

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 2 av 28

Är etiska aktiefonder lika lönsamma som traditionella aktiefonder? : En studie som jämför riskjusterad avkastning mellan svenska etiska aktiefonder och traditionella aktiefonder

Background: There has been an increase in savings and investment in recent years along with an increased interest in responsible investments. Ethical mutual funds has developed and gained increasingly popularity.Aim: The aim of the study is to examine if Ethical mutual funds are an equivalent alternative to traditional mutual funds in terms of return, risk and risk-adjusted return on the Swedish stock market.Theory: Beta, Jensen's Alpha, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Modern Portfolio Theory.Method: Quantitative survey method, a statistical study.Conclusion:The study concludes that there is no significant difference between Ethical and conventional mutual funds in terms of return, risk and risk-adjusted return. The small differences that exist between the two fund groups are in favor of the Ethical fund group, indicating that funds is a comparable investment option compared to traditional mutual funds..

Det etiska klimatets påverkan på revisorers val av förhållningssätt till sina klienter

Aim: Auditors objectivity is an obvious part of auditing, but there is doubts and hesitation in society today because of the corporate scandals that have occurred in recent years. Several researchers suggest that auditors actions and behaviors is connected to the Ethical climate within the organization. A relationship that also affects auditors objectivity and independence. This thesis aims to investigate how the Ethical climate influence auditors choice of relationship to their clients, by choosing a relational and close relationship or a transactional and distanced relationship. And if the client approach have an effect on the auditors objectivity.Method: A survey was conducted among 232 certified accountants in Sweden.

Revisorers etiska resonemang : En studie av etiskt resonemang hos revisorer utifrån FARs yrkes-

AbstractIntroduction: It has during the latest years occurred several large business scandals both abroad and in Sweden where auditors have been involved. The need for stabile conditions and well functioning professional codes of ethics for companies, especially auditing firms have been growing during the latest years. FAR has seen it as their task to define the meaning of the Swedish term ?god revisorssed?. This is specified through FAR?s nine professional codes of ethics, which came out in a new edition in 2003.

Etik - en lyxvara i reklambranschen? : En studie av reklametik i teori och praktik

In this interview study I have examined eleven Swedish advertisers and professional communicators and their view of ethics in the advertising industry. The purpose of the study was to shed light on how they see their Ethical responsibilites, as well as trying to understand how they reason in regard to ethics as a whole. The main research questions regard the distinction between business and economic responsibilities towards their clients and societal Ethical responsibilities, which Ethical questions are of importance to them, and how they believe the industry should be regulated.The theoretical framework of the study uses media ethics, social responsibility theory, media accountability theory, and stockholder and stakeholder theory as its base. The study was performed using a qualitative method through interviews and the interpretation of these. The results of the study finds that the consulted advertisers have set opinions of what they themselves would decline to work with for Ethical reasons, and has also been able to identify five main categories of Ethical issues that they attach great importance to.

Internetetik på bibliotek

The aim of this issue is to study how Swedish public libraries deal with the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information in connection with public use of the Internet. The authors intention has been to find out whether the public use of the Internet has caused Ethical problems for library workers and how the libraries solve situations when they consider their principles violated by library users. The authors study the debate on the issue in a couple of Swedish library magazines published during the late 1990s and they also give a few examples from the USA during the same period. They study the Ethical principles and directives for schools published by the Swedish Board of Education as they claim that many of the public library users are students who bring along their Ethical conceptions and thereby affect the Ethical climate of the libraries. In their study the authors refer to Ethical rules given to librarians by their trade union DIK and to the conclusions drawn from the hearing Good Ethics on the Net held by the Swedish IT Commission in 1998.

Sjuksköterskors beslutsfattande i akuta situationer - En litteraturstudie

Background: Every patient and each situation is unique. Therefore the nurse has to act in a flexible intervention and still keep an Ethical perspective. Aim: The aim of this studie was to illuminate nurses? different aspects of decision making in emergency situations. Method: The result is based on nine scientific articles.

Att tala om ansvar : om Levinas ansvarsbegrepp i gränslandet mellan det etiska Sägandet och det politiskt Sagda

The present essay concerns the Levinasian understanding of responsibility in relation to the two spheres that Levinas introduces in his second major work Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, namely the Saying and the Said. The essay investigates some of the different meanings that the concept responsibility takes on in regard to these two spheres, and thus also in regard to the separation between the Ethical and the political that is apparent in the book. Is it possible to find a politically uttered responsibility in Levinas Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence?The essay wants to emphasize the continuous transition between the Ethical or the Saying and the political or the Said, and vice versa, with the purpose of showing how the two spheres may be conceived simultaneously. By posing the relationship between the two as a reciprocal rather than a oppositional one, the essay aims to suggest that an understanding of responsibility at once must be Ethical and political.

"Hjärnan mot hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie av Migrationsverkets handläggares upplevelser av etiska dilemman.

This study is focused on the caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board and their experiences of Ethical dilemmas in their daily work with asylum seekers. Our research question is aimed at examining the Ethical dilemmas that the caseworker as a social agent is experiencing in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The empirical material in this study is based on interviews with five caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews and has then been analyzed through professional ethics as a theoretical framework. The results of this study show that Ethical dilemmas are constantly being present in the work of the caseworkers. Ethical dilemmas are in different ways occurring in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The law that regulates the caseworkers work is functioning as a limiting aspect, which leads to a feeling of contradiction between the caseworker?s personal ethics and the professional ethics..

Det etiska ledarskapets roll i kampen mot korruption - En studie om antikorruptionsarbete i den svenska banksektorn

Despite Sweden's ranking as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, recent studies suggest that the prevalence of corruption in the private sector is growing, now approaching international levels. Over the past couple of years, Sweden has witnessed a growing number of scandals involving unEthical behavior on the part of its corporate sector. Corruption has gained the attention of authorities, legislators and the public - putting the private sector under pressure to take action to prevent such corporate misconduct. As a result, companies increasingly prioritize strategies and policies aiming to prevent corruption. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of leadership in such preventive work.

Den sardoniska rättskiparen som våldsprincip : En etisk karaktärsstudie av domare Holden i Cormac McCarthys Blodets meridian

This paper analyses the character judge Holden in Cormac McCarthys novel Blood Meridian through an Ethical perspective. The author uses several methods to analyze the character Ethically, such as the western-genre, McCarthys authorship, evil as an Ethical term and Friedrich Nietzsche's theory the Übermensch. The author then uses a selective group of scenes and chapters from the novel to highlighting the distinctive Ethical characteristic of judge Holden. The author finds judge Holden to be the very principle of violence and blood shedding, defending and distributing these principles in his words and his actions throughout the novel. Triumphantly proclaiming his victory, judge Holden embodies the principle that whoever has the power to perform any action has then the moral right to do so.

Kristen etik i en nazistisk kyrka : En analys av Deutsche Christens etik

This is an analysis of the ethics of the Deutsche Christen, a pro-Nazi christian movement in the Third Reich. The movement was a part of the German protestant church and attracted as much as one third of the church members. They incorporated Nazi symbols in the church activities and aimed to ?cleanse? the church from what they called jewish influenses. It is debated if a group that supports Nazi ideals can be considered Ethical, or even christian, but this analysis examines their etchics and raises the question if the ethics of the Deutsche Christen can be compared to other christian Ethical models.

Varumärkning inom B2B : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och risker med etisk ingrediensvarumärkning

Branding is becoming increasingly important to companies within the B2B-sector and they put a lot of effort and capital to develop and strengthen their brands. One way of working with brands is through ingredient branding. An ingredient brand is an alliance between two brands where the ingredient brand is applied on a host brand and works as an ingredient on the product. The purpose of ingredient branding is to create competiveness, differentiation and to create quality associations. Ingredient brands can be divided into emotional and functional categories.

Ledarskap och etik : En studie om Strukturellt etiskt klimat & Situationsbaserat etiskt beslutsfattande i fastighetsmäklarbranschen

AbstractTitle: Leadership and ethics in the Real estate agent-industry Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Paula Massamiri & Therese Delmar Supervisor: Lars-Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 ? May Purpose of study: The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how leaders trough a Structural Ethical climate can contribute to a Situation-based Ethical decision-making of their employees. Method: We have used a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with respondents from real estate agent firms. When we studied our phenomenon, our overall research deign was qualitative interviews. Our data has been analyzed with an abductive method of analysis, influenced by Grounded theory. Results and conclusions: The study shows that leaders in the real estate agent-business trough a Structural Ethical climate contributes to a Situation-based Ethical decision-making of their employees by acting as role models, leads by example, highlighting the office values and rewards & punishes behaviors to control their employees? Ethical decision making. Suggestions for further research: We believe that future studies can be conducted through observations to study both leaders and employees, to pay attention to employees? opinions and reflect on what affects them.

Alkohol till min nästa? Hur nattvardens gemenskapsmotiv i möte med Lögstrups etik, skulle kunna motivera ett alkoholfritt nattvardsvin i Svenska kyrkan

How the Eucharist?s motive of communion in combination with Lögstrup?s ethics could motivate a non-alcoholic sacramental wine in the Church of Sweden.The purpose of this essay is to illuminate the meeting between the person who gives out bread and wine in the Eucharist and the person who receives the wine, from tree perspectives: the communion in the Eucharist, the Ethical demand of K.E. Lögstrup, and today?s knowledge of alcohol and it?s negative effects on the human being. I want to study how these three perspectives can affect the interpersonal meeting in the Eucharist when it comes to giving out alcoholic wine, and to investigate if Lögstrups Ethical demand could be used by the Church of Sweden when to decide about a sacramental wine with or without alcohol.I have started to study K.E Lögstrup and his theory about the Ethical demand, and then researched the Eucharist in the Church of Sweden and the results of recent sociological and medical research of alcohol?s effect on the individual and on society.

Vad har påverkat utvecklingen av den etiska klädmarknaden? - En jämförande kvalitativ studie av Storbritannien och Sverige

There is a growing interest for Ethical consumption, in general as well as in the clothing industry. The consumption of Ethical clothes is a complex phenomenon though, where aspects such as quality, style, function, price, time assets, accessibility and Ethical attitudes affect the decision making. Researches that have been executed show the diversities in development between different countries. There are fairly strong indications that the Ethical clothing market is more advanced in the United Kingdom than in Sweden and therefore these two countries are objects of this research. The aim with this thesis is to describe and explain what have affected the development of the Ethical clothing market in the United Kingdom compared to Sweden. For that reason a qualitative approach has mainly been used, where deep interviews with people within the Ethical clothing industry have contributed to most of the empirical part. As a complement secondary data such as statistics of the two countries have been used in order to investigate our area. One useful tool, among others, to investigate the macro environment is the SLEPT model.

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