

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 22 av 107

Förekomst av meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus spp. i djursjukhusmiljö

Chemotherapy is one of the most important methods of treatment available today for the treatment of neoplastic diseases and gives many patients an increased quality of life and a prolonged survival time (McKnight, 2003). The object of this study was to find out more about owners? views on and experiences of chemotherapy of dogs when it comes to for example quality of life, side effects and if they would make the same decision and treats their dog again in the future. A questionnaire was in the spring of 2009 sent out to the owners of 100 dogs that had been treated with chemotherapy for neoplastic diseases at Universitetsdjursjukhuset, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) in Uppsala between 2002 and 2008. The response rate was 67 %.

Beslut om betydande miljöpåverkan för järnvägsprojekt : beslutsmotiveringar, åtgärder och regionala skillnader

This thesis examines the reasons to why railway projects conducted by Banverket (Swedish National Rail Administration) could be expected to cause significant effects on the environment, on which grounds the County Administrative Board and Swedish National Rail Administration base their decisions/assumptions and highlight regional differences between the different Swedish national rail administrations regions. Total 24 railway projects, conducted or being conducted, during the time period 2001 - January 2010 have been analyzed and studied. These projects represent eight different measures/activities which are dispersed throughout all five of the Swedish National Rail Administration´s different regions. Swedish legislations demands that the planner of a new railway project shall first conduct a pre-study and then conduct a public consultation which provides the participants an opportunity to provide input. The County Administrative Board shall then decide if the project could cause significant effects on the environment.

 Offentlig upphandling av anläggningsarbeten enligt lagen om offentlig upphandling LOU

This report is written in cooperation with Eskilstuna municipality public administration for urban planning. The reports purpose is to look into how other public authorities carry out public purchase of consultants and entrepreneurs in the urban planning area. The goal is to come up with suggestions of how Eskilstuna municipality public administration for urban planning can improve its purchasing process in this field in order to minimize the risk where a consultant or entrepreneur files an appeal against the decision of awarding a contract to another rival. The appeal can be filed to the county administrative court.The public administration for urban planning can do its purchases through the model of "lowest price" or "economically most favorable" for them. When using "economically most favorable", the department can value a number of soft parameters by giving them points and the offer which gets most points can be rewarded the right to sign a contract.

Vad påverkar medieteknikstudenternas kursval?

With many different elective courses to choose between, a lot of students  experience anxiety over deciding which courses to study next semester. The  choice of a specific course can have a big impact on the students future studies  and/or employment. Therefore the anxiety is justified. At the same time the  number of students applying for a course often vary from year to year. This  creates issues for the responsible teachers because of the ever-changing  resource requirements.There are several different theories on decision making, addressing the  different time related states as well as the different habitual styles.

Inuti "den svarta lådan" : En kvalitativstudie om beslutsfattares sociala interaktionsmönster i beslutsprocessen på Migrationsverkets asylprövning

Denna kvalitativa studies syfte är att undersöka, kartlägga och analysera sociala interaktionsmönster kring beslutsprocessen på Migrationsverkets asylprövning utifrån asylbeslutsfattares perspektiv. Genom att luta sig mot teori om beslut inom ramen för administrativt beteende samt teori om ansvarfördelning analyseras empirisk data insamlat med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med beslutsfattare från olika asylprövningsenheter.Studiens resultat visar att det finns invecklade sociala interaktionsmönster i asylbeslutsfattandet samt att tre kommunikationstyper kunde identifieras; informella, formella och semiformella. Beslutsfattare växlar mellan dessa typer i beslutsprocessens olika steg. Med hjälp av utvecklade sociala kommunikationsmönster, omsätts en tidspressad beslutsplan i handling. Sammantaget påvisar studien den administrativa människans begränsade rationalitet.

Informationsbehov vid ett unikt beslut : en studie av sockerbetsodlare i södra Skåne

For many years, sugar beets have been the most profitable crop for farmers with suitable growing prerequisites. During year 2007 when the grain prices increased and the EU reform decreased the payment for sugarbeets, it was no longer obvious to grow sugar beets in the crop sequence. With the latest agricultural reform in mind, farming has turned to a more open market and that is important for the independent farmer to adjust to the prevailing market presumptions. In the theory, scientists distinguish between unique and repetitive decisions. Unique decisions can be described as decisions made ones or not often. The opposite, repetitive decisions are decisons that have been made several times before.

Avskaffande av revisionsplikten : -         Alternativkostnader som kan uppkomma för de mindre företagen

This essay deals with the topic options costs and whether such costs would arise for smaller companies now when they have the opportunity to choose not to have an auditor. Small companies are defined as companies that fulfill at least two of the following three criteria?s: less than 1,5 million SEK in balance sheet, less than three employees and turnover less than 3 million SEK. The decision regarding internal revision does not only affect the company itself but also other parties such as the taxation authority, banks and others that can be influenced by the decision. This essays main focus is on the influenced parties, especially the taxation authority and the banks as these have been highlighted in debates in media and because the small companies themselves may have difficulties to foresee the consequences of the new changes. The opinions from accounting companies will be considered in the essay as they can be considered as experts regarding the different aspect within this area.

Vård efter behov, eller?

The aim of the study was to examine how social workers investigate and assess addiction cases whether gender matters or not. The following questions were asked in the study; ? Does the gender of the client influence whether a case is opened after the first meeting at the Addiction Unit? ? Do social workers consider there is a difference in handling an addiction treatment investigation when the client is a man or a woman? ? Do divergences exist in the assessment and the final decision process when the case concerns a man or a woman? The study is based on the qualitative method. The material is gathered from semi-structured interviews with social workers. Their job tasks include assessment and evaluation of addiction cases.

En studie av två fotorealistiska målningar ? en semiotisk reflektion

The main purpose of this essay is to examine, in what way the paintings by Karin Broosand Markus Åkesson are images of autentic situations and furthermore in what way themediespecific essence is performed photografically. Questions occuring: 1) How are thecreations of reality shaped in the two chosen photorealistical paintings? 2) In what waycan you distinguish the iconicity and indexicality in the paintings Den vita klänningenand The Passage? 3) How does the photografic presence occur in the paintings andfuthermore how can you distinguish the mentioned parts above according to thepaintings? The theoretical standpoint is based upon Charles Sanders Peirces ideasconcerning iconicity and indexicality. The methods used are based on thoughtspresented by Andrew Benjamin and Mieke Bal. The signs of iconicity and indexicalitycan be studied in various ways in the two paintings, depending on how abstract andobvious different parts occur in the paintings.

Factors affecting crop insurance decision : a survey among Swedish farmers

Farmers are constantly facing changes, and the exposure to risk requires monitoring these changes. Financial risks, institutional risks, market risks and production risks are the different risk categories that the farmers face. Production risks stems from factors the farmer cannot affect or is beyond his control. The crop?s output is the basis for the primary income of agricultural operations, which is why it is important for farmer to manage their production risk. A tool to reduce the consequences of production risks is crop insurance.

Trångt om saligheten - En studie av intresseorganisationers arbete med politisk påverkan i det post-korporativa Sverige

The relationship between the government and organised interest in Sweden has changed. Formally considered as a good example of a corporatist state the country during the last 15 years or so experienced a more pluralistic system. This thesis is a qualitative study which discusses how interest groups seek to influence decision makers and policy thru lobbying and public opinion. It also examines how interest groups work with advertising and public relations in a changed climate of mass media. The main method of gathering material has been done thru interviews of representatives of different interest groups.The results of the study paint a picture where the interviewed organizations experience a vast competition in communication and information.

Att sätta fingret på emotionell intelligens - En kvalitativ studie om användningen av EQ-test i rekryteringsprocesser

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been claimed to be the most critical factor in determining a person's success in life, both personal and professional. EQ highly affects academic and job performance, leadership, stress, and well-being but is still not widely accounted for in recruitment processes. During the last 20 years a large number of researchers have shown interest in the concept of emotional intelligence, but few have studied its practical implications and how EQ-tests are used as a selection tool in recruitment processes. To create an understanding of the motivation for using the test, as well as its role in recruitment decisions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with recruiters at companies in Stockholm, Sweden. All interviewed companies use the self-assessment test EQ:i 2.0.

Svenska buddhismbilden : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av buddhism i läroböcker för Religionskunskap 1

Western scholars have long sought to grasp the essence of and explain Buddhism. Western representation of Buddhism has been in a manner that reflects their concerns and interests. In addition to this it is also known that Buddhism in Sweden is seen in a favorable way. This study tries to locate where this positive attitude toward Buddhism stems from and if it is represented in this manner in Swedish textbooks. Therefore three textbooks of upper secondary class of religion are to be examined, not only to see if there is a positive attitude towards it, but to see in what manner Buddhism is depicted in Swedish schools on the whole.

Oro för barn som far illa : förskolechefers tillämpning av anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this study was to investigate how directors of preschool apply the mandatory reporting and what information they say is important in the decision to report child maltreat-ment. The study was built on five semi-structure interviews with five directors of preschool working in Greater Stockholm. The perspective of this paper is sociology of law theory. This means to study how out of law information makes sense when director of preschool applies the mandatory reporting. The result was analysed with three different analytic tools: action plan, consulting social services and the considerations of the directors of preschool them-selves.

Reklam med god kvalitet : ? en studie av fem guldäggsbelönade annonser

In this thesis, high quality adverts are examined from the perspective of the advertisement contest Guldägget. The study discusses award-winning advertisement, both in terms of content and design, according to Guldägget?s jury members, industry experts and various theorists. Semiotics is used to analyse Guldägget?s winning adverts.

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