414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 7 av 28
Socialtjänsten och barn till irreguljära immigranter : en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning
The aim of this study was to examine how the social services could investigate and support children of irregular immigrants within the boundaries of the law. More specifically it aimed to examine the legal possibilities and obstacles for the social services to support irregular immigrants, how the officials at the social services act considering the legal aspects, and how they reason morally and ethically when dealing with irregular immigrants. To answer the aim of the study the theory of positive law was used combined with qualitative interviews with two officials at the social services. Moreover a small quantitative telephone study with officials in the social services and with voluntary organizations was made. The study has used theories of sociology of law, law and Ethics, and professional (civil) disobedience.
Is the Use of the Rubber as a Preventive Measure to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Morally Justifiable? Ethical Reflections on the Controversy
Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the 1980s, the condom has scientifically proven to be the only technological device that can prevent transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse. This technical approach to the HIV has strongly emphasized that prevention is only possible if the condom is properly used. However, as a technological artifact the condom has shown that its use is laden with values. The question of values on condoms has brought in a heated debate on the moral justifications of its use. In Malawi, just as in other African countries, the Faith Community has rejected the Governmentsplea to promote condoms as the preventive measure against the virus.The Faith Community has emphasized on abstinence and mutual faithfulness as the only reliable means to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
"Utan If, ingen podcast" : En analys av sponsring i svenska podcasts
Internet and convergence culture has changed the terms of the media landscape. When old media converge and new ones take form, questions about how these should be classified arise, which is accompanied by new challenges in terms of Ethics and regulations. One of these newfound mediums is podcasting; an expanding auditive pull-medium available through streaming or downloading on the Internet.This study, which was conducted as a quantitative content analysis, examines the use of sponsorship in four of the most popular Swedish podcasts. This was done as an attempt to understand how producers of a new and unregulated medium choose to go about presenting their sponsor, without having any ethical guidelines to follow. Traditional media is already regulated and have ethical guidelines, that for example regulate how to address a sponsor, but in the new and expanding world of podcasting there are no ethical rules and guidelines.Our study shows that the placements of the sponsorship messages tend to vary and that there is very little consensus regarding how these podcasts choose to present their sponsor.
Reflektion i förskolan : en vetenskaplig essä om den handledda reflektionens nytta och skada i förskolan
The purpose of my essay is to highlight the various dilemmas that can occur in the preschool during the moments of guided reflection but also the opportunities it can provide. I am using my own practical experience from situations where care for the children can be questioned and needs to be considered in comparison to the further development of the preschool teachers and with them the entire organization. In my research, I have chosen to highlight the importance of guided reflection, the importance of reliable and secure relationships for children and how these can be eradicated, and finally the importance of Ethics for the preschool-teacher?s actions in a given situation.Key questions in my text are; What role does the reflection have in the work at the preschool? How are children affected while this is happening? How important is close and secure relationships for young children and how can they be affected? How can one find a balance between care and learning?By writing my essay I reflect on myself and my own actions. This leads me to a greater selfawareness and greater understanding of my own feelings and my role in the dilemmas I face in my profession.The conclusion of my work is that the preschool organization is not given and it can be constructed in many different ways.
Ethical impact on EU animal welfare policies : the example of Article 13
On December 1th 2009 the Lisbon Treaty entered into force, and through Article 13, the recognition of animals as sentient being was given a more visible part in the very core of EU law. This was an effect of a political decision to commit to the issue, partly because of the will to further harmonize the EU market, but also due to increased societal concern for the wellbeing of animals. Over the last decades, ethical awareness is growing in many countries, one reason being new scientific discovery. This influences legislators and policy makers to take proper action, and in this way, Ethics and science often work together as the very basis for the development of new legislation and policies. There is yet to be seen what the actual consequences of Article 13 will be, since the legal obligation remains the same and there are still some reservations in it.
Etik och moral - ett högaktuellt ämne
Detta arbete handlar om Etik och Moral och om hur helt vanliga människor agerar i för dem ovanliga situationer. I vardagligt tal används ofta etik och moral som synonyma begrepp men det handlar egentligen om olika saker. Man använder begreppet moral när man syftar på grundläggande åsikter ifråga om vad som är rätt eller fel. Moralen yttrar sig t.ex. i form av tal där man uttrycker vad man anser vara rätt eller fel i någon viss fråga.
GEN- ETIK hur den nya biologins etik hanteras av gymnasielärare och läroböcker GENE-ETHICS - How the ethics of the new biology are handled by teachers and textbooks
2011 fick den svenska skolan nya styrdokument att förhålla sig till och arbeta efter. Nu finns begrepp som sexualitet, relationer, kön, identitet, jämställdhet och normer inskrivet i de nya ämnesplanerna för gymnasieskolan. Förändringen innebär att ansvaret för undervisningen i sexualitet och relationer, tidigare sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen, inkluderas i flera ämnen och därmed vilar också ett ansvar på lärarna i berörda ämnen. Rektorn har dock, precis som tidigare, det övergripande ansvaret för att styrdokumenten följs.
I denna empiriska studie har vi undersökt hur lärare på gymnasienivå tolkar att de ska undervisa i sexualitet och relationer inom ramen för ämnet samhällskunskap.
Ett bibliotek är ju ingen affär. Om boksvinn på tre svenska universitetsbibliotek.
The intention of this essay is to describe the problems with loss of books at three Swedish University libraries. It?s based on interviews with librarians. The library codes of Ethics, the library law and the terms of reference of the libraries are central for my understanding. Interview results: Little was being done to stop theft.
Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar : från början till slut (?)
På en konkurrenskraftig marknad är det viktigt för företag att differentiera sig genom ett starkt varumärke. Genom att vara en ?god medborgare? i form av Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, kan företagstärka relationen mellan kund och företag och på så sett varumärket. CSR innebär att företag på frivillig grund integrerar sociala och miljömässiga hänsyn i sin verksamhet och i sin samverkan med intressenterna, utöver vad lagen kräver. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur företag arbetar med CSR och vidare diskutera vad som stärker ett varumärke, för att sedan klargöra om och hur företagens CSR-arbete kan definieras som varumärkesstärkande.
Corporate Social Responsibility som varumärkesstärkande aktivitet?
På en konkurrenskraftig marknad är det viktigt för företag att differentiera sig genom ett starkt varumärke. Genom att vara en ?god medborgare? i form av Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, kan företagstärka relationen mellan kund och företag och på så sett varumärket. CSR innebär att företag på frivillig grund integrerar sociala och miljömässiga hänsyn i sin verksamhet och i sin samverkan med intressenterna, utöver vad lagen kräver. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur företag arbetar med CSR och vidare diskutera vad som stärker ett varumärke, för att sedan klargöra om och hur företagens CSR-arbete kan definieras som varumärkesstärkande.
Wicca : beskrivning av en religion
My essay is a description about the religion Wicca; laws, Ethics, history, rites, inauguration and how they relate to the gods and the different seasons.It?s also about the wiccan history and how wicca have created their own history by taking old mythic stories and making them their legacy..
Förskolekultur : En vetenskaplig essä om hur olika förhållningssätt påverkar förskolan
In my scientific essay, I an experienced child minder, describe two different preschools cultures and investigate how preschool culture can be influenced and created by different conditions. In my first story I describe a professional preschool with a preschool director who is involved in the activities every day. The second story is about a preschool that is characterized by a different preschool culture and members of the staff who are stuck in old patterns and with an absent preschool director. What is it that really creates a professional preschool? I want through my essay highlight pedagogues child perspective, attitude, approach to Ethics and preschool values.
Euthanasia: A Critical Analysis of the Physician's Role
Sometimes relatives have taken me on one side and told me they cannot bear it any more:"Isn't there something you can do to end it all?"More often requests for euthanasia have come from those who are ill. I remember visiting a man with lung cancer. He asked his wife to leave the room. As she closed the door he leaned over and grabbed my arm.
Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"
The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative Ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.
Sanning - I vems intresse? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra tidningars förhållande till medieetiken rörande ?busskapningen i Årdal? och ?dubbelmordet i Ljungsbro?
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media Ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.