

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 38 av 107

The Sound of the Rain Needs no Translation : Synen på samhället och den moderna människan hos Alan Watts

In the 1940s, 50s and 60s the two youth movements of the beats and the hippies emerged in the United States. Disagreeing with the progressive positivism of the previous generations these youths were part of a counter culture that adhered to an ideal of living in the present.Alan Wilson Watts (1915?1973), most known for his popularization of eastern philosophy and religion in general and Zen-Buddhism in particular, became one of the most influential and well-read advocates of the new movements. Drawing upon eastern philosophy and religion as well as modern psychology, Watts challenged the western world view by rejecting the dualism of self and environment, arguing that man is one with God and nature and claiming that nothing exists but the present experience here and now.Based on Watts? view of man and reality, and in the context of the emerging youth movements, this study examines Watts? criticism of western culture and society as well as his view on happiness and the possibility of a better life for the individual living in the west.The study shows that, according to Watts, the root of the problem facing western society lies in man?s incapability of distinguishing concept from reality, preferring abstract ideas and symbols to the experience present in everyday life.

LÄTT ATT GÖRA RÄTT VAL? : En uppsats om den profilerade högstadieskolans kommunikation med blivande elever och deras föräldrar.

AbstractTitle: Is it easy to make the right decision? An essay about how the profiled senior level schools communicate with their future pupils and their parents. (Lätt att göra rätt val? En uppsats om den profilerade högstadieskolans kommunikation med blivande elever och deras föräldrar.)Author: Erika CassmanAim: My hypothesis is that parental influence is higher when the students are going to a detached school than when the students are going to a school with a profiled program because in the profiled program they are going to study a course that they love and is chosen by themselves. The aim of this essay is therefore to find out if this thesis is right or wrong.

När den nya tekniken knackar på, öppnar kommunen då? : Den kommunala omsorgens förhållande till Giraff och tekniska hjälpmedel

Syftet är att få samt skapa förståelse för hur en kommun resonerar inför införskaffandet av tekniska hjälpmedel. Köpbeslutsprocessen för B2B utgör den teoretiska grunden. En kvalitativ undersökning i form av semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer genomfördes och totalt intervjuades elva respondenter. Slutsatsen är att på nämnd- och tjänstemannanivå finns ett tydligt intresse för ny teknik. Fördröjande faktorer för implementeringen av tekniska hjälpmedel är snarare personalens skepsis och ej anpassade förhandlingsdirektiv.

Humor i Religionsundervisning

The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor. The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.

Att sjunga i damkör : En studie om damkör som social och musikalisk företeelse med fokus på Uppsalakören La Cappella

This essay discusses sentiments underlying choices to sing in women's choir. The focus is on the female choir La Cappella from Uppsala, which is run at a professional level to constitute one of the premier choirs in the country. The La Cappella members and their conductor participated in a survey with questions about how they view their own role as a singer or conductor in a choir. The questions that this paper is based on are the following: Why choose to sing in the choir? How do the Community and the social network between women affect their decision to sing in a women´s choir? Has the sound of the chorus played an important role in the choice of choir? Interwoven in the text, I discuss and compare La Cappella with choir Flora, a Finnish-Swedish women's choir..

Vilken roll spelar chefer på mellannivå i en omorganisation : En fallstudie av Teliasonera

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Strategic Alliances - a differentiated view

The common literature about strategic alliances offers a very fragmented picture. This thesis gives a theoretical overview on strategic alliances and builds the basis for the following examination of the different dimensions most strategic alliances have. The examination of the different dimensions is the crucial point of this thesis. Here the reader gets a detailed insight into the different dimensions and the implications they have on the design of a particular strategic alliance. This examination leads in the end to a more differentiated view on strategic alliances and the insight that no simple models exist, which give a sufficient basis for decision-making and understanding strategic alliances, today.

Partnerskapet: trygghet eller en illusion? : En intervjustudie med lesbiska kvinnor som ingått partnerskap

I have critically examined heteronormativity as it permeates our society and questioned ?identities? as designed and constructed, leading to certain identities being seen as normal, while others are regarded as abnormal.I have had a discussion with my informants about love, monogamy, amicable and relationships. Every couple has basically isolated themselves after they became a couple and they feel secure with one another. The partnership is very important for my informants, partly because they see the partnership as a legal and economical security. However, these aspects are not crucial to the decision that they chose to marry, for the main reason is love and the desire to take the relationship one step further.

Soliditetens betydelse för goodwillnedskrivning under ekonomiskt ansträngda perioder : En studie av den svenska finans- och industrisektorn 2008

Background: The international accounting standard regarding goodwill gives opportunities to several accounting procedure choices, as goodwill is a complex, intangible asset. The valuation of goodwill affects equity/asset ratio and income statement, which gives that the stakeholders? impression of the group?s financial statement is affected by the valuation of this asset. It has been pointed out that difficult economic times bring impairment loss to the fore. During financial crisis, equity/asset ratio may be significant as the economy of the groups is expected to be strained.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to explain the appearance of the possible relationship between a group?s impairment loss for goodwill and their equity/asset ratio, during financial straits.

Lag i katolsk och luthersk teologi : Om lagbegreppet i Wolfhart Pannenberg, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David P. Scaer och Johannes Paulus II encyklika Veritatis Splendor

Three main questions give the fundamental structure for this master thesis: 1) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the following theologians respectively; David P. Scaer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Wolfhart Pannenberg? 2) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the encyclical Veritatis Splendor? 3) Which similarities and divergences can be found in the respective expositions of the notion of law?For the purpose of comparison, I have employed four questions of analysis. These are: A) What is ?the law?? B) Is the law being effected, or is it working, in the world and if so - in what ways and for what purposes is it meant to serve? C) Does human beings have any capacities to understand and/or live in accordance to the law? D) Does the Gospel, perceived as the earthly life, actions, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, effect any alteration with respect to the purpose, range, function or interpretation of the law?In order to better understand Roman-Catholic concepts of law, the treatise on law of Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica is briefly presented.

Bakgrunden till Danmarks beslut att delta i Irakkriget - en fallstudie ur Anders Fogh Rasmussens perspektiv

In this essay we try to find explanations as to why Denmark went to war, to-gether with the United States and other nations, against Iraq. We have exam-ined several factors which we believe to be the most important for Denmark`s decision to go to war. In particular, we have looked at Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and his belief system, Denmark`s recent domestic policies especially the immigrations policies, relevant parts of Denmark`s past foreign policies and Denmark`s role within international organizations like UN, NATO and EU. Throughout the essay our attention is focused on Rasmussen as a main actor in forming and pushing through Denmark`s policies..

Hur används historia? : en historiebruksanalys av gymnasiets läroplan i historia 1970-2011

A new curriculum, entailing news for teachers as well as students, was implemented in 2011. Among other things History has been given a more prominent position in that every student will now study the subject. Can this decision lead to history being used more in the future?The aim of this thesis is to study the new curriculum, Gy11, as well the Lpf94 and Lgy70, based on Klas-Göran Karlsson´s typology where the use of history is divided into seven different categories. I will analyze the curricula, looking at what different uses of history that can be discerned as well as what changes have been made over time.

Kväve i Östra Mälaren : hur kunskap förvaltas och används i tillståndsprocesser

The nitrogen cycle in freshwater bodies is complex and consists of many separate processes affected by a number of important factors for example oxygen concentration in the water, temperature and circulation. Knowledge of the different components of the nitrogen cycle exists; however, a complete and comprehensive picture is difficult conceptually as well as theoretically. The available literature illustrates that the research on nitrogen and the related freshwater processes is still associated with high uncertainty of how much of the supplied nitrogen from the catchment is transported with the water versus and how much is lost due to denitrification, sedimentation or uptake by plants. This report is an interdisciplinary survey of Nitrogen discharge permitting. The research focuses in particular on the decision-making process, the levels of scientific standard and the administrative framework.Application for Nitrogen discharge permits are decided by the Environmental Court with council from their own experts as well as relevant government authorities and organisations.

Högre allmänna läroverket i Falun : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

The text deals with the process of reorganizing and cataloging the archival material emerging from State secondary grammar school in Falun, which appears to have been poorly managed for a number of years. The work was done with consideration to former ways of organizing the material, and a great deal of research was needed in order to establish the outer provenance of the archive.The theoretical discussion goes deeper into the questions of provenance and appraisal in regard to the work,and some choices, especially the decision to reorganize the archive, are motivated with reference to Swedishrules and regulations concerning state authorities' archival management and their duties towards Swedish citizens..

Den slutna cirkeln, eller varför mångfalden inte når till toppen

Sweden is usually seen as a role model when it comes to integration and diversity, but at the top of the pyramid there is little ethnical diversity to be found. This paper investigates how existing economical and sociological theory explain the lack of swedes with foreign background in leading positions in large Swedish companies. Our findings show that none of the theories applied in this paper can explain the phenomenon in isolation. Thus it is not only taken for granted norms, contacts in one's network or cost minimizing under asymmetric information that lie behind the phenomenon, but an interaction of these aspects. Conflicting demands lead the recruiters to separate talk from decision, the search frame is narrow and no or small efforts are made to increase the diversity.

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