

4796 Uppsatser om Experience and preceptorship - Sida 13 av 320

Någon som visar att de bryr sig : En studie angående ungdomars upplevelser av delaktighet iinsatsen Kontaktperson.

The aim of this study was to examine young people?s experiences of participation within the intervention Contact Person. Three questions were asked concerning young people?s experience of participation, aspects that promoted/limited the young people?s experience and the significance they attached to the intervention. The findings in this study are based on phenomenological interviews with five teenagers within the intervention Contact Person.

Moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor : en littearturöversikt

Background: Moral distress is an increasing concern among nurses in their workplace. Previous research has suggested that moral distress is associated with ethical climate and job dissatisfaction. Economic restraints in the organization have led to loss of nurses from the workplace. Aim: To examine nurses experience of moral distress and their causes. Method: The study was a literature review. Twelve articles were used in the study.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda i livets slutskede: en litteraturstudie

Aim: To describe nurses' experiences providing end of life care to patients. Method Descriptive literature study, 15 articles were included. The search was made in PubMed, CINAHL and by manual search. The articles were reviewed, analyzed and summarized. Results: For newly graduated nurses? experience in end of life care proved to be something new, developing, difficult to manage and frightening, but expected in the profession.

Jag är hel! Detta ska ingen ta ifrån mig. En berättelse om drogupplevelser

The aim of this study is to highlight drug experiences and the significance our interviewee?s ascribe to their drug experiences in conjunction to their everyday lives. In the concluding chapter of this study we have used the collective experiences of the participants to allow us to engage in a dialogue of why it is important to acknowledge the attributes and needs an individual attaches to his/her perspective drug in the field of social welfare in Sweden. Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical approach is used as the framework for understanding responses of participants in this study. The word ?experience? is a comprehensive concept for the sensations that an individual feels.

Överväganden vid val familjehem : En kvalitativ studie av fammiljehemssekreterare.

This essay is about what considerations foster home secretary may face in their profession and how they use themselves as a tool. We were interested in the family home secretaries as a profession and we found that this area is relatively unexplored. The essay is based on semi-structured interviews with ten family home secretaries from seven different municipalities. To interpret our results, we used Mead's theory of "Mind, Self and Society". Our paper shows that family secretaries are faced with a variety of considerations in the selection of foster homes.

Invandrare med diabetes - att stötta och bemöta ur ett transkulturellt perspektiv

Immigration is today happening in Sweden to a great extent and this requires a higher level of demands within the transcultural nursing. With this fact as a base to our literature review the aim of the study was developed. This was to investigate how immigrants with diabetes mellitus type 2 experience health and to find out the importance of knowledge related to the patients compliance of given advise and prescriptions. On the basis of the aim the following questions of issue was formulated: How do immigrants with diabetes mellitus type 2 experience their health and what knowledge do they possess concerning their illness? and Within which areas of the immigrants life is it important for the nurse to gain knowledge in order to affect and oblige him or her? A critical review of nine scientific articles emerged in three themes that answer the questions of issue.

Klimakteriet. En litteraturstudie om upplevelser av klimakteriet hos kvinnor med olika kulturell bakgrund.

The aim of this study was to illuminate the experience of climacteric in women with different culture backgrounds. The method was a literature review. Results are made of nine scientific articles. Sex main themes come out. The results are showing that the experience of climacteric is varying from woman to woman and from culture to culture.

"De kanske kommer börja skratta" : en undersökning om talängslan bland elever i årskurs 5

This study examines if children in 5th grade experience any speech anxiety about speaking when everyone in the class will hear but while sitting down either by their desks or in a circle. I also want to find out how much the children speak; do boys or girls speak more than the other sex? Is there any difference in space of speech in the classroom, and if so is it connected to speech anxiety? Gender perspective is the theoretical outlook that this study has which is used to find out if there are any differences between boys and girls in the amount they talk in the classroom and the way the children themselves describe how it is to talk in the classroom. To find out if children in 5th grade experience any speech anxiety while speaking sitting down in everyday activities I interviewed six boys and six girls and to find out how much they spoke I observed the grade for a total of nine lessons. The result shows that some of the pupils do experience speech anxiety when sitting down and speaking so that everyone can.

Våga fråga : Ett antal unga tjejer med invandrarbakgrund om sina upplevelser av det sociala medborgarskapet

My purpose with this paper is to investigate how yong girls with immigrant backgrounds experience the social citizenship.I have focused on civil rights and obligations but also on the experience of access to education, employment and social community.Finally, I have chosen to look at the social citizenship from a gender perspective..

Ungdomssatsningen : ett projekt för arbetslösa ungdomar

The purpose of this essay was to in a specific project for unemployed youths between 18 and 24 years, from an ecological point of view, examine how the youths experienced their unemployment and also to compare the purpose and structure of the project with the participants' experience.Important questions in my essay were how the unemployment affected the youths' identity and social circumstances, if the participants found the project meaningful, and experienced that they could influence how the project was formed, if the purpose of the project was in accordance with the youths' experience and how the ecological perspective could be used to understand the situation of the youths.To answer these questions one interview was made with one of the employees and five interviews were made with participant youths.The results of the essay was that the youths' experience of the project were very much individual. All of the participants found something in the project meaningful and most of them thought that it was possible to influence the project in some way. Something that both the youths and the employee pointed out as important was the employees and their supporting role..

"Jag kände mig inte okej för att gå hem" - en intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser i relation till täta återinläggningar på sjukhus

Background: Many elderly are feeling lonely and insecure in their homes; it?s difficult for them to cope with their life situation after discharge from hospital. There is therefore a need to get a deeper understanding of their situation and the need for action, thus possibly preventing a new hospital admission. Recent research shows that a better coordination is necessary when elderly are discharged from hospital and that the quality of the discharge is essential for how they cope at home afterwards.Purpose: To get a deeper knowledge of older people´s experiences associated with frequent readmissions to hospital.Method: A qualitative research approach was used trough interviews with open questions. Ten persons with an age of 75 years and older who had a readmission to hospital within one month was interviewed.

Kundens kund : En studie i användarcentrerad systemutveckling och designmetoder

This thesis investigates how web agencys in Stockholm use, value and incoroprate the terms usability, user experience and interaction design in their work process. The purpose of this study is to investigate how creative professionals works with the notions of usability, user experience and interaction design with focus on the end user. Our definition of creative professionals is every employee at a web agency involved in the work process of developing digital artefacts in any capacity. We wanted to investigate how these notions are considered, consciously or unconsciously, during the workprocess. Semi-structured interviews were conducted at three different web agencys with eight different employees.

Revisorernas dilemma - tala eller tiga?

Since 1999 auditors have an obligation, according to 42-44 §§ aktiebolagslagen (2005:551), to report suspicions of crime. The obligation to report means that the auditor is legally obliged to report any suspicious economical crime potentially committed by the executive director or a member of the board to a district attorney. Prior to the enactment it was almost impossible for the auditor to report any criminal suspicion due to the professional confidentiality. According to Ekobrottsmyndigheten the number of crime suspicion reports filed by auditors has reduced by 50 percent in the Stockholm-region between 2006 and 2010. However, after the enactment crime suspicion reports increased successively each year.

"Idag ska vi tälta på skolgården" : Ramfaktorers inverkan på friluftsundervisningen

The purpose of my study was to examine how teachers in physical education experience different frame factors impact on their outdoor education and their choice of didactic approach. My study is based on Lundgren´s frame factor theory and Peitersen´s didactic learning model. I have used a qualitative research method to answer my questions. I have been using semi-structured interviews to interview six PE teachers who all teach at high school level.Based on my results we see that the teachers experience teaching hours and class sizes as the frame factors that mainly affect the outdoor education. Teachers often choose to split up the outdoor activities into sequences in order to achieve better learning.

Dåligt samvete och tidspress : en studie om modernt föräldraskap

The purpose of this study was to examine the problematic and frustrating aspects of parenthood in the modern runaway world of today. In other words, we wanted to study how parents in Sweden experienced their life as parents in the beginning of the 21th century.We wanted to find answers to the following questions:What kind of problems do parents experience and how do they deal with these problems?What would parents consider to be typical for them as parents compared to how they remember their own parents?What do parents think about family politics?Do parents think they need parent education?If parents want parent education, why do they want it?To answer these questions we used qualitative interviews. With this method we got information from six parents and five professional parent educators who was kind enough to let us interview them. We also gathered information about the subject through literature and news articles.The result of the study can be divided into three parts.

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