

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 14 av 42

Spöken till salu : En fänglande studie om kommersialiseringen av död och lidande

The aim of this study is to obtain a better understanding of what factors affect the motivation for visiting Dark Tourism sites and the way that these sites are regarded. By providing such an insight this study contributes to a greater understanding of Dark Tourism.  In order to find answers to our questions, we interviewed several representatives at different sites and also carried out observations at three Dark Tourism attractions to reach a better understanding of the visors? motivations for visiting this kind of tourist attractions. In our study we have concluded that people have become increasingly interested in visiting such Dark Tourism sites even though these may seem scary or uncomfortable. Our research has helped us to find answers to the questions that we asked and we have concluded that people have become more curious and want to know more about terrible events and why they took place..

Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på Rookiefestivalen

This degree project includes both a theoretic component and a practical component within the graphicprofiling domain. Literature on graphic design has been studied for the theoretical part and the achievedknowledge has been used for the practical part. The project has been to produce graphic materialfor ?Rookiefestivalen? in Hultsfred.In modern society it is important for a corporation to distinguish itself from others by using a graphicprofile. Through using a graphic profile the company can have an affect on how it is perceived byothers.

Gravar i Alsike hage : Analys av fyndkontexter och gravkonstruktioner tillhörande gravfältet RAÄ 26 i Alsike socken, Uppland

This essay deals with the results and observations made during excavations in an iron age cemetery in Alsike hage, located in Alsike parish. The excavations took place in 2005 and 2006 and the investigated area comprised two adjacent, but secluded burial-constructions; a square stone setting with a secondary grave, and a stone-built terrace with at least one secondary grave. The artifacts suggests that the TPQ of the stone setting, and the construction date of the rest of the graves, is 900-950 A.D. The aim of this study was to comprehend the course of events in the investigated area, and toanalyse the archaeological finds - in comparison to the well documented an discussed material burial culture in the lake Mälar area ? in order to discuss indicators of gender and social status.Metal artefacts has been preserved as a part of the analysis..

Effekter av tidiga reflektioner vid musikreproduktion

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Fankultur på folkbibliotek ? ett redskap för delaktighet

The aim of this essay is to examine fan culture?s role in Swedish public libraries. I have interviewed, via email, six librarians who encounter and use fan culture in their daily work. The theoretical elements of my essay are based on a modified set of theories by Dorte Skot-Hansen that identifies six ideal types of cultural political rationalities. My study reveals that fan culture is used in Swedish libraries as a tool in increasing user participation in library activities.

Varumärkesutveckling inom Linköpings Hockey Club : Ur ett sponsorperspektiv

The main question in this thesis has been to see how the brand strategy of Linköpings Hockey Club has changed during the years in the Swedish elite league. We will also look at the content of the brand, as well as the association as the city of Linköping. This thesis will also see the sponsorship view of the development of the brand, because of the sponsorship power to help the association to build and strengthen the brand.We have been interviewing important persons at the association Linköpings Hockey Club and also done interviews with a few sponsorship partners to get important information to analyze.As an association it is of outmost importance to disseminate the association?s image in the right way, which Linköpings Hockey Club has according to their sponsorship partners. The association has during the last years been working hard to take care of and strengthen the brand, which can be seen among the sponsorship partners.

Att dras mot stadens ljusa lyktor - En undersökning om de kreativa näringarna i Göteborg

The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of cultural capital gives high status in the current field of ?the creative industry? ? a group which could be seen as a new power elite in Gothenburg ? and how people with the ?right? cultural capital is included in the field. The author is invited to several free events within this field, and is investigating the process of inclusion with an auto-ethnographic method. The study will show that the process of inclusion is working quite absolute in the field of the creative industry, and that the audiences are mainly homogenous: masculine, white, middle class, has a taste disposition of the ?eclectic omnivore?, has entrepreneurial knowledges and is an active social media agent.

Jag ser att du har ont : Validering från partner till patienter med kronisk smärtproblematik; Effekt på emotioner

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.

?Det är järnet i blodet som väger? : Elevers uppfattningar om materia en kvalitativ undersökning i årskurs 3

The purpose of this investigation was to find out more about students? spontaneous ideas about properties and transformations of matter. Examples of matter chosen are such which students know about from everyday life and focus is mainly on the questions if students know that all matter has weight and that matter is preserved in transformations.The method used is semi structured qualitative interviews with individual students. Different experiments were carried out together with the students who afterwards were interviewed. However, the students show varying answers and no generalizations can be done.

Försäkringsbedrägerier : En studie av sambandet mellan självrisk och oberättigade ersättningskrav

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.

Särskilt påfrestande händelser och krisstöd, en kartläggning av sjuksköterskors upplevelser inom akutsjukvård. : Particularly stressful events and crisis support, a survey of nurses experience in emergency care.

SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Akutsjukvården har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste decennierna vilket inneburit att kraven på sjuksköterskan höjts. Den kliniskt verksamma sjusköterskan inom akutsjukvård utsätts dagligen i sitt arbete för påfrestande händelser och stress. Vissa av dessa händelser kan upplevas som särskilt påfrestande och kan föranleda krisstöd i olika former. För att motverka stressrelaterade resttillstånd kan olika former av krisstöd nyttjas.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vad sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård upplever som en särskilt påfrestande händelse, hur ofta det förekommer och vilken typ av krisstöd som erbjöds. Studien undersökte även om omvårdandsarbetet påverkades samt arbetsledningens inställning till krisstöd och om sjuksköterskorna ansåg att det kunde förbättras.Metod: En kvantitativ enkät med kvalitativa inslag valdes som datainsamlingsmetod.         198 enkäter skickades ut till sjuksköterskor vid ambulansen och två akutmottagningar i ett län i Mellansverige.100 enkäter kom in, svarsfrekvensen blev 51 %.

Problemet religion : ? En innehållsanalys av läroböckers framställning av religion i ämnet samhällskunskap för gymnasieskolan

The aim of this essay was to investigate how religious topics and events are presented in five coursebooks in social studies. To do this the following questions were answered: In which context do discussions about religion take place? Are religions brought up in different contexts? To which extent do discussions about religion occur? The method consisted of a both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The results of this essay showed that discussion regarding religion in social studies coursebooks mainly focuses on wars, conflicts, terrorism and to some degree the human rights. Islam was the religion that occurred most frequently in the coursebooks.

System 348 - Rekombinator : Analys av reglerproblematik vid O2

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Kusliga hemligheter : En undersökning av Hyun-Jin Kwaks bildvärld

In the Korean artist Hyun-Jin Kwak's ongoing project Girls in Uniform she portrays events and moments that transgress the boundaries between the ordinary and the unknown. In her photographs there are frequently ambiguous and cinematic narratives. The pictures are carefully orchestrated and constructed, but they are not spectacular. Kwak's imagery is relatively unexplored. This thesis implements a comparative image analysis of eight of Hyun-Jin Kwak's works, in order to investigate and interpret her imagery.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mötet med patienter med ett annat modersmål : - En litteraturöversikt

Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..

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