

598 Uppsatser om Estate Agents Act - Sida 23 av 40

Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet

AbstractTitle: Network communication for equal opportunities (Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet)Number of pages: 47 (54 with enclosures)Author: Hillevi GoodTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the possibilities to bring about change by the means of communication in two networks, focusing on the implementation of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act.Material and method: The study draws on data collected in an electronic survey among representatives of two networks consisting of representatives from trade unions and employer?s associations. The material is analyzed using descriptive tools, cross tables and correlation matrices in which general characteristics as well as individual understandings of the network communication are presented and discussed.Main results: The general results indicate that the network communication serves important purposes, such as providing support and motivation for the members and changing attitudes towards equal opportunities. The analysis suggests that the network members have good communicative possibilities to serve as agents of change within their organisations. Moreover, there is an observed relation between, on the one hand, organizational context and, on the other hand, the network members? own communicational behaviour and their experienced possibility to influence their organizations.Keywords: network communication, diffusion of innovations, behaviour change, Equal Opportunities Act.

Produktsäkerhet i livsmedelsindustrin : HACCP inom bageri och konditori

During the last years, producers and consumers have become increasingly aware of food safety. Foodborne illness and foodborne injury are in best case unpleasant but they can also be fatal. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a preventative food safety system which is aimed to guarantee production of safe food free from pathogens, foreign materials and substances with potential to cause adverse health effect. In order to succeed in developing, installing, monitoring and verifying a HACCP system, there is a mix of hurdles for the company to overcome. While larger food companies meet a difficult challenge, small and medium size enterprises often feel that the hurdles are almost impossible to manage.

Vilka behov av mertjänster har Areals fastighetsköpare?

Areal is one of the major players in the Swedish market for real estate brokerage of agricultural properties and related additional services. The purpose of this report is to give a better picture of the needs for additional services of property purchasers of Areal. Add-on services are the type of counseling you may need to achieve good economy on an agricultural property. Through a survey of property buyers of Areal information has been collected and compiled. A very good response rate was obtained and the material seemed reliable as it reflected the population in general.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and perinatal treatment of premature foals

The danger and vulnerability associated with a preterm birth seem to be closely correlated with a dysfunction of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whose maturation in the foal is without a doubt as delicate as it is important. Not only is this endocrine cascade vital for the foal in order to cope with neonatal stress, it also appears to be fundamental for the final fetal intrauterine maturation, as well as for the onset of foaling. Equine gestation exhibits some rather unique features, indicating a somewhat different significance of the endocrine changes associated with HPA maturation, compared to many other species. This hormonal cascade is rapid and confined to a narrow time during late gestation in the horse, and the risk of the foal completely missing it therefore becomes prominent. Induced parturition in the mare may be operated through uterotonic agents, which occasionally bring about premature foals. Desirable seems the ability to initiate equine labour while simultaneously enhancing fetal HPA maturation, as in humans and ruminants through perinatal glucocorticoid administration. However, similar treatment in the horse has resulted in various, sometimes fatal, outcomes. In the light of the distinctive features of equine gestation, difficulties are encountered following such administration of glucocorticoids and ACTH.

Paketering av kommersiella fastigheter

Många hus från miljonprogrammet är idag i behov av flera större renoveringsåtgärder. Husen från miljonprogrammet har betydligt högre energiförbrukning än vad dagens byggkrav tillåter, och med nya mål från bland annat EU och Sveriges regering som snart träder i kraft, är det viktigt att något görs åt dessa energislukande byggnader. Syftet med rapporten är att jämföra ett renoveringsalternativ med ett nybyggnationsalternativ ur en ekonomisk- samt ur en energisynpunkt. Målet är att föreslå det mest lönsamma alternativet. För att nå målet kommer program som Revit Architecture, IDA ICE och BidCon användas samt litteraturstudier.

Penningmängd och huspriser - Finns det något samband?

Uppsatsens titel: Penningmängd och huspriser - Finns det något samband?Ämne: Företagsekonomi, Kandidatuppsats, 15 hpInlämningsdatum: 2009 ? 05 ? 29Författare: Gunnar Levin, Viktor SundlingHandledare: Sven-Ola CarlssonNyckelord: Penningmängd, Huspriser, Kointegration, M3, Fastigheter, FASTPI, KvantitetsteorinSyfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom statistiska tester beskriva sambandet mellan penningmängdens utveckling och småhusfastigheters prisutveckling. Vi vill även försöka förklara ett eventuellt samband med kvantitetsteorin.Tillvägagångssätt: I denna uppsats har vi genom att fastställa ett kointegrationssamband mellan tidsserievariabler kunnat genomföra en regressionsanalys mellan penningmängdsutvecklingen och prisutvecklingen för småhus avsedda för permanent boende.Slutsatser: Vi har funnit ett långsiktigt samband mellan utvecklingen i penningmängden uttryckt som M3 och prisutvecklingen för småhus avsedda för permanent boende. Sambandet mellan M3 och fastighetsprisindex för småhus kan förklaras med kvantitetsteorin..

De uteblivna möjligheterna? intressegruppers diskursiva hållning vid en stadsomvandling

Although being recognized as holding great cultural-historical significance by local officials, numerous parts of the functionalistic development along Friggagatan became demolished in 2008.This bachelor thesis have surveyed how the planning process proceeded through various municipal committees, and moreover, how different interest groups gathered around certain discursive attitudes. As a consequence of various paradigm shifts in society, e.g. that local government gradually are depending on private economic initiatives, there are to some extent a fear among politicians that cultural-historical demands can risk economic growth.Nevertheless, a building or a development are in fact bearing different value-perspectives, such as economic, functional and cultural-historical. Due to the fact that the heritage-sector has limited resources, in combination with sometimes vaguely and obsolete conservation documents, the sector have difficulties of responding common economic arguments, which leads that the real estate-owner gets total interpretative prerogative.However, despite a sometimes suspicious political attitude towards an improved conservation document, e.g. with continuously updates concerning a building?s technical and economic status, there are some political initiatives working towards it..

Auktorisation av fastighetsförvaltare : En studie efter införandet av auktorisationen

Värdet av det svenska fastighetsbeståndet utgör två tredjedelar av den svenska nationalförmögenheten och det kommersiella fastighetsbeståndet kan värderas till cirka 3 200 miljarder kronor. En av de viktigaste yrkesrollerna för en fungerande kommersiell fastighetsmarknad är i sin tur fastighetsförvaltaren. Detta medförde att Aff ? Forum för förvaltning och service under slutet av 2010 införde en auktorisation för fastighetsförvaltare. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka var auktorisationen befinner sig i dagsläget samt hur framtiden för auktorisationen ser ut och vilka åtgärder som Aff behöver göra. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka efterfrågan och behovet av auktorisationen hos olika aktörer.

Jämförelse av frånluftsvärmepumpar

In order to reach the environmental targets, set up by the EU, there are many measures taken to make Sweden more energy efficient. In the housing and real estate sector, an installation of an exhaust air heat pump that reuses the heat in the exhaust air in order to lower the amount of acquired energy, is an example of such an action. The recovered energy can then be used for heating of radiators and tap water. This report aims to evaluate and compare three different systems using exhaust air heat pumps regarding COP, degree of coverage and cost savings. This study was delimited to only account for apartment buildings.The theory chapter describes the different conditions and factors that affect a building?s energy balance.

Energisystemanalys av ABB AB LV Motors

With a larger awareness of the climate changes and increasing electricity prices, energy efficiency measures in the industry have become more common. By rationalize the activity and by the same time decrease the emission of greenhouse gases the company can both save money and reduce negative environmental impact. For the Swedish industries the electricity price have traditional been relative low, which has resulted in a considerable larger usage than other European countries. By a deregulation of the European electricity market the electricity price will level off between the countries, which will cause a higher electricity price in Sweden than we are use to. To prevent that the Swedish industry don?t lose competitiveness against the other European countries, it will require energy efficiency activities in all different forms.ABB Sweden has decided to decrease their total energy usage with five percent in two years.

Euthanasi : avlivning av häst

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death". The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead. The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues. The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.

Effekterna av hyresreformen 2011 - En successiv marknadsanpassning av hyressättningen?

 Den här studien utreder om en successiv marknadsanpassning har påbörjats efter reformeringen av hyressättningen på bostadshyresmarknaden 2011. Med hjälp av data från Hyresgästföreningen testas två hypoteser med hjälp av regressionsmetoden difference-in-difference. För det första om det har skett en inflationsjusterad ökning av hyrorna efter reformen som är större än i perioden före. För det andra om hyrorna har ökat mer i attraktiva kommuner än i mindre attraktiva kommuner. Slutligen undersöks om hyresmarknadens parter har ändrat sina attityder efter reformen.

ADHD bakom bom och lås

How schools handles threat and violence among pupils could have an effect on the surrounding world, since schools reflect society at large. This study attempts to explore how this is handled within two schools, one secondary school and one upper secondary school. How do the schools work with violence and threats amongst pupils? Who is responsible for what? Is this work based on school guidelines? Why/why not? The theoretical starting-points have been Lundquists implementation-based control-model and an organizational point-of-view using theories about open and closed systems, primarily Meyer and Rowans neo-institutionalism. To gain validity, the study has been carried out by way of triangulation, i.e.

Dags att renovera : Effekten av kommunikation på relationen mellan företag och kunder i ett förändringsprojekt

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Opportunities for improved environmental sustainability of a wine producer in South Africa : natural resource management and climate change adaptation and mitigation

South Africa has been among the top ten wine producing countries for at least 20 years. Even though the land under grapevines is decreasing globally it is still increasing in Africa. The awareness of environment has strengthen the last years and South African producers experience a high demand of environmentally friendly produced wine, especially from the European market. This demand was the driving force behind the development of the world unique sustainability certification, Integrated Production of Wine (IPW), which is inscribed in the South African legislation. What makes this certification unique is that consumers can trace their product all the way back to the farming practices owing to the identity number specified on the IPW Integrity & Sustainability seal on certified products.

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