

615 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 4 av 41

Skandia och bonusdebatten: En studie av medias porträttering av Skandia-affärerna och dess påverkan på bonusdebatten

The purpose of this paper is to perform an in-depth analysis on how the events that took place in Skandia AB during the end of the 1990s have been portrayed in media, and how this has affected the general debate concerning bonuses and incentive plans. The paper studies relevant newspaper articles published in Sweden?s largest business newspaper, Dagens Industri (DI), over a period ranging from 2002 to 2008. The major findings of this paper include that bonuses are widely used as incentives in Swedish companies and that the issue of bonuses as an incentive form has lead to a prevalent debate. Furthermore, the questionable events that took place in Skandia AB during the end of 1990s have affected the general debate concerning bonuses.

Brian Wilson presents Smile! : En studie av omständigheterna kring Smileskivans nedläggning

Calle Strand: Brian Wilson presents Smile! ? a study of the circumstances surrounding theabandonment of Smile - Uppsala University, Department of Musicology, C-essay.This essay is about the course of events that led to the abandonment of the Beach Boys albumSmile in 1967. The purpose of the essay is to differentiate the medial assumption of why Smilewas never released and also investigate to what extent media have influenced this assumption.The medial assumption is compared to actual events of the time of the abandonment andthe difference is then being discussed in a media-theoretical perspective.The theoretical framework is based on theories by Denis McQuail. His ideas aboutmedia's influences on the reception of its audience are of great importance for the essay andthe notions of agenga-setting and framing has a central role.Finally the conclusion is drawn that the medial assumption is a simplified and distortedexplanation to why Smile was never released. The actual events discover several alternativereasons, but media choose to focus on the assumption that gain them the most (they set theagenda and frame the information to their advantage) and present it as the only reason to theabandonment of Smile..

Minnen i marknadsföring: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

Memories in Marketing: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

Att skapa en attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig region-spelar evenemang någon roll? : En studie kring Björneborg Jazzmusikfestival, i regionen Satakunta, Finland

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera om det finns en medvetenhet om regional identitet och image inom regionen Satakunta, samt om åsikterna om utformningen av den regionala identiteten och imagen är konkretiserade, eller inte. Utifrån en studie av Jazzmusikfestivalen i Björneborg undersöks detta. I och med det diskuterar författaren huruvida evenemang har en roll i skapandet av en attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig region. Syftet är också att undersöka om det finns samarbeten i regionen för att göra den attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig. För att få svar på syftet har författaren använt sig av primärdata i form av intervjuer med representanter från Björneborgs stad, Björneborg turistbyrå, Landskapsförbundet, Satakunta Tourist och Björneborg Jazzmusikfestival.

Strävan efter det legitima polisväsendet : En jämförande studie mellan tre postkonfliktländer

Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.

Media Events in her majesty's service : om nationella identiteter i olympiska spelens invigningsceremonier

De olympiska spelens invigningsceremonier är till brädden fyllda med symboler, tecken och myter som alla syftar till att konstruera nationella identiteter och -narrativ. Ofta hämtas dessa symboler och tecken ur populärkulturen. Jag har semiotiskt försökt analysera dessa tecken för att se på vilka sätt värdländernas nationella identiteter porträtteras. Jag har också valt att analysera detta utifrån teorier om media events som tv-genre. De sekvenser jag har valt att studera har visat på att nationens narrativ i stor utsträckning konstrueras för att gagna socialt dominerande grupper och befästa maktpositioner..

Har ni tänkt på det här med värdet av underhållning?: En kvalitativ studie av företags investeringar i ståuppkomik

The use of entertainment in various kinds of business events has recently increased in popularity among Swedish firms. Often, stand-up comedians are hired to entertain the employees or customers during these happenings. Generally, the firm invests a considerable amount of money in this service and is furthermore willing to pay a premium for a famous comedian. Although the market for this type of service is fairly large, the knowledge of the motives behind the investments is yet limited.A grounded theory study is carried out exploring the purpose of the entertainment as well as the rationales behind the preference for a famous comedian over an unknown. Two general types of contexts (internal and external) are identified and a number of objectives related to each type are distinguished.

Elevers förståelse av fotosyntesen och dess koppling till andra organismer

The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.

Kravspecifikation för upphandling av medicintekniska produkter

AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirbarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .

City branding i med- och motgång : - En fallstudie av Örebro stads varumärke

Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.

Det digitala eventet : Digitala medier, interaktivitet och identitet i eventsammanhang

Utvecklingen inom digitala medier har gått väldigt fort under de sista åren vilket i sin tur har lett till att användningsområden för digitala medier även har ökat. Ett av dessa användningsområden har varit inom event-industrin där ökandet av digitala medier märks väldigt tydligt.Denna studie ska undersöka om det kan vara så att event-industrin gynnas av digitala medier och kan sammanfattas med en huvudfråga samt en viktig underfråga:? Hur använder event-industrin sig av digitala medier?o Ökar interaktiviteten då digitala medier används?Jag har intervjuat två personer, Magnus Milefors från BSP Marketing och Ulf Lesley från Unify för att ta reda på hur de använder sig av digitala medier i sina events. Med hjälp av min undersökning kring digitala mediers utveckling och användningsområden har jag kommit fram till att det idag finns större möjlighet att göra mer attraktiva events med hjälp av digitala medier. Då det gäller interaktiviteten på events är både Milefors och Lesley överens om att det är en av de viktigaste sakerna att uppnå.

Varumärkeskommunikation : En analys av Borkas och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS

AbstractTitle: Brand communication ? An analyze of Borka and BayIcons communicative labor in relations with WJOS. (Varumärkeskommunikation ? En analys av Borka och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS)Number of pages: 53 (55 including enclosures)Author: Johan LarssonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communications Studies CPeriod: Second term / autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: The purpose of this essay is to study how two small Swedish clothing companies, Borka and BayIcon, manage their brand communication. Brand communication includes work with target groups, brands, media and finally communication in a bigger perspective.

Trendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken

AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirbarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .

Korttidsregleringsmönster i Ångermanälvens avrinningsområde : Har elmarknadens avreglering påverkat regleringsintensiteten?

The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.

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