

796 Uppsatser om Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing - Sida 19 av 54

Olika vägar att nå målen : En studie om fem rektorers arbete med ADHD-problematik

This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.

2440x1220 : såga, sätt samman

I have been inspired by the Do It Yourself movement. DIY builds on the creativity of the individual, one?s capacity for initiative and one?s desire to realise one?s ideas. I have been inspired by sheets of pattern paper used in the manufacture of clothing, and my line of furniture is based on two-dimensional patterns of furniture. The sections of the pieces of furniture are printed on and relate to a standard sheet of plywood.

PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.

En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning

In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated.A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping.

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..


There are many risk factors involved with a sedentary lifestyle. Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), circulatory problems and contractures are just a selection of problems you can get by too little exercise. For people who are immobilized because of illness, it can be difficult to get enough exercise and movement to avoid similar complications. Because of most medical supplies on the market today are not optimal for use at home, I have chosen to develop a training device for the lower limbs, adapted for use in a bed, both in hospitals and at home. It is important that the devise can be used in any bed, regardless of headboards.

Musik, hjärna, fantasi och lek - Om en Rytmikpedagogs bidrag till lärararbetet i grundskolans musikämne

To describe your profession can sometimes be hard. Everyone knows what a music teacher is and what her work includes. But what about a eurhythmic teacher - who knows what she does? By experience my answer is: not many. Inthis essay I have outlined differences in method and lecture planning between a eurhythmic and a music teacher, to be able to find out the answer to my research question - what a eurhythmic teacher can contribute to the school subject music.I chose an observation research where I observed a mixed class with children from fourth and fifth grade.

Frystorkning Kontrollerad torkning av kulturhistorisk dräkt?

Cultural objects may become wet by deliberate water cleaning, water disaster or watersoaked for other reasons. Air drying textile objects and even other organic materials from awater wet state, involves many problems depending on the strong capillarity action of water.Damages and changes such as bleeding of dyes, stains or lines of impurities from watermovement, shrinking or stiffness can occur. Freeze-drying as an alternative drying methodhas often been used for wet archaeological and marine objects, but more seldom for historicalmaterials.This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of whether freeze-drying can be an alternative controlleddrying method for historic costumes. Costumes and related objects are often compositeobjects, consisting of multiple materials, as well as being three dimensional, all of whichwill complicate drying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it is possible tohandle costume objects after wet cleaning for drying by freeze-drying, and if damages due tosurface tension of water, can be avoided in this way.

Kärlekens gärningar i ljuset av Fruktan och bävan - En användbar etik för den enskilde utifrån ett kierkegaardskt perspektiv

In this study, I have investigated whether there is a usefulness for the individual on the basis of Kierkegaard's speech in Work´s of love of our duty to love the people we see. My main conclusions are as follows: Infinite resignation of Fear and Trembling have a greater effect on a relevant ethics than faith movement. Aspects to change my own attitudes about love, dare to belive in the love of the other, and forgiveness as a need is relevant to the ethics I seek. But above all, love itself is the most useful aspect out of a kierkegaardian perspective..

Fysisk Kapacitet Hos Manlig Innebandyelit : En studie kring sambandet mellan fysisk kapacitet och tabellplacering

Syfte och frågeställning: Studien är gjord för att undersöka sambandet mellan den fysiska prestationsförmågan hos manliga innebandyspelare på elitnivå och lagets tabellplacering efter avslutat grundserie.Är det så att det lag som har bäst fysik också uppvisar bäst resultat i form av tabellplacering efter avslutad grundserie?Metod: Fyra lag i den svenska elitserien för herrar, alla med ambitionen att nå slutspelsplats valdes ut för att delta i studien. Efter kontakt med lagens ansvariga coacher, där förutsättningarna noggrant förklarades angående anonymitet och upplägg etc. testades lagen i en rad olika fysiska tester baserade på de grenspecifika krav som ställs på en innebandyspelare. De tester som genomfördes var chins, dips, brutalbänk, moment som är vanligt förekommande inom fysprofiler.

Uttorkningsmöjligheter i ett fuktskadat badrum med hjälp av spaltmetoden

Buildings today are built to maintain a healthy indoor environment and an efficient energy usage which is probably why damages caused by dampness has increased since the 1960?s.A study between year 2008 and 2010 showed that 26 percent of the 110 000 examined houses had damages and flaws caused by dampness that could prove to be harmful later on. This means that one out of four bathrooms risk the chance to develop damages by dampness. Approximately 2 percent of the houses had already developed water damages. It is here where the problems appear.

Gåva av utdelning

The swedish rule concerning the treatment of employee stock-options have changed and the new wording of the rule will be applicable for the first time in 2010. The previous wording of the rule stated that the employee shall be taxed for the stock-option when moving abroad, even if the option is not exercised. The Swedish Skatteverket and Regeringsrätten have found that this rule is in conflict with the free movement of persons within the European Union. The new wording of the rule states that the employee shall be taxed when the option is excercised, no matter where the employee is situated. A state`s right of taxation of a stock-option determines wheter and to what extent the employee stock-otion derives from that state..

Ryttarens rotation av bäcken och överliv vid ridning i trav :

The aim of this study was to determine the basic movements of the riders? pelvis and upper body when riding in trot seated. The study was preformed at a treadmill with seven high level dressage horses and their riders. The movements of the horse and rider were captured with a motion analysis system (ProReflex®) and also recorded on video. The horses were ridden in collected trot, 3.0 m/s.

Uppror och solidaritet : 1960- och 1970-talets politiska uttryck i den svenska affischkonsten

Under det svenska 1960- och 1970-talet engagerade sig det svenska folket i en rad olika ideologiorienterade organisationer, internationella frågor eller folkrörelser, något som även tog sitt uttryck i kulturen. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett urval politiska affischer, utifrån Michael Baxandalls teori "The period eye", hur 1960- och 1970-talets konst påverkades av samtidens samhällstrukturer och politiska engagemang. Min tyngdpunkt kommer att ligga i de politiska affischer som på något sätt hade en anknytning till en alternativ rörelse, såsom Miljörörelsen, Kvinnorörelsen och Vietnamrörelsen. Men även den den svenska konstscenen i stort kommer att tillföras till undersökningen som en komplettering till förståelsen av affischernas uttryck och funktion, som ofta fabricerades utanför institutionella sammanhang.Dessa frågeställningar vill jag besvara med hjälp av den historiska bakgrunden och min analys: Vilka orsaker ligger bakom användandet av konstnärliga affischer vid spridningen av politisk propaganda? Det vill säga: Vilka faktorer gjorde att affischen användes flitigt som medium av de alternativa rörelserna istället för annan bildkonst? Hur kan den politiska andan från decennierna urskiljas konkret i affischerna? Hur skiljer sig affischkonsten från den mer institutionella konsten under dessa två decennier?Utifrån mina frågeställningar kommer jag att analysera tre politiska affischer genom att sätta in dem i ett historiskt perspektiv, vilket är deras samtid, 1960- och 1970-tal.

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