

134 Uppsatser om Evolutionary biology - Sida 1 av 9

Kognitiv beteendeterapi vid morbid svartsjuka: med psykoedukativt tillägg baserat på evolutionspsykologisk teori

Morbid jealousy is a relatively common problem that often results in relational conflicts, frequently involving violence. Eventually many relationships break down as a consequence of these conflicts. Despite of this morbid jealousy is considered to be under-researched. As regards the treatment of morbid jealousy there is however some evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is a worthwhile treatment, and there is also a growing body of evidence that jealousy, normal as well as morbid, is an evolutionary adaptation. This study integrates an evolutionary psychological approach with cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of morbid jealousy.

Didaktiska implikationer i lärares samhällsuppdrag : Uppfattningar om demokrati och biologiskt ämnesstoff hos blivande lärare

In today?s school in Sweden the assignment of community encompasses mediated values and education of democracy as well of single subject matters. What does it mean then, that teachers have a certain kind of idea of democracy, and what implications may biology have for the assignment of community? In upper secondary school there are quite many courses in biology with a national curriculum, and findings show that students of teaching perceive or think of biology as helping to promote the dual-purpose of teaching. In this study, the author of the paper has interviewed four future teachers of upper secondary school with biology as one of their main subjects.

Kunskap i biologi hos invandrarelever : En undersökning på en grundskola i Västra Götaland

The main purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge in biology by immigrant pupils. My investigation is based on the pupil and I have focused on positive and negative factors that affect their performance in biology.The study is based on marks in year 2006/2007, a survey and interviews made with four immigrant pupils at a compulsory school in Västra Götaland.The study indicates that the result in biology of immigrant pupils is lower compared to Swedish.Difficulties in language, the commitments by their parents and their surroundings are the main factors that affect their results negative..

Hur elever läser - En jämförande studie av gymnasieelevers lässtrategier i biologi och engelska; How students read - A comparative study of high school students? reading strategies in Biology and English

The purpose of this study was to identify reading strategies used by high school students when reading textbooks and school-related material. Any differences in reading strategies between Biology and English were also of importance. A study sample of 62 students from three different high schools in Sweden participated in the study and were asked to fill out a survey questionnaire. Eight students from this sample were also interviewed. The findings of this study show that students use a number of different reading strategies of which metacognitive and sociocultural factors play a crucial part.

Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri : En textanalytisk studie av biologisk mångfald i läroböcker

Biological diversity is one out of four dimensions, characterizing the subject of Biology ac-cording to the school curriculum. As a concept, biological diversity had its break through at the UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where the convention about bio-logical diversity, named CBD, was signed. According to the convention, almost all the na-tions of the world have engaged themselves to preserve the national diversity of species, in-cluding the diversity of genetics and ecological systems.This thesis focuses the biological diversity from the perspective of school books. The aim is to find out how the biological diversity is presented in biology books for students aged 12-15 years.In 1994, the current Swedish secondary and high school curriculum called LPO-94 was pre-sented. The biology books used in this study were published between 1994 and 2007, all of them exist in many editions and are published by three different publishers.The conclusion of the study is that all the biology books that were examined have reached different levels of the development in the field of biological diversity..

Hur man fångar elevers intresse för ämnet biologi

From interviews with biology teachers and pupils, some important factors are presented that motivates and interests pupils in biology. Some of these are varied education, commitment of the teacher, narrative skill and individually reachable goals. Other important factors are practical application and connection to daily life, as well as actuality of the subject and pupils experience of the use of learning.Circumstance around teacher and pupils will influence which factors that has the most impact. It´s up to each teacher to make a decision which factors to be used based on his or her own qualities and depending on the group they will teach.Teachers and pupils agreed about factors that will cause an interesting lesson. The pupils emphasize that variation is the most important factor.

Gymnasiereformen 2007 : En studie om förändringarna inom biologiundervisningen och hur en öppen process bemöts av aktörer i skolans vardag

Next year, Swedish upper secondary school will be the arena for a new comprehensive reform according to an extensive government bill. The reform will probably have major impact on every-day educational practices. The aim of this paper is to describe the consequences forbiology teaching when the reform is implemented, and to analyse in what way the biology teachers, and other participants, take part in digitised discussion forums during the implementation of the reform.The research design consists of a quantitative approach and two different methods are used, i.e. descriptive content analysis and quantitative content analysis. The content and meaning of the government bill is analysed and the statements from the participants at the discussion forums are equally important in order to fulfil the aim of this inquiry.The results show the reform will have a profound impact on the subject biology, e.g.

Våld i film : En evolutionärbiologisk förklaring till vår fascination

Denna uppsatsen undersöker varför våld i film är så utbrett och populärt. Jag använder mig av ett evolutionärbiologiskt perspektiv, som tidigare inte använts vid filmforskning i så stor utsträckning. Istället har filmforskning och andra studier på människans beteende oftast utgått ifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen är av typen ?forskningsöversikt? vilket innebär att jag inte har gjort någon klassisk analys på ett filmiskt verk eller empiriskt material, utan har sammanställt en stor mängd forskning från andra forskare.

DIDAKTISKA PERSPEKTIV P? EN BILDUNG-ORIENTERAD BIOLOGIUNDERVISNING -en analys utifr?n tysk bildningstradition med exempel fr?n biologil?rares praktik p? folkh?gskola

Aim: The aim of the study is to show how a Bildung-oriented biology teaching could be designed, along with providing classroom examples of such teaching. In this study, the term Bildung, is defined based on the German Didaktik tradition as competences for self-determination, constructive participation in society, and solidarity. Theory: The study is based om Englund?s thoughts of teaching as didactic choices that express different views of meaning, socialisation, method, and context. This is referred to as companion meanings. Additionally, the theoretical framework is influenced by Gadamer?s thoughts on understanding through dialogue and Klafki?s didactic analysis of educational content for Bildung-orientated approaches. Method: The empirical qualitative study is based on ten semi-structured interviews of biology teachers at Swedish Folkh?gskola.

Hållbart skogsbruk och naturvård ? ett skogsägarperspektiv

The Swedish government has set up 16 environmental goals for Sweden to achieve. One ofthem is ?Living forests?, which is the foundation for the ?National strategy for the formalprotection of forests?. The ?National strategy? puts the private forest owner at the centre ofattention in order to achieve the environmental goal ?Living forests?.

Darwin eller design : - en studie om förhållandet mellan religion och vetenskap för läroböcker i anknytning till Lgy 11 för gymnasieskolan.

In the curriculum from 2011 for Religion in Swedish Upper Secondary School, a new content has been added regarding the relationship between religion and science. The pupils are supposed to acquire a view of how the understanding of religion and science can express questions concerning creationism and evolution. The purpose of this study is to identify how this relation between religion and science is represented in textbooks for the subjects of Religion and Biology and how pupils are encouraged to reflect on and discuss this relationship. The method of this essay consists of a qualitative content analysis of textbooks from both Religion and Biology. The result of this study showed an overall multifaceted picture of the relation between religion and science..

Vem är jag? : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapande hos "synligt" adopterade

From an Evolutionary psychology point of view focusing on Attachment theory will this essay describe how adopted adults think about their roots. To find an answer to this purpose a several miner questions has been asked: Are their any earlier research according to Evolutionary psychology about internationally adopted? Is it possible to understand the creation of the identity in relation to the Attachment theory? In what way do the adoptees think that their youth has effected their situation of life? And finally, is there any specific time when the adoptees have had even more thoughts about their roots?We have tried to find the answer on these questions through a qualitative study. Questions have been asked to eight internationally adopted adults, in age between 24-33 years.The result from the study makes it even that adopted individuals thoughts about their roots get incensed in some specific periods in life. One period is adolescence, another is parenthood.

Lokala skillnader i konsumtion av påväxtalger och terrestra löv hos en differentierad population av Asellus aquaticus

That ecological and evolutionary processes can take place on the same time scale is a recent insight. Today we also know that they are directly linked to each other. In the lake Tåkern, in year 2000, there was a structural change when phytoplankton declined and submerged vegetation, mainly stoneworts began to spread. This led to evolutionary changes in the aquatic sowbug, Asellus aquaticus which had previously been limited to the reed, most likely feeding on detritus. But then, sowbugs could exploit the new habitat in stoneworts and a new food resource in terms of periphyton.

Ideologi, diskurs och miljöetik : - om ideologiska konstruktioner, pedagogiska publikationer och ekologiska komplikationer

The purpose of this investigation is to examine the extent to which Swedish compulsory school tends to rely upon, and to further reinforce, ideologies that from a theoretical platform of deep ecology can be identified as ?ecologically unsustainable conceptions of reality?. Mainly, this will purport to an examination of the (explicit as well as implicit) prevalence of anthropocenthrism, individualism, ethnocenthrism and rationalism in a) the Swedish National Curriculum; and in b) biology text books. Methodologically, the study makes use of Fairclough´s approach to, and method for, critical discourse analysis (CDA). The main results are that the National Curriculum indeed expresses a high level of individualism, as well as (although to a lesser extent) traces of rationalism and ethnocenthrism.

Sol, jord och vatten. : Barns tankar om den ekologiska processen

Studies show that the interest and knowledge about science among teenagers is decreasing. They also reveal the difficulties to explain the ecological processes and that the ideas about the nature are collected from everyday life and early school years.The intention of this investigation was to find out more about children?s ideas and knowledge about the ecological processes and to compare these results with the curriculum.The method was a questionnaire and interviews with children in school year 1 ? 6. The aim of the studies was also to find out if any progress connected to age could be found, concerning understanding of the ecological processes.The results showed difficulties in achieving the predestined goals for biology and chemistry concerning ecology cycles and they differed a lot between the children. Often the learning process showed very little progress.

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