

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 19 av 24

Why does trehalose not improve autophagy in the SOD1G93A transgenic mouse model of familial ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is one of the major neurodegenerative diseases, causing an ascending paralysis that usually kills the patient within a few years from disease onset. The motor neurons show aggregates of proteins which in approximately 20 % of cases of the familial form contain mutated SOD1 protein. Trehalose is a disaccharide which has been shown to reduce protein aggregation and increase viability in cell models and alleviate symptoms in animal models of several neurodegenerative diseases associated with protein aggregation. When given orally to the SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS, trehalose failed to slow down the disease progression, which has led to questions about the uptake and distribution of the molecule in this mouse strain. The aim of this study was to investigate whether significant levels of trehalose reach the central nervous system of the SOD1G93A mouse after oral administration. This was performed by a trehalose assay of the brain of trehalose treated animals. A glucose assay was optimised for use in small samples of brain lysate after the digestion of trehalose into glucose by trehalase, and the difference in glucose concentration before and after digestion represented the trehalose level.

Förnuft till döds? Debatten om Georg Henrik von Wrights bok: Vetenskapen och förnuftet

This paper relates a debate on a book Vetenskapen och förnuftet (1986) written by the Scandinavian philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916 - 2003). The book brings up fate of mankind, raising the question if human rational thinking and scientific achievements are threatening our very existence on earth. Shortly after the book was published, it was intensively debated in a leading Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Some 20 leading politicians and scientists contributed with their criticism during spring 1987. The paper highlights this debate by writing reception history, describing how the book with its serious message was received by leading scientists of the time.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Egenskaper hos styrelsen som påverkar valet att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning

The aim of this study was to examine the experience, knowledge and attitude to mandatory reports of mistreatments amongst first line managers and assistance nurses in municipal elderly care. The following questions were at the center of the analysis: how do the different professional groups view having to report their own organization? How can various factors affect the mandatory reporting of mistreatments? What knowledge do the different professional groups have of mistreatments and mandatory reporting? A qualitative research method was used to examine these questions in the form of semi structured interviews and a small document study. The interviews were carried out with assistance nurses and first line manages in elder care, we interviewed four respondents from both professional groups. The interviews were then transcribed and coded with help of a content analysis.

Svenska kattägares inställning till vaccination

Background: Vaccination is an important part in cats? welfare. It both helps to prevent the individual cat from catching a disease or lessen the symptoms of it, and protects the entire cat population from an epidemic. It is the cat owner who makes the decision to vaccinate or not. Understanding the cat owners? perspective regarding vaccination may improve communication between the owner and the veterinary nurse, which may lead to a higher vaccination rate among cats.

Mellan Askim och Angered En kvantitativ undersökning av mediers framställning av individer i socio-ekonomiskt olika boendeområden.

Authors: Fanny Edstam & Joacim KettilTitle: Between Askim and Angered. A quantitative research of media's presentation of individuals in different socio-economic residential areas.Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 41Gothenburg is a city that struggles with the issues of segregation. Residential areas like Askim are poorly integrated and areas like Angered have a high amount of immigrated inhabitants. Our hypothesis, with this in mind, is that one can assume media reports from different socio economic residential areas in different ways. The assumed difference in reporting can have aneffect in the readers beliefs that an area can be better or worse than it actually is.

Från "Zigenarfrågan" 1956 till "Romers rätt" 2010 : En studie om den strukturella diskrimineringen av romer i två statliga utredningar

This thesis will deal with the development of the situation of the Roma minority in the Swedish school system in the period between 1954 to 2010, based on two Swedish Government Official Reports of the group's situation in the Swedish schools. The study is done by the report Zigenarfrågan (SOU 1956:43) and with the report Romers rätt (SOU 2010:55). The report Romers rätt was written by the Delegation for Roma issues and gives an updated picture of the situation of Roma in the Swedish school system. The state investigation Zigenarfrågan, is also important as the latter resulted in the Roma children enrolled in Swedish schools. This work will look at the various governmental investigations by the theory used for analysis called ?structural discrimination theory?.

Samverkan för en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling - en studie av EU:s leadermetod

This study aims to illustrate the Leader approach and analyze the work of collaboration development within Leader. The idea has also been to describe some of the difficulties that might be encountered in this type of development work. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this approach we hope to enhance the chance that future work in similar projects can be implemented more easily. Leader is a tool and methodology used in the European Union (EU) for work on sustainable rural development and it has been used since 1991. The purpose of Leader is that by supporting rural projects they will gain social capital and development in the rural communities.

Kejsarens fula sköld : Kamikaze, kristendom och hotet mot hemlandet i Hayashi Ichiz?s efterlämnade skrifter

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the writings of Hayashi Ichiz?, a Christian from southern Japan who on the 30th of May 1945 died while carrying out a kamikaze attack against Allied ships outside Okinawa. Hayashi?s writings, most notably his diary and some of the letters he sent to his mother, have been published posthumously by his sister in a volume called Hi nari tate nari. In this thesis, I conduct an in-depth analysis of these writings in an attempt to understand for what Hayashi died.In the two parts of the thesis, divided by two major themes in Hayashi?s writings ? faith/family and nation/emperor, I discuss his thoughts around these issues.

Invandrarkvinnors inställning till prevention av livmoderhalscancer : "Kan du hjälpa oss att ringa barnmorska?" - En explorativ kvalitativ studie

 SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Livmoderhalscancer orsakas av humant papillomvirus (HPV). De flesta fallen inträffar bland kvinnor som inte deltar i preventionsprogram mot livmoderhalscancer. Syfte: Att undersöka invandrarkvinnors inställning till prevention av livmoderhalscancer. Metod: En explorativ kvalitativ studie. The Health Belief Model har använts som teoretisk modell.

Under hökens alla vingar : Fördelning och sortering vid upptagningshemmet i Sandsbro mellan åren 1933-1935

Under the hawks wingsDistribution and sorting at the upptagningshem in Sandsbro between the years 1933-1935This paper aims to study a so called ?upptagningshem? in Sandsbro, Sweden during theperiod 1933 to 1935. All the children during those three years were enrolled in theupptagningshem is included in the study, a total of 101 children. The main sources studied areprimary sources obtained from the county archive in Kronoberg which is shown in aquantitative method with the thesis that the upptagningshem works according to YeheskelHasenfelds ?people-processing technologies?, which acts as a sorting device which meanscategorizing and classifying activities where different kinds of people are sorted and based onthe results taken care of, by appropriate other organization that can provide the rightresources.

Jämställdhet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares resonemang om genus och jämställdhet utifrån styrdokumenten

The purpose of my study is to find out how preschool teachers reason concerning their work withgender equality from outside of the curriculum. I propose the following questions: If there is apositive view over the relevance of gender equality from outside of the curriculum? Does thepreschool teachers think themselves to work with gender equality from outside of the curriculum?Does the preschool teachers have any thoughts on whether working with gender equality will have apositive or negative effect on the children? In what way does the preschool teachers reason on theirown meetings with boys and girls? The method chose to use is a qualitative study that is based oninterviews. I have interviewed four preschool teachers in a small society called Katrineholm. Afterthe interviews I have analyzed the material and split it into themes that has been processed.

ATT ANV?NDA POPUL?RKULTUR SOM ROP P? HJ?LP: En kvalitativ studie om hur hiphop-musiken i Sverige anv?nds som identitetsskapande och verklighetsskildrande

Hip-hop music has long been an expressive medium used by individuals from marginalized areas in Sweden to address social issues and shape their identities. Through interviews with Swedish hip-hop artists and analysis of lyrics, this bachelor thesis explores the self-expression of the artists and how they express their views of society. It focuses on how social problems are expressed and understood, as well as on how the artists view the depiction of contemporary Swedish hip-hop music in media. Additionally, the study investigates how hip-hop artists themselves perceive the significance of their music lyrics. Furthermore, I explore the impact of music on the identity of hip-hop artists from marginalized areas, as perceived by the artists themselves. To gain a comprehensive understanding, the ethnographic study employs semi-structured interviews and participant observation with four non-ethnically Swedish hiphop artists who live or have grown up in disadvantaged areas in Sweden.

Att fastna i socialrullen : En kvalitativ studie om långvarigt försörjningsstödsberoende

We have chosen to focus on the meaning of long-term income support dependency regarding health, goal setting and motivation for the recipient of economical aid. We have chosen to use semi structurized interviews to achieve our goal of reaching the clients experience of long-term income support dependency. The study consists of interviews of six clients whose answers have been analyzed through appliance of Kielhofner´s Model of human occupation, Scheff´s Shame in self and society.   Our results show regarding, 1) the factor health that long-term income support dependency may elevate the risk of illness and less experienced options of possibilities to act. 2) regarding the factor goal setting, that goals may be inefficiently used during social work with long-term income support dependent clients and may result in a disorganized relationship between client and social worker in the sense of making the parties pull in opposite direction. 3) regarding the factor motivation, that long-term income support dependency and the living with the emotion of shame elevates the risk of maintaining a negative image of oneself that limits the willpower to assimilate new knowledge and/or skills.

Rock och roll : En studie av musikens roll i identitetsskapandet

The purpose of this thesis was to study the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity, and research how this fits into the music subject in the school environment in Sweden. My questions were; (1) what role does music has in the formation of identity? (2) how does gender stereotyped musical identities take form? (3) what is the problems or risks with music education in relation to formation of identity? (4) how does the curriculum for the Swedish school relate to the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity? I have done an analysis on three writers who focuses on theories about music in relation to the development of identity, to give perspective to the individual?s music reality. The first one is the Swedish musicology professor Börje Stålhammar, the second one is the Norwegian music therapist and professor Even Ruud, and the third one is the Brittish music senior master Nicola Dibben. I have compare their thoughts and found a great unanimity in many aspects.

"Folk brukar vilja falla här" : En studie om religiösa kroppsliga upplevelser hos kristna karismatiker

In this paper I aimed to explore the bodily experiences and expressions that Christian charismatics interpret as religious.  The so-called presence of God and the so-called gifts of the spirit were in focus in the gathering of information. My purpose was to find out how the social community of the Christian charismatics affects the subjective bodily experiences that are interpreted as religious by the individual. The main questions were:1: How do Christian charismatics describe religious experiences and their effect on the body?2: What bodily expressions of religious experience can be observed in Christian charismatic contexts?3: Is there a common way of expressing the experience of God's presence (individually or in a group) and how, in this case, can any resemblance be explained?The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative interviews and participant observations, which then were analyzed by the anthropologist Thomas J. Csordas theory of embodiment.

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