

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 50 av 107

Erfarenheter av forcerad materielförsörjning av Vapensystem 01

This Thesis in Military Technology deals with experiences drawn from the forced introduction of Weapons Station 01, 2009. The work aims to identify the experiences regarding the forced procurement of military equipment to see how they can develop normal and fast procurement of equipment. The main conclusions of  this work, is to achieve greater capability and increase the military utility, are: -          Common objectives and priorities of stakeholders-          Response and joint types shall determine requirements for system-          Ensure an integrated project team also at lower levels-          Engage the integrated logistic support early in the materiel process-          Include Armed Forces staff as early as possible in the testing and validation-          Prioritize work to facilitate the rapid development of decision on use (BOA)-          Provide back up for increased redundancy in the mission area .

"Man kanske inte ser ut som sitt namn" : En studie om fem kvinnors konvertering till islam

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion.

Patienters följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationer- en litteraturstudie -

Background: One of the main concerns related to medical therapy is non-compliance to drugs. More than half of all patients do not comply with prescribed medication. Non-compliance to drug therapy leads to unnecessary suffering for the patient and there are no easy solutions to the problem. In order to create understanding for the individual patient it is important that medical staffs are enlightened on the existing problems concerning this matter. Purpose: To describe factors that effect compliance to drug prescription.

Svensk-Finsk marin interoperabilitet inför ett fördjupat försvarssamarbete : En jämförelse av Sveriges och Finlands militärstrategiska koncept ur en marin synvinkel

A decision has been made that the Swedish and the Finnish Navy will expand their cooperation by creating the ?Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group? (SFNTG).Based on Michael Codner?s theory of interoperability, this essay?s aim is to investigate if the Swedish and the Finnish currently are interoperable with each other, due to their military strategic concepts.According to Codner, similarities between the cooperating nation?s military strategic concepts are required in order to reach a high degree of interoperability. This essay will analyze and compare Sweden and Finland?s military strategic concepts, based on three categories; Global Projection, Territorial Defence and Combat Capability.The conclusion is that there are differences between the Swedish and the Finnish military strategic concepts in every category, of varying degrees. By looking at the results of this investigation, it is clear in what direction the two nations have to adapt their concepts to enable a high degree of interoperability for the future of the SFNTG..

Sara Lidman och Sydafrikas självständighet under 1960-talet. : En postkolonial och narrativ studie av romanen Jag och min son.

The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the Trojan prince Paris is described in the Iliad and in the movie Troy in regard to love and bravery. Thereafter an analysis of the similarities and differences between the Iliad and the movie Troy will be made. There will also be a discussion why there are differences between an epic story which was made for over two thousand years ago and a modern movie made in the twenty-first century. The differences will be based on the perspective ancient Greek culture versus filmmaking of the twenty-first century. The method that has been used is narrative analysis where the primary data, the Iliad and the movie Troy, have been interpreted.                        The Trojan prince Paris is described as a young, handsome man driven by his passion for Helen.

Den svarta lådans pedagogik : En studie om läsinlärning på behavioristisk grund

AbstractThe phonics is traditionally firmly established within reading acquisition in Swedish schools. The curriculum, Lpo 94 gives spacious independence regarding the question of method and we have to be aware of our own point of view when we are making the decision regarding the method of reading acquisition. Is it tradition or is it our linguistic point of view that is the determining factor? Through this study of literature, different publications from different times are being studied and the ideas and the linguistic point of view are being discussed. Through comparing between the curriculums that have been replaced of one another, and attending to linguistic discussion and research, we will be able to see a change in the linguistic point of view.

Hur människor beskriver sitt livs viktigaste beslut: En explorativ studie kring beslutsfattande

AbstractDetta är en explorativ studie om processer bakom beslutsfattande. Studien innefattade 52 studenter, 20 män och 32 kvinnor. De fick genom ett frågeformulär svara på frågor kring det viktigaste beslut de fattat i verkliga livet. De flesta angav att det viktigaste beslut de fattat handlade om flytt- och resebeslut (29 %) eller studie- och karriärbeslut (44 %). Delar av frågeformulären kodades sedan utifrån kategorier från en tidigare publicerad studie kring centrala beslutsteorier och tre nya kategorier framkom; self-efficacy, self-actualization och what others will think.

Nespresso - Ett koncept att sträva efter

Background: Nespresso is a part of the Nestlé group and was founded in 1986, in the liaison of the revolutionary new method of brewing coffee. The idea was that everyone should be able to brew themselves a cup of espresso that would taste as if a professional barista had done it. Nespresso has now turned in to a new coffee culture. From the beginning Nespresso only sold their products via their club, Nespresso Club, but in year 2000 they opened their first store in Paris. The first store in Sweden opened year 2006 in Stockholm, followed by one in Malmö year 2012.

Samtal med barnhandläggare : Om barn i familjehem och deras rätt att komma till tals

The purpose of this study was to examine how some child welfare case workers say they go about to give children in foster homes the opportunity to be heard. The idea was also to examine how much weight is given to the children?s views and if the respondents believe that the childrens right to be heard has improved over the time they have been working with foster children and if so, how? The study was conducted by using qualitative research method and the analysis of the results was made using Shier?s model of childrens participation. The results have also been tied to previous research in the area. The conclusions of this study was that according to the respondents it?s important that they get to know the children well so that the children can have confidence enough to speak their minds.

Det växer ju inte i magen men det växer i hjärtat : En kvalitativ studie om adoptivföräldrars erfarenheter av adoption

To investigate adoptions are part of the social worker's duties. The aim of our study was to examine some adoptive parents, to internationally adopted children, experience of adopting, the time before the adoption, the adoption process, and the time after the adoption. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven adoptive parents. Theoretical frameworks that have been used are a phenomenological perspective, the dramaturgical perspective of Goffman and the theory of rites of passage.The result of our study shows that the adoptive parents have tried ?everything? to be-come parents in a biological way before they came to the decision to adopt.

Konsumentbeteenden och h?llbarhet. En kvalitativ studie av hur konsumentbeteenden p?verkar h?llbarhetsaspekterna av online f?rs?ljning av kosmetiska produkter, inklusive returer

The ever-growing e-commerce brings many opportunities for society's consumers and businesses. Digitization has strongly contributed to these opportunities and has, among other things, facilitated the search for information and increased the range for the customer. While the opportunities are many, the increased consumption has also brought consequences. The increase in consumption contributes, among other things, to quantities of deliveries and returns as well as increased waste, all of which results in environmental destruction. The issue of sustainability is very topical today and is influenced by almost everything today. In connection with the markets changing, the consumers' behaviors and expectations also change.

Musikinstrument i förskolan : En studie av förskollärares uppfattningar om användning av musikinstrument i förskolan bland barn i åldrarna 3 till 5 år

AbstractThis study was meant to cast a light on the use of music-instruments that exists in preschool environments today. Furthermore the purpose was to find out if instruments first and foremost, actually did exist, and what thoughts had been put behind that decision. The focus was directed towards the preschool teachers and their attitudes towards music instruments among preschool children, at the ages 3 to 5 years. The purpose of the study was to understand how preschool teachers thought of activities where music instruments where used. The study was made from interviews with six different preschool teachers from different preschools.

Women?s thoughts, expectations and desires in the presence of their next delivery after a caesarean section

Introduction: The caesarean section rate has increased significantly in the last twenty years. The fact that a woman has delivered by caesarean section once does not automatically mean that she will again. Some women want a repeat caesarean section while others want a vaginal birth. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s thoughts, expectations and desires in the presence of their delivery after a previous caesarean section.

Vem hör hemma i arbetslivet? : Praktik som åtgärd för att underlätta personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningars inträde på arbetsmarknaden.

This study investigates a Swedish educational project aimed to incorporate young people with intellectual disabilities into the labor market through internship. This qualitative interview study was conducted with six of the project student?s internship supervisors. The purpose of this study is thus to examine the motives behind the decision to take on a trainee from the program at the workplace. In addition, the study also aims to examine whether and how dif-ferent factors of the workplace affect the trainee?s opportunities for social inclusion in the workplace.

Investeringsprocesser i ett divisionaliserat företag : -En fallstudie inom Södra Skogsägarna

I denna uppsats studeras investeringsprocesser i det divisionaliserade företaget Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening. Studiens syfte är att beskriva och förklara företagets investeringsprocesser och i vilken utsträckning dessa processer är standardiserade. I studien analyseras dessa investeringsprocesser utifrån befintlig teori. Studien visar att investeringsprocesser initieras i den operativa verksamheten för att sedan drivas fram i den operativa verksamheten och i ledningen på enhetsnivå. Beslut fattas på alla nivåer i företaget efter investeringars storlek.

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