

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 13 av 24

Muhammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab och de islamska feministerna : Ett möte om kvinnans roll i äktenskapet

The religious school of thought that is involved in the control of Saudi Arabia is called Wahhabism and is a form of Islam that is usually accused by outsiders of being misogynist. This paper will deal with the founder of this alignment of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and his view of women in marriage. Another movement which in turn goes to work to lift the women's rights is Islamic feminists. Two branches of Islam who belief that Islam is the only right path to take for issues surrounding gender and life. In this essay, I will compare their respective interpretations of three points which concern the role of women in marriage; men's right to polygamy, men's higher status than the woman and the men's right to beat his wife.

Konsumtion och massmedia: Tematisk analys av tidningsartiklars miljöbudskap

Människans konsumtionsbeteenden bidrar till växande negativ miljöpåverkan, och för att bryta utvecklingen krävs arbete på flera nivåer, däribland individnivån. Eventuellt kan massmedia bidra till sådant arbete. Denna studies syfte var att med fokus på konsumtionsbeteenden undersöka miljöbudskap i en nyhetstidnings webbpublicerade artiklar. Jag analyserade artiklarna med kvalitativ, teoretisk, tematisk analys, samt kvantitativt genom att kontrollera i hur många artiklar olika budskap identifierats. Analysens utgångspunkt var en lätt modifierad version av Sterns VBN-teori (Value Belief Norm theory), som fokuserar på attityder relevanta för miljövänligt beteende.

Puritanismens dygdetik : En jämförande studie mellan Max Webers dygdteori och dygderna i John Bunyans bok Pilgrim´s Progress

The purpose of this study is to find the virtue ethics John Bunyan presents in Pilgrim´s Progress part 1, compared with the virtues Max Weber presents, and then try Weber´s theory on the empirical data, Pilgrim´s Progress. When I compare the virtues in Weber´s theory with the virtues in Pilgrim´s Progress, I interpret Weber´s theory as limited. From Weber´s theory emerges the puritan virtues: fulfillment of duty, struggle, self-control and live simply. He also mentions gratitude to God and helpfulness to other people, but this is shown through work in the society. These virtues can also be found in Pilgrim´s Progress.

Utanförskap i det klasslösa samhället. En analys av förståelsen av klass och social ojämlikhet i svensk politisk debatt

This study explores the notion of class and social inequality as expressed in the Swedish election campaign of 2006 and in the reception of the Swedish conservative party as a "worker's party". Inspired by Fairclough's critical discourse analysis I have carried through an investigation of the debate. My sources consists in a collection of articles, mainly leader columns and contributions to the debate, from a selected number of Swedish newspapers.I found that an explicit discussion about class, or use of the concept as such, was largely absent. In cases where the concept occurred it was often used in a purely descriptive sense or dismissed as outdated. Furthermore, I have drawn the conclusion that the traditional understanding of class is being challenged by a discourse which aims at establishing a new understanding of social inequality as lack of paid work.I take my point of departure in the belief that class continues to be one of the most important bases of social inequality.

Åldersdiskriminering : i arbetslivet

According to the national legislation concerning discrimination within labour law, it is prohibited to discriminate on the grounds of sex, ethnic belonging, religion or other religious belief, functional disability, sexual nature and part-time work or time-limited employment. The EC-law goes further and also prohibits discrimination on the ground of age. According to an EC-directive the member states must incorporate a national provision against age discrimination by the 2nd of December 2006 and the Swedish legislator is now in the progress to implement this into Swedish law.Even though national legislation does not contain any provision on the area, the EC-law directive has a certain influence at national law. Measures that are in breach of the purpose of the directive can for example not be taken. When the time for implementation has expired, the directive has direct effect and can be referred to within the member states.

De ska vara objektiva : En kvalitativ studie om elevers förväntningar på religionskunskapslärare gällande deras livsåskådning och religionsundervisning

In this study emphasis was on pupils? expectations regarding beliefs and conceptions of life among teachers within the school subject of religion. Additionally this study also concentrated on the consequences of teachers? beliefs on their legitimacy and teaching. The study?s method was qualitative including semi-structured interviews in two separate schools.

Uppbrott från hemmet : en kvantitativ studie av ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån

Aim:The study's aim is to examine whether and to what extent elementary school pupils aged 13 and 16 report that they ever have been forced to leave home by parents, have run away from home voluntarily or have seriously considered doing so. The aim is also to illuminate which circumstances contribute to these break-ups. Method: A quantitative approach is used; a survey material consisting of 1193 questionnaires is analysed. The data material has been used in earlier studies but the issue addressed here has not been studied earlier. The circumstances analysed are gender, ethnicity, the parents? religious belief and education, living conditions (sharing home with both parents, one of them or none), contacts with professionals (psychologist, school nurse or curator), physical and mental wellbeing, way of upbringing (liberal vs authoritarian) and communication with parents.

Olof Palmes statsbesök på Kuba 1975. Vilka faktorer låg bakom besöket och stödet till Castro?

1975 besökte Olof Palme med en delegation den kommunistiska diktaturen Kuba där han uttalade sig positivt om landets utveckling. Dessutom betonades vänskapen mellan länderna. Vilka faktorer låg bakom statsministern agerande? Analysen har utgått från system-, stats- och individnivå, där en addition av dessa tre nivåer lett oss fram till våra resultat.Vid en analys av Olof Palmes belief systems visar det sig att han blev demokratisk socialist genom sina resor till Nordamerika och Asien, där ett kolonialt förtryck pågick. När Vietnamkriget blossade upp såg Palme ett liknande förtryck från en stor stat mot en liten stat, på samma sätt som USA var mot Kuba, men bortsåg från förtrycket som regimen utövade.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

Entreprenörskap och tillväxt : En studie om externa faktorers påverkan på tillväxt

In today?s Sweden there is great belief in entrepreneurship and the benefits it can bring to the country. The Swedish government has taken note of this growing enthusiasm and realized the contribution it can make to facilitate national growth. Successful efforts have been made in Sweden to support entrepreneurship and innovation, which has resulted in a relative ease for individuals to start their own businesses.The number of companies started today is higher than ever and there are signs of a common faith in growth among new entrepreneurs. Unfortunately only a small fraction of these new businesses succeed in growing big.

Utveckla grundskolans NO-undervisning - Ett lärarperspektiv på innehåll, arbetssätt och arbetsmiljö i år F-9

I detta arbete studeras lärares uppfattningar om innehåll, arbetssätt och arbetsmiljö kopplat till N&T-undervisning i grundskolans år F-9. Denna studie är en del av ett projekt som Östsam genomför på uppdrag av skolverket. Projektet har som mål att öka intresset hos eleverna i grundskolan för naturkunskap och teknik. Syftet med arbetet, förutom att hitta dessa uppfattningar, är att jämföra lärarnas uppfattningar mellan år F-3, 4-6 och 7-9. En jämförelse görs också mellan lärares uppfattningar och elevers uppfattningar.

"Än så länge går vi på känsla" : En studie av bibliotekariers hantering av kontroversiella medier

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate how working librariansmanage controversial media. It builds on three debates in the media about libraries and booksthat have taken place during the years of 2012 and 2013. The questiones asked were: How dolibrarians manage racist media? How do librarians manage media that instructs on how tocommit crimes? How do librarians manage sexually explicit media? And lastly, how dolibrarians manage pressure from outside of the library? The theoretical framework consists ofRobert Hauptmans division of the two kinds of ethical strands of librarianship, in this thesiscalled ?Free information? and ?Information responsibly?. The method used to collectempirical material was qualitative interviews.

Jag har ropat så högt jag förmått, jag har upphävt såväl stridsrop som bönerop

Lucie Lagerbielke (1865-1931) is a fairly unknown writer who lived and worked in Stockholm. All her life she was writing with a strong aim to tell her truth and she had an aspiration to change the world for the better.  Her main points of views in her authorship were; oneness, the power of love, a belief in a supreme purpose to be served, religious mysticism and the interest in understanding and to prove the transcendent on a scientific basis. In my discussion I relate to Rita Felski and her expression the popular sublime, a term she applies to illustrate a sublime way of writing that was common in women popular fiction in the late nineteenth-century. This romantic literature with escapist tendencies was popular among the ordinary readers but very seldom met with success with the professional critics.Focus in this BA thesis is the spiritual Lagerbielke and in what way she wants to change the society. I have analyzed two of her novels, Daniel- ett lifsöde and En sällsam upplefvelse with intention to examine how she used her novels to plead for her cause.By making such an analysis I come to the conclusion that both her novels have the purpose to emphasize her philosophy of life.

Khaddafis Libyen. Ny världsordning kräver nya lekkamrater

Uppsatsen behandlar Libyens utrikespolitiska förändring under landets auktoritära ledare Muammar Khaddafi. Denne herre har varit ständigt kontroversiell under sina 35 år vid makten, inte minst under det senaste decenniet då han gjort en helomvändning och börjat närma sig sin tidigare ärkefiende USA samt även EU. Denna utrikespolitiska förändring har lett till att Khaddafis Libyen har gett upp sitt massförstörelsevapenprogram. Uppsatsen har syftet att använda Jakob Gustavssons teorimodell för utrikespolitisk förändring för att förklara varför Libyen förändrat sin utrikespolitik. Undersökningen blir även en prövning av Gustavssons modell eftersom våra fall radikalt skiljer sig åt.

Kritiska Prestations Indikatorer (KPI), Hur väl fungerar KPI:er som verksamhetsstyrning inom den producerande industrin?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how key performance indicators are being used as performance management tools within the production industry. Specifically the purpose is to investigate how the KPI:s within the telecommunications industry drives reusability regarding production test systems. This thesis will also highlight today?s cost models and suggest improvements of the KPI and what new ones could be introduced. A case study at Ericsson AB has been performed.

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