbetstagare som därefter hyrs ut till kundföretag som strävar efter högre flexibilitet i schemaläggningen av arbete. Finns det ingen efterfrågan av arbete blir dessa anställda utan sysselsättning trots att de har anställning i ett bemanningsföretag. Syftet är att beskriva och förklara arbetsledarnas uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda vad gäller arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren. Uppsatsen är utförd som en flerfallsstudie byggd på intervjuer med arbetsledare i företagen Coca-Cola Drycker Sverige AB, Posten Logistik AB, Schenker Logistics AB och Spendrups Bryggeri AB.
"Långsamhetens lov". Platsmarknadsföring av Slow Cities i Italien.
Vårt syfte är att identifiera och analysera hur koncepten Slow Food och Slow City kan användas för att marknadsföra en plats och öka dess attraktivitet. Fokus kommer att ligga på de marknadsföringsstrategier som platserna använder idag samt de strategier som kan bli aktuella i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de italienska städer vi studerat har en genomtänkt strategi och har gjort tydliga avvägningar i arbetet med sin platsmarknadsföring. De har tänkt långsiktigt vid implementeringen av koncepten och fokuserat på att marknadsföra sig internt hos stadens invånare. Städerna har resurser som är väl knutna till koncepten Slow Food och Slow City, men använder inte själva begreppen i sin externa marknadsföring.
Kvalitetssäkring av hushållsnära avloppsfraktioner : vad kräver livsmedelsbranschen?
On-site sewage systems are common on the countryside of Sweden with approximately one million on-site systems installed. Due to insufficient function, these contribute significantly to the total discharge of phosphorus to rivers and lakes, causing eutrophication.
In order to reduce eutrophication and to fulfil one of the environmental quality objectives, the decision was taken by the Swedish Government in 2005 that 60 % of phosphorous in sewage sludge is to be recycled to arable land before 2015. To make recycling a reality, new solutions have to be found. Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) takes an active interest in this issue and has initiated this study.
One problem is that the food industry is sceptical towards recirculation due to the risks that products from sewage systems may contain pathogens, heavy metals and unwanted chemical compounds, e.g.
Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.
A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.
Varumärken och varningsetiketter: En kvantitativ studie i hur varningsetiketter påverkar personer då de är placerade på läskförpackningar och om varningsetiketternas effekt påverkas av varumärket
Warning labels can be used to change the attitude and behavior in the general public. The use of warning labels is also increasing and suggestions have been made to expand their use to more general food products. However, the research regarding the effects of warning labels and how other factors may influence them is limited.The purpose of this study was to develop the research on warning labels and the effects the strength of the brand might have on the warning label?s effect on more regular food products. To achieve this goal a 2x2 factorial design was used where over 200 respondents filled in four different forms.
The bioavailability of soluble oxalates in stir-fried silver beet leaves
The prevailing food and energy crisis of the world, due to the declining reserves of fossil energy and a never ending rise of consumption, forces us to look into new fields to supply our energy demand. The boom of bio energy is criticized, as food crops are used to provide biodiesel and ethanol and the volumes are ridiculously small to supply world demand. Algae are one of the world?s oldest life forms and exist in many different phyla, providing a great variety to choose from, for different purposes. Cultivating microalgae offer a way to produce energy at great volumes without competing with food production and at the same time the algae offer a way to use our expensive nutrients in a more efficient way, besides this the algae are carbon dioxide neutral since their carbon source can be supplied by the atmosphere and the additional energy required can be supplied by algal oil or other renewable sources.
Svensk livsmedelsexport : hur upplever svenska livsmedelföretag exportmarknaden?
The food industry is an important part of the Swedish economy, It is the fourth largest industry in Sweden in terms of number of employees and production value. Due to the increasing globalization, the Swedish food industry faces new conditions and challenges. Through the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995 a whole new era of competition began for the Swedish agriculture and food industry. Markets that previously were closed now opened. In retrospect, it should be noted that the Swedish food industry managed well.
Musik som hjälpmedel för att öka aptiten hos äldre
It has long been discussed how to use music in a new way in the field of food and elderly, and in this study, the authors wanted to test this. Music is the language of emotions. It?s a powerful tool, but its effects are difficult to predict (Theorell, 2009). Malnutrition in the elderly is a serious condition that often gets overlooked (Edfors & Westergren, 2012).
Kan hushållen minska koldioxidutsläppen genom säsongsanpassning av sin grönsakskonsumtion? :
Climate change has become an increasingly topical subject. Recently debate on how our food affects the environment has flared. It has been shown that how the food we eat is grown and transported could be one the bigger contributors to the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The aim of this study is to see how consumer?s choices of vegetables affect release of carbon dioxide.
The results show that emissions of carbon dioxide can be lowered by consuming vegetables that have been grown on open land. Vegetables that have to be grown in heated greenhouses in Sweden should perhaps be exchanged for such that have been grown in unheated greenhouses in southern Europe, even though the transport distance is significant.