

796 Uppsatser om Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing - Sida 37 av 54

Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"

The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.

Downward migration and transfer to plants of radiocaesium in Scottish soil profiles : a comparison with earlier studies

Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in 1986, great volumes of137Cs were distributed over large parts of the former Soviet Union and Europe. Over Scotland,radiocaesium was deposited as wet deposition. Due to the relatively long physical half-life of30 years, there are still measurable activity concentrations in the natural environment. Thisstudy was made on two organic soils, Knockandy Hill and Rora Moss, situated in the easternpart of the central highlands of Scotland. At these two sites, studies on migration and transferbetween soil and plants were conducted.

Poetry Slam. En studie av vilken betydelse Poetry Slam har som litteratur och som identitetsskapande verksamhet för ett antal tävlingsdeltagare.

Today, the definition of literature has changed. Walter J. Ong talks about the secondary spoken language that has surfaced as a result of new technical innovations to our writing tools. This also transforms our attitude towards literature and we can see a return to literature based on verbal characteristics. According to Hans Hertel the verbal renaissance reflects a modern man need to come closer to each other and create togetherness.

Några aspekter på filmens tid : Ögonblicket och nuet i filmen och fotografiet

Abstract   Cinematic time is the most complex of all: it is composed of public time (clock), personal time (experienced) and in addition, it can run backwards, be contingent, stored and (re)created. The present study examines some aspects of cinematic time, with special reference to the instant, the moment and the present. The strictly defined instant or moment does not exist. It is a passage between the past and the future and it is impossible to record on film or a photograph. One example is the moment of death, which is an abstraction with zero duration.

Gatuprostitution, varför där? - Fysisk planering och social säkerhetspåverkan på lokaliseringen av gatuprostitution i Göteborg

?Street prostitution, why there?? is about how the physical planning and physical environment affect the localization of street prostitution in Gothenburg. The aim is to increase the understanding of how social security is linked to man's immediate environment and are influenced by the physical environment. Important concepts that are explained in the paper are social security, prostitution, and physical planning.This study deals with theories about the factors that may influence why criminality localized to a specific area, such as legislation, urban planning and community. The study conducted interviews with the Gothenburg Police, Västra Götaland County Administrative Board, Gothenburg City, Stadsmissionen and Mikamottagningen.

"The Invisible EU-citizens" "De Osynliga EU-medborgarna"

Denna uppsats belyser problemet med användandet av begreppen EU-medborgare och EU-migrant, samt vad det är som avgör huruvida man skall bli betraktad som antingen det ena eller andra. Det råder fri rörlighet för alla EU-medborgare mellan medlemsstaterna, det skapar problem när grupper som rent juridiskt inte klassificeras som medborgare, och i stället klassificeras som migrant. Skillnaden mellan att vara EU-medborgare och EU-migrant är bland annat att det skiljer sig i åtnjutandet av det sociala skyddsnätet. Romer används som ett exempel genom hela uppsatsen då de har en historia som inte påminner om någon annan, samt för att det är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens EU. Genom en komparativ studie mellan två välfärdsstater, samt en diskursanalys där Benhabibs teori ?the rights of others? appliceras diskuteras huruvida alla inom EU kan åtnjuta de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Acehkonflikten - en analys med identiteten i fokus

A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free Aceh Movement, GAM, on one side, and the Indonesian government on the other. GAM demanded Aceh to become independent, but the Indonesian government did not accept their nationalistic claims. The conflict therefore lasted for almost thirty years, and many civilians were killed during this period. This essay deals with this particular conflict; its causes and its solution. In the centre of the analysis we find theidentity of the Acehnese people, and the way in which this identity has beenconstructed and re-constructed throughout the history.

Uppgradering av robotsystem på Termisk sprutning, Volvo Aero

This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.

Solidaritet möter säkerhet - Vad 'immigranterna' får representera i immigrationspolitisk diskurs

This essay concerns the notion of how immigration politics, defined as a political discursive structure that explains and justifies how and why the movement of people into a state's territory is restricted and controlled, has come to present its purpose not as solidarity with the 'immigrants' wanting to enter the state but as a protective measure for the state's citizens. By using discourse theory combined with theories from the International Relations field I attempt to explain why and how such a discourse positions 'immigrants' as a threat to the state.First, I concentrate on why an immigration politics discourse would position 'immigrants' as a threat. I argue that in order for people to construct their identity, the 'outside' what they "are not" has to be repressed. In the same way, the state has to dislocate the "outside" and create threats to uphold its supremacy. These boundaries are set to create a feeling of predictability and security, and ultimately they are a way of making peoples' "world" coherent.

Den kvantandliga diskursen : En undersökning av nyandlighetens möte med kvantfysiken

This paper aims to describe and elaborate on a recent discursive change within the new-age movement. Since the seventies and the publishing of speculative popular science books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and The self-aware Universe by Amit Goswami, the idea that quantum physics resonates with spirituality has become the topic of hundreds of books and movies.The quantum-spiritual discourse has three distinct ways to approach quantum physics in its discussion on spirituality: The parallelistic approach which emphasizes the similarities between eastern philosophies and modern physics, the monistic-idealistic approach which tells us that mind is the foundation of matter and the scientific spiritual approach which tries to explain spiritual claims scientifically. In the quantum-spiritual discourse, quantum physical phenomena (e.g. non-locality and entanglement) are being called upon to validate metaphysical statements. The primary assumption of the discourse is that the shift of paradigm due to the establishment of modern physics also is a shift of paradigm of spirituality.With the object to examine the common claims made in the discourse, cross-references between spiritual arguments and facts of quantum physics are being made.

Kommunens barn är allas barn.

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

?Det här var dagen då anonyma tonåringar via sociala medier startade ett upplopp i Göteborg? En studie över gestaltningen i fyra svenska tidningar av gatuoroligheterna vid ?Instagram-händelserna? i Göteborg år 2012.

On subsequent days, the 18th and 19th of December 2012, large groups of young people gathered to protest in the centre of Gothenburg. The gatherings mainly occurred outside two high schools: Plusgymnasiet and Framtidsgymnasiet. The reason behind the gathering has often been explained by the young people?s reaction to an Instagram account, on which offensive pictures and comments of and about young boys and girls had been published. As a reaction to the protest, police force including helicopters and mounted police, was sent to the streets.

En studie av normerna kring fildelning och piratkopiering

In this paper I have focused on the underlying reasons for people and piracy. The paper starts with a presentation of the Swedish laws of copyright as they are constituted today and the new law that is supposedly being ordained the 1st of July, 2005, a brief summary of what its effects will be for the people, according to the authorities and the critisism that has developed around it from the net-pirats. Then follows a definition of the expression "norms" and what it means here in my paper.Now comes a presentation of the research I have been doing, in the form of a survey concerning why and how often people download copyrighted material from the net, and if they have ever sold any pirated copies to more than selfprice and, if so, to whom. The presentations shows that the majority of the people that are downloading copyrighted material from the Internet is doing it for the own personal use and not to make any money out of selling the material on, since most people consider it unfair to charge for something that they have got for free.The survey also shows that many of those who download copyrighted material also upload it because it gives them a satisfactory feeling of giving something in order to get something. The survey also shows that although most of the people taking the survey knows what the new law means it has not affected them in anyway.

Prostitution : Legitimt yrke eller förtryckande verksamhet?

Trafficking in human beings and prostitution is an increasing occurrence within the EU. However, vast differences in legal frameworks regarding prostitution can be detected among member states.The Netherlands is an example where prostitution is regarded a legal activity. In other member states legal standings toward prostitution remain ambivalent, where Sweden here serves an example. Finally, Lithuania is among member states where prostitution is considered illegal.The purpose of this paper is therefore to study underlying attitudes and approaches that these three countries have in this rather delicate political question. By interpreting the content and quoting parts of propositions, an ideology analysis is constructed.The theory chapter consists of Rousseau?s theories, Objectivism, Radical Feminist Theory, and Sex-positive Feminist Theory.

Bajset styr mitt liv! : en litteraturstudie om människor som har problem med avföringen

Bakgrund: Avföringsproblemen förstoppning, avföringsinkontinens och irritabel tarm är vanliga åkommor hos människor i det västerländska samhället. Alla tre har liknande symtom och problematik. Åkommorna påverkar hela människan inte bara den fysiska kroppen. Få studier har fokuserat på människors upplevelse av att leva med avföringsproblem. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur människor med avföringsproblem upplever sin livssituation.

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