

2927 Uppsatser om Experiences - Sida 2 av 196


The purpose of this essay is to explore the significance for former drug addicts who, during their treatment against drug abuse, have had a therapist with a drug addiction in his or her past. A qualitative case study has been used as method in which four former drug users have been interviewed. We have compiled the results based on five key themes in order to get a comprehensive picture of the relevance of common Experiences regarding drug abuse, based on former addicts? Experiences. This has been done in connection with a review of different theoretical perspectives that we have found relevant to the investigation. Our findings have then been compared with previous research in the field.

Avståndets blå : En visuell gestaltning av avståndets betydelse i ett erfarenhetsperspektiv

In my degree project, I explore the importance of distance and how our perception of distance is affected by our Experiences.During my investigatory work I studied the relation between distance and Experiences. Among other things I concluded that distance can refer to several different kinds of distances (for example spatial, temporal or social distances) and that Experiences are what you?ve learnt of these distances. The importance of distance can be illustrated by highlighting the effects of the distance, i.e. Experiences.My degree project resulted in a pair of interactive binoculars which are used for looking at an virtual world of illustrations in 360°; a world of illustrations where distance and the importance of distance is shown..

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative Experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative Experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these Experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient Experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' Experiences of having needle phobias.

Psykologers gränser till gränssituationers psykologi : En fenomenologisk studie av hur psykologer kan handskas med livsåskådningsfrågor i samtalsbehandling

This qualitative studie discusses how psychologists can integrate clients' secular or religious philosophies into counseling and psychotherapy, as themes that are psychologically meaningful. The studie also discusses how psychologists can understand and respond to the psychological aspects of clients' existential and religious Experiences. Eight psychologists were interviewed and their Experiences were analysed using a phenomenological method.The results of the interviews suggested that the eight psychologists could handle the psychological aspects of clients' philosophies, by investigating their own personal philosophies and scientific ontologies. It was also discussed how an awareness of the psychologists' professional boundaries and personal Experiences of existential and religious phenomenons, could facilitate an integration of clients' existential and religious Experiences..

Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv

The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk Experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.

Traumaomhändertagande på akutmottagningen : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv

Background:A trauma is a potential life threatening state which demands special resources and optimal care. Trauma doesn't just mean physical violence against the body, it can also put the patient in a psychological crisis. The trauma care in the emergency department is a short and intensive assessment between the patient and the emergency staff, where there is a risk that the patient may feel exposed and uncomfortable. For the nurse to be able to provide security and meet the patients' needs of well-being during the trauma care, the nurse has to try to understand the patients' needs and Experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's Experiences during trauma care in the emergency department.

Upplevelser i samband med en obotlig cancersjukdom : En litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar samt självbiografier

BACKGROUND: One of the nurse?s areas of responsibility is to relieve suffering. Research has shown that nurses give an indication of an emotional load in the interaction with dying patients. This means that patients need of relieved suffering gets disregarded because of nurse?s fear of the unknown.

Den dödliga mobiltelefonen

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers Experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own Experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these Experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the Experiences from the country of origin affects on the Experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt

Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? Experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.

?Man kunde ju prata av sig? ? en studie om brottsoffers upplevelser av hjälpen de får från brottsofferjouren?You could talk about it? ? a study of the experiences of victims of crime who have been receiving help from the Swedish Association for Victim Sup

Title: ?You could talk about it? ? a study of the Experiences of victims of crime who have been receiving help from The Swedish Association for Victim Support.We got in touch with ten victims of crime through a local chapter of The Swedish Association for Victim Support and examined their emotional Experiences of the help that was given to them from this organization.Background: Crime has always been a part of society and anyone can be subjected to some form of crime. Whenever a crime is perpetrated, there is always a victim. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how victims of crime emotionally experience the help they receive from the national association in Sweden who help and support victims of crime. Methods: We employed a qualitative method in the process of investigating the topic of this essay, and by employing interviews we got a deeper understanding of how victims of crime experience the help they receive.

Klassresan : En studie om klassresenärers upplevelser

The purpose of this essay was to examine class-travellers Experiences of having done the class-travel and when they realised they had done it.My questions were: when did they start the class-travel? How do they experience themselves after going through the classtravel? How do they change as class-travellers in their relationship with their surroundings?The study was based on interviews with six classtravellers, trained social workers who have made their journey through studies. In the essay I have analyzed and compared the interviews with relevant litterature/theory.My conclusions are that the Experiences of the class-travel are different. The lass-traveller of this study are recognized of being/have been part of two worlds or cultures. How long the class-traveller has been in one of the worlds is of big importance.

Att beskriva upplevelsen av stadens rum :

The city is complex, multi-faceted and fascinating. The same can be said about the rooms of the city. The experience of the rooms of the city can be described in as many ways as there are individuals. The question concerned in this essay is How can you describe the rooms of the city as a phenomenon and how can you describe the experience of these rooms in general? The concepts city and room are widely understood and neither of them has a description that can be used in all situations.

En fenomenologisk studie av kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige från Mellanöstern

The aim of this study was to investigate the individual meaning of Experiences of migration and day-to day life Experiences before and after migration, of women that had migrated from the Middle-east area to Sweden. This was to be done with a psychological health perspective looking for stressors and salutogenic factors. A phenomenological approach was used. Eleven women where interviewed with three open questions on a trajectory theme. The analysis was supported by software Sphinx Lexica and software MCA-Minerva.

Upplevelsen kring en fysisk livsförändring : En studie som undersöker 4 personers upplevelse av att avvika och tillhöra normen

This is a qualitative study that has investigated four people's Experiences of making a physical change of life. With narrative depth interviews, the study was characterized by the informants own experience of their Experiences and thoughts. With questions surrounding their Experiences of alienation, belonging to the standard, people's attitude and prejudices against their appearance. The investigation revealed that the informants experienced shared Experiences and things that separated them. The conclusion based on the people in this study was that people with low self-esteem are at greater risk for experiencing alienation.

Könade argument i vårdnadstvister : En studie av argument i vårdnadstvistsdomar från 2011

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers Experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own Experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these Experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the Experiences from the country of origin affects on the Experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

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