

10770 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 9 av 718

Uppvärmningssystem - En analys av valmöjligheter för småhus

When constructing a new house many questions appear, from architecture to decisions regarding installations. Sweden is situated in a cold part of the planet and questions regarding which heating system to install face everyone who decides to build a new house. This thesis describes a construction solution of a villa in Kiruna. The extended essay analyzes which heating system is most suitable for the construction. The options are geothermal, district and pellet heating systems.

Hinder & möjligheter med dagvattenhantering : Fallstudier över Linköping och Norrköping kommuns arbete med alternativ dagvattenhantering

More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).

Att inspirera ett engagemang : En studie om hållbar utveckling i undervisningen

Problem: Har arbetet för hållbar utveckling inletts och i vilken grad främjas den i kommunikationen mellan lärare och student på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att övergripande avbilda hur implementeringen av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet. För att avbilda studieobjektets verklighet så väl som möjligt kommer vi undersöka ett antal delsyften; om vad som kommunicerats, hur det kommunicerats och hur relevant kommunikationen uppfattas i undervisningen. Detta kommer undersökas genom att titta på lärares uppfattning för att jämföras med hur studenterna uppfattar implementeringen av vår problem formulering.Teori: Teorikapitlet har sin grund från vetenskapliga arbeten och är baserad på tre teorier. En teori handlar om hur man strukturerar arbete för hållbar utveckling i en universitets kontext.

Indirekta ekonomiska följder av miljödiplomering

Titel                                    Indirect economic impacts of a national environment certification as financial business strategyAuthors                              Ida Antonsson, Emma Hellberg and Linn RingströmAdvisor                              Arne SöderbomCourse                               Bachelor thesis ? business administrationSeminar date                     2013-05-27Purpose                              The main aim of this study is to describe and analyze how private corporations use national environment certifications as a business strategy to gain power and financial benefits. By studying already certified corporation in Sweden, this study aims to understand, explore and develop already existing theoretical theories and concepts concerning ?national environment certifications?.Background                      All corporations have an impact on the environment. Therefor many corporations use a variety of worldwide certifications to be able to prove to ?others? that the corporation meets national- and international set goals.

Ny hemsida till Lindt & Sprüngli Sverige : Genom informationshantering i Magento och TYPO3

This report describes the working process and creation of a new website for Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden with the help of the content management systems Magento and TYPO3. The report shows how different elements are created and published on the website, how the education in these systems was acquired and how contact with third party companies has been initiated and maintained. It also accounts for what is shown on the website as well as why it is shown. The goal with this project is to deliver a complete website to Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden where customers can find information about products as well as the company. The results of this project was a website that was launched on www.lindt.se on the 17th of June 2015..

Natur- och miljöarbete inom förskolan : en jämförande studie om två förskolors arbetssätt

Teaching preschool children about the environment. A comparative study of how two preschools work with environmental issues.My investigations are based on qualitative interviews and observations carried out at two preschools, one of which has a nature and environment profile while the other works in traditional ways with these questions. I sought to explore the ways in which pedagogues in each preschool raise environmental awareness and, more generally, awaken an interest in nature in the children. The consequences of methodological similarities and differences will be considered.This term paper concludes that the difference between an environmental profile preschool and a traditional preschool working on environmental awareness is not large. The knowledge gained by children in the latter preschool surpassed that gained in the former.

Högskolan i Halmstads miljöarbete - syndliggörande för studenterna

We must all take our responsibility to our common environment, we have to make sure that the following generation is guaranteed a healthy and good environment. Swedens universities have a significant role too achieve this. Environment questions have to integrate in the educa¬tion as a compulsory element, then more people will have an increased comprehension for the influence we have ion the environment. . My degree project have I decided to do about the environmental work at Halmstad University.

Miljo?klassning inom infrastruktur och anla?ggningsprojekt : - en fo?rdjupning inom CEEQUAL

This thesis has evaluated environmental classifications of projects and the lessons learned to explore what the possible ramifications of implementing this in the construction and infrastructure are. Companies today are looking to develop methods to demonstrate their environmental commitments, but there is an uncertainty regarding the contribution of environmental classifications in this aspect.The literature review presents the theory of environmental classification, which provides a general knowledge of its function. The empirical data is based on an analysis of existing classification methods and qualitative interviews. The analysis shows specific environmental classification system for the area of construction and infrastructure. CEEQUAL is currently the only environmental classification applicable to Swedish projects and therefore serves as the basis for the continued analysis.

Miljömål 17: Hållbar konsumtion : Ett försök att integrera den svenska konsumtionens globala miljöpåverkan med miljömålssystemet

Environmental objective 17: Sustainable consumption - An attempt to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption with the environmental objectives system The aim of this report was to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption withthe environmental objectives system through presenting a suggestion for a seventeenth environmental objective ? Sustainable consumption. How the Swedish consumption pressures the global environment and methods to measure the affects was investigated. The pressure was divided into five main fields: climate, air, water, land and chemicals. The impacton humans and the biodiversity was also discussed, as well as differences between how men and women affect the environment and get affected when the environment changes.

Att skapa ett enhetligt användargränssnitt : Användargränssnitt baserat på personametoden som koncept istället för empiri

Man's life has changed in many ways since technology made it?s entry for public at large. In response to this change the science of human-machine interaction was invented. It has in turn evolved into human-computer interaction. With this science the focus is on the customization of the system for the actual person who will use it.The thesis has been implemented in a telecom company's development department.

En studie av rörelsen mot en processorienterad sjukvårdsorganisation - eller hur man får upp strutsar ur sanden

Health care costs in relation to GDP are escalating all over Europe and the Swedish health care industry is not an exception. Between 30 and 50 percent of resources used in health care are considered waste, in the sense that they don't contribute to increased health. This illustrates the big need for hospitals to become more efficient which is why many hospitals today are trying to move towards a process-oriented organization. This paper therefore aims to identify the elements necessary for this type of organizational change, the barriers encountered when moving from a functional to process oriented hospital as well as how to overcome them. The case study was conducted at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and shows the importance of not just transmitting a sense of urgency but also communicating that the upcoming change is long term.

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS®

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - en väg mot ökad uthållighet? : en studie av Ramsjö gård

Over the past one hundred years, there has been an increasing globalization and industrialization of the food systems. As a result, the distance between the production and the consumption of food has increased, both in time and space and in the minds of people. There is also an increasing concern for the environmental effects of industrial farming and the long distance transportation of food. Sustainable agriculture and efforts to build more sustainable food systems has emerged in opposition to the global food market. The definitions of sustainability usually include environmental, social and economical aspects. To build more localized food systems is seen as one way towards increased sustainability.

Omvärldsbevakning i tre organisationer med fokus på hållbar stadsutveckling

The subject field studied in this essay is environmental scanning. The aim of this study is to analyse how three public organizations within the subject field sustainable development work with their environmental scanning. Most organizations have to relate to their surroundings such as clients and competitors. Environmental scanning is another very important field that organizations have to relate to in their work. This essay has three questions in focus which are the following;How is the work with environmental scanning in the three organizations arranged?How does the work with environmental scanning differ in the three organizations?How important is environmental scanning for the subject field sustainable development?The study was carried out through four conducted interviews with key persons within the three organizations.

Miljöeffekter av alternativa system för behandling av hushållsavfall i Santiago, Chile : en jämförelse mellan deponering och förbränning med energiutvinning

This report was written by Lisa Bengtson and Hanna Paradis and describes the degree thesis "Environmental impacts of solid waste treatment in the Metropolitan Region, Santiago, Chile ? a comparison between current system and incineration with energy recovery". The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if incineration with energy recovery could be motivated through an environmental perspective as an alternative to landfilling of solid waste in Santiago, Chile. The study was performed with Life Cycle Analysis as a theoretical base. In Santiago, situated in the thirteenth region of Chile, Región Metropolitana, lives 6,5 million inhabitants. The major part of the solid waste produced in the region is landfilled on three different sanitary controlled landfills situated outside the city center.

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