

242 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 12 av 17

"Döden för mig närmare livet" : En hermeneutisk studie om vilken mening livet får vid vetskap om att man ska dö

Den här studien syftar till att lyfta fram, belysa, tolka och öka förståelsen om hur människan i det senmoderna samhället lever med en medvetenhet om sin ändlighet och vilken mening livet får för dem. Som teoretisk och begreppslig referensram ligger den existentiella traditionen. Empirin utgörs av fem självbiografier som tolkas och analyseras utifrån en hermeneutisk metodansats. Självbiografierna är skrivna av personer som diagnosticerats med en obotlig sjukdom och inträtt i evigheten. Resultatet av studien utmynnade i tre faser.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors bemötande av patienters existentiella behov : systematisk litteraturstudie

BAKGRUND: Omvårdnad skall bedrivas holistiskt enligt International code of etics (ICN) trots detta bedrivs den till viss del naturvetenskapligt med fokus på den medicinska delen, som i sig är viktig. Tydliga riktlinjer för andlig omvårdnad saknas och forskningen är begränsad. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån aktuell omvårdnadsforskning beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors bemötande av frågor med existentiellt innehåll. METOD: Systematiskt litteraturstudie där sju artiklar och en avhandling ingick vilka var etiskt granskade. RESULTAT: Fyra kategorier identifierades, adekvat kompetens, tillåtande vårdmiljö, holistisk människosyn och reduktionistisk människosyn.

"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie

Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.

Rätt skala blir inte automatiskt en bra improvisation. : En musikanalytisk studie av fem olika pianosolon spelade av erkända jazzmusiker.

Det finns en hel del litteratur som lär ut jazzimprovisation, men få som visar vilka musikaliska strukturer som kan användas för att få det att låta ?jazzigt?. I den här kvalitativa studien utforskas därför likheterna mellan fem olika utvalda jazzimprovisationer i piano. I fokus står improvisationernas musikaliska ?språk? ifråga om musikaliska byggstenar eller strukturer.

Diakoni och välfärd. : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan diakoni och socialt arbete.

This study discloses the responsibility of social work for the Swedish welfare state respective deacons in the Swedish protestant church, which roll the Swedish protestant church have in the existent welfare and also if deacons experience any expectations and how these expectations in that case are expressed.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationbetween deacons working within the Swedish protestant church and social work, as it appears for professional deacons. The method of investigating the questions raised by the aim of this study has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from six deacons working in different workplaces. The data derived from these interviews was then analysed through the theory of Gösta Esping-Andersen about welfare states and also through background research and earlier science research about the social work within the Swedish protestant church and other social work. The result of the study show that the welfare state in Sweden has the comprehensive responsibility for the citizens. Deacons working within the Swedish protestant church does not have the same responsibility.

Svenska kyrkans funktion i den palliativa vården : - ett religionssociologiskt perspektiv

Through the lenses of religion?s role in society, the purpose of this thesis is to examine, the role of the Church of Sweden in providing support to people at the end of life. Questions asked are:  "What types of spiritual support is offered by the Church of Sweden during terminal care provided in patients' homes and how is this support expressed in church orders, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters?" and " How can the work of the Church of Sweden be understood, based on theories of religion's role in society? The method used is a content analysis of the Church Order, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters in 17 different congregations within the diocese of Lund. I then engage in a discussion with theories on differentiation and the privatization of religion as a means to interpret my results.

Liv i den övergivna trädgården? : Tro och sekularisering i Sverige, speglad mot dominerande teorier om sekulariseringsprocesser

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

Musik som kommunikativt medel för elever påtidig utvecklingsnivå : En fenomenologisk studie om utvecklingsstörning, musik, språk och kommunikation

Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur några speciallärare och specialpedagoger ser på arbete med musik, språk och kommunikation för elever på tidig utvecklingsnivå. Fokuseringen är hur de ser på att använda musik för att nå språkliga och kommunikativa mål för elever i gymnasiesärskolan. Som metod i studien har kvalitativa intervjuer använts då den undersöker upplevelser. Datainsamlingsmaterialet har analyserats enligt fenomenologisk forskningsmetod. Sammanlagt har sex speciallärare och specialpedagoger intervjuats.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnad av patienter med existentiell smärta

Inom den palliativa vården är vanliga symtom smärta och i synnerhet existentiell smärta. Obehandlad existentiell smärta får konsekvenser för graden av patientens lidande. Begreppet ?total pain? har haft stor betydelse för hospicerörelsen och palliativ medicin. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors omvårdnad av patienter med existentiell smärta inom palliativ vård för att därmed kunna minska patientens lidande.

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

En studie av elektronisk mobbning : Vilka kunskaper om och erfarenheter av elektronisk mobbning har flickor med språkstörning och autismspektra

The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of ?electronic bullying?, and furthermore to describe how this phenomenon is perceived by teenage girls with language disorders in combination with autism spectra. The conclusions and result from this study is derived from six in-depth interviews, thereof four being with girls with autism spectra diagnosis and all but one diagnosed with language disorder in addition (referred to as main respondents). The two reminding girls neither had language disorder nor autism spectra (referred to as comparing respondents). They were added to the study for the purpose of comparing their experiences and descriptions of those with language disorder and/or autism spectra diagnosis. For interpretation and analysis of study result, I have applied the method of phenomenology.                              The study?s main respondents had own experiences in the area of electronic bullying, albeit their level of knowledge of the subject were very limited and they had problems to interpret information given.

?Jag är en vampyr? Om unga kvinnors identitetsskapande i det senmoderna samhället

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if there might be a possiblecorrelation between young women´s fascination with the vampire narrative andtheir search for identity in the late modern age. With the help of contemporarysociological studies in the field of the late modern man and today?s youth culture,I?ve chosen to do qualitative interviews with eight young women in order to examinehow today?s society affects their process of identification. Lately we?ve been ableto see an enormous interest for books that deal with the vampire saga, and while thereaders are mostly young females, it brought me to ask the question why the combinationof teenage drama and vampires seems to be such a winning concept.We live in a time where most young females experience a lot of pressure trying to addup to the demands of society, and as the media keep producing images of youngwomen being thin and looking like supermodels, most teenagers feel a lot of pressureand anxiety trying to live up to such unnatural ideals that in the long run might lead tovarious health issues and eating disorders.As a result of this thesis I?ve found that the vampire narrative answers to some ofthe existential needs we have as members of a late modern society.

Orientalisk institution eller institutionaliserad orientalism? : En arkivvetenskaplig studie av Carolina Redivivas orientaliska handskriftssamling.

This thesis aims to shed light on the collection of Oriental manuscripts at the Uppsala University Library Carolina Rediviva and how the collection is a part of the collective memory. The main question which is central for this thesis is: have orientalism and structures of power influenced the acquisition, arrangement and methods of accessability regarding the Oriental manuscripts? If yes, in what way and why? If no, how has this been avoided?The theoretical framework consists of four approaches: phenomenology, sociology of knowledge, orientalism and power which are applied to the archival concept of collective memory. The main source of material consists of three parts: the historical texts which gives an informational framework regarding the time and place in which the manuscripts were collected, the catalogues in which the manuscripts are described and the transcripted interviews alongside correspondence. Methodologically the thesis is based upon a qualitative method which also partly makes up the foundation for the main material.

Förskollärares upplevelser och hantering av svåra samtal med barns föräldrar

Vad är det som gör att vi uppfattar vissa samtal som svåra och hur ska vi på bästa sätt hantera dessa när de uppstår? Syftet med studien har varit att beskriva hur ett antal förskollärare upplever och säger sig hantera svåra samtal i förskolan. Utifrån syftet har vi ställt oss följande frågor: Vad menas med svåra samtal, enligt förskollärares upplevelser? Hur ser förskollärarnas förberedelser ut inför svåra samtal? Hur säger sig förskollärarna hantera de samtal som de uppfattar som svåra?Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer som genomfördes med åtta förskollärare. Frågorna som ställdes var både strukturerade och ostrukturerade.

"En kropp det är... Du ska ta hand om kroppen" : En etnologisk studie om barns syn på kropp och hälsa

The body that is? You have to take care of the body is an ethnological study of how children look at body and health from their own perspective. During five weeks I did a field work in a school in Uppsala, Sweden. Ten fifth grade students and two teachers were interviewed. They were also participants in observations and did paintings.

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