2688 Uppsatser om Environmental Security - Sida 27 av 180
Bakomliggande resonemang och uppfattningar av fenomenet life education : en etnografisk studie i Uganda
The flexibility of the labour market is considered as an instrument for increasing economic growth.Therefore has the use of flexible employment, also called atypical employment, increased. The atypical employment is characterized by insecurity in comparison with a traditional permanent full- time employment. One of the most common atypical employments is the manning employment, which is insecure whether it is permanent or not. The insecurity in the industry is based on insecure income, unpredictable working hours and poor psychosocial work environment.In order to encourage a continued increase of flexibility in the labour market while the need for security for staffing employees would be satisfied was Directive 2008:104 adopted. A certain amount of security has been achieved.
Smart konsumtion : unga vuxnas attityd till miljö- och rättvisemärkta produkter
We are more aware than ever about our impact on the common environment and the world's population. Consumption awareness can be one way to take social and environmental responsibility. This study aims to examine young adults' (19-30 years) attitudes toward consumption awareness in Sweden. Consumption awareness is treated in this study as the consumption of environmental and fair-trade labeled products that have been certified of a third party. The study is limited to everyday commodities, which in this case is groceries, household consumables and clothing.
Konsekvenser av oplanerade verksamhetsavbrott orsakat av fel på medicinteknisk utrustning : En studie inom Länssjukhuset i Kalmar med fokus på drift, säkerhet och kvalitet
Title:The issue of unplanned stoppages caused by failure in medical technology equipment ? A study within the hospital of Kalmar with a focus on manage-ment, security and quality Author:Anna Förster, Ambika Linder, Sandra Nyqvist Tutor:Thomas Karlsson Institution:Linnaeus School of Business and Economics - Linnaeus University Kalmar Date:2011-01-14 Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine unplanned stoppages caused by medical technology equipment failure in the healthcare operation within the hospital of Kalmar. Our study is based on a number of specifically selected incidents which show the consequences these disruptions cause in management, security and quality within the operation. Our intention was also to examine what role the medical technology department of the hospital plays in the care production operation during these unplanned stoppages. Method:Through a qualitative study we have generated material from a number of interviews with staff working in the hospital of Kalmar.
Den tilltagande betydelsen av att skydda civilbefolkningen i fredsbevarande operationer har genomgått en påtaglig utveckling, följt av delade meningar om vad säkerhet innebär. Jag framhåller att utvecklingen skall förstås som specifikt problematisk i den meningen att kvinnor har blivit alltmer utsatta i konflikter, vilket samtidigt beskrivs som ett understuderat förhållande inom forskningsområdet. Med utgångspunkt i Feminist Security Theory syftar den här uppsatsen till att studera förekomsten av ett feministiskt perspektiv i internationell säkerhetspolitik. I samband med antagandet av UNSCR 1325 om kvinnor, fred och säkerhet år 2000 beskrevs för första gången kvinnorsställning i konflikter i form av en säkerhetsfråga och därmed inte längre enbart inkluderat i FN:s mänskliga rättigheter. Således bereddes utrymmeför nya möjligheter att hantera säkerhetsutmaningar på.
Riktlinjer för yttre hot - En inblick i riktlinjer angående yttre hot för Karlskrona kommun
Målet med detta arbete är att bättre förstå hur riktlinjer ska skapas och
användas. Utgångspunkten har varit att media uppmärksammat ett flertal
incidenter där främmande människor tog oönskad kontakt med olika förskolor i
Karlskronaområdet. Författarna ville då se över hur kommunen arbetade med
frågor om yttre hot vilket medförde att arbetet utmynnade i ett försök om att
bättre försöka få förståelse för riktlinjer och dess användning då kommunen vid
arbetets start saknade riktlinjer för yttre hot av denna typ. Metoden som
använts är av kvalitativ art i form av intervjuer med några säkerhetsansvariga
för förskolor i andra svenska kommuner. Resultatet av dessa intervjuer
tillsammans med kompletterande material från generella tillvägagångssätt för
identifikation och analys av säkerhetsproblem resulterade i ett förslag på
arbetsmetoden vid skapandet av riktlinjer samt en påminnelse om att se över
befintliga riktlinjer för yttre hot..
Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi
This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.
Distriktssköterskors dokumentation i omvårdnadsjournal vid telefonrådgivning.
The aim of the study was to describe what district nurses, who work with telephone- advice, document in patient record, to be able to develop their documentation. The Authors have examined 50 patient records. The examination tool is collected from ?Lokal anvisning för hälso- och sjukvården I Södra Älvsborg?. The audit areas was record keeping, review and planning, realization, individual nursing and the patients participation, information, education and agreement.
Miljökompensation vid exploatering av Natura 2000 : en jämförande studie av Sverige, Tyskland och Nederländerna
The purpose of the thesis is to describe how environmental compensation is carried through when it comes to exploitation of Natura 2000. The thesis also relates to the three theories of planning synoptic, advocacy and transactive. Three cases of environmental compensation have been studied from three different countries where an exploitation of the Natura 2000 is done. Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands have all been working with environmental impact assessments as a demand to be able to carry through their projects. The projects concern the development of a railway track, an industry and a port which all have been approved by the EU-commission to carry on because of socioeconomic reasons.
De kommunala miljöarbetet : En uppsats om miljömedvetenhet och medborgarskap
The work with Agenda 21 resulted in a larger focus on local participation and deliberation. The Swedish implementation of Agenda 21 is a result of these local governments´ political agendas and policies.The purpose with this paper is to examine the relationship between the citizen and the local government. It focuses on three theories of citizenship and how the view of "the environmental aware citizen?; in the local government?s municipalities policies differ and from which theory of citizenship do they come from.The analysis is of a valuing and comparing nature. The municipalities´ web pages have been the main source to generate an understanding of their view on the normative environmental work.
Miljödiplomeringens betydelse för små och medelstora företag
I denna studie analyseras Göteborgs kommuns miljödiplomeringsmodell, dess tillämpning,problem och möjligheter. Syftet var att studera vad företag och revisorer accentuerar på, vilka problem och brister som förekommer samt hur miljöprestanda och miljökommunikation uppfattas i certifierade respektive diplomerade företag. Ett annat syfte var att studera vilka orsakerna är bakom att en del diplomerade företag hoppar av sitt diplom och andra avvaktar med att diplomera verksamheten..
Vägen mot hållbar samdistribution : ett förslag till samordnade varutransporter i Uppsala
This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.
Offentligt stöd till innovationer : Hur resonerar de offentliga stödgivarna?
The purpose with this essay is to study the public support givers view of the concept innovation and to study how the public support givers discuss and act around the division of public support to entrepreneurs innovations. The purpose is further to describe if the division of public support favour or not favour environmental innovations and to examine if the public support givers consider the industry for environmental innovations is profitable for the society?s economy.We have done several case studies where we have interviewed eight public support. Support givers in this essay are defined as public authorities and other organisations on local, national and/or international level that gives public support to innovations. The public support givers that take part of the essay is VINNOVA, ALMI Stockholm, Innovationsbron, Energimyndigheten, SU Holding AB, KTH Holding, Västra Götalandsregionen and MISTRA.Our theoretical starting point is Silverman and Baums theory ?Picking Winners or Building Them?.
"Att föräldrarna får vara sig själva är den stora vinsten" : en studie med betoning på den kortare inskolningsmodellen i förskolan
I have examined acclimatization models in pre-school. My emphasis is on the shorter acclimatization models. To begin pre-school is a big change, not only for small children, for the whole family as well. It is important to get a good acclimatization in pre-school, and one of the things it takes to achieve that is to interact with the parents. The reason why I chose this subject was because we have not studied much literature about this subject during our education to become pre-school teachers.
Riktlinjer för implementering av ISO 17799
An ongoing concern within the Intellectual Technological world is the issue of security. There are severe consequences if someone without permission searches a computer for secret information that was left unlocked. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, rules about password lengths or employees bringing personal flash drives into the company should be created and followed.As Internet become a worldwide phenomenon, the use of information technology is growing more than ever. With more use and accessibility to Internet, new threats against companies have also emerged. This report brings up the main issues that a company needs to regulate today.The standard for regulations and proposals for IT-security comes in a document called ISO 17799 and very complicated for those who are not experts in the field.
Effektivisering av klimatskärm : a?tga?rdsfo?rslag fo?r bostadsfo?reningen Stocken
This study explores Environmental Storytelling techniques and whether these can beused in combination with each other to lead a player through a game scene in aspecific pattern, affect the player?s narrative and exploratory view and explorewhether Self-paced Exploration can be combined with these techniques.It is a qualitative study conducted by six gaming sessions with accompanyinginterviews in which six people get to play one of three versions of the same gamescene. The only differences between the scenes are the different guidance techniquesused. The informants' movement patterns are identified and interviews recorded byaudio, as well as screen recording. The results shows that Environmental Storytellingtechniques can very well be used to control the player's exploration patterns, bothnarratively and navigation purposes and Self-paced Exploration can be utilized to agreater efficiency in combination with these..