

3910 Uppsatser om Environmental effects - Sida 52 av 261

Syns man inte, finns man inte: En kvantitativ studie om PR och reklams relativa effektivitet

When working with market communications it is important that ones brand is noticed and remembered, for which the marketer has many tools at hand. This study compares the communicative effects of PR and paid advertisement on consumers, in response to the underlying purpose to provide a theoretical framework for better understanding the relative effects of the two tools. In the struggle for consumers? attention we find ads to be a tool to achieve wider brand knowledge, whilst PR is rewarded more extensive elaboration once noticed. The study also affirms the causal link between communication credibility, attitude toward the communication and brand attitude.

Att inspirera ett engagemang : En studie om hållbar utveckling i undervisningen

Problem: Har arbetet för hållbar utveckling inletts och i vilken grad främjas den i kommunikationen mellan lärare och student på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att övergripande avbilda hur implementeringen av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet. För att avbilda studieobjektets verklighet så väl som möjligt kommer vi undersöka ett antal delsyften; om vad som kommunicerats, hur det kommunicerats och hur relevant kommunikationen uppfattas i undervisningen. Detta kommer undersökas genom att titta på lärares uppfattning för att jämföras med hur studenterna uppfattar implementeringen av vår problem formulering.Teori: Teorikapitlet har sin grund från vetenskapliga arbeten och är baserad på tre teorier. En teori handlar om hur man strukturerar arbete för hållbar utveckling i en universitets kontext.

Metabola syndromet kopplat till fysisk aktivitet och konditionsstatus

Abstract  The development and onset of diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Type 2 diabetes are closely linked to genetics and lifestyle factors including physical activity and diet. A cluster of metabolic disorders called the metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a high-risk factor in developing these diseases. Acording to the International diabetes institute, one fourth of the worlds adult population has MetS. These individuals are twice as likely to die from CVDs compared to individuals without MetS. Physical activity (PA) and exercise has been shown to provide a number of positive effects that are considered to reduce the risk of developing sickness and premature mortality among both men and women of all ages, independent of other risk factors.

Reagerar sjukskrivna för psykiska besvär annorlunda på en ersättningsförändring i sjukförsäkringen jämfört med övriga sjukskrivna? : En empirisk undersökning för perioden 1996-1999

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om de som är sjukskrivna med diagnosen psykisk sjukdom reagerar annorlunda vid ersättningsförändringen i sjukförsäkringen år 1998 jämfört med övriga sjukskrivna. I detta syfte har vi tillämpat två Fixed effects modeller på paneldata över en fyraårsperiod, 1996 till 1999, som innefattar Sveriges län. Som approximation på andelen med psykisk sjukdom bland de sjukskrivna har vi använt Apotekets statistik över konsumtionen av antidepressiva medel och sömn- och lugnande medel. Under förutsättning att läkemedelskonsumtion är en god approximation för andelen med psykisk sjukdom i länen. Får vi ett statistisk signifikant resultat som tyder på att andelen med psykisk sjukdom bland de sjukskrivna reagerar mindre positivt på ersättningsförändringen år 1998 jämfört med övriga sjukskrivna..

För naturens bästa : en studie av svensk kvalitetsmärkning av ekoturism

Nature?s Best is a quality-label for Swedish Eco-tourism. It is one of very few active ecotourism labels and the only one that claims quality as its main focus. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the certification scheme Nature?s Best with regards to the values the certification creates for the companies that certify their products.

Djur som sociala katalysatorer : En studie om hur djur kan påverka socialisationen i behandlingsarbete

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a social-psychological relevance in allowing animals to be involved in therapy work. I have examined if the animals may contribute to effects on human relationships between caregivers and patients, and if the animals can contribute to helping patients to achieve better well-being. Through previous research and a quantitative interview I have received answers to the following questions: How are animals used in the treatment work? How do animals affect the relationship between caregiver-patient? In what ways do animals in treatment affect relationships between people? How do the professionals who work with animals believe that animals can affects the patient? I have interviewed people working in different kinds of treatment work using animals. The areas examined include work with animals at youth care, police, disability care, elderly care and school.

Undersökning av en industrifastighets material och resurshantering enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED

Miljöcertifieringssystemet för byggnader, LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) lanserades 1998 i USA av USGBC (United States Green Building Council). USGBC är en icke vinstdrivande organisation, vars mål är att bidra till utökat hållbart byggande. Skanskas första byggnad som certifierades enligt LEED färdigställdes 2001 i den amerikanska delstaten North Carolina. I slutet av februari 2009 offentliggjordes det att Skanska skall införa systemet i sin Nordiska organisation. Undersökningen som genomförts handlar om ett av LEED New Constructions sex delområden, Materials & Resources. Materialhanteringen för ett byggprojekt som Skanska uppfört har analyserats för att avgöra huruvida det skulle kunna erhålla poäng vid en certifiering enligt LEED.

Miljöpåverkan av äggproduktion : En jämförelse mellan Lilluns ägg och andra svenska äggproducenter

The purpose of this report was to compare Lilluns egg production with other Swedish egg producers based on the flow of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in the egg production systems. The main focus in the report was the utilization rate of the forage and the excess of nutrients per kg egg. Additionally, the purpose was to identify the environmental impact from Lilluns egg production and compare the results with other egg producers. The inflow of nutrients associated with forage and poultry was compared with the nutrients that were exported from the production. All of the egg producers in this study had an excess of nutrients.

Flerkanalspublicering och dess påverkan på journalisters arbetssituation : en studie av flerkanalspublicering i olika stadier

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to examine how multi channel publishing in different stages effect the work for journalists.Material/Method: The thesis is based on ten case studies selected from the literature and one conducted especially for this thesis. The case studies have been categorized according to a model that describes three strategies for multi channel publishing. The first strategy is to have a primary publishing channel, the second is to have separate editorial staffs for all publishing channels and the third is to treat all publishing channels equally.Main results: Journalists working for companies using the first strategy have not experienced any major differences in working conditions or work practices. For journalists employed by companies using the second strategy for multi channel publishing the effects on the journalists was noticeable but not major. The effects on journalists in companies using the third strategy are mainly stress and an uncertainty regarding how to use special media techniques..

Hållbarhetsfrågor vid produktion av An old friend

Jag har under detta arbete undersökt hur företaget MAD ELF ART kan arbeta med miljö och sociala aspekter i produktionen. Min uppgift har varit att lokalisera en materialleverantör och producent som kan arbeta med detta på bästa sätt.Under arbetets gång har jag kontaktat flera materialleverantörer och producenter och undersökt hur de jobbar med dessa aspekter. Samtidigt har jag även fördjupat mig i hur man kan ta hänsyn till miljö och sociala aspekter i produktionen, för att undersöka hur vi bäst kan arbeta med det.Vad jag kommit fram till är att materialvalet är det viktigaste och det som skiljer en produkt från att vara en miljöbov och en fara för människor till miljövänlig. Därför har jag i bilagan presenterat en leverantör och producent av materialet 100% silke som är ekologiskt färgad och handvävd. Silke lämnar inget energi-fotavtryck och går att återvinna.

Kommunala kulturmiljöprogram : strategiska planeringsunderlag för landskapsanalys, kulturhistorisk värdering och utveckling av kulturmiljöer

In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided about 15 environmental goals aimed to be achieved in time for the next generation. For example physical social planning must be based on programs and strategies how cultural-historical values has been attended, so called programs of cultural heritage. By law the Swedish municipalities are responsible for reaching these goals by creating program of cultural heritage. But only a few of the municipalities have these programs, meaning that many municipalities need to create programs of cultural heritage in the next five years.The aim of this report is to present a model of analysis on programs of cultural heritage in municipalities for preservation and development of cultural environments. By testing the model on the municipalities of Osby and Tomelilla methods on how to create a new program of cultural heritage or how to complete existing documents are formulated.One of the conclusions is that one document, program of cultural heritage, functions as landscape analysis, model of cultural valuation and strategy of developing cultural values.

Miljöledning för underhållsteknik : Vilken miljökompetens behöver underhållspersonal?

The purpose with this article is to give examples how to remain and in a long run develop a higher interest in maintenance activities and knowledge. First reason is the changed age-distribution with more number of older employees among maintenance personnel staff and second reason is demand for education due the increasing demand in environmental responsibility.In spite of there is a lot of knowledge of maintenance in national organizations of interests it will not be used in a sufficient extent in many companies. This knowledge is an important base to use to re-built the missing or loosed skills in companies. The national organization UTEK is involved in European projects to validate knowledge of maintenance. Lost of or bad maintenance activities will always affect on the environment.Establish a network between companies is a good way to exchange information in their common business areas.

Hållbarhetscertifieringssystem och kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete :  

The municipalities of Sweden have a great responsibility when it comes to adapt the physical planning to a more sustainable development. The development of the society depends upon the growth of new communities and other public services, but to build new communities in a long-term sustainable manner you need good methods and guidance. This study presents four sustainability certification scheme intended to improve and adapt the planning, implementation and performance of new communities and infrastructure project to more sustainable methods based on economic, ecological and social sustainability. These systems are the latest versions of environmental classifications and similar rating schemes, but with a broader focus since they also include the social aspect of sustainability.This study aims to investigate what role sustainability certification schemes can play in local planning for sustainable development. The study compares the certification systems criteria to the tools and goals that the Swedish municipalities have been provided with, to lead efforts towards a more sustainable society.

Cancerpatienters behov av kommunikation och information

Background: Cancer disease is one of the most common diseases in Sweden andradiotherapy is one of the regimens available for the treatment of cancer. Radiotherapycan be delivered as single treatment or be divided into several fractions that last forweeks. Radiotherapy can cause side effects that may occur during or at the end oftreatment. Information and communication is an integral part of all treatments and care.The oncology nurse should attempt to ease for the patients to communicate, participatein the care, receive information and enhance the ability to self-care.Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the patients? needs for communication andinformation with oncology nurse during their meeting through radiotherapy.Method: This pilot study was conducted on six patients with different cancer diagnosis.It was a qualitative study, were data was collected through individual interviews usingsemi-structured questions.

Ett tält för sju dagar : Festivaltält i papper

SummaryAt the summer festivals and it?s campsites there are each year thousands of tents left behind. Last year, at the Peace and Love festival in Borlänge, 220 tons of garbage was left behind at the festival area, much of which is tents. 69% of festival goers have at some point left behind a tent on a festival campsite. Many of these tents is purchased very cheaply, for a single festival.

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