2319 Uppsatser om Extent of traveling - Sida 5 av 155
SAS arbete för att bli Europas punktligaste flygbolag : -en fallstudie utifrån ett kvalitetsperspektiv
In 2010, SAS received the "On time performance service" award by Flightstats. This award was an affirmation of long-term work, both in projects and as an ongoing process, which the company sought to systematically improve punctuality on its flights. The extent to which SAS followed the values and the underlying theories of the cornerstone model for total quality management was the main issue in this essay. Whether there are conditions for the company to get even further by working in other ways was also investigated. In addition, the importance of punctuality in relation to customer satisfaction was discussed.
Spaljerade frukttr?d, en outnyttjad resurs f?r hemtr?dg?rden? En intervjustudie av tr?dg?rdsm?stares erfarenheter och syn p? hantverket spaljering.
This bachelor's thesis is a study of operative approach and attitude to espaliered
fruit trees in home gardens. Through qualitative interviews the informants give their view of
problems which might arise, and to some extent how the problems can be solved. In
addition, which benefit can be obtained from growing these different types of trained trees
and for whom they might be suitable. Thematic analyses were used to find themes and
patterns for deeper understanding. The conclusion was that these kinds of trees would be
beneficial to use to a greater extent than is done today you can use more species and
varieties, fit more trees in a small garden, and enhance the trees esthetical appearance.
Sexualitet bland äldre - En litteraturstudie som belyser äldres behov av sexualitet
The aim of this literature review was to put together scientific knowledge about the need of sexuality among elderly people, so that the nurse in the future can use this knowledge in nursing. The research questions that will be answered are: In what extent do elderly people have the need to experience sexuality? In what extent do elderly people have the possibility to practice their sexuality? In what degree do the nursing staff respect and understand elderly people's need of sexuality? How can nursing staff support elderly people in their sexuality? The method used to answer the research questions was analysis and interpretation of ten scientific articles. The results, which are presented within ten categories, shows that elderly people have a need of sexuality. Loneliness, lack of privacy and knowledge and attitudes are factors that affect elderly people's possibility to express their sexuality.
Upplevelse & Inlevelse : En kulturarvspedagogisk studie av Hogslaby Järnåldersby, Botkyrka kommun
The main purpose of this study is to view the aims of the local authority of Botkyrka for their prehistoric village, and to compare those with the actual activities in the village.Because of no official formulated aims, the study were laboured through interviews, observations, analysis of evaluations and a parallell literature study.For the visiting pupils today, the village has an introduction, but not a follow-up. Pedagogically the follow-up is the most important part, seeing that it?s there the knowledge is created in relation to the experience.Through experience-pedagogy, based on learning by doing, try to attain an experience intended to generate knowledge. But in this case, the focus lands on doing, and the reflection fails to occur. This is a learning based on the situation, rather than on the reflection, situated learning..
Arbetskraftsmigration och EU:s utvidgning - Potential och omfattning
This paper analyses the potential extent of labour mobility in the European Union after the eastern enlargement that took place in 2004, but focuses on movements from the 10 new member countries to the old EU -members. In this study, a number of economic models are used to investigate if there is a large potential for labour mobility in the enlarged EU and also if this potential has large effects on mobility in reality. The potential for labour mobility is, to a large extent, discussed in terms of theoretical migrating incitements for workers and different types of labour migration obstacles. Many factors indicate that such large potential for migration actually exists, mainly due to high difference in wages and unemployment and because of the common EU market. At the same time, the presence of natural and constructed obstacles is likely to restrict migration for a long period of time..
Personalredovisningens omfattning - en dokumentstudie av bolag på Stockholms fondbörs
Den samhällsrelaterade redovisningen har utvecklats under de senaste åren och fått en allt större betydelse för företagen och dess intressenter. Att utvecklingen går mot mer kunskapsintensiva verksamheter borde öka betydelsen av personalredovisning, vilken är en del av den samhällsrelaterade redovisningen. Det bör ligga i företagens intresse att redovisa sin personalrelaterade information med tanke på att det är en allt viktigare tillgång. Med anledning av att det endast finns ett fåtal regler för hur personalen skall redovisas, väljer företagen det sätt som passar repektive företag bäst. Syftet med undersökningen är att klargöra för i vilken omfattning svenska börsnoterade företag redovisar sin personalrelaterade information, om det skiljer sig mellan företagen beroende av branschtillhörighet, storlek eller någon annan faktor.
"Det ska inte vara så att livet är kört bara för att man blir hederhotad" : -En kvalitativ studie om flickors upplevda behov av stöd och hjälp efter uppbrottet från sin hederskultur.
The purpose of our study was to give girls who are victims of honor related violence a chance to express their needs experienced after the breakup from their families. Furthermore, the study aimed to examine in what extent the girls' needs have been met, how and by whom? The focus was the girls' own experiences thru the breakup from their families and beyond. The issues we wanted to answer were: What needs of help and support does these girls feel that they have? What are the needs immediately after the breakup and how do they look in the longer term? To what extent do the girls have their needs met, how and by whom? What needs experience the girls have not been satisfied? In order to answer our questions, we used semi-structured life-world interviews.
Ideologi, diskurs och miljöetik : - om ideologiska konstruktioner, pedagogiska publikationer och ekologiska komplikationer
The purpose of this investigation is to examine the extent to which Swedish compulsory school tends to rely upon, and to further reinforce, ideologies that from a theoretical platform of deep ecology can be identified as ?ecologically unsustainable conceptions of reality?. Mainly, this will purport to an examination of the (explicit as well as implicit) prevalence of anthropocenthrism, individualism, ethnocenthrism and rationalism in a) the Swedish National Curriculum; and in b) biology text books. Methodologically, the study makes use of Fairclough´s approach to, and method for, critical discourse analysis (CDA). The main results are that the National Curriculum indeed expresses a high level of individualism, as well as (although to a lesser extent) traces of rationalism and ethnocenthrism.
Mjukvaruföretagens strategiska agerande
Background: In recent research literature, some researchers mean that companies in fast changing markets have to act proactively while others find that companies have to adapt to conditions and to react. This makes it interesting to study how software companies act strategically and also to study to what extent a flexible organisation is required by companies who proact and by those who react. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the study how different types of software companies act strategically and what this requires of the company in terms of flexibility. Delimitation: The study treats only Swedish software companies with more than ten employees. Proceed of the Study: Representatives from four case companies as well as a consultant have been interviewed.
Barnet i biståndet : - en kvantitativ studie om barnperspektivet i ekonomiskt bistånd
This study is about the child?s perspective when it comes to work with financial assistance. The purpose of the study was partly to describe how social workers regard the child?s perspective in their work with financial assistance and partly to look into whether they impose a child?s perspective in their practical work. To fulfill this purpose the authors used a quantitative method and sent out a web based survey to all the social workers actively working with financial assistance in Stockholm town.
Kommunpampen och media En studie av ledande svenska kommunalpolitikers mediekontakter
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediatization of Swedish politics on a municipal level. We live in a world were media affects many aspects of life. One of those aspects is the communication between the citizens and the politicians.Our main research questions are:To what extent do politicians communicate with journalists and who initiates these contacts?Do politicians talk to some types of media rather than others?What factors make a politician choose to speak to media?To what extent do leading Swedish municipal politicians use media strategies?To answer these questions we have used various theories to help us understand media?s role oftoday. First we explain the transformation that has taken part in Swedish media over the last century, from political party press to independent media companies.
Så använder jag boken : Fyra SO-lärares syn på - och användning av läroboken
AbstractThis degree project focuses on the questions how teachers´ within the four socially oriented subjects? history, geography, religion and social science use the textbook, and their attitudes towards textbooks. The method used in this project was interviews with teachers. Previous research shows that teachers use the textbook to a great extent. Studies also show that teachers? way of educating depends upon their individual educational attitudes.
När pojkar betraktas som män : en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om åldersgräns för tonårspojkar på Sveriges kvinnojourer
This paper aimed to investigate to what extent there is an age cut-off for teenage boys in the women?s shelters of Sweden and how a possible cut-off is described and maintained. This occurrence has not been investigated earlier to a large extent, which emphasizes the importance of this paper. A mixed strategy was used to cover both the frequency as well as the explanations to the age cut-off. The quantitative survey was sent to all women?s shelters in Sweden and the result showed that 56 % of the shelters had an age cut-off for teenage boys from 12 years of age and above.
Icke-värvningsklausuler : Finns behov av eget stadgande i lag?
The collective agreement contains many important provisions concerning the relationship between employers and employees. When a collective agreement applies in the workplace, both employers and employees are bound by it. However, only employers of those two, can take part in the collective agreement, and therefore negotiate the content of it.The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: Why are rules that has been interpreted in collective agreements not expressed in writing? Therefore, the Swedish collective agreement system will be examined, and a distinction between types of silent regulations will be made to find causes. The potential for workers to act on a collective agreement with quiet regulations will also be examined.Collective agreements are signed on three levels: central, union and local levels.
Finns långserieböcker för barn och ungdomar på biblioteket?
The aim of this masters thesis is to examine to what extent series books for children and youth are included in the acquisitions of public libraries. It also examines which needs series books fulfil among a group of 13-15 year old children. The main question of this thesis was: To what extent do libraries provide series books for children and youth? An inquiry investigation showed that a majority of the libraries in Sweden provide these books. The main reason to provide the books was that the demand is large.