

592 Uppsatser om Establishment in Latin America - Sida 2 av 40

Befrielseteologin i Latinamerika och Afrika. Om Gustavo Gutierrez och Jean-Marc Elas teologi

I have chosen to investigate the relationship between Latin American- and African Liberation Theologies. My purpose is to analyze, understand and compare the similarities and differencesbetween the two. The bulk of the study addresses two Liberationists, Gustavo Gutiérrez from Latin America and Jean-Marc Ela from Africa, both of whom are considered by many to be the most important theologians on their continents. This is done with the aim of deepeningthe knowledge of other theologies which have also influenced present day theological thinking.The questions I pose concern Liberation Theology in general, its background and its history. I will journey through Latin American and African church history in order to understand the contexts in which these two theologies have arisen.

Vägen mot folkhemmet : En analys av en medieidentitets utveckling i populärkulturen

Denna uppsats undersöker hur en utveckling av en medial identitet går till. Vilka faktorer får en medieidentitet att ändra dess mediala bild och framtoning? För att besvara denna fråga studerar jag en artistkarriär som har genomgått stora förändringar, vilka har inneburit att även dess medieidentitet kraftigt förändrat framtoning. Artistkarriären jag har valt att studera närmare är förgrundsfiguren från Latin Kings, Douglas ?Dogge? Leóns.

Fast driftställe vid internetbaserad verksamhet

It is more common now to purchase products and services on the Internet. More and more companies choose to sell their services and products this way. Some services and products the customers can get delivered directly to their computers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to know when they risk a permanent establishment in another country due to their Internet based activity. If the company gets a permanent establishment in the other country, the other country can tax the income which is relatable to the company?s permanent establishment.

Catullus i svensk språkdräkt - en studie i översättning

This paper is a study of a translation into Swedish of the poems of Catullus edited by the poet Gunnar Harding och the latinist Tore Janson (2007)..

Latinlärarmetodik : En studie av några latinlärares metoder för att lära ut grammatik

Uppsatsen grundar sig på mina funderingar kring ämnesplanens syfte för ämnet latin med allmänspråkkunskap och hur det kan nås, speciellt med avseende på vad elever måste lära sig för attkunna sägas ha nått kursplanens mål att ?kunna förstå texter på latin?. För att få ökad klarhet idetta har jag genomfört studiebesök på ett antal gymnasieskolor, där har jag observerat lektioneroch intervjuat lärare. Jag fann att flertalet lärare som ett led i ordinarie kursplanering arbetar medgrammatik enligt vedertaget mönster och traditionell grammatisk terminologi och att flera lärarelåter eleverna möta såväl lärobokstexter som originaltexter i form av exempelvis klassisk poesieller bibellatin. Valet av litteratur och metodik som används förefaller mig vara adekvata för attnå det språkliga kursmålet med tanke på den tid som står till buds på A- och B-kurs..

?Kolonialkriget hemma? : Bilden av Amerika inom den svenska marxist-leninistiska vänstern 1963?1977

Historical research about the so-called New Left was until the late 1990s an entirely newacademic field in Swedish academia. However, a large part of this research still deals withquestions concerning ?who did what? and perhaps more notably ?who was right?.This thesis is an attempt to move away from such inquiries and instead look towardshow one albeit small but very important part of this so-called New Left discussed andused the term America and things American. Formed largely around the Anti-WarMovement, the Marxist-Leninist ? or ?Maoist? ? Left naturally opposed US worldpolicies; but perhaps more interesting a significant part of the ideas about America andthe Vietnam War seemed to stem from USA itself ? such as naming your anti-war folkgroup ?Freedom Singers? after the US civil rights group ?The Freedom Singers?.Analyzing three Swedish Marxist-Leninist magazines the study thus complements theresearch on not only the Swedish New Left but also the study of anti-Americanisms;firstly, by examining what the Marxist-Leninist left considered particularly American;secondly, by studying in what context these particular Americanism was discussed; and,thirdly, by observing if these notions changed over time, and why.

Den amerikanska drömmen i Cynthia Voigts Den långa vägen hem och Det nya hemmet

Cynthia Voigt is a well-known author of children?s books. She deals mainly with contemporary issues, although she also has written some fantasy. The Tillerman saga consists of 7 books. This essay deals with the first two, Homecoming and Dicey´s Song.

Det förlofvade landet : En brevanalys av Amerikabrev 1850-1870

The Promised land ? A letter analysis of America letters from 1850-1870 This essay is about the Swedish emigration to America. This essay will focus on the period 1840-1870, where the main focus will be the american civil war, and what the immigrants wrote back to their relatives in Sweden. This study will also focus on the integration of Swedish immigrants.My main question are what did the swedes write back to Sweden during the war? And how did it differ from the period before and after the war?But also can a war assimilate a immigrant faster than it would be done without the war?The conclusion that has been made is that the war did help the swedish immigrants to integrate much faster than usually.

De lapidibus et gemmis (Medeltidshandskrift 59, Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds Universitet)

ABSTRACTThis thesis contains a partial edition of a previously unpublished manuscript, De lapidibus et gemmis (MH 59, Lund University Library). The manuscript was probably written in the late XVth century and consists of five parts. Part 1 (ff 1r-1v) and 2 (ff 2r-14r) are written in Latin, part 3 (ff 14v), which is probably later than the rest of manuscript (XVI century?), in German, part 4 (ff 18r-33r) in Latin (some smaller passages in Swedish), part 5 (ff 34r-34v) in Latin and Swedish. The manuscript was written by at least two hands, probably more.I have chosen to examine and edit part 2, ff 2r-14r, which I have identified as a partial transcript of the franciscan Bartholomeus Anglicus encyclopedic work De proprietatibusrerum, probably written between 1230 and 1260.

Latinämnets ställning i den svenska gymnasieskolan. En studie av förändringar med fokus på 1900-talet

Arbetet beskriver i sin första del latinämnets historia i den svenska gymnasieskolan med tyngdpunkt på 1900-talets senare del. Det är en utveckling som gått från att ha latin som bärande språk både som skolämne och som undervisningsspråk under 1500-talet till att vara ett småämne som inte alla skolor erbjuder idag. Den andra delen av arbetet undersöker vilka förändringar som påverkat latinämnet i gymnasieskolan och vad det har fått för följder. Några kurs- och timplaner från 1900-talet har granskats och personer med anknytning till latinundervisning intervjuats. Ur detta framkommer det att den nya gymnasieskolan som infördes 1965 har påverkat ämnets ställning i skolan stort genom att det inte längre var obligatoriskt att läsa latin på den då s.k.

Etablering av höstraps i mellansverige :

The production of oilseed rape is an important issue in Sweden and those who never have grown oilseed rape (OSR) are now willing to try. It is always a risk to grow oilseed rape, specially winter OSR, because of outwintering. This risk increases as you go north and therefore establishment and autumn growth is very important. These are some of the reasons that I have chosen to write about the establishment of winter oilseed rape in Middle Sweden. There are many factors that influence the outcome of the establishment, e. g.

Regionalism som motstånd : Två latinamerikanska staters motiv att ingå i integrationsprojektet ALBA

The formation of sovereign states in regional blocks has become an essential feature in the world system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate which motives and driving forces that affect the creation of projects of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World. By choosing the Latin American project of integration ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas) as a case of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World, the study investigates the motives expressed by the most prominent actors of the project, Venezuela and Cuba. ALBA is chosen as a representative and a unique case and through the consumption of the gramscian and the realist approaches, the essay defines two motives that affect the creation of projects of regional integration. As a way of investigating the actors? motives, the paper studies political statements, especially those of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, and official positions expressed in central documents and declarations.

USA:s officiella säkerhetsstrategi : Vad ligger bakom?

The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to inquire how the George W. Bush administration plans to keep America safe from external threats and second ? based on the assumption that neoconservatives have influenced the Bush administration ? examine how neoconservative ideas have influenced this strategy to protect America. The research questions are as follows:What is the content of the Bush administration?s security strategy?How are neoconservative ideas reflected in this security strategy?To answer the first question, the main points of two studied documents were summarized.

Integration genom event - America´s Cup:s förankring i Malmö

Uppsatsens titel: Integration genom event ? America?s Cup:s förankring i Malmö Seminariedatum: 13 januari, 2006 Ämne/kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatseminarium, 10 poäng Författare: Lisa Kopp, Maria Leifland, Ann Lilja Handledare: Erling Green, Christer Kedström Fem nyckelord: America?s Cup, event, integration, Malmö, stadsmarknadsföring Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att presentera en ansats till en ny metodik för att marknads¬föra Malmö stad där event utnyttjas för att öka integrationen: ?event med samhällssyfte?. Vi använder eventet America?s Cup som fallstudie för att identifiera hur event bedrivs idag och vilka behov vår modell bör tillfredställa. Metod: Vi har använt oss av både en kvalitativ metod bestående av djupintervjuer med eventets nyckelpersoner och en kvantitativ metod som utgörs av en enkätundersökning bland befolkningen i två stadsdelar.

Ett Imperium På Nedgång?: En studie av USA: s Imperium

This is a thesis about the American empire. I also focus my work to see if this American empire is declining. The two main questions I ask and want to answer in this thesis are: is America an empire and is it in decline?I first conclude that America has been an empire ever since the end of the Second World War. The sheer military and economic power of the American empire matches and exceeds the ones before them.

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