

3910 Uppsatser om Environmental effects - Sida 25 av 261

NGO?s role in a public-private partnership : assessment of environmental educational efforts on short term

Business is changing and so are society?s expectations. Companies are expected to take responsibility for their trade and the context they are operating in, by looking at socially, economically and environmentally aspects. Many companies handle it by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their line of action. This is often handled by collaborating with other organisations, such as non-governmental organisations.

Nyemission. Var det värt det? : En studie om nyemissioners effekter på idrottsaktiebolag

This essay has examined the effects that new issues had on the four Swedish football clubs that are organized as sport limited companies. The difference between a limited company and a sporting limited company is that the clubs always have majority ownership by the 51% rule. Previous research on sport limited companies and on new issues has been associated with the agent theory and the pecking order theory in order to explain the effects.The thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach, where the interviews have been selected as the method of collecting data. Through the years the clubs have performed new issues several times. The study says that the clubs perform a new issue for two reasons, either for investment purposes or because they have a poor economy and must collect liquid assets.

När och varför dör smågrisarna under diperioden?

The purpose of this study was to compile when and why piglets die during the suckling peri-od. Piglet mortality is an important factor influencing the profitability of piglet production. There are many factors that play a role and interact whit each other. This study summarizes when the piglets die during the suckling period and reasons why the piglets die. The infor-mation given is crushed, illness, management/environmental, genetic influence and piglet birth weight/farrowingprocess.

Framtidens lagefterlevnadsverktyg hos små och medelstora företag : en behovsanalys

This thesis aims to investigate what requirements companies have in order to achieve a successful legislative compliance control. The implementation of an environmental management system can help the company to structure their business and succeed with their environmental legislative compliance.Both small and medium sized businesses perceive that it is difficult and time consuming because the legislation can be difficult to interpret if you do not have the required knowledge. There are many companies that hire help in the form of consultants who audit their compliance, but this leads to a risk that the company will be exposed when the knowledge does not remain in the company if the consultant would cancel the cooperation. There are not so many tools today for businesses to obtain good legal compliance. The methods used are usually checklists included in the control program, and it costs a lot of resources to do everything needed.This study strives to deliver the expressed needs of the businesses.

Styrning mot förändring: En fallstudie rörande organisatorisk förändring i offentlig sektor

This paper examines and analyzes effects of the introduction of a new management control system tool within a Swedish public health organization, the Södra Älvsborg hospital, and its possible effect on organizational change. The new management control system tool, known as the SÄS-model, has been widely criticized for being too costly and with too small positive effects to be shown. Our approach has with that as a background been to examine whether the implementation of the SÄS-model and its balanced scorecard has been able to result in effects regarding organizational change. We have through a case study aimed to analyze how a management control system, much alike one that is typically used within foremost private organizations, can promote organizational change. Our results suggest that the implementation of the SÄS-model and the balanced scorecard has given the organization clearer visions and goals.

Biologisk mångfald och skogsproduktion : -en målkonflikt i skogen?

The purpose of this work, has been to examine how different actors in the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry looks at Sweden?s forest policy statement, which claims that environmental goals and production goals should be equal in Swedish forestry. By assembling focusgroups with participants from the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry, we look at if these participants consider the Swedish forest policy goals equal or not. Conflicts do occur between the two forest policy goals, but also between those and others of Sweden?s environmental goals.

Opioder som smärtlindring till häst

Opioids are considered the "golden standard" in pain management for both humans and small animals, but is used less often in equine medicine - probably for fear of side effects. Are there any studies that suggest that side effects are a major problem, or is it lack of experience which is the greatest obstacle to use? As early as 1937 it was shown that morphine and morphine derivatives provide analgesia in horses. For species other than horses used opioids often both pre-, intra-and postoperatively. They relieve pain effectively and are often included in the anesthesia protocol.

Handel med utsläppsrätter - hur företagsstrategier påverkas :

Climate change is one of the most difficult problems that humans have to deal with. Today, the evidence of human effects on the climate change and the rise of temperature on earth are strong. It is extremely important that all countries get together and cooperate in order to be able to solve the problem with climate change. One step in the work on climate changes is the Convention on Climate Change, which was agreed on in 1992. The Convention on Climate Change resulted in the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement between a number of industrialized countries to limit or reduce the green gas emissions.

Åtgärder för att minimera trafikbullers påverkan på ett rekreationsområde

The aim of this inquiry was to investigate the most appropriate measures to reduce noise impacts from road traffic on the Nydala recreational area in Umeå municipality due to the planned re-routing of the E4 motorway to an existing road along this area. The sound environment is an important part in the experience when we are visiting recreational areas. Noise is not only disturbing; the liberty from unwanted sounds also allows us to perceive natural sounds that are a benefit for the cultural experience. Therefore it is important to take actions to protect this well used area from traffic noise. The reasonable options to avoid noise impact in this case are to lower the speed limit, using a noise reducing coating or use noise protection screens and walls.

Grundvattensänkning till följd av järnvägstunnel genom Hallandsås : miljökonsekvenser relaterade till förändrad kväveomsättning i mark

This thesis was carried out to give some background information to a report of SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) for the Swedish National Rail Administration (Banverket). The requested information was to provide basic data for an environmental impact assessment of the construction of the tunnel through Hallandsås. The aim with the thesis work was to discuss and quantify the leaching of nitrate and the emission of nitrous oxide from the soil at the groundwater level established through the tunnel project. The nitrogen related processes that could be affected were described and discussed. The different areas where a decreased groundwater level can cause changes in the nitrogen processes are the wet and moist areas.

Nyttjande av korsningar i mjölkproduktionen

Farmers? main reason for crossbreeding dairy cows is that they have seen a decline in functional traits, especially in the Holstein breed. Throughout crossbreeding, the farmers can combine functional and production traits of different dairy breeds and utilize the heterosis effects which emerge when two or more breeds are crossed. Results from different studies with Holstein crossed with Jersey, Brown Swiss, Normande and Scandinavian Red have shown that the crosses had higher fertility, longer productive life, had fewer stillborn calves and had easier calvings than purebred Holstein. The Holstein crosses have shown very good results and sometimes even better than the purebred Holstein for fat production, which gave higher amount of energy corrected milk (ECM) and higher income for the farmers.

 Solenergi En del i ett långsiktigt, hållbart byggande

The sun is essential to life on earth and no matter where you are, there is a constant need ofenergy. Nearly 800 000 years ago man learned for the first time to use fire in a controlled way.Since then, fire has given us the opportunity to inhabit places despite a cold climate. In Swedenthe resident sector accounts for a major part of the total consumption of energy. In a time whenenvironmental issues and greenhouse effects are increasing, we also see a future of rising energyprices. With this perspective, we have in this bachelor thesis in the Building Environment at theRoyal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm decided to focus on the renewable energysource, solar energy.The energy from solar radiation is a free resource and does not have any negative effects uponthe environment.

En designad fluidsimulation

In this report I will describe how an art-directed fluid effect for motion picture can be achieved. This effect will be an explosion with a visual style that is congruent with Pixar's movie Up. To begin with I will analyze the visual components that are used in Up and control the fluid simulation to get the desired visual style. I will briefly explain the background of my thesis, why it is interesting to create designed effects and why it is hard to design fluid effects. In the method I will explain my work process and some of the challenges that arises.

MATSVINN FÖRSVINN - En kvantitativ studie om hur ett CSR-argument kan involvera konsumenten i kampen mot matsvinn i butik

Every year 67000 tons of food is wasted by Swedish retail stores. The waste implies financial losses for the retailer and it has a huge impact on the global environment. Reducing in-store food waste is thus a win-win situation for both retailers and society. The most effective way to reduce waste is primarily by optimizing the logistics of supply, but customers expect a store with a wide range of products and stuffed shelves. Thus there will always be products about to expire.


To achieve a sustainable development, three aspects have to take equal place in the society; environmental, economical and social. To reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of greenhouse gases supplied to the atmosphere, industrialized countries and less developed countries must start cooperating. Also the use of renewable energy sources, like solar, hydro and wind power, have to increase.Wind power has great potential as a future energy supply. It is cost efficient, quickly developed and the resource is abundant and available worldwide.Examinations made in Sweden, indicates that there are difficulties establishing wind power at the same pace as the environmental goals, set by the Swedish government, requires. Mainly because people living nearby potential areas for wind power farms, appeal against the decision.This study aims to investigate differences between how people in Sweden and Brazil look at wind power as a future energy source and at the establishing process.

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