

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 8 av 98

Är ungdomstjänst gynnsam?

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the sentences handed down to young offenders can be considered fair. We wanted to take an in-depth look at the penalties to understand how they work. To clarify our purpose, we used the following questions: How does organizing sanctions work in practice? What support services are offered to the young? What can be done to ensure sentences are as favorable as possible for young people? The empirical material is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social workers from two different municipalities. We also made use of previous research in the field as a reference tool.

Hematologiska analysinstrument för mindre djurkliniker : en utvärdering av QBC-V och Scil Vet abc för analys av prover från hund och katt

Two haematological instruments intended for small animal clinic use were evaluated at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The QBC-V and Vet abc were compared to a reference instrument, the Cell-Dyn 3500. Fresh blood samples were obtained from canine and feline patients from the University Veterinary Hospital, SLU. The QBC-V was used for 111 canine samples and 78 canine blood samples were analysed with Vet abc. From cats, 23 samples were analysed with both instruments.

De fria- respektive planerade aktiviteternas betydelse för barns utveckling : En essä om faktorer som avgör vilket utrymme som ges de olika aktiviteterna

Early during my education to become an afterschool-teacher a concern was raised that afterschool-programs will continue to be seen as an institution for childcare services. In this experience-based essay, I discuss what I see as the coreproblem: the free- and planned activities. What do the free- and planned activities actually mean for children's development and what is it that determines how much space the various activities will be allowed to take?In my attempts to answer this question, I go through the concept of leisure, the importance of children?s play and adults responsibilities in children?s play, what the different policy documents say about children?s play and the creative work, staff skills and theoretical and practical knowledge. I question whether I was right in the story that I begin this essay with, and conclude that it is more difficult than I previously thought to find an answer to the question..

Moderskapet i Till Julia : en hermeneutisk tolkning av Margareta Garpes drama Till Julia

The purpose with this essay is to illustrate the problematical mother-daughterrelation in Mar-gareta Garpes drama/play ?To Julia? through a psychoanalytic and philosophical perspective. To get a deeper understanding for the relations between mother and daughter, and the kind of motherhood that Gloria is practising in the play I have used a hermeneutic method in search for answers to the questions: Why does Gloria take a position as a so called friend or sister in the interaction with her daughter Julia? Why is not mother Gloria capable to be mature, caring and nursing in the interaction with Julia? Through Gloria Margareta Garpe is giving me possible answers: Gloria is still seeing herself as a rejected and lonely child. The role of the daughter Julia in her mother?s life is to fill an empty space that was created in Gloria?s adolescence when she experienced the same feelings as Julia in present time in the play.

Gapet mellan företag och konsument   : CSR-kommunikation hos klädföretag

Aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to describe and gain a deeper understanding of how companies use communication as a tool to overcome the gap between the company and the consumer. The aim is also to clarify some of the factors contributing to this gap.Method:  This thesis has been made from a qualitative approach with quantitative influences. The qualitative primary data collection was gathered through six in-depth interviews with companies in Gothenburg either selling organic and fair-trade produced clothes or marketing towards sustainable consumption. The quantitative part consists of a consumer questionnaire given to 100 women in the inner city of Gothenburg.  Frame of references: Related researches within the field of the subject are presented in the beginning of this chapter. Further theories presented are the consumer?s awareness and the consumer´s responsiveness to CSR.

Möjligheter för lek i förskolans utemiljö : En kartläggning över affordances i förskolans utemiljö

The purpose to this survey is to map out the affordances available in the outdoor environment of one preschool. This has been executed through three episodes of observing children at that preschool during their outdoor play. All visible affordances has been written down and later on summarized in different themes where the most interesting meeting places in the outdoor environment at the pre-school have been described. The result of the study shows what the children at this preschool do in their outdoor environment. It also shows the importance of the arrangement of material and environment in order to be able to support childrens play.

Den fysiska inomhusmiljöns effekt på ettåringars sociala samspel

The aim of this study is to look at the environmental effect on toddlers? social interactions during free play in two older and two newer preschools. Furthermore, we would like to investigate four preschool teachers? thoughts about the indoor environment when it comes to toddlers? interaction during free play.Qualitative methods containing interviews of the preschool teachers and observations of the children during their free playtime have been used to help us reach our conclusions. In addition, our theoretical conclusions have been derived from both the sociocultural perspective and the environmental psychology perspective.Our results have shown that variations in the preschool environment are of importance in the outcome of toddlers? different social interactions.

Goodwill, aktieägarens vän eller fiende? : En kvantitativ studie av hur goodwillpostens storlek pa?verkar fo?retags fo?rma?ga att ge avkastning till aktiea?garna

We investigate if the size of goodwill compared to total assets has any effect on the shareholders return on companies listed on the Swedish Stock market. We put up two different hypotheses with a foundation from previous research and later dismiss one of them. Our evidence does not show any indicators that the size of goodwill have an effect on the shareholders return, which brings us to believe that there, from a share holders point of view, isn?t any need for concern regarding the standards about accounting for goodwill as stated by IFRS. .

Leken : En studie om kommunikation i fantasilekar

The aim of this study was to examine how children in the age of 5 are communicating in play at the preschool and how their fantasy games are different from each other. In this study, I have gained a greater insight on how to control children's imagination games.My approach has been the observation of three fun times where I also used me out of a voice recorder to record children's voices when their children are communicating with each other during the time of play at the preschool.The results of my study showed that children's fantasy games based on children's past experiences in which children use different themes and characters. The children's communication activities are different from each other. Children have different themes but the deck is based on imagination and communication.Fantasy games that children perform is rooted in the experiences that children get through to experience and see the reality.

Biblioteket - själens läkehus? : En studie om biblioterapi på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which role public libraries play or could play within bibliotherapy. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five librarians who, in one way or another have experienced bibliotherapy activities. Further, we have interviewed two treatment assistants and one counsellor, who have cooperated with the librarians, to get their view. We have used the following research questions: Which bibliotherapeutic activities, if any, are pursued in public libraries in Sweden, and how do they look upon bibliotherapy? What role do public libraries play/could play within bibliotherapy? Ever since the term bibliotherapy was coined in the beginning of the twentieth century, the definition has been under debate. We have identified four main subjects of discussion.

Talande Toner : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar angående tidig språkutveckling.

Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine how children perceive the relation between play and sex and analyse it from a gender perspective. This by answering the questions: "Is the children?s choice of place, materials and company in play dependent on gender?" and "Is there a significant difference between the sexes and/or ages?" The study was done through twelve focusgroup interviews with three children in each group except two groups of two children in each. Eight boys and nine girls of six years old and nine boys and eight girls of nine years old were interviewed. Boys and girls were interviewed in separate groups and the questions were open ended and followed up.

Webb-tv ? en konkurrent eller ett komplement till linjär tv? : En studie av hur SVT och TV4 ser på sin webb-tv

The linear televison have dominated the supply of moving pictures, but this is about to change with the possibility to consume it via the Internet.I n this thesis we have studied how the two Swedish tv-network companies, SVT and TV4 are working with their web TV and if their online services have affected the linear TV. To limit the size of the study we chose two network companies that provide the most popular tv channels and web services in Sweden. To gather data from these two companies we conducted qualitative interviews with people at the networks. We came to the conclusion that SVT and TV4 doesn't find that their web TV services (called SVT Play and TV4 Play) are competing with the linear TV. They rather regard them as assets to broaden their services.

Låt oss inte glömma Lady Macbeth! : En komparativ studie av Lady Macbeth i Shakespeares tragedi samt i tre moderna TV- och filmadaptioner.

The work of Shakespeare has been popular to make film adaptations of from the birth of cinema. Macbeth, one of his most often played tragedies, is no exception. But how did Shakespeare portray Lady Macbeth in his play, and how do directors in the 21th century choose to portray her for a modern audience? I will try to find the answer to these questions by analyzing Shakespeare´s play as well as three modern adaptations. I will begin the thesis by looking at scholars´ view in questions regarding gender, free will, adaptations and genre before analyzing the play and the three movies.

Kan instruktioner om en rättvis och likabehandlande rekrytering leda till minskad diskriminering?

This study examined if individuals act in a less discriminating way and in a more fair way when they receive instructions about justice and not being discriminating while recruiting. 96 randomly assigned students at the University of Lund participated in this study. The participants were informed that they would act as a recruiter. They would then choose and place three of the best personal record in order of preference. There were three different kinds of company policies/instructions.

Demokrati - skyddar det mot fred? : ? en teoriprövande fallstudie på konflikten mellan Ryssland och Georgien 2008

The aim of the following paper has been to test the democratic peace theory through applying it on the conflict between Russia and Georgia in 2008.  This to either falsify the theory or come to the conclusion that the states? democracy was not satisfactory in regards to the definition of liberal democracy. The questions asked are: Was Russia and Georgia democratic states? Is democracy a protection from war? And which aspects of the liberal democratic theory, if any, were not satisfactory in either of the countries? The results show that the democratic peace theory is valid in this case and that neither one of the states were democratic.

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