

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 9 av 30

Energieffektiv torkning av kläder : en studie av torktumlare med varm- respektive kallvattenanslutning

Tumble dryers and drying cabinets have to a large extent replaced the traditional way of drying clothes outdoors. They are faster, more convenient, require less space and can be operated regardless of weather conditions. This replacement has significantly increased residential energy consumption, due to the fact that tumbles dryers consume large amounts of electrical energy. In the USA 9 % of the households electric energy is consumed when drying clothes. Over 4 million tumble dryers are sold in Europe each year and 20 % of the residential electricity consumption in Sweden is used drying and washing clothes.

Motivation, miljö och lek för läs- och skrivinlärning

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

Bärbar - ett hållbart tygkassekoncept

Portable is a project with its starting point in plastic bags, how they negatively affect our planet and how people´s patterns of behavior and qualities of life are affected when people try to live more envi¬ronmentally friendly. Now we have reached the point when peoples way of living and consuming in the western world has to change. This is nothing new and we can now see that sustainability is start¬ing to get attention in every area.Today plastic bags are used on average for 12 minutes. Only one out of 200 is reused, and then only once . This is not sustainable at all.

CSR-kommunikation ur ett konsumentperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikation av CSR inom fast fashion - industrin, når kommunikationen fram till konsumenterna?

Skolan befinner sig i en kontext där diskussioner om inkludering, exkludering, normalitet och avvikelse ständigt aktualiseras. Frågor som på ett eller annat sätt försätter eleverna ofrivilligt i ett inom eller utanförskap. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att undersöka hur normalitet och avvikelse skapas och förstås av olika skolaktörer på en skola, och då genom empiriska undersökningar av olika skolaktörers förståelse av fenomenet inlärningssvårigheter hos elev. Undersökningens metod är kvalitativ och bygger på det material som framställts genom intervjuer av fyra olika skolaktörer inom samma skola. Materialet har sedan analyserats tematiskt och utifrån teoretiska perspektiv som normkritik och makt skapat en vidare förståelse för fenomenet inlärningssvårigheter hos elev.Resultatet visar att förståelsen av skolans idag strävan att inkludera kan genom uttrycket ?en skola för alla? tolkas som en prioriterad målsättning men i realiteten något som kanske inte fungerar.

Kommunikationens roll för långsiktig överlevnad : En studie om små och medelstora företag i den svenska modebranschen

Background: The Swedish fashion industry grows steadily, today it?s populated by many small and medium sized companies. Due to the big clothing chains dominant position small businesses risks to be ousted out of the fashion industry.Smaller companies may find it difficult to reach out to the customer by traditional advertising because their budgets are often smaller. It is therefore important for smaller companies to create loyal customers. If the smaller sized businesses in the fashion industry do not follow the rapid developments in society and focus on building strong brands and relationships, they will have problems with surviving in the long run.Problem definition: Which communicative factors are important in the choice of brand strategy to create a long-term survival for small and medium-sized companies in the fashion industry?Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to analyse and evaluate the brand as a communications tool for building a brand image.Method: The data which is being used in the essay is collected from interviews with companies and survey of each company's existing and potential customers.Theoretical perspective: Relationship Marketing Perspective and Transaction Marketing PerspectiveTheories: Brand Strategies, Total Communication, Brand Equity, Involvement Theory, Service Value Profit Chain.Empiric: The empirical data is primary data gathered from interviews with a representative for each company and from the questionnaires distributed to the customers of each company.Analysis: The analysis is an interpretation of the empirical material collected from interviews with each company and customers survey.

Indiska-En studie av Indiskas strategier i riktning mot Fashiontainment

Consumers seem to become more demanding in their buying behaviour within the fashionmarket. The society refers to individualism, personality and creativity, which affect people?s wayof dressing themselves. Many companies have started to work with aspects that create aconsumer experience to meet the customers? new demands.

Steget från stort småföretag till litet storföretag - Ett inköpsperspektiv

Den här uppsatsen behandlar ett problem som identifierats bland små till medelstora svenska modeföretag: det stora beroendet av outsourcade produktionsagenter och fullprisproducenter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera de förutsättningar och hinder dessa modeföretag kan stöta på när de försöker integrera dessa utlagda kompetenser till en intern lösning. Genom detta hoppas författarna kunna tillföra nya perspektiv för befattningshavare som är intresserade av att omstrukturera sin nuvarande inköpsmodell.De metoder som använts för att samla in det teoretiska och empiriska underlaget var skrivbordsstudier, såväl som strukturerade och ostrukturerade djupintervjuer med grundaren av ett svenskt jeansföretag, samt en anställd på en stor svensk modekedjas inköpsavdelning.Resultaten understryker den strategiska betydelsen för växande modeföretag att äga sin inköpsfunktion. Genom att äga kompetenserna för mönsterkonstruktion och inköp kan företag minska sitt beroende av externa organisationer och öka flexibiliteten i sin produktutvecklingsprocess. De hinder som identifierats utgörs bland annat av en ökad affärsrisk under övergången till en intern inköpsavdelning till följd av avsiktliga störningar i värdekedjan av producenterna, samt de extra kostnaderna för det ökade administrativa arbetet.This essay focuses on a problem identified among small to mid sized Swedish fashion companies: the large dependence on out sourced production agencies and full price producers.

Om upplevda konsumtionsbehov hos tonåringar med olika socioekonomiska bakgrunder

The purpose of my essay is to study and analyse how adolescents with different socioeconomical backgrounds experience their consumtion needs.There are five main questions:1. How do adolescents experience their needs of status symbols, labeled clothes etc?2. In what way does adolescents experience influences over their consumtion options?3.

Bloggar som marknadsföringskanal ? En kartläggning av Lindex AB

It?s a fact that fashion companies today are searching for new ways to win consumers.Traditional marketing methods have been replaced with new marketing techniques onInternet. Fashion blogs have a high traffic and because of that they are relevant in themarketing context. Lindex has developed from being a store of underwear to be oneof the largest fashion companies in Sweden with Internet sales which actively workswith bloggers through it?s website.Our purpose in this study is to analyze and describe how a fashion company as Lindexis practical using blogs as a marketing method.

Utveckling av sociala funktioner på webbsida

Dressmind will in the future combine social features with e-commerce to create something called social e-commerce. This report  describes how features have been developed to make Dressmind to a social website where the users has opportunity to share and discuss clothing products, follow each other and""easier find clothes on the web..

RFID:s effekter inom logistik

Modeprodukter har en mycket kort livslängd och modebranschen förändras snabbt. Tiden är därför essentiell och utgör en betydelsefull konkurrensfaktor. Genom att reducera tid i försörjningskedjan kan ett företag vinna marknadsandelar samt höja sin lönsamhet. RFID är en teknik som kan användas för att reducera tid samt förbättra logistiska processer i försörjningskedjor. Trots att denna teknik har börjat spridas, används den generellt inte hos svenska modeföretag.

Kundrelationer och kundlönsamhet: En fallstudie av ett modeföretag

This thesis studies the customer relationships and customer accounting methods used by a Swedish fashion company. The aim is to test the empirical applicability of the relationship based framework developed by Lind and Strömsten and to explain potential differences between empirical observations and theory. The framework is based on the categorization of four customer relationship groups and the appropriate customer accounting methods to be used for each relationship. The fashion company, that recently assessed the profitability of its customer base in an aim to implement a new customer strategy, is the object of the qualitative case study. The case study reveals that all customer relationships are to be found at Whyred, except the connective customer relationship.

Kampen mot kedjorna : En kvalitativ studie om hur en enskild, nischad klädesbutik utmärker sig genom sin marknadskommunikation

The purpose of this study has been to create a communication plan to use at the launch of an independent fashion store and give a current storeowner an overall picture concerning which communication aspects to use during his ongoing business. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one important question, which is:   Which communication fields are the most important to use, when you are about to launch an independent fashion store.  For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eleven personal interviews with people who has a strong understanding in communication regarding to this type of business. Most of our respondents are currently working actively with communication because they are active in retailing.The remaining respondent has a strong experience in the field of communication. In the final chapter we present our conclusions of the study. We have found the main factors in a communication plan, which is most important for a storeowner. Which are the most important communication parts for the owner to focus on before he launches the store? The basic need of knowledge in social mediaDevelop a unique concept to differentiate yourselfUnderstand the nature of networks and relationshipsThe relevance of store layout and sensory marketing which is an important tool when you need renewal and develop your concept.

Skyltfönster som kommunikationsverktyg- En kvantitativ studie om kreativa och mindre kreativa skyltfönsters effekter

This research examines the effects of creative store window displays of fashion brands in enhancing recall, attitudes, intentions and brand associations. A comparison has been made between high-end and low-end brands, creative versus non creative store window displays to identify differences in effects. The theory applied in this study has been used from creative advertising effects due to the lack of relevant research in store window display effects. Therefore this study is a contribution to the research of store window effects. The method used in this study compare fashion high-end brand with fashion low-end brand by placing the products in the store window display where the creativity has been manipulated.

Lika butiker leker bäst! Vikten av enhetlighet i en butikskedjas butikslayout

The market for fashion and interior consists of a large amount of retail chains, which together creates high competition. To be able to compete and to be the most obvious choice for the customers, retailers must review their activities that exist in the company and improve them. This concerns store chains since it is so important that the stores communicate the retailers strategy and it is very critical because of the impact that the stores have on the communication with customers. It is after all in the stores that the buying decision is made. With this information, it is important to strive for uniformity through the chain and especially the stores.

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