

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 35 av 42

Entreprenöriell marknadsföring : Hur marknadsför sig små modebutiker i Stockholm?

Marknadsföring kan te sig på flera olika vis, beroende på metod eller tillvägagångssätt. De olika marknadsföringsmetoderna har olika genomslagskraft, oberoende om de är konventionella eller okonventionella. Marknadsföringen har under en längre tid dominerats av ett traditionellt synsätt, marknadsmixen och de 4P:na. Detta synsätt har kommit att bli kritiserat och många aktiva inom fältet har hävdat att ett paradigmskifte har skett. Marknadsföringen har utvecklats till att inrikta sig mot relationsbyggande och andra alternativa metoder.

Med fokus på körsång i musikundervisning : En studie av musiklärares interaktion med kör i musikklass

In musikklasser (a special musical training which focus on choral singing is offered in the Swedish compulsory school from the age of ten until the age of sixteen) teachers are working in a tradition where conventions relating to singing with children have developed in accordance with the Swedish choral tradition. In these classes, students are trained in large groups, usually around 30 students in one class. Furthermore, one teacher and 60 students is also frequent in schools with two or more parallell grades. In a large choir group, students develop their skill in choral singing, which includes the development of general musical knowledge as well as the development of the individual singing voice of each student in order for the choir to be able to interpret and perform music with a communal musical expression. Thus, the complexity in this teaching and learning setting places high demands on the choir teachers? ability to use appropriate teaching and learning strategies in order to develop the specific musical skill required in a choir.In this study, two choral teachers´ interaction with their choir class were investigated.

Folkligt deltagande & regional utveckling

The residential yard at Kvarteret Landsfiskalen 1, in the area Herrgården in Rosengård, Malmö was built in 1971 and has since then been reconstructed twice, in 1984 and 2008. The yard is found in an area which was built during the years 1965 ? 1974, a period in which the swedish goverment approved a decision to build one million homes, and much of the events in this particular yard is also typical for the process in many other areas built during the same period.At the original construction the design of the yard was entirely incused by the pressure in time and finance, one was under at that time, in order to over- come the housing shortage. The design it has nevertheless been given, reflects the esthetic ideals of that time well.The building of the area was barely finished when the swedish authori- ties started handing out grants in order to support the rearmament of the outdoor environment in the areas built during the so called ?million program?.

Kära dagbok. Hur går det till när man tar guld? : Innehållsanalys av Spendrups reklamkampanj

This is a case study of the advertising campaign ?Guld till alla? (Gold to Everyone) embarked upon by Spendrups Bryggeri AB in a bid to promote Norrlands Guld, during the period 2004. The approach used by Spendrups will be compared with theories about communication planning, communication strategies, target group definition and how to create effective advertising. The main purpose of the comparison is to find which central elements that made the campaign successful. The method we have chosen to use is an explanative content analysis with influences from the dialogue analyse.?Guld till alla? was suppose to be an massive and coherent campaign which was to be integrated with large sports events, such as the Ice Hockey World Championship, UEFA European Championship and the Summer Olympic Games, that all took place the year 2004.

Automation i Distributionsnät

As a part of Göteborg Energi?s work towards a smarter electric grid, the company has chosen to investigate the possibilities of automation in their middle voltage grid. In Europe, there are example cases where these technologies already are installed which many articles on the CIRED conference 2011 proved. Netcontrol Oy in Finland has, together with Tekla, created an automated SCADA system that Vattenfall in Finland today uses. The grid mainly consists of 10 kV open loop fed city grid and this automation is mainly designed for this type of grid.

"Heja Sverige! Heia Norge!" : En kritisk diskursanalys av nationalism inom svensk och norsk sportjournalistik med fokus på bevakningen av Skid-VM i Falun 2015

The purpose of this essay, entitled ?Heja Sverige! Heia Norge?, was to study the difference in nationalistic tendencies between Swedish and Norwegian news coverage of the 2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Falun, Sweden, which took place between 18 February and 1 March 2015. It was the fourth time the event took place in Falun, previous games having been held in 1954, 1974 and 1993.I performed a critical discourse analysis of a total of twelve articles split over two race days ? one where Swedish athletes outperformed Norwegian athletes and vice versa. I did this order to study if the news coverage in each of the two countries? most promininent sports papers; Sportbladet in Sweden and VG Sport in Norway, was charaterized by a nationalistic discourse, as well as comparing the two to find similarities and differences between them.Having based my analysis on theories and previous research regarding media events, nationalism, national identities, ?us and them?, imagined communities et cetera, I came to the conclusion that a nationalistic discourse is, without a doubt, present in the news coverage ? something very unique for sports journalism as a genre.

Om du lyssnar på mig kanske jag lär mig något! : En essä om relationers betydelse för barnets lärande på förskolan

The purpose of this essay is to explore how educators are supposed to prioritize their work at the preschool so that all children are listened to and the conditions necessary for kids to dare to express their feelings and thoughts are in place. How is the relationship important for the child's learning? How do I become a committed educator who knows how to interpret and prioritize my work so it benefits children's learning? I am developing these questions in two parts in my following text. Firstly I am writing about why it is important that we who work as pedagogues meet the child on the child?s own terms.

Undvikbara läkemedelsavvikelser rapporterade inom Synergi i Landstinget i Östergötland under 2011

Bakgrund: Läkemedel är den vanligaste behandlingsformen inom sjukvården och samtidigt det är det bästa och mest effektiva alternativet, så är användningen av läkemedel förenat med risker och bieffekter. Dessa bieffekter är en av de ledande anledningarna till dödsfall i de flesta länder. Upp till 60 % av läkemedelsrelaterade problem skulle kunna undvikas. Det kan vara ett fel som kommer att skada, eller har potential att skada patienten, även kallad undvikbar läkemedelsavvikelse, som kan förekomma i läkemedelskedjan. I SVerige avlider 3150 personer per år av sådana skador.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva de undvikbara läkemedelsavvikelser som har rapporterats inom Synergi i Landstinget i Östergötland under 2011.Metod: Genomgång av landstinget avvikelserapporteringssystem Synergi med rapporter relaterade till läkemedel.

Estetiska vägar mot språket : En undersökande essä om estetiska lärprocessers påverkan på språkutveckling

My purpose with this essay is to examine the relationship between esthetic learning processes and language development to find good practices in my work with multilingual children. In my report, I describe a few activities from my work as a preschool pedagogue in a multicultural area, with a large group of children where age and knowledge of Swedish varies. The background to this essay is the problems I experienced in my work with children´s language development in an organization that, in my opinion, is limited by economic factors. The questions I poses are about the way esthetic learning processes can help children develop their language skills as well as their participation in preschool activities. I also pose the question whether there is a connection between the musical ear and children´s development of language.

Kustnära ekosystem som skydd mot naturkatastrofer : en litteraturstudie från ett riskhanteringsperspektiv

Research suggests that society's vulnerability to natural disasters along coasts could increase as a result of climate change, which is likely to lead to elevated sea levels and possibly an increase in the occurance of meteorological phenomena such as storms and tropical cyclones. Following the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, both of which received considerable media attention, empirical data has indicated that coastal vegetation might be able to protect and reduce damages to coastal communities during tsunami events and tropical cyclones.The aim of the essay has been to study the function of coastal ecosystems as protection against tsunami waves and storms from a risk management perspective, meaning that I have, through an overview of scientific articles, compiled current research on how coastal ecosystems can attenuate storm surges and tsunami waves, and analysed how this knowledge can be put into practice in coastal communities from a risk management perspective, i.e. if coastal ecosystems are a viable risk reduction measure, are practically applicable, and if so, how they could be applied.There is empirical evidence suggesting that coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, can reduce the strength of a tsunami wave, but full scientific consensus on this issue has not yet been reached. With regard to protection against storm surges, there is extensive scientific evidence that coastal vegetation can mitigate damages and reduce the height of a storm surge, although the wave has to traverse several kilometres inland through thick vegetation for the protection to be effective. A synthesis in the form of a figure regarding the many physical factors that influence wave development through coastal ecosystems has been created in an attempt to simplify and explain the phenomenon.The conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems can be justified from a risk management perspective, but planting new forest belts for the purpose of disaster mitigation is quite unrealistic and can rarely be sustainable, since, for protection to be effective, the forest belt must extend several kilometres inland from the coast, and would thus likely prove difficult to implement along coastal societies..

Evenemang för en ökad attraktionskraft : En studie om Malmö stad, Eurovision Song Contest 2013 & Handbolls-VM 2011

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Malmö stad använder sig av evenemang för en ökad attraktionskraft.  Studiens syfte och frågeställningar har besvarats genom intervjuer med Malmö stad, Malmö Turistbyrå, Tourism in Skåne och Event in Skåne. Insamlingen av empiri har utförts genom kvalitativa telefonintervjuer samt en kvalitativ mailintervju, alla dessa baserades på ett icke-sannolikhetsurval gällande urvalet av respondenter. Samtliga intervjuer har haft öppna frågor och varit semistrukturerade. Intervjufrågorna har utformats utifrån studiens frågeställningar och har anpassats efter respektive respondent.

Simulering av översvämningar i Nedre Dalälven

Mosquitoes are found in extremely large numbers in the lower parts of the River Dalälven. In the year 2000 the mosquito nuisance was especially high, resulting in foundation of the Biological mosquito control project. Since 2001 mosquito larvae are controlled by using a biological pesticide BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis ssp israelensis). The mosquito fauna in the area is dominated by flood water mosquitoes, a group of mosquitoes that are very aggressive and form new generations of mosquitoes during every single flooding event during the summer. To be able to efficiently control the mosquitoes it is essential to know the extension and locality of the flooding.

Wireless Fidelity - A Scenario Analysis

AbstractTitle: Wireless Fidelity ? A Scenario Analysis Authors: Mellberg Ola, Technology Management, Lund UniversityMårtensson Jens, Technology Management, Lund University Tutors: Andersson Jens A, Faculty of Engineering LTHKarlberg Johan, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication ABSvensson Claes, Lund University Discussion: The most significant impacts on the telecom industry over the past decades have been the rapid growth of the Internet and mobile telephone services. Currently these two worlds are converging. Moreover, the fast expansion of wireless high capacity Internet access, increased distribution of local/public hotspots and rapid development of wireless network cards have opened new opportunities for the mobile telecom industry. Research Questions:To what extent could the explosion of local and public wireless networks, using WiFi technology, affect the future telecom industry? Who will ultimately master the WiFi innovation and to what degree could this innovation open new possibilities for external players to enter the mobile voice industry? Purpose: The purpose of the Master Thesis is to provide Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication AB with the most transformational scenarios, which will enable employees to recognise patterns and interpret the meaning of WiFi-related events as they unfold.

Religionsfriheten i Sverige 1809 ? 1951 : Från samvetsfri kristen tro till fritt val av religiös tillhörighet i svensk lagstiftning

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisning : kostnad & nytta

Sustainability reports have during the last decade had a strong development. Both in terms of establishing a sustainability assurance, in its form, and get it assured together with standards, principles and regulations which organisations and accountants have utilized. The growth of sustainability reports and the choice of getting them assured have in particular favoured the accounting business. Due to this result, some critics have voiced that assuring a sustainability report gain accounting firms more than it gains the actual organisation. Other say that it is necessary in order to increase the credibility and the eligibility of the report, while it also has become a requirement from stakeholders.

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