

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 31 av 98

Försäljningsorganisationen Stjärnägg : en utvärdering ur ett leverantörs och ägarperspektiv

Stjärnägg is a sales organization operating on the Swedish eggmarket, owned by nine Swedish packing companies. Those nine packing companies are not just owners of the sales organization, but at the same time competitors since they compete in the market when they do not sell the eggs through Stjärnägg.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the sales organization from a supplier and owner perspective. To answer the purpose of this study, qualitative interviews have been conducted with the owners of the egg packers. This has been done in order to get as fair picture of the sales organization as possible. From the answers of the interviews, a compilation has been made to be able to give Stjärnägg concrete proposals of improvements in the organization.

De internationella musikbolagens redovisning av immateriella tillga?ngar : Vad kan de svenska bolagen tilla?mpa i jakten pa? ra?ttvisande bild?

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the international music company reports of its intangible assets to examine whether similar methods can be applied to the Swedish market.Method:The study was based on a qualitative and abductive research approach. Collected data is mainly from secondary sources in the form of auditor approved consolidated financial statements.Conclusion:The Swedish music companies activate their intangible assets only partially or not at all, despite the fact that assets in the form of music catalogs, rights, contracts and advances are those that generate revenue for the companies. The study has resulted in a description of how the companies are doing on an international level with the IASB and FASB's regulation. With this report, we have found flaws in the way the Swedish companies prepare their accounts according to the current regulations. In the analysis, these shortcomings are highlighted and to what extent these international standards can be applied in the Swedish companies to take a step towards a more accurate picture and a harmonized and comparable accounting..

Spelberoende i Västra Götaland, kommunernas inställning till ansvar, hjälp och egen kunskap.

The aim of this essey was to find out what kind of help problem gamblers can get at social service offices in the region Västra Götaland in Sweden. We also examined the knowledge regarding gambling problems at social sevice offices and who the head of the social service offices regarded having the responsibility for the question of helping problem gamblers. As a last question we wanted to know if the size of the population in the community had an impact on these questions. Central questions in our essey asked are:How much help does the social service offices in the region Väsra Götaland offer problem gamblers? Who has the responsabilety to help problem gamblers according to social service offices?What knowledge does the social service offices have concerning problem gambling?Does the population of the community have an impact on theese questions?This is a quantitative study made as a webbservey to the head of the social service offices in the region Västra Götaland.

?Jag har inte tid? : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrapars förhandlingar vid vård av sjukt barn

The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of the negotiation process behind the decision of who will stay at home with a sick child and to develop the knowledge of the mechanisms considered to affect the negotiation process, in particular, the mechanisms likely to contribute to an uneven use of care leave. In the study six interviews were conducted with three sets of parents. These interviews were then analysed with Janet Finch?s (1989) definition of negotiation of family responsibilities. The study finds that the negotiation on care leave is a result of the negotiation of the shared view of reality.

En utvärdering av Audiolet för portandet avett röst-drivet program till webben

We where asked to write a webapplication, with similar functionalityas an existing desktop application. The application can todayrecord sounds from a person, mix it together at the optimal place withanother, similar sound and play back the result.The application used mathematical calculation that the developerswhere not familiar with, therefore it was decided to focus on the partsthat involved recording and playing sound, to pave the way for anyfuture implementation.The follwing prototypes where implemneted:1. Read a sound clip from a file.2. Splicing of two sound clips at different points in the clips.3. Generate the sound of a guitar.The result of this evaluation is that web browsers today are notready for this type of application, but that there is potetial as soonas W3C have standardised the use of a microphone as a source to theexisting DSP functions..

Vetorätt i FN:s säkerhetsråd : Dess inverkan på humanitär intervention

The purpose of this degree project was to examine which remedies are available to individuals when the State has violated their right to a fair trial as stated in article 6 in the European Convention on Human Rights. Furthermore, the aim was to, in cases where the remedy is determined to money, to clarify the indemnity rates that apply in determining the non-pecuniary damages. The starting point was a review of the European Court practice, domestic Swedish practice and relevant literature.The outcome of the review is that the remedies available to the individual?s disposal can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary remedies. Primary remedies mean compensation not consisting of money, and must be exhausted first.

Bomullens nya ansikte ? Kan man finna ett material som kan agera substitut till bomullen för producenter inom yrkeskläder?

Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka, beskriva och analysera kring hur vida det finns ett bra substitut till bomull. Undersökningen kommer att belysa hur marknaden ser ut i dag och vilka material som används. Vidare utreds parametrarna funktion, kundnytta och hållbarhet, som kan komma att spela roll i valet av material för producenter av yrkeskläder. I dagsläget finns det inget solklart val av material som skulle kunna mäta sig med bomullen gällande de parametrarna som uppsatsen tar upp. Vad man väljer att använda istället för bomull beror mycket på hur företagen väljer att fokusera gällande just funktion, kundnytta och hållbarhet.

Varför slutar barn att sjunga? : En studie om barns sångutveckling ur ett genusperspektiv

The study deals with three questions concerning attitudes to singing: When does the joy of singing with girls and boys change to a feeling of ?I can not sing?? What is it that affects them? Are there any differences between girls and boys attitudes to singing?A questionnaire with 12 questions about singing was distributed to 5 girls and 5 boys in (Swedish) grade 1, 4 and 8. It turned out that the girls in the study ?play with singing? together or by themselves, while the boys are satisfied singing in school on music lessons. Because of this, the singing interest for boys gets lower and lower between 10 and 14 years.

Konkurrensklausuler i anställningsavtal : En rättsdogmatisk studie

 This essay aim to clear the regulations that adjusts the use of non-compete clauses in contracts of employement. The historical developement shows tendencies that more employees have contracts that includes non-compete clauses. This developement does not always correspond with what is allowed concerning these clauses. Non-compete clauses is adjusted by the regulations in the collective agreement known as the agreement of 1969. The agreement has also been accepted outside its regular field of application.

Betyg och bedömning : En studie kring hur högstadielärare i samhällskunskap arbetar med betyg och bedömning enligt Lgr 11

This paper aims to investigate how secondary school teachers of social studies working on grading and assessment in relation to Lgr 11. The paper will be based on three issues, and will be explored through interviews with five-working teachers. The existing boundaries and the essay outline and key concepts presented. Then follow the theoretical extensions selected. These are adapted along the topic selection.

RÄTTVIS RÄTTEGÅNG : - får barn på Västbanken en rättvis rättegång i israeliska militärdomstolar?

Att många barn världen över mist rätten till sitt biologiska hushåll och att flera befarar att hamna i samma situation är ingen nyhet. I Bosnien- Hercegovina råder en kaotisk efterkrigstid som satt sina spår på familjebanden. Detta i form av att gemenskapen familjemedlemmar emellan blir allt svagare eller löses upp. För två år sedan byggdes ett Familjecenter för stigmatiserade familjer vars mål är att stärka familjeband och ge hushållets medlemmar ny hopp. Jag blev väldigt nyfiken på detta Center speciellt eftersom det var så annorlunda från andra Sociala Välfärdscenter i staden.

Den lockande förskolegården : Vad inspirerar och utmanar barn till lek och rörelse?

Det sägs i olika medier t ex i TV och tidningar att barn blir allt mer stillasittande. Eftersom lek och rörelse är mycket betydelsefulla för barns utveckling och välbefinnande så är det ju viktigt att förskolans utemiljö kan locka, inspirera och utmana barnen till lek och rörelse. Vad i utemiljön kan göra det? Vad kan man göra för att förbättra en förskolegårds utemiljö? Det är frågor som jag sökt svar på genom att intervjua barn och pedagoger på två olika förskolor. Resultatet visar att det bör finnas naturinslag och en variation av platser med olika karaktär på en gård.

Värmeåtervinning på förskolan Rymdattacken 1 : En jämförelse av värmeväxlare

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Joharifönster och spel : att identifiera en målgrupp

This is the report on a study made to find a correlation between the Johari window and the games that the possessor of given Johari window enjoys to play. A Johari window is a graph that shows an individual?s ability to receive and give feedback. One obvious correlation was found between individuals enjoying role playing games and their possessing Johari windows showing a good ability to give feedback. The reasoning behind this is that the ability to give feedback is based on the capability to express oneself to the external environment, and that one would need to be comfortable with expressing oneself to an external environment in order to enjoy interacting with the narrative that takes place within the role playing genre..

Bruksorten : Illustration om en resa.

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

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