802 Uppsatser om Extensive holding - Sida 15 av 54
I väntan på vårt barn - En studie kring kraven och förväntningarna på blivande adoptivföräldrar : Expect an addition to family - A study about the demands and expectations on the future adoptive parents.
To be able to adopt, the future adoptive parents must participate in parental education and have a home investigation done. The home investigation is extensive and great demands are made on the parents. The purpose with this study was to get an insight and understanding in the parents? thoughts and feelings about the demands and expectations that are made on them during an international adoption. To answer this, we used these questions: Which demands and expectations are made on the future adoptive parents by the home investigator and the parental educator? How do the future adoptive parents experience the demands and expectations that are made on them before an adoption? Does the apprehension about the demands and expectations differ between the future adoptive parents and the home investigator contrary the parental educator? We used a qualitative method, interviewing four couples of parents, one home investigator and one parental educator.
Framställningar av tiggare & tiggeri. : En kvalitativ text- och innehållsanalys av debattartiklar i Dagens Nyheters mellan 3 september 2010 och 24 februari 2014.
The aim with this study was to analyze and understand how begging is constructed as a social problem in Sweden between September of 2010 and the end of February in 2014 in debate articles in Dagens Nyheter. To do this I have chosen to use a social problems theory and critical discourse analysis to highlight some aspects in the process of defining the social problem. The study's main finding is that the construction of beggars and begging appears to be in a relatively extensive redefinition in the current situation. It is shown by, for example, a shift in focus in the discourse. For this reason, it is relevant for social work to examine how the construction progresses..
Bättre med Scrum? : En studie om den "nya" utvecklingsmodellen
The Thesis purpose is in the context of system development validate the Scrum Methodology. Projects concerning information technology are difficult to manage and tend to fail in quality, time or costs. Scrum presents a new view of the system development. Better cooperation between customers and developers, continuous follow-up on daily basis and extensive communication in the development team are all characteristics of Scrum. Scrum is described as a new paradigm by its founders but has been criticized by experts of system development too.
Ekonomisk styrning i banksektorn : En jämförelse av två storbanker i Sverige med fokus på flexibla styrmedel.
A more complex and turbulent world market puts pressure on flexibility and the ability to adjust its business to the market changes. The rapid and unpredictable change is hade to analyze and forecast which demands more short-term forecasting. The issue for this dissertation is based upon the demand of more flexible ways of doing business in the bank sector in Sweden, which is a turbulent and unpredictable market. Handelsbanken is a company that uses the so called Beyond budgeting concept and the dissertation is about this company?s ability to solve the economic governance without the traditional budgeting process.
Splittrad kvinnosjäl. En litteraturstudie om hur sjuksköterskan ska bemöta misshandlade kvinnor.
Violence against women is an extensive social problem that concerns us all. The women who seek health- and medical services when they have been exposed to violence and abuse have the right to expect being well taken care of and treated by competent and understanding personnel. A kind reception can make the patient feel comfortable enough to talk about their situation. The aim of this literature review was to determine how you as a nurse should treat a woman who has been exposed to battery, to be able to offer a professional and individual care. The frame of reference is Gustafsson´s SAUK-model since the acknowledged care aim to maintain and strengthen the human´s self-judgement and self-determination.
Den förvrängda invandraren : En kvalitativ studie om hur publiken tolkar och genomskådar invandrarrepresentationer i svenska medier
The aim of this study was to seek knowledge about how the media audience interprets media representations of immigrants as well as the construction of ?us? and ?them? that is created from the media report.We implemented two focus group interviews, one containing only ethnical Swedes and one holding a variety of people with different ethnical backgrounds. The focus groups got to read nine news articles from different Swedish news papers selected by us, based upon previous research. These articles got to serve as the basis of the discussion.To supplement the focus groups, which got to represent the media audience, we also interviewed two different persons we choose to call informants, whom are both immigrants and are or have been politically active and often appear in local media.The interviews were our empirical material which was used for analysis. The method we used was qualitative analysis of meaning and was based upon a hermeneutic starting point, meaning that all humans are interpreting beings.
Koncernavdrag- En analys av 35 a kap IL ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv
I ett alltmer internationaliserat samhälle är företagens betydelse såsom globala aktörer viktig och företagen organiserar sig därför i koncerner med bolag verksamma i flera länder. Koncernen som helhet utgör dock inget skattesubjekt, men för att uppnå neutralitet mellan val av företagsform har lagstiftaren valt att under vissa förutsättningar tillåta resultatutjämning mellan koncernens bolag. Koncernbidrag enligt 35 kap IL tillerkänns dock endast företag där mottagaren av bidraget är skattskyldigt för sin verksamhet i Sverige. Sverige måste dock som medlemsland i EU efterleva EU-rättens fördragsstadgade krav på fri rörlighet och etableringsfrihet. EU domstolen har i flera rättsfall underkänt medlemsländernas lagstiftning angående gränsöverskridande förlustutjämning såsom oförenlig med EU-rätten.
Managering av kompetenser vid IS/IT-outsourcing
Outsourcing in IS/IT offers organizations the possibility to use external resources, maximize flexibility and focus on core business, this prompts many organizations today to be less keen on developing IS/IT-services in-house. Sourcing IS/IT is however a complex activity in itself thus requiring competencies in many areas of expertise and lots of organizations has experienced the challenge of managing the necessary competencies to ensure successful Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO). A literature review in the field of outsourcing revealed the lack of a comprehensive competency management framework with the ability to guide competency resource planning in ITO projects. In order to highlight the problem area, an extensive and thorough literature review and an empirical case study which investigated the skills and assets in ITO projects at ten major Swedish organizations was conducted. The study found that it is possible for organizations through structured analysis of their intellectual capital, using the competency framework developed within the study, to plan sourcing processes and prepare the necessary changes to ensure the ITO projects can be implemented with the desired effect..
Ekonomisk policy och tillväxt i en transitionskontext: en studie av realsocialistiska länder
Abstract During the last 15 years, the former ?really existing socialist? economies have undertaken an extensive transition process. In this paper the development, measured as GDP growth, is analyzed using variables for economic policy. The analysis is both theoretical, taking as starting point current positions in academia, and econometrical with the linear regression model. We show that while economic policy variables of inflation, economic freedom and institutional quality affect economic growth, the results are not only the ones predicted by the theory.
Mötesindustrin : Kongresser : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande
Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.
Professionella sporutövare och avstängningen från arbetslöshetsförsäkringen- behöver domstolarnas praxis revideras?
The legal courts in Sweden have developed a case law wherein the application criteria for being eligible to acquire unemployment insurance have become strict and rigid. This is in particular true when it comes to professional athletes who cannot make a living on their athlete wage. It is the 9th to 11th section of the Swedish Law (1998:238) on Unemployment Insurance that set the determinants for who of the unemployed is to be considered as being of disposal to the labour market. The strict and extensive interpretation of the relevant sections has been based upon a literal reading of the relevant preparatory works to the law in question. A substantial amount of relevant cases as well as preparatory works have been examined to investigate whether there is a need for revising this case law.
Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken
This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.
Upprättande av mall för fuktsäkerhetsbeskrivning : Genom granskning av projekt ur fuktsäkerhetssynpunkt
During the 1990?s a large number of building projects were revealed where lack of moistsafety precautions during the construction process had led to extensive moisture damage. Alsoresent implemented studies have shown that the problems with moisture damages have ratherincreased than decreased during the past few years. Moist is considered to be one of the mainfactors to cause unhealth due to deficiencies in the indoor-environment and does also causeunnecessary expenses and a reduction of the confidence in the construction industry.In this Bachelor of Science thesis three projects have been reviewed to examine how moistsafetyhas been observed during the construction process. Main focus has been to identify thebuilding components that are the most exposed to moist, and to examine how they have beentaken into account during the period of design and construction.
Obligatoriska ansvarsförsäkringar : deras ändamål och ändamålsenlighet
This paper treats the differences in terms of insurance between optional and compulsory third party liability insurances. It also treats the purpose of the compulsory third party liability insurances and their accordance with that purpose. The primary purpose of the optional third party liability insurance is to ensure the policyholder financial resources to cover possible claims for damages. The primary purpose of the compulsory third party liability insurance is to render possible the compensation of a third party for damage done. The policyholders financial ability to pay damages is of subordinate interest, and the purpose of compulsory third party liability insurances is thus twofold.
Russinen ur kakan: - uppföljning av kampanjer i byggvaruhandeln
The Swedish do-it-yourself (DIY) market has expanded in recent years and is today a SEK90 billion market. Competition is fierce, however, and the DIY retail chains compete over market share with extensive marketing campaigns. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to acquire and compile huge quantities of point of sale data. However, due to a lack of economic theories and statistical methods, this data cannot be effectively utilized and the effects of the campaigns are not measured in any detail. In this study a new method was used to examine the effects of marketing campaigns in the DIY consumer market.