

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 5 av 28

Lokal etisk produktion ? är den globalt hållbar?

In modern society globalisation is a fact within all industries, the textile industry included. Due to improvement in areas such as logistics and communication international trade have developed fast. As changes occur rapidly on the global market and companies must adjust and revise their processes in order to stay competitive.Because of the global price reduction consumers around the world expect low-price products, which mean that the companies have to find new ways to produce in a cost-efficient way. To maximize profit most of the textile production is situated in low-cost countries due to its labour-intensive character. It is crucial for fashion companies to allocate their activities in their value-chain effectively in order to reduce lead-times.

Relationen mellan interkulturellt ledarskap och praktisk kunskap

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about Ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the Ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the Ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

Technologised Parenthood: An Ethical Implacation of Human Reproductive Cloning

Science and technology has been the bedrock of human growth and dynamism. Man has over the years distinguished his existence from all other beings by his ability to champion and fashion his existence. Among his tools is biotechnology which actually attenuates the fears of aging and death.Human reproductive cloning stands out as one of the means through which biotechnology plans to achieve this perfect existence for man. Technological advancements in the field of biotechnology are now in the threshold of human procreation.Human reproductive cloning is seen as an assisted method of reproduction which creates a newborn that is genetically identical to another human being.Human reproductive cloning as a technology and as a means of reproduction is not without its pros and cons. In as much as the technology promises to mention but a few, hope for the infertile couples and single parents, as well as the hope of reproduction without passing on hereditary diseases; it at the same time beeps some flashes of worry.

Kan positiv särbehandling rättfärdigas? En normativ analys av etnisk kvotering till juristprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet

Whether use of affirmative action can be justified is an Ethical dilemma that hasbeen intensely debated. The question raises several conflict dimensions. Thepurpose of this thesis is to separate different arguments of the debate and classifywhich principles they are built upon. To accomplish this, an analytical instrumentis created where three different perspectives of equality, and deontology versusconsequentialism, are compared. A third conflict dimension, individual versusgroup Ethical principles, is also considered.

Fairtrade City som ett verktyg för hållbar utveckling : En fallstudie av Örebro Fairtrade City

Fairtrade is a certification of products that has grown from the criticism of conventional trade. By increasing the focus on the producers? economic and social conditions, poverty can be fought and the producers? voice in the marketplace can be strengthened. Fairtrade City is a certification for municipalities who wish to engage in Ethical consumption. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the Fairtrade City concept and how this can be a tool for working towards sustainable development. To be more concise, we want to answer the following questions: Why does Örebro municipality work with the Fairtrade City certification and how can Fairtrade City be used as tool for working towards sustainable development? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews and e-mail interviews with members of the steering committee for Örebro Fairtrade City and on literature studies. We have in our thesis identified Örebro Fairtrade City as a result of 1) that Örebro municipality through Fairtrade City wants to change their surrounding environment by engaging in Ethical trade 2) that the surrounding environment effects Örebro municipality through isomorphism regarding its way to deal with sustainable development 3) that the municipality through its work with Ethical trade becomes legitimized by their surrounding environment.

?Ibland känner jag att jag vacklar?- yrkesetiska gråzoner på folkbibliotek

This study examined gray areas within professional ethics of a public library organization and investigated the relationship between the library as an organization and the librarian as an employee when it comes to support and opportunities to make exceptions to rules and regulations. This relationship is then related to workplace issues.Data were gathered via interviews with six librarians who were placed into two focus groups. Library organization documents that contain rules and regulations (guidelines) were examined. The presumption was that conformity between librarians? experiences and actions and the organization?s guidelines will tell us something about workplace conditions.

Etiska aspekter av preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik och genterapi

The research in the field of biotechnology is rapidly developing all over the world. Modern biotechnology offers unique opportunities, simultaneously as it gives rise to a number of Ethical issues. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) and germline gene therapy (GLGT) are controversial techniques. PGD gives a possibility to identify a genetic disease prior to the embryo?s implantation in the uterus.

Etiska regler och konkurrensregler inom advokatyrket

Uppsatsen innehåller en studie av hur etiska regler, vilka framför allt återfinns inom advokatyrket, påverkar konkurrensen och de konflikter som uppstår mellan de svenska och europeiska konkurrensreglerna och dessa etiska regler. Mer specfikt identifieras vilka konkurrenshämmande effekter dessa regler medför, och vilka alternativ som finns för att kombinera etiska regler och konkurrensregler på ett sådant sätt att minsta möjliga skada uppstår för konsumenterna av advokattjänster. Resultatet av uppsatsen är att vissa etiska regler bör elimineras eller modifieras, eftersom de påverkar marknaden på ett negativt sätt utan att medföra motsvarande vinster annorstädes. The essay contains a studie on how Ethical rules, here represented by the rules for the law profession, influence the competition. Furthermore are the conflicts that appear between the Ethical rules and the Swedish and European competition rules identified and analysed.

Att leda - N?r juridiska krav kolliderar med personliga v?rderingar

This study aims to analyze the effects of the proposal regarding mandatory reporting for undocumented individuals within the Swedish public sector and how this potentially affects leaders in their efforts to motivate their employees to comply with this requirement, which is considered Ethically charged. The primary focus is to understand how these leaders can motivate their employees considering legal requirements that are both legally binding and Ethically sensitive. By interviewing leaders from various sectors within the public domain in multiple Swedish municipalities, this case study seeks to highlight the challenges arising from the amalgamation of legal mandates and Ethical dilemmas. Its goal is to provide insights that can support these leaders in their complex decision-making regarding such issues. The study addresses theoretical aspects such as change management and critical organizational theory. The study's findings indicate that political decisions play a pivotal role in the processes of change within public operations. Resistance to change varies and takes various forms.

Faktorer som leder till etiskt betingad stress och sjuksköterskors hantering av fenomenet i omvårdnadsarbete : En uppsats med inriktning mot vårdetik

Att vårda en närstående person med demens innebär en stor börda för anhörigvårdaren vilket kan resultera i psykisk ohälsa. Stöd är en viktig del för att minska bördan. Syftet med studien var att ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv belysa anhörigas upplevelse av psykosocial börda och psykosocialt stöd vid vård av en person med demens i hemmet. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie som baserades på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. I resultatet framkom att anhöriga som vårdar en person med demens upplevde en psykisk och fysisk börda.

Lärares yrkesetiska normer och handlingsberedskap

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka vilka etiska normer som finns i lärares resonemang om vardagens problemlösning och konflikthantering. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur lärare resonerar om sin handlingsberedskap och sitt beslutsfattande samt vilka etiska normer de grundar sina beslut på. Vår datainsamling har skett genom ljudupptagning av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare. Lärarna har dagen innan intervjutillfället fått ett fall med olika etiska dilemman som de ombetts att läsa och reflektera kring. Intervjuerna har utgått ifrån fallet, men lärarna har uppmuntrats att relatera till egna erfarenheter av etiskt svåra situationer i läraryrket.

Information innanför murarna- en studie av fängelsebibliotekariers uppfattningar om informationsförmedling till interner

The aim of this study is to investigate variations of conceptions among prison librarians, concerning mediation of information from an Ethical perspective. We have performed interviews with nine librarians and used the phenomenographic approach when analyzing the material. Sixteen categories of conceptions were found, distributed on four aspects of the phenomenon, the act of mediating information to inmates. The results show a variety of conceptions among the librarians. The four aspects cover conceptions about the inmates as users of the library services in prisons, conceptions about the information need of the inmates, conceptions concerning policies, guidelines and laws and conceptions about information access in the prisons.

Sjukhusbibliotekarier i fokus En fenomenografisk undersökning av sjukhusbibliotekariers uppfattningar av yrkesrollen i arbetet med barn och ungdomar

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate hospital librarians understanding of their professional role in working with children. Two different aspects of the professional role were focused on; professional knowledge and ethics. The following research questions were posed: - How do hospital librarians experience their professional role in working with children and young people? - What is regarded as professional knowledge content for hospital librarians in working with children and young people? - How do hospital librarians view Ethical aspects in working with children and young people? The issues have been addressed through qualitative interviews with seven hospital librarians. We have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology.

Värdefull litteratur : Fyra gymnasielärare om samhällsuppdragets etik i förhållande till litteraturen i klassrummet

The Ethical aspects of the Swedish Curriculum for the non-compulsory school system, Lpf94, will form the basis of the research in this essay. The Ethical aspects constitute fundamental values and goals as well as common tasks that must be carried out by every teacher. Since the school debate focuses a lot on this perspective, which is often mentioned together with the words problematic and contradictory, it will consequently also be the focus of this essay. Here these features are treated in relation to literature in all its forms used by teachers in class, which also represents a part of the school debate. Together ethics and literature form a perspective that lacks research.

Fair Trade: A Study of Consumers? Perception and Knowledge in a Minor Town in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to get a better understanding of consumers? perception and knowledge of Fair Trade and Fair Trade products in Sweden. Literature was reviewed before the empirical research was conducted. A quantitative method, in form of a questionnaire survey, has been used. We have entered different areas related to our topic.

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