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Förändringens Vingslag:

This hermeneutic case study examines how and why an insurance company?s output has been affected by a CEO-succession. The authors pay specific attention to three activities; changes in personnel and organization structure, handling of media and change in customer focus. It is shown that the CEO was able to influence the company?s activities and this discretion was primarily created through her relational capacity.

Förändringens Vingslag

This hermeneutic case study examines how and why an insurance company?s output has been affected by a CEO-succession. The authors pay specific attention to three activities; changes in personnel and organization structure, handling of media and change in customer focus. It is shown that the CEO was able to influence the company?s activities and this discretion was primarily created through her relational capacity.

Upplevelser av att arbeta med djur på daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning

The central part in all public health work is health promotion and disease preventing actions among the population. Since all public health work includes the whole population, the work has to embrace disabled people as well. Within the disability policies, participation and equality are important goals, which illustrate the importance of a job. In previous studies the positive effects of animal have been detected among persons with disabilities, by better balance, better mobility, larger social network, new knowledge and most of all happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate how people with disabilities experience their health when they are working with animal husbandry at daily activities.

Överlevnad och tillväxt för Douglasgran i södra Sverige

After the two big hurricanes called ?Gudrun? (2005) and ?Per? (2007) in the south of Sweden, some landowners planted Douglas fir instead of the traditional Norway spruce and Scots pine. They did it for different reasons. Some of them spreading their "risk", others because they wanted better growth or to obtain a more storm-resistant stand and trees more protected against rot. In this study, survival and growth were examined on Douglas fir in 21 different locations, owned by private landowners in southern Sweden.

Naturvetenskap och Bilderböcker : Naturvetenskaplig Begreppsbildning och Grundläggande Naturvetenskapliga Matoder

Preschool has a long tradition of using picture books, both as entertainment and as a resource for educational activities. In science there are two main application areas. The first one is science concepts and the second is to teach basic science process skills. These skills, observing, communicating, inferring, classifying, measuring and predicting reflects the methods used by scientists. Picture books potential to put science concepts and activities that promote the use of science process skills in a meaningful context, recommends using picture books for this purpose.

Mappingmetoden och bildmaterialet Everyday Life Activities ? behandling av agrammatism hos personer med afasi av Broca-typ

This pilot study describes a therapy method for persons withBroca´s aphasia. This method is based on the mapping hypothesis (Schwartz,Saffran & Marin 1980). The mapping hypothesis is based on the assumptionthat agrammatism is caused by an inability to combine syntactic structurewith thematic roles. This study describes a combination of the therapymethod mentioned above and the Everyday life activities photo series (ELA,Stark 1992). The aim of the study was to investigate if therapy based on awritten sentence/picture format is a viable starting-point for future research.The therapy presented combined written sentences with pictures describingeveryday life activities.

"Att ingjuta mod och lust" : om barns delaktighet på barnbiblioteket TioTretton

The focus of this two year's master thesis is on participation of children at the TioTretton Library, a library strictly for 10-13 year olds. No adults, except the library staff are allowed in this library. To build on this aim the objectives of this thesis is centred on the questions:How does the library staff view their specific library's mission? What are the conditions for children's participation at TioTretton Library? Based on the relevant theory of participation, how participatory are the children in the library's activities? What significance has TioTretton Library's work with children participation for the children's ability to empowerment?The theoretical framework is mainly centred upon the Ladder of Participation designed by R. A.

Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län : Möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog

Viklund, J. & Älgamo, D. (2011).Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län ? möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog. (Physical activity and sports for adults in the county of Västerbotten ? opportunities and challenges for a future activity directory).

Functional Cuts

Our everyday life is becoming more active and the activities we perform influence the way we dress. Due to an increase in activities undertaken in an urban environment, demands are changing and the need for active wear that meets the new demands follow suit. The four characters represented in the research can be seen as a reflection of the functional features needed, including base layer, mid layer/insulation and shell.Despite the increase in activities, most of our clothes are still constructed on static dummies or drafted on a table in 2D and the main developments within the active sportswear field is driven by material innovation. By creating garments on a body in movement, my aim is to develop new functions and expression in active sportswear through construction.Construction methods in active sportswear are examined and understood through observations and reconstructions and constitute the foundation of a study of movement for a design recovery.The movement and features required for leading an active urban life sets the direction of the development of new func- tional garments. A series of trial and error sessions and draping fabric on a live model in movement created the prototypes used in functionality tests to establish their feasibility.

Etisk utvärdering av chefers ledarskap : Vilka etiska principer bör ligga till grund för utvärdering av chefers beteende?

A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.

Läsa för att lära : Om lärares och elevers inställning till skönlitteratur som verktyg i främmandespråksundervisning på gymnasiet

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and pupils experience the use of fictional literature as a tool for language development in the teaching of English as a foreign language. Through surveys and interviews and with Vygotsky?s theory on development in a social environment as a theoretical base, I examine which methods are used to promote language development and also which functions pupils and teachers consider fictional literature to have in the teaching of English. Results show that teachers consider fiction to be among the top methods to get pupils to learn English. Teachers and pupils both favour the use of fun and stimulating reading activities as well as group activities where learning is social to go along with the reading of fiction.

Tolfternas samkväm : folkbildning och bibliotek för arbetarkvinnor 1902-1907

Tolfterna was a popular education organization that existed between 1896 and1964 and that arranged social evenings and set up a library for working women. This thesis purpose is to investigate Tolfternas's activities in 1902-1907 and hereby place Tolfterna in the education- and library history. The thesis examines the library catalog and the protocols from the social evenings and analyses them by means of the popular education ideologies of the early 1900's: Patriarchal education, civic education, self-education and the domestic/housewife ideal.The analysis shows that the organizers of Tolfterna as well as the working women who visited the social evenings had political and social interests. This places Tolfterna in a civic education context.The social evenings contained a mix of politically orientated discussions, traditional lectures and entertainment as music and reading. The library had self-education orientation, it contained mostly fiction and was run by the working women.

Ishockeyns sommarskolor : En studie om föräldrars intresse för sommarhockeyskolor

To take part in a summer hockey camp during the summer vacation is something that is very popular. This study is carried out through parents of ice-hockey active children in the south of Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to investigate for which reasons parents might let their children participate in a summer hockey camp. It is also studied which parts of the contents in a camp that is considered important by the parents and how much they are willing to pay for a week. To answer this, were an inquiry send out to 86 respondents.

Helsingborg ? Ängelholm, en jämförelse mellan kommunernas friskvårdsarbete för sina läraranställda.

AbstractAuthorJohanna Rahl and Marie Johansson.TitleHelsingborg-Ängelholm, a comparison of the work of the municipalities regarding self generated health care activities for employed teachers.ContentToday you pay more and more attention to self generated health care. Political decisions affect the social development and thereby also conditions for people to feel healthy. As the municipalities are working with its inhabitants they are an important part of the self generated health care activities. The most part of our life we spend in school or at work and this is the reason why these places are the most suitable to create healthy people. From these thoughts we created the following aim of the study:?The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of work regarding self generated health care that is performed by the municipalities of Helsingborg and Ängelholm towards the employed teachers and how the teachers apprehend this work.

Utveckling av Gamla hamnen i Reykjavik

In Scandinavia today many old harbour areas are developed into residential and commercial areas. For example are both Helsingborg city and Malmoe city in south Sweden planning to restructure some of their harbour areas to accommodate shops, schools, offices, residences et cetera. In Copenhagen in Denmark new plans for Nordhavn is also underway. In almost every plan proposal to redevelope an old harbour area the harbour activities are set a side to give room for new development. In Reykjavik, however, this has not been the case.

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