

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 14 av 28

Innovationsupphandling : innovationspartnerskapets tillämpningsområde

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Det finns hopp och möjligheter: levnadsvillkor och reflektioner från kvinnor som behandlades för dubbeldiagnos för tio år sedan

The purpose of this essay was a follow-up of four female drug abusers with several mental problems ten years after my initial meeting with them at Korsaröds Behandlingshem. Using a qualitative method and interviews with the women, knowledge was obtained regarding their current vital conditions and their subjective experiences of the treatment at Korsaröd. Their perspective on the Ethical as well as their desired relationship with staff within social services was also accounted for. When contacted the women lived a content and drug free life in their own flats. The women stayed at Korsaröd approximately five years, and they said that without the treatment they would not be alive today.

Praktiska råd gällandeBusiness Intelligence-projekt : En studie av hur fyra organisationerhanterade problem och vilka erfarenheter dekan dela med sig.

This study concerns how organizations manage various problematic areaswhen implementeing Business Intelligence and experiences from BusinessIntelligence project failures on management level. In order to highlightthese questions, we have carried out interviews with four organizationswhich have great experience in working with Business Intelligence on adaily basis.The result of the study shows that all organizations deal with difficultiesregarding cost-benefit issues and justification concerning BusinessIntelligence investments. The result also showed that the organizationsfaced difficulties with integration concerning time and cost. Documentingand securing support systems presented different attitudes between theorganizations, primary in the question about sub complements to BusinessIntelligence and in the way that they were documented. In the discourse oflegal issues and privacy the majority of the organizations chose not to storepersonal information relative to legal security demands.

Etiska och traditionella fonders avkastning : En jämförande studie mellan etiska och traditionella fonder

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda huruvida avkastningar mellan etiska aktiefonder och traditionella aktiefonder är likvärdiga. Vidare avser uppsatsen att klargöra hur etiska fonder definieras ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i rådande forskning. Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ karaktär och utfördes med hjälp av fonddata inhämtad från respektive storbank och Morningstar. Det kvantitativa innehållet består av fondernas årliga avkastningar. Undersökningsperioden sträcker sig från december 2008 till december 2012. Teori: Beta, Sharpekvot och Modern Portföljteori. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats påvisar inga större skillnader mellan de etiska och de traditionella fonderna sett till avkastning. Den traditionella fondgruppen var den som hade marginellt bättre avkastning..

"Trumman magert altar är Kyrkonyckeln jag begär" : En kollektivbiografisk studie av Frihetstidens fältpräster

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the views Swedish elementary school teachers produce on the subject of ethics. The teachers? thoughts on selection among Ethical notions is described and also how these notions are assessed. The essay proceeds from the central content and the knowledge requirement in the syllabus of religious knowledge.The empirical survey is based on qualitative scientific interviews with four teachers employed in grades 4-6 at different schools.The teachers find ethics in its current state of the syllabus hard to define and they find encounters with parents and pupils difficult in their tasks. The selection of ethics is decided by previously planned basic values education or from conflicts erupting during schools hours.

Att legitimera litteraturläsning i skolan

This essay will treat questions regarding why we should read literature, more specifically fiction, in schools. My issues regards how the curriculums of the swedish school subject legitimizes reading of literature, and my main focus is on the curriculums themselves. As a complement, I have completed three interviews with professional teachers to see how they legitimize reading for the pupils and for themselves. I have also discussed the potential democratic values of teaching and reading literature in schools, and I discuss my results in relation to the "values" of the swedish schools. My study is based on a study of the old curriculums, completed by Magnus Persson in 2007.

Är 40 kap. 11 § IL förenlig med EU-rätten? : en analys av beloppsspärren

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Falska erkännanden : ur ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Do prey-animals in zoos need predators?

Today is one of the goals with zoos to conserve endangered species and some animals may also become reintroduced. But behaviours can change in generations of captive animals because of environments that differ from the wild. Animals must then be prepared before being reintroduced and predator training enhances the animal?s chance to survive in the wild. When training animals to avoid predators it is often necessary to use frightening stimuli.

På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar

The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors.

När verkligheten och juridiken möts : om åberopsbördan vid generalklausulslagstiftning

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Juridiska styrmedel för giftfria och resurseffektiva materialkretslopp

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Sveriges fri- och rättighetsskydd och ideellt skadestånd : regeringsformen vs Europakonventionen

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Bostad först ur socialarbetarens synvinkel : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetarens uppfattningar kring en ny boendemodell för hemlösa individer

Our main aim with this study is to shed a light over the social workers opinions about what they believe will be the consequences of introducing Housing First in the city of Stockholm. We wanted to examine the social workers perceptions about how Housing First could change their client?s autonomy and justice. Therefor we accomplished five qualitative interviews with social workers. We analyzed our empirical material with the theoretical terms; justice, autonomy and intern role-conflict.

Sekundära utnyttjanden av TV-sändningar : och begreppet överföring till allmänheten

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media Ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

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