

242 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 9 av 17

Maybe, eventually, I'll be allowed to be a parent to my own child

The purpose of this essay is to examine how same-sex couples experience the second-parent adoption process. To assist us, we have used our questions: how do the couples describe their experiences of the adoption process? Which are the couples? stories about the experience of contact with the involved professionals? What are the opportunities and barriers for same-sex couples to start a family? How do the couples describe their experience of reactions from the community and society, and how do they think the future will look like for same-sex couples? This study has been achieved through a qualitative approach. The empirical data is based on seven semi-structured interviews with same-sex couples or pair members that want to or have had a second-parent adoption. The theory we have used for analyzing the results is phenomenology with focus on queer theory, heteronormativity, and power.

Existentiellt lidande hos cancerpatienter i kurativ vård. En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser, sjuksköterskors bemötanden och möten mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor

Det existentiella lidandet återfinns i samband med frågor som rör människans frihet, tillvarons mening, känslor av ensamhet och isolering i livssituationen samt i mötet med döden. Dessa frågor är universellt mänskliga och uppträder därför oavsett människans bekännande till eller avståndstagande från andlighet eller religiositet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var dels att beskriva hur det existentiella lidandet tar sig uttryck hos cancerpatienter i kurativ vård men också att beskriva sjuksköterskors bemötanden gentemot dessa patienter och de möten som uppstår mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor. De resultat som framkom av studien visade på att det existentiella lidandet karaktäriseras av förändringar och är en stor del av det totala lidande som cancerpatienter utstår. Samtidigt är emellertid sjuksköterskor, till följd av rädsla och okunskap, i många fall oförmögna att möta de förväntningar och behov som patienterna har.

kärlek och förändring i femtiotalets Paris : Françoise Sagan och Claire Etcherelli

The aim of this essay is to get deeper into the mysteries of love as they manifest themselves as most open: in literature. I have studied the two French writers Claire Etcherelli and Françoise Sagan, both writing about love in the 50?s Paris. While Etcherelli?s love takes place between factory workers, Sagan?s scene is the upper middle class.

Mål i skolans praktik. Lärares uppfattningar av och arbete med läroplanens mål om elevers ansvar och inflytande

I rapporten redovisas en undersökning av hur den svenska nationella läroplanen i grundskolan blir till den genomförda läroplanen i en skolas undervisning/praktik. Frågeställningarna gäller lärares uppfattningar av och skolans arbetssätt för att genomföra målen om elevers ansvar och inflytande. Undersökningen är en fallstudie. Dataunderlaget kommer från intervjuer med lärare och skolans dokumentation. Detta har analyserats med tillämpning av kvalitativ metod.

Lyssna! Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Synen på de hemlösa och deras livssituation : - en kvalitativ studie

AbstractThe intention of our study is to examine how the view of homeless people and their life situation looks according to a selection of persons, which in their work get into contact with homeless people. The study is based on a qualitative method that includes interviews.The result of the study is based on interviews with eight persons working in the social services, volunteer organisations, the police and a security organisation. The majority of the persons that have been interviewed are normalising homeless people; they do not look upon them as different. At the same time they have the opinion that homeless people live a tougher life and that they have to fight more for their living than other people. The persons that we have interviewed share the view that homeless people live under a constant pressure of finding a place to sleep.

Vad är meningen med värdegrunden? : Om svårigheten i att förena teori med praktik i värdegrundsarbetet i skolan

The topic of this essay is core value issues, how they are mediated in school and how they are practiced. I am investigating a problem concerning the existential worth of the core values-content for children, or in other words, the difficulty of reconciling the theory of the core values and their practice. This problem is portrayed by two stories. The aim of this work is to investigate how to combine the core values theory with its practice, in other words, make it meaningful. In my essay, I turn to recent research in the field to provide a background to my issue, and hereby further point to my problem.

Jakten på genius loci : att förstå och finna platsens själ

Denna uppsats handlar om genius loci. Utgångspunkten har varit en tes om att det är ett begrepp som vi landskapsarkitekter intuitivt förstår och påverkas av men skulle ha nytta av att konkretisera. Målet är att hitta fram till möjliga svar på dessa frågor:Hur kan landskapsarkitekten tolka begreppet genius loci?Hur kan landskapsarkitekten arbeta i praktiken för att finna en plats genius?Genom att undersöka begreppet genius loci utifrån både ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt perspektiv hoppas jag kunna skapa en ökad förståelse för hur och varför vi landskapsarkitekter kan använda det. Genom studier av bland annat Christian Norberg-Schulz verk Genius loci: towards a phenomenology of architecture samt intervjuer och reflektioner över min egen praktik har jag kommit fram till att tesen stämmer.

Kanske, eventuellt, får jag vara förälder till mitt eget barn

The purpose of this essay is to examine how same-sex couples experience the second-parent adoption process. To assist us, we have used our questions: how do the couples describe their experiences of the adoption process? Which are the couples? stories about the experience of contact with the involved professionals? What are the opportunities and barriers for same-sex couples to start a family? How do the couples describe their experience of reactions from the community and society, and how do they think the future will look like for same-sex couples? This study has been achieved through a qualitative approach. The empirical data is based on seven semi-structured interviews with same-sex couples or pair members that want to or have had a second-parent adoption. The theory we have used for analyzing the results is phenomenology with focus on queer theory, heteronormativity, and power.

Shamanism - Att färdas mellan de kosmiska planen : En introduktion till Mircea Eliades filosofi samt till Åke Hultkrantz och Carl Johan Gurts religionsfenomenologiska forskning.

This essay is a work on Mircea Eliades's interpretation of the religious human understood as "homo religiosus" and the role of the shaman from the Eliade perspective. In Eliade human existence consists of a dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. The question is whether one can understand the concept of Eliades ?axis mundi?, center of the universe? Can we create an understanding of human existence with Eliade? Can one use  phenomenology of religion as perspective for the exploration of ?reality?? Furthermore, this paper aims to understand the role of the shaman has religious worldviews. Shamaism  is through an ecstatic technique traveling to other cosmic plane, in order to gain knowledge that would otherwise not be reached.

Lärande om Gud i populärmusik. Postmoderna konfirmanders identitetskapande och erfarenhet i musik

Music and religion are concepts, which have been continually associated with spirituality throughout the history of Western religion. Since the dawn of mankind, it has been considered that music has had a clear function about how individuals grasp their inner emotions to reach the transcendent and comprehend "Self". The aim of this thesis is to gain greater understanding as to how a group of young catechists in the Swedish Lutheran Church feel, interpret and construct their identities through popular music. An exploration as to how this specific group perceives concepts such as the Bible, church, spirituality, and religion was undertaken. The theory forming the basis of this essay is derived from a sociological perspective of postmodernism.

Det civila samhället i sandinistiska revolutionens andra kapitel Det civila samhällets demokratiska funktion i Nicaragua

This study analyzes how civil society contributes to the democratic development in a Nicaragua governed by the sandinist party FSLN. The empirical focus lays at the relationship between state and the civil society. By using a conceptual framework outlined by Caroline Boussard, the civil society is being analyzed as an actor with a democracy-building potential that is supported or constrained by a political context.The civil society is divided between traditional social movement and more newly borned NGOs. Social movements tend to approach the government comparatively to NGOs, which adopt a highly critical attitude. In contrast to NGOs, the traditional social movements are improving their democratic functions as a counterpart while NGOs confine its democratic potential to an agenda setter drawing attention to democratic deficits.

En vän men ändå inte en vän. : ?En grupp distriktssköterskors beskrivningar av innebörden av att vårda patienter med svårläkta bensår.

AbstractBackgroundWorking in primary care with chronic leg ulcers is both time-consuming and difficult. There is a large category of patients with leg ulcers, that is expected to increase in a number of years, and many of them will probably come to a district nurse for help.AimThe aim of this study was to describe the district nurses' experiences of caring for patients with chronic leg ulcers in primary care.MethodThe approach was qualitative. The study was done with a phenomenological life-world approach. Seven district nurses working in primary care were interviewed. The phenomenological perspective focuses on the respondents? own life-world and has openness to the interviewee's own experiences.

Påverkar GIH:s utbildning i friluftsliv studenterna? : En studie av naturupplevelser hos studenter vid GIH:s lärarprogram  

AimThe aim of this study is to examine students' previous experiences of stay in the nature and their experiences of nature in the context of teaching situations in friluftsliv at GIH. It also aims to elucidate how the teaching of friluftsliv at GIH affects their former interpretation about nature. The questions of the study are: What past experiences of stay in the nature elucidate GIH-students? Have the students approach to nature changed according to the education? If yes ? how? What affects students' perception of nature? MethodTo answer the questions, a quantitative approach (questionnaire survey) and qualitative methods (interview study) was used. The qualitative method is based on phenomenology and hermeneutics.

Livets manuskript : En studie i livsåsfrågor i populärkulturen

It?s not for nothing the time we live in is often referred to as the age of information. Children and young adults who grow up I today?s society have greater access to facts and opinions than any earlier generations. This also applies to popular culture that during the last couple of decades have taken new expressions that no one could have ever dreamed of and more time goes to the consumption of it via visits to the cinema, television and computers.

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