

145 Uppsatser om Exclusive Breastfeeding - Sida 3 av 10

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av amningsrådgivning

Amningsfrekvensen har i Sverige successivt minskat för varje år och statistik visar kortare amningstid idag än för tio år sedan. Bröstmjölk är den ideala födan för barnet under de första sex månaderna. Den skyddar barnet mot ohälsa samt ökar överlevnaden. En betydelsefull del av arbetet för BVC-sjuksköterskorna är stödja och främja amning samt uppmuntra till upprätthållande av amning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av amningsrådgivning.

Skenbar arbetsbrist

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

36 § avtalslagen mot oskäliga ansvarsfriskrivningar i kommersiella avtal : En komparativ studie med Common Law

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

I don´t know, I just like it : En studie av ett antagningsarbete på en konsthögskola

This thesis examines how a jury on an artistic education adopts next year's students to a BA program at an art school. My intention is to explore how we established artists who are involved in education as professors, teachers (or students) in art education affects who will be released to the exclusive educational path as an art school represents our work in the admissions jury. My ambition is to create an awareness of what it might mean for the reproduction of the artist..

Vårdpersonals inställning till att ge amningsstöd

SammanfattningDen blivande mamman möter många olika enheter i vårdkedjan och var och en av dessa enheter spelar stor roll för amningen. All vårdpersonal som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med amning ska ha kunskap om WHO:s "Tio steg till lyckad amning" och arbeta efter denna amningsstrategi för att skapa gynnsamma förutsättningar för att kunna hjälpa, stödja och uppmuntra mamman vid amningen.Syfte: Att undersöka vårdpersonals inställning till amningsstödet de ger.Design/Metod: För att genomföra studien valdes en kvantitativ, deskriptiv och jämförande design som genomfördes i form av en tvärsnittsstudie. Mätningen utfördes med hjälp av webbenkäter innehållande frågor med fokus på inställningar till det amningsstöd man ger. De faktorer som mättes varfaciliterande, engagerande, följsam och amningsvänlig. Sammanlagt var det 81 personal som svarade på enkäten.Resultat: Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan de respondenter som genomgått extra amningsutbildning utöver sin yrkesutbildning och de som inte hade gjort det.

Vad påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar? : -en empirisk studie

Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka förklara vad det är som påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar. För att undersöka vad det är som påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar, har en Zero inflated negative binomial-modell (ZINB-modell) tagits fram. Resultaten visar att det som avgör hur länge en mamma kommer att amma är: Graviditetens längd, mammans ålder, mammans rökvanor under graviditetens sista månader, mammans rökvanor samt mammans nationella ursprung..

Att främja amning vid amningsproblematik : BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vägleda mammor

Syfte: Att beskriva BVC-sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av att vägleda mammor med upplevd amningsproblematik för att främja amning. Bakgrund: Bröstmjölk rekommenderas för spädbarn som enda föda upp till sex månaders ålder. Globalt sett syns en nedåtgående trend gällande amning. Det är av stor vikt att skapa en medvetenhet om amningens fördelar för att främja amningsfrekvensen. Studier visar att kvinnor med amningsrelaterade problem som inte fått stöd av vårdpersonal slutade amma i större utsträckning än de som fått amningsvägledning.

Metallhantverket i Uppåkra ? en studie av ett hantverksrelaterat material

The aim for this essay is to identify and distinguish the metal casting of Uppåkra during late Iron Age by examine related material that primarily consist of finds made with a metal detector. I intend to, by analysing maps, concentrations in the detector material and probable constructions within the settlement, find patterns that can indicate a metal casting activity. The results of the essay show that a number of concentrations can be seen and that they both indicate metalworking activities and to some degree a structural specialization in the settlement. The exclusive artefacts also indicate that Uppåkra was a settlement with over-regional functions when it comes to traditions dealing with metal casting..

Styrmekanismers funktion i relationsbyggande: En studie av ett relationsnätverk i verkstadsindustrin

The aim of this study has been to examine the role of control mechanisms when it comes to building relationships in a small business network. In order to reach this goal, we have performed a case study of a Swedish supplier of machines to the engineering industry, which acts as the exclusive representative of a foreign manufacturer on the Swedish market. Main results: A number of control mechanisms, both formal and informal, could be identified in the network. Their specific use, as well as relative importance differ between different actors in the network. In general, the importance of formal control mechanisms decreases as the relationship evolves over time and the importance of informal ones, mainly trust, increases in a corresponding manner..

Invadörer på svenska spelmarknaden-En statligt reglerad marknads ökade konkurrens från webbaserade företag

In Sweden we have a regulated gambling market which means that there are three gambling companies who are operating under the supervision of the Swedish state. These companies have exclusive rights to the Swedish market, divided between them. AB Svenska Spel is one of them and they control all gambling concerning sporting events and the four casinos in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Sundsvall. However, since a few years back several Internet-based companies have entered the Swedish market and the competition has become even fiercer in the last years. Due to numerous marketing restrictions the Internet companies have been forced to find new ways to strengthen their brand.

Att dras mot stadens ljusa lyktor - En undersökning om de kreativa näringarna i Göteborg

The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of cultural capital gives high status in the current field of ?the creative industry? ? a group which could be seen as a new power elite in Gothenburg ? and how people with the ?right? cultural capital is included in the field. The author is invited to several free events within this field, and is investigating the process of inclusion with an auto-ethnographic method. The study will show that the process of inclusion is working quite absolute in the field of the creative industry, and that the audiences are mainly homogenous: masculine, white, middle class, has a taste disposition of the ?eclectic omnivore?, has entrepreneurial knowledges and is an active social media agent.

Innovation på Itkonsultföretag. En fallstudie på EVRY

Companies today are exposed to a turbulent market with fierce competition and the ability toinnovate itself becomes increasingly important. But what innovation is and how it is managed is farfrom obvious. In this case study at EVRY the research questions are: ?What is innovation in ITconsultant companies?? and ?how can innovation be managed in IT consultant companies?? ITconsultancy is a complex type of business and their focus is often to innovate the customers businessrather than their own. The study is based on a literature review, field studies, unstructuredinterviews and an interpretive analysis.

Bibeln är vårt rättesnöre : Religion, företagsamhet och entreprenörskap bland Plymouthbröderna i Småland

The aim of this study is to examine the Christian community called Plymouth Brethren and how they interpret religion in relation to their entrepreneurship and business practices. The community has a strong faith in God, uses the Bible as the guiding principle in everyday life, and also has the ambition to live together within the group in seclusion from the rest of society.Based on interviews with Plymouth Brethren in the county of Småland, the study describes how they perceive the relationship between the Christian faith and entrepreneurship and practice religion in the context of their family business. As the study illustrates the Christian faith is significantly motivating their enterprises of business and the Bible is their guiding principle even when it comes to how they should run their businesses..

De som gillar musik gillar oss. Visuell identitet för bokningsbolaget Halleluja

The objective of this project was to develop the visual identityof Halleluja, a brand new booking agency representing approximatelytwenty minor artists within a wide range of contemporarymusic styles.The outcome has been applied to business cards and awebsite yet to be produced. To attract the audience and differentiateitself from other booking companies, Halleluja featuresa minimalist design that speaks of dedication, breadth ofgenres and exclusive taste. Although my sketches have beenapproved by Lars Olsson and Erik Sundfeldt, the co-foundersof Halleluja, I have had the privilege of working quite freely andstarting from scratch, since there was no earlier work done onthe company.Some of the issues I have faced during my process wasabout finding the right tone of voice in type and colour, ordealing with the semantics of the corporate name (meaning»praise the Lord«). I?ve also been struggling to come to termswith my own self-censorship and my slighly suspicious view onbranding..

Svenska konsumenters attityd till potatis : möjligheter för potatisbranschen

Until the sixties potatoes have had a unthreatened position at the Swedish dining tables, but then different alternatives such as rice and pasta have become popular. In 2005 the Swedish potato-consumption have more than hafted compared with the sixties, we have gone from circa 90 to 40 kilograms per person and year. This paper aims to provide those who are involved within the potatoe business with an overview of the attitude and behaviour towards potatoes that are being held by Swedish consumers. In order to reach to the conclusion, in- store interviews had been held with customers in the cities of Stockholm and Malmö. The interviews showed that the typical potato-consumer prefers to choose and in pick their own potatoes to a bag in the store in favour of the pre-packed alternatives. Based on the outcome of the interviews a number of conclusions could be drawn. The consumers were of the perception that the pre-packed alternatives were too big for their households.

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