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Who is Irish? - En kritisk diskursanalys rörande nationell identitet i medierapporteringen vid folkomröstningen om rätten till medborgarskap på Irland
The economic growth in Ireland, during the 1990s, lead to changing migration patterns. Ireland became a destination country for immigrants instead of an emigration country. Before 2004 people who were born on the island of Ireland had a constitutional right to Irish citizenship. This right was removed after a referendum in 2004.National identity is a sense of community constructed through common history and defines who belongs to the nation. The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical discourse analysis of the debate in media before the referendum.The analysis was done on texts from The Irish Times, one of the major newspapers in Ireland.
Background: Throughout life, sexuality is a central aspect of being human and to experience a full and healthy. Several diseases and treatments can cause problems related to sexuality and sexual health. Despite this, research has shown that nurses, for various reasons choose not to take up the subject with their patients. Aim: The aim of this literature-based study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of talking with patients about sexuality and sexual health. Method: A literature-based study where both qualitative and quantitative studies, have been used.
Ämnesordsåtervinning av skönlitteratur: En intervjuundersökning av bibliotekariers erfarenheter
The aim of this thesis is to investigate librarians? experiences and opinions about a system for fiction retrieval based on the subject headings list Att indexera skönlitteratur. I want to know if librarians experience that subject headings searches for fiction literature are a good working tool, if there according to librarians are other resources and means that makes fiction available and searchable, and how they estimate the possibility of non-professionals to use subject headings for fiction retrieval. Six librarians at public libraries in Göteborg where interviewed. The interviews dealt with their work with fiction literature, their experiences of subject headings as a fiction retrieval tool, and with their contacts with patrons.
Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter
Abstract This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school.
Att mötas på de ungas villkor : - En kvalitativ studie om ungdomsarbetares erfarenheter av att bedriva stödsamtal med unga på internet
With this research we aimed to seek how youth workers express their experience of counselling on the internet compared to traditional counselling face to face with a theoretical ground in semiotics and symbolic interactionism. Our questions were 1) How do youth workers describe their experiences from anonymous, faceless online counselling? 2) How do youth workers experience the differences between online counselling and the traditional face-to-face counselling? 3) Which possibilities and difficulties do they see in online communication with adolescents? We used semi-structed interviews with seven youth workers. Six of those are active in non-profit organisations, and one in social services. The results from our interviews showed that the interviewees saw that misunderstandings were more frequent on the internet, but that online counselling with adolescents still was easier than in the face-to-face meetings.
??trevlig först och sedan kan man prata om det sakliga...? En studie om bemötande på folkbibliotek.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the view on the personal encounter between staff and visitors in public libraries in order to detect possible differences between the two groups in order to see if the personal encounter as such could be used in order to market libraries. We believe that social competence must interact with the initial personal encounter in order for the visitor to experience the visit as positive. We have based the theoretical framework on Erving Goffman?s theory on social interaction, as well as on Christian Grönroos? theory on quality of service and marketing. We use the following questions: How do library staff view the personal encounter? How do library visitors view the personal encounter? How does the library staff?s treatment affect the visitor?s view of the library?Are there any differences in view between visitors and staff concerning the personal encounter? If so, what kind of differences are they? Using qualitative interviews, we have interviewed nine visitors and six staff members at two public libraries.
Vuxnas upplevelse av stöd efter att ha fått diagnosen diabetes mellitus
SammanfattningBakgrund: Diabetes förekommer hos 3-4 procent av Sveriges befolkning. Uppkomsten av diabetes är ofta relaterad till livsstil. Hur människor upplever att få diagnosen påverkar synen på sjukdom och framtid. Människor som får sjukdomen är i behov av stöd från vårdpersonal. Syfte: Beskriva vuxnas upplevelser av stöd efter att ha fått diagnosen diabetes mellitus.
Marcela Montgat och verkligheten
What is it that I do in my artistic work? And above all, what is it that I meet in the making? I become aware of a strong link between reality and art, for example, when I tell a fictional story on stage or compose, mirror, a human destiny in music. My compositions are, together with events before, during and after they've began to exist, an experience where I move between - sometimes I have chosen to express it - different dimensions of reality..
Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare
Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science.Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %.Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers.Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers.
Inkludering och autismspektrumtillstånd : En studie där personer med diagnos berättar om sina egna upplevelser av skolan
AbstractThis study examines factors in school that could contribute to or counteract the experience of inclusion of persons who have been diagnosed in the field of autism spectrum disorder. The information was gathered through qualitative interviews and processed to be presented in the results.The results show that respondents found it difficult to concentrate when in school because of the environment. They experienced no coherence in learning situations, they may not get answer as to why information should be carried out and saw no point to have breaks. Furthermore, they experienced no problems to orientate in school or to follow the schedule. The results also revealed that the respondents had at least one teacher with whom they felt that the relationship was positive.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av ofria luftvägar prehospitalt
The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of obstructed airways in the prehospital work.A qualitative interview study with a descriptive and explorative design was used. The sample consisted of nine registered nurses whereof three were women and six were men, with or without further education and varying length of experience in the ambulance service.Prehospital personnel builds up a vast plan of action based on the emergency information provided by SOS. Simple methods for managing obstructed airways were stated often enough. Problems with obstructed airways are considered so unusual that it never becomes a routine. Several factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways, both external factors and the different patient categories are considered important.
Osäkerhet i investerares avkastningsbedömning av kommersiella fastigheter. - Osäkerheter i bedömningen av drift- och underhållskostnader?
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.
Nya förutsättningar en jämförelse mellan traditionellt och elektroniskt referensarbete.
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the differences between the traditional way of conducting a reference interview and the electronic way. The main questions of this thesis are: How does the electronic reference interview appear in comparison to the traditional one? How do the librarians experience the differences? Is quality affected in the electronic reference interview? Examples from Fråga biblioteket Ask the Library have been used in this study. The method used in the investigation is based on qualitative interviews in combination with studies of relevant and recent literature. The librarians interviewed all have experience from both traditional and electronic reference work.
Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis
Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.
Byggfel på plåttak : - Bristande kommunikation eller bara slarv?
The mistakes and failures on the roof are noticed during inspection of the construction, many of the commentaries are recurring. A contractor should only need to get a commentary once and then learn from the mistake. It has in this study been brought to light that the solution is not to tell the contractors to "stop slattern", it is more complicated than that. Today, the biggest problems are found in leadership, communication, feedback of experience and that the entrepreneurs take too little responsibility.To minimize the amount of commentaries all contractors need to work with a clearer leadership where the leader is both respected and appreciated. The leader must in an effective way be able to convey all the information to all employees.