

10770 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 32 av 718

Competence Management-system på Tetra Pak

Uppsatsen är baserad på en fallstudie gjord på Tetra Pak. Syftet med fallstudien var att utforma en lista med faktorer att som bör beaktas för att ett införande av ett Competence Management-system ska bli framgångsrikt. Tillvägagångssättet i fallstudien har varit en dokumentstudie och ett antal intervjuer. Använda teorier är hämtade från områdena Change Management, Knowledge Management, Competence Management och Human Resource Management. Undersökning resulterade i ett antal intressanta faktorer som bör beaktas.

Crisis management - om krisstrategier och deras förekomst i livsmedelsbranschen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka frekvensen av krisstrategier inom livsmedelsbranschen och hur pass sofistikerade dessa strategier är. Vidare vill vi se närmare på en del av de moment som crisis management-teorierna behandlar. Förekomsten av krisstrategier är stor, men endast ett fåtal av företagens strategier uppfyller våra kriterier för att anses såsom mycket sofistikerade. Företagen anser själva att det är viktigt med crisis management, medan de i verkligheten inte i lika hög utsträckning har de element som författarna till den crisis management-teori, vi använt oss utav, menar ska finnas med. Företag som varit i en kris har mer sofistikerade krisstrategier än de som inte har upplevt en kris under de senaste 20 åren..

Skogens sociala värden : hållbarhet, hyggesmetoder och tunn reglering

The Swedish forest policies have earlier mainly been focused on two goals: production and environment. The production goal aims to benefit the economical gains from forestry while the environmental goal primarily aims to shield the ecological values of the forest. With the introduction of the Swedish environmental code and the environmental objectives it was made clear that the overall objective for Swedish community development, including the forestry sector, is sustainable development. Sustainable development includes supporting economic, ecologic as well as social values of which the latter seems to have been forgotten in the forestry sector. This was recently brought to attention to the sector and the debate how to handle the social values is now ongoing.The legislator has not been unaware of the social values since they have since long been at least somewhat included in the preliminary works.

Grönt med personalen. Det interna värdet av Schenkers miljöarbete

Title Greenlighted employees ? The internal value of Schenker?s environmental work.Author David Fridner.Course Master thesis in Science of Media and Communication.Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Gothenburg.Semester Spring semester 2009.Tutor Professor Monika Djerf-Pierre.Number of pages 55 (appendix 23).Aim The aim is to study the internal value of Schenker?s environmental work.Method Qualitative and quantitative method.Material 20 interviews from four workgroups: managers (4), sales (5), customer-services (4) and truck drivers (7). 148 websurveys from two workgroups: sales (106) and customer-services (42).Main result Schenker is perceived as an environmentally friendly enterprise. Much due to the fact that the company?s impact on nature only has little to do with how the staff evaluate its ?greenness?.

SVIKTANDE ST?D TILL MILJ?POLITIK En kvantitativ studie kring politisk orientering och st?d till milj?politik i Sverige under kristider

Climate change is a major political challenge, and the public opinion can play a big role in addressing it. It?s therefore relevant to examine which factors influence individuals? support towards environmental policy. Previous research indicates that this can be understood from political orientation (Jagers m.fl 2018, s. 86-7).

Baltic 21 kontra Helcom : Hållbarhet eller Modernisering

The purpose with the essay is to point out how the main differences of the Helsinkicommission, Helcom and Baltic 21 can be explained from a general perspective and with a specific focus on two of their ongoing projects: Baltic 21 Lighthouse projects and The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Plan. And to investigate how the organisations them selves formulates the purpose of the two projects. This will be an indication on why environmental problems are handled with in a traditional matter although the rhetoric of the environmental politics is permeated by the concept of Sustainable Development.This dilemma is being treated from the theoretical approaches of Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and linked to how these organisations actually carried out their work and how the historical heritage have a role to play in this complex of problems. The results of the essay shows that concrete differences exists in the way that the two organisations are constructed and how their ongoing projects are designed and formulated. These differences can be derived to the theoretical platforms Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and be explained by in witch political context the organisations were created.

Klassifikationssystem på webben: Traditionella och nya

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the opportunities of classification of web pages. Two classification systems are compared; a library classification system traditional and a system that is developed for use on the web new. UDC is chosen to represent the traditional systems, and Yahoo! represents a so called new system. UDC is used by NISS Directory of networked resources, which is a directory that uses the system for organisation of electronic resources. Both systems are analysed from two different perspectives, a multidisciplinary and a timeperspective.

Installation av övervakningssytem ombord på fartyget M/S Andromeda

This report is regarding an electrical installation of an alarm system on a post fishingboat called Andromeda. The background of the installation was an earlier andinadequate alarm system that led to a motor failure. The ship was taken out of serviceand was sold to Björn Magndahl who rebuilt it to a yacht.The project was conducted partly by developing the existing systems, partly bydocumenting the work by means of electrical blue prints. Except the alarm systems, aninstallation of the frequency control unit for the bow thruster was installed.The installation was working fine and the outcome of the documentation was handedover in a form of a binder during the test drive of the systems and the assignment wasapproved..

Införande av IT Service Management med hjälp av IT Infrastructure Library

I en allt mer krympande värld, måste organisationer lära sig att snabbt reagera på marknadsförändringar. Medan organisationer blir bättre på att införa nya affärsprocesser, kvarstår problemet med en tungrodd och svårföränderlig IT?miljö. Det hela görs inte bättre av att organisationer blir mer och mer beroende av sin IT?infrastruktur.

Transporter på väg - En studie över Sveriges lastbilscentralers metoder för att möta ökande drivmedelspriser

Background and problem: In the last few years the threat against the environment and especially the emissions of carbon dioxide has become increasingly debated. The government have set up a goal to lower the emissions of carbon dioxide with 40 percent until 2020 compared to the level in 1990. The emissions in the transportation sector have, in contrast to the total emissions, increased since 1990 and will continue to increase unless powerful control measures are implemented. The lorry centres have to use strategies to answer to these external threats which lead us to the two questions of this thesis: - What methods do the lorry centres use actively and which do they consider as the most important methods for fuel saving? - Are there any differences which methods small, medium and large centres considers as important? Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to examine which methods lorry centres use actively and which they consider as important for fuel saving.

XML som informationsbärare för EDI

Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used. The most common standard in Europe is EDIFACT, but with increased interest of using the Internet for business communication there is a need for a standard that is adjusted for use over the Internet.

Informations- och kunskapsflöde i byggbranschen : En studie av informations- och kunskapsflöde till och från produktionsledare

This report that is written in cooperation with Peab Sverige AB, studies the information and knowledge management from the production support to the production management. The conclusion of this report is that to have a good and functional information and knowledge management it is necessary that the company has a good way of regain and handling experiences from its projects. The way to do this is to develop the managing system on the production management?s terms. It is also critical to find an easy way for the production management to use the system..

Ekosystemtjänster : En studie av kunskapsläge, hinder och strategier inom kommunal förvaltning

?Ecosystem services are the ecosystems direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being.? In order to reach the generation target and the environmental objectives it is important to increase the awareness of biodiversity and ecosystem services and it?s importance to human welfare and simultaneously highlighting the value of ecosystem services. The value of ecosystem services should be integrated into economic standpoints, political considerations and other decisions in the society. In today?s society there is a problem concerning that the value of ecosystem services are not considered in economic terms, which can result in solutions that are unfavorable for our welfare (Ministry of Environment, 2012).

Genetisk artbestämning och karaktärisering av Trypanosoma theileri

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Det "svarta hålet" inom turismnäringen : En studie om hur en svensk researrangörs hållbarhetsarbete påverkar kunden

This study aims to investigate whether or how the tour operator Fritidsresors customers gets affected by their sustainable environmental work and what kinds of effects the work has generated. A secondary data analysis of Fritidsresors website has been made, and an in-depth interview with Fritidsresors sustainability manager. Also a quantitative survey was conducted by fifty respondents, all customers of Fritidsresor. The answers have since been interpreted and processed in accordance with a comparative and phenomenological approach and with an exploratory purpose. Scientific articles have been studied and analyzed in order to generate an explanation for the phenomenon as a research field, and how previous research has looked.

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