

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 5 av 107

Vägprojekt: nya E4:an, delsträckan mellan Uppsala och Läby : Så gick besluts- och samrådsprocessen till

A Road project?s frame is built up of a decision- and consultation process, where the results of the preparatory studies are being discussed. The aim with a consultation process is that all theopinions and knowledge from the operators' will be taken into count in the basis of information, that is needed in order to the different involved operators' to take a decision.The aim of the essay was to investigate how the decision- and consultation process for a road project, the E4 section between Uppsala Läby, turned out. The aim is also to bring up how theprocess could have been done more correctly. The study was carried out through a qualitative method with an analysis of materials from the National Road Administration's archives, the associated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and through interviews of the different operators.My theoretical basis has been a Stakeholder Analysis and its principles, and theory about different executions of social planning.The result showed that the decision- and consultation process has been bursting in democracy and consideration taking of the different operators' opinions, has been poor from the developer?s, in this case the National Road Administration's, side.

Marinens utveckling under åren 1999 - 2004 : ett resultat av interna intressen eller påverkan av yttre hot?

Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara drivkrafterna som påverkade utvecklingen av den svenska marinen under åren 1999 - 2004. För att ta reda på svaret studeras utvecklingen och det politiska beslutsfattandet genom två olika perspektiv, avsikten är att ta reda på vilket perspektiv som har bäst förklaringskraft. Perspektiven baseras på två olika statsvetenskapliga förklaringsmodeller, som är hämtade från Graham Allisons Essence of Decision, Förklaringsmodellerna i denna uppsats kallas, det rationella aktörsperspektivet och det interna maktkampsperspektivet.Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att försvarsbeslut 2000 resulterade i en omfattande reducering av marinens organisation och har även haft stor påverkan på hur marinen ser ut idag. I undersökning framgår det hur komplex processen runt politisk beslutsfattning är. Flera olika påverkansfaktorer som ekonomi, försvarsgrensrivalitet och det politiska spelet har betydelse för slutresultatet.

Kommunal revision - vilka faktorer avgör?

Municipalities are steered organizations with a democratic decision-making. They are responsible for an extensive activity. The local municipal audit is the municipal council?s tool to control that the activity operates. The local municipal audit will in the beginning of every audit period plan for what they will review.

Kvalitet-i-Bruk för Beslutstödssystem inom Thoraxkirurgi

The aims of the practical work carried out for this thesis were to redesign a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgeons, called AssistMe, and to evaluate the concept behind this system. The main objective of the thesis is to give an account of the considerations that were found to be of key importance for designing a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgery. Another aim was to let future users test the system after it had been redesigned and evaluate the concept behind it. The thesis also investigates users? experience of the system and their views on whether it would be applicable in their daily work practice.

Att fatta beslut i organdonationsfrågan ? Vad påverkar?

There is a shortage of organs available for donation worldwide. There have been several campaigns to try to increase the numbers of registrered donors. The topic has been brought to the forefront but more work is still needed to distribute information to the public.The aim of this literature review was to examine what influences people in their decision to donate their organs or not, and what role nurses play in providing the most current information available. The study found that there was several different reasons given for not donating their organs. A great number of people were convinced that their religion was against organ donation.

Jag ser att du har ont : Validering från partner till patienter med kronisk smärtproblematik; Effekt på emotioner

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.

Försäkringsbedrägerier : En studie av sambandet mellan självrisk och oberättigade ersättningskrav

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

Att tala om ansvar : om Levinas ansvarsbegrepp i gränslandet mellan det etiska Sägandet och det politiskt Sagda

The present essay concerns the Levinasian understanding of responsibility in relation to the two spheres that Levinas introduces in his second major work Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, namely the Saying and the Said. The essay investigates some of the different meanings that the concept responsibility takes on in regard to these two spheres, and thus also in regard to the separation between the ethical and the political that is apparent in the book. Is it possible to find a politically uttered responsibility in Levinas Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence?The essay wants to emphasize the continuous transition between the ethical or the Saying and the political or the Said, and vice versa, with the purpose of showing how the two spheres may be conceived simultaneously. By posing the relationship between the two as a reciprocal rather than a oppositional one, the essay aims to suggest that an understanding of responsibility at once must be ethical and political.

Skolan som institution : En processtudie av skolpolitikens skeenden

This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.

Internkommunikation och beslutsprocesser inom Åtvidabergs FF : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Åtvidabergs FF

AimThe purpose of this study has been to help Åtvidabergs FF to find development opportunities by reviewing the internal communication and decision making process within the organization. In this study we have used two models, Johari window and Administrative man.Our study has two main questions. The questions at issues are:? Can Åtvidabergs FF with help of the communication model Johari window identify how the internal communication can improve?? Can Åtvidabergs FF use the Administrative man as a decision model?o Will the use of the model Administrative man lead to better decisions will be made?MethodWe have made a qualitative case study in a positivistic spirit. Data has been collected through half structured interviews.

The gift of life : -experiences of the kidney donation process

Background: There are many people waiting for a kidney transplant. To get a kidney from a living donor has many advantages. The gift is about giving and receiving. The decision is characterized by life-philosophy of the donor.Aim: To highlight the experiences of the kidney donation process.Methods: A systematic literature review in which 11 articles were included, seven qualitative and four quantitative. The articles are quality and ethically reviewed, the results are analyzed according Granskär & Höglund and Polit & Beck.Results: The results were gathered under two themes: the decision-process shows the path from idea to decision and implementation-process treats the donation and confirmation of the gift.

Beslutsfattande i säkerhetspolitiska kriser -En studie om press och politisk förändring i den ekonomiska krisens Thailand

This thesis is seeking to explain why policy change come about. This is done by applying a part of Karin Lindgrens dissertation Vad styr ledaren?. The research evolves around the term pressure and the hypothesis are that policy change come about when there is middle range pressure on the decision-maker. Low and high pressure results in no or small policy change.The thesis is done as a case study where the economic crisis in Thailand 1996-1999 makes my case.

Omedveten tankeverksamhet och beslutsfattande - en användarmanual : En studie i det omedvetnas beskaffenhet

The investigation aims to clarify to what extent non-conscious thought has efficacy in for instance decision making,and also examine some aspects of the question whether decisions are caused by free will. This is done by an analysisof new research in neuroscience, economics, the combination of the two within neuroeconomics, evolutionarytheory and especially the new theory of Unconscious thought (Nordgren & Dijksterhuis 2006), which will enjoyspecial scrutiny due to its recentness in the scientific field. A decision strategy ought to put high-level consciouscognition to use where it is most effective, and this is on a different level than the canonized one. Meta decisionmaking is decision making concerning which decisions ought to be made consciously. It is the area where the largestamount of freedom can be obtained wherein the largest amount of thought effort ought to be invested.

Vad är viktig kunskap i Samhällskunskap? : En analys av läraruppfattningar

Title: What is important knowledge in social studies- An analyse of opinions among teachers in social studiesThe aim of this paper is to increase the awareness about how teachers in Social studies think about goals and substance in the subject. I also want to get a picture about what kinds of problems teacher?s experiences when teaching Social studies. My expectations told me that Social studies are complex to teach, because it derives from several university disciplines such as Political science, Economics, Sociology, Law and Geography, which I believe makes the subject harder to define and what to give priority to. Finally, I want to increase the awareness, if it seems to be any fundamental essence in Social studies as a subject.To achieve my goals with this paper I have studied relevant literature about Social studies.

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