

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 8 av 42

TV-rättigheter inom svensk idrott : En studie av det rättsliga läget rörande ägande av och skydd för TV-rättigheter inom svensk idrott

AimThe aim of this study is to investigate who can be considered to be the owner of the broadcasting rights on sport events in Sweden. Furthermore our aim is to investigate how the owners can protect their rights.The reason why we are interested in this subject is that there is no legislation in this field. There is no legislation on who the owner is and there are no arena rights that protect the broadcasting rights. We have studied case law and legislation in other countries and tried to apply it to Swedish conditions. We have posed the following questions:Who owns the broadcasting rights on sport events in Sweden?What legal protection does the owners of the broadcasting rights have for their rights?MethodThe study is based on literature studies and interviews.

Institutionella demokratihändelser i förskoan : En studie om barns möjliheter till individualistiska demoratihändelser

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka institutionella demokratihändelser i förskolan utifrån följande frågeställningar. Vilka möjligheter ger förskolan som institution barn till individualistiska demokratihändelser? Hur kan förskollärare möjliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser för barnen i förskolan? Hur kan förskollärare synliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan? För att möjliggöra ett undersökande av institutionella demokratihändelser i förskolan och för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar på bästa sätt har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som metod. Fyra förskollärare från en förskola i en mellanstor svensk kommun har deltagit i intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att förskolan som institution ger barn goda möjligheter till individualistiska demokratihändelser under vissa förutsättningar. Vidare visar resultatet att förskollärare kan möjliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan genom att aktivt arbeta för en tillgänglig och tillåtande miljö med trygga barn. Resultatet för studiens sista frågeställning visar att ett synliggörande av individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan kan ske genom förskolans utvärderingar och dokumentationsarbete..

Identifiering av saneringmetoder med översiktlig bakgrunds- information - En studie av förorenad industrimark på fastigheten Elektro 6 i Gullspång kommun

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Nyheter i förändning : En explorativ studie av nyhetsartikeln på nät och papper i svensk dagspress

Title: The transformation of news - an exploratory study of digital and analog news in the Swedish daily press.Author: Annika Arnell and Sofia AmanuelTutor: Lowe HedmanPurpose: This explorative thesis attempts to study if new ways of news production and distribution created by recent digitalization processes and technical development has different impacts and effects when the same news events is published in the same daily newspaper in a digital as compared to an analog platform.Method/Material: The method used is an explorative qualitative content analysis. The articles are divided into three levels: main news, middle-sized news and notes. The material consists of 40 news articles from two Swedish daily newspapers, with a divide of 20 news articles per newspaper.Main results: This study demonstrates that there are differences in how a news article is formed in a digital as compared to an analog platform. The differences show that main news events are presented in the exact same way on both platforms. The smaller notes show vast differences in all categories and are often fuller on the digital platform, leaving information such as context and previous events out in the printed newspaper.

Berättelser inifrån : En jämförande undersökning av vittnesutsagor om massakrer från två städer i sydöstra Turkiet 1915-1919.

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare narrations by five witnesses, who has written about atrocities against Christians from 1915 to 1919 in what is today south-eastern Turkey, but what was then the Ottoman Empire. I have focused on how the roles of perpetrators, victims, spectators and protectors are featured in the witness narrations. Four questions were posed in the study: Who are portrayed as perpetrators, victims, bystanders and protectors in the various witness narrations? How are these roles expressed in the witness narrations? What differences can be found among the five selected witness narrations from Mardin and Urfa, 1915-1919? What are the explanations of the differences in the witness narrations? The method I have used has been an analysis in which I compare how the different narrations capture the events of 1915-1919. I have used three factors to look at the explanations why there may be differences in the witness narrations.

Typ av demens relaterad till övriga sjukdomar och tidigare genomgången anestesi/kirurgi : En retrospektiv pilotstudie

This retrospective study reviews and investigates type of dementia, related to co morbidity, symptoms of dementia, previus anaesthesia/surgery, intraoperative events and postoperative cognitive symptoms. The patient co morbidity was compared to occurrence in an age-matched population of 1095 individuals. Fifty-two patients with different types of dementia participated. Data was collected from patient journals.Compared to population, heredity for dementia, heart insufficiency, hypertension, depression and B12- deficiency was more frequent in the patients. B12- deficiency was common in vascular dementias and "burn-out syndrome" in early-onset AD.

Voltage Sags Indices and Statistics

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Marcela Montgat och verkligheten

What is it that I do in my artistic work? And above all, what is it that I meet in the making? I become aware of a strong link between reality and art, for example, when I tell a fictional story on stage or compose, mirror, a human destiny in music. My compositions are, together with events before, during and after they've began to exist, an experience where I move between - sometimes I have chosen to express it - different dimensions of reality..

Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning - en faktor för patientsäkerhet : En litteraturstudie.

Background: Every year, more than 1000 cases of adverse events are reported in the Swedish health care system. These adverse events cost approximately 240 million Swedish kronor each year. By explaining the factors that cause nurses to make mistakes when they have too great a workload, it is hoped the awareness of health care staff will increase. Aim: To perform a literature review which describes factors that can endanger patient safety when nurses experience too great a workload. Method: A systematic literature review encompassing both quantitative and qualitative material.

Ledarskap i organisationsförändring.

This study investigates the use of the social network Facebook among 67 Swedish libraries; 27 academic libraries and 40 public libraries. Data is collected through an analysis of the libraries? Facebook pages and through an email survey. To analyze the data, a series of statistical analyses were performed.The results indicate that the public libraries more actively posted Facebook updates than the academic libraries and that the libraries that had a policy for use of Facebook/social media more actively posted updates than those libraries that did not have such policy. The libraries use Facebook mainly to post links and photos and to announce events, provide book recommendations, and to emphasize special occasions.

Många bäckar små... : En studie i hur event marknadsföringens komponenter påverkar effekten och upplevelsen av ett event

Då företag idag är utsatta för ständig konkurrens gäller att dessa utformar sin marknadsföring för att passa de preferenser som dess målgrupp innehar och för att tränga igenom det brus dagens mediala samhälle kännetecknas av.Event marknadsföring har de senaste årtiondena uppmärksammats, dock är forskningen inom ämnet relativt ny och således har olika marknadsföringsteorier inte tidigare applicerats på events för att förstå dess genomslagskraft och effekt.Detta resonemang har lett oss till vår problemformulering:  Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan företagets och kundernas uppfattning av event marknadsföring?Studiens huvudsyfte är att kartlägga de faktorer som avgör ett events verkan på samtliga deltagare. Inom ramen för detta avser vi identifiera och beskriva de marknadsförings- och kommunikationsteorier som finnes lämpliga för att slutligen kunna ge våra synpunkter till företag som kan leda till en mer effektiv event marknadsföring.Studien är baserad på en deduktiv ansats, där vi testat befintliga teorier mot vekligheten samt hur dessa kan tillämpas på event marknadsföring. Dessa teorier har vi integrerat med varandra för att ytterligare förstå eventets komponenter på ett sätt som vi tidigare inte sett inom forskningen.Den datainsamling som skett under studiens gång är baserad på en kvantitativ metod. En enkätundersökning har gjorts på besökare av events för att skapa bredd i studien.

Taiwanesisk identitet under konstruktion? : - En kvalitativ textanalys av den taiwanesiska identitetens uppkomst med utgångspunkt i konstruktivismen

Taiwan has over the past thirty years experienced a substantial political transformation. Being ruled by Chinese nationalists since World War II, Taiwan started its democratic transition in the late eighties. The new democratic system did not only provide people with freedom to vote, it also marked the beginning of a search for a new national identity. Based on the international theory of constructivism, this paper defines and studies the Taiwanese people?s progression away from a dominant Chinese national identity towards a uniquely defined Taiwanese identity.

Hur skildras judar och judendom? En textanalys av svenska medier

In my study, I aim to examine how the printed Swedish media depicts Jews and Judaism.How the agenda is for the depiction of Jews and Judaism and how it can be related todidactic challenges within the school subject religion. The study is based on 194 articlesfrom the Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, in July and August 2014. I use a qualitative and a quantitative text analysis where I put articles in different categories. The study?s theoretical framework is The Agenda-Setting Theory and my study leans against Bachner (2006), von Brömssen (2012) and Revell's (2010) thoughts on the media having great influence over our image of religion and religious groups.My study shows, among other things, that Jews and Judaism are mainly mentioned in the media in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, World War II or anti-Semitism.

Preaching to the choir? A Comparison of Fiscal Forecasts by Governments, Fiscal Policy Councils and the European Commission in the European Semester Framework

The high debt levels experienced in European Countries have lead to academic interest in the deficit bias -the tendency for governments to run budget deficits and accumulate debt. In part one of this thesis a surveyof the economic literature on the origins and solutions to the deficit bias are conducted. The proposedinstitutional solution to the deficit bias in the form of Fiscal Policy Councils (FPC) are outlined and existingEuropean FPCs presented. Based on the works of Calmfors and Wren-Lewis (2011) the EuropeanCommission (EC) is defined as an FPC. Based on this survey, two hypothesis are formulated: (1) theforecasts of future macro-economic events and fiscal performance will differ between the national FPCs andthe national government.

Biblioteket på Facebook. En studie av hur akademiska bibliotek och folkbibliotek i Sverige använder sig av Facebook.

This study investigates the use of the social network Facebook among 67 Swedish libraries; 27 academic libraries and 40 public libraries. Data is collected through an analysis of the libraries? Facebook pages and through an email survey. To analyze the data, a series of statistical analyses were performed.The results indicate that the public libraries more actively posted Facebook updates than the academic libraries and that the libraries that had a policy for use of Facebook/social media more actively posted updates than those libraries that did not have such policy. The libraries use Facebook mainly to post links and photos and to announce events, provide book recommendations, and to emphasize special occasions.

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