

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 48 av 107

Socialarbetares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM: ur ett genusperspektiv

The law (1988:870) concerning care of substance abusers is constructed in a way that gives the social workers room to interpret and apply the law individually. This may contribute to differences in treatment between female and male substance abusers. The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the client's gender had any significance to how the social worker interpret and apply the law (LVM).The specific questions we worked around were:- What significance does the client's gender have in the decision-making?- Does the social worker's opinion about the law have any significance?- What factors can effect the social worker's interpretation and application of the law?- What importance do the social workers attach to prevailing norms about men and women when they interpret and apply the law?We chose to use a qualitative method to answer the above questions. Six social workers were interviewed and 39 LVM sentences were analysed.

Electronic Journals, Just in Case, Just in Time, Just for You ? användning av elektroniska tidskrifter vid Chalmers tekniska högskola

This user study was carried out at the library at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in the spring of 1999. Chalmers wanted to investigate how much their employees use electronic journals. To facilitate decision-making and be cost effective, the library needed to know about their customers' opinions. The main purpose was to investigate the usage of electronic journals, how the library's choice of these journals affects the frequency of use and what the attitudes towards them are. A questionnaire was sent out to 2 400 employees; 477 replies were received.

Socialsekreterares agerande gentemot ungdomar med ?problemskapande beteende" : En kvalitativ studie av hur användandet av BBIC upplevs och vilka beteenden som anses skapa problem 

The aim of this study is to examine what social workers consider as ?challenging behaviour? among adolescents, but also to examine the connection between investigation and intervention in cases where such behaviour is being displayed. The questions of the study are to examine what social workers think of the instrument of assessment BBIC (Children?s Needs in Focus) and how the usage of BBIC affect social workers understanding of challenging behaviour. Moreover, it is a qualitative study and the respondents are all social workers with various length of professional experience who work with making decisions in juvenile welfare cases.

Vad ångrar man mest- Sakersom man har gjort eller inte har gjort?

Människor upplever ånger dagligen, och beroende på vilka beslut som fattas kan vissa beslut ångras mer än andra. Därför undersöktes skillnader i typer av ånger med hjälp av webbenkäter som delades via Facebooks PM funktion. 80 deltagare ingick där de fick beskriva två saker som de ångrade mest att de hade gjort samt två saker som de ångrade mest att de inte hade gjort. Dessa skattades sedan på hur mycket de ångrade det samt hur pass viktigt/allvarligt de upplevde det. En signifikant skillnad upptäcktes där saker som de ångrade att de inte hade gjort skattades som viktigare/allvarligare än det som de ångrade att de hade gjort.

Priset är inte allt - en studie av svenska storföretags finansiering

This thesis describes how large Swedish companies finance their debt and identifies some factors that affect their decisions. The study is based on 10 well-known companies of which 9 are listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic. The results show that the companies display several similarities concerning their debt structure and the factors which their choices are based upon. All companies in this study primarily use corporate bonds for their long-term borrowing, commercial papers for the short-term borrowing, and bank-facilities as back-up. There is a tendency that smaller companies in larger extent use bank-loans for long-term borrowing due to larger emissions costs when using market financing.

Den moderna kommunikationen : En rapport om instant messaging och hur det används av unga vuxna studenter.

This paper describes the development of a simulation model for the ambulance flow in the Västra Götalands-region of Sweden, and an analysis tool for the output of the simulation model. The aim of the simulation model was to be able to evaluate the outcome from changes in the ambulance operations, such as a reorganization of ambulances or an increase in intensity of the ambulance calls. This evaluation is meant to serve as decision support for the strategic planning of the ambulance operations. The analysis tool was developed to visualize the abundant geographical data produced by the simulation model in a meaningful way. The simulation model was validated against historical data which showed that the dispatch time for the highest prioritized ambulance calls corresponds well with historical data.

Betongbjälklag med limmad matta : olika behandlingars effekt på alkalitet, fukthalt och emissionsbildning

This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER).

Särskild undervisningsgrupp eller vanlig klass? : för elever med Aspergers syndrom, autistiska drag eller ADHD

The purpose of this report is to investigate teachers views of whether pupils with Asperger Syndrome, autistic symptoms or ADHD shall go in ordinary classes or special groups. The study tells you about what difficulties these pupils often have, what adjustments they need in their schoolsituation and the positive and negative effects of joining a special group.A teacher for special needs, two teachers in special groups and two teachers in ordinary classes have been intervjued and earlier made researches have been studied.The conclusions of this study are that the decision of whether a pupil shall go in a normal class or a special group must be made individually. Most pupils who are capable to profit from the training in a normal class and pass their examination, shall go in a normal class. The greater part of the recommended adjustments are possible to do in a normal class. But it requires more resourses and teachers with better knowledges about theese handicaps..

Chefskontrakt : ger det en tydligare anställningsform för chefer i Landstinget Västmanland?

The purpose of this work is to find out how present manager contracts are set up in Landstinget Västmanland (the county council of Västmanland), explore managers? perception of these contracts and why managers have chosen leadership. The work has also reviewed the question if managers need to have a relationship or expertise to the activities they lead and which qualifications are needed in such case. The survey was conducted in two divisions in which nine interviews were held with managers at all levels. In addition to this a questionnaire including the 87 managers in the divisions were held.

Industrilandskapet i Norrköping : Synen på ett områdes förändring från ett industriområde till turistisk resurs

Industrilandskapet is an area in central Norrköping who has undergone major changes during the 1900s. The area has in recent decades gone from being an important industrial area into a place that today is focused on knowledge production and visit activities. This study focuses on how four selected businesses in Norrköping look at the change that Industrilandskapet has undergone. The four businesses all have in common that they use and care of Industrilandskapet in both marketing and as a working place. The businesses are in this study represented by four informants who were interviewed with semi-structured interviews.The results from the informants are analyzed by support of theoretical points.

Likviditetsgaranti ur ett företagsperspektiv

The aim of this paper is to investigate the underlying motifs leading to the decision to appoint a supplemental liquidity provider and how they vary between companies. As the first study of its kind to take on an internal company perspective, the goal was to broaden the knowledge base of the field and lay ground for further studies. The study has been conducted by interviewing companies providing the service, their customers and the stock exchanges which they are traded on. The results show that there are two main motifs for appointing a liquidity provider, 1) Creating conditions for increased trade and 2) Improving the pricing of the stock. There was also a supplemental group 3) Other motifs consisting of the observations that would not fit in any of the main categories.

Medborgarna och demokratin. En fallstudie om medborgardeltagande och medborgarinflytande i Helsingborg utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv

People are given better opportunities to participate in polity today. Democratic equality entails that all individuals are equal and therefore they should be included in the process of making the decisions. How can participation be defined and does it mean that having the possibility to participate means that people can influence the process of making the decisions in polity process?This paper focuses on participation and influence in polity and examine the relationship between having the possibility to participate and having the possibility to actually influence polity process on more local level. Therefore I have been examining the citizens? participation and influence in Helsingborg which is my case study.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av ejHLR-beslut. En litteraturstudie.

I sitt dagliga arbete möter sjuksköterskor svårt sjuka patienter. Ibland kan det bli aktuellt att på en del av dessa patienter ta ett förhandsbeslut om att inte återuppliva dem vid ett eventuellt hjärtstopp, ett så kallat ejHLR-beslut. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av ejHLR med fokus på vilken kunskap de har om innebörden av begreppet samt vilken syn sjuksköterskor har på sitt eget, patienters och de anhörigas deltagande i beslutstagandet. Studien som gjordes var en litteraturstudie och omfattade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning där totalt 11 artiklar inkluderades. Resultatet visar på bristande kunskaper hos sjuksköterskor, dels om definitionen av ejHLR men även om riktlinjer för beslut om ejHLR. Det uppvisar också att sjuksköterskor anser att dem själva, patienten och anhöriga borde vara med och fatta ett eventuellt ejHLR-beslut men att rollerna i beslutsfattandet är vaga.

Ersättning för lidande enligt frihetsberövandelagen : En analys av hur grunden för frihetsberövandet påverkar ersättningens bestämmande

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion.

Att börja från noll. En studie i storstadssatsningens försök att öka det politiska deltagandet hos Malmös invandrare

This thesis title starting from zero alludes to storstadssatsningen's democratic work being accomplished among immigrants in Malmö. My thesis examines which types of political participation storstadssatsningen were trying to increase. The goal was to turn the immigrants into political participants, but in many of the projects the democratic work had to focus on building a ground for democratic participation by bringing isolation to an end and teaching the Swedish language. This may have been the reason that there were not extensive forms of resources to put into projects actually raising the political awareness. Some of the projects can however be said to increase a very large number of types of political participation, both temporary and every day participation.

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