

4373 Uppsatser om Enviromental education - Sida 65 av 292

"Kristen etik och västerländsk humanism" - historiskt förankrade begrepp eller uttryck för en suverän etik? : En undersökning kring resonemanget rörande begreppen i förarbetena till läroplanerna Lpo/Lpf 94

The purpose of this study is to examine discussions held by politicians and experts concerning the concepts Christian ethics and western humanism. I will examine the argumentation for and against the concepts Christian ethics and western humanism, which finally ended in a resolution of using these concepts in the curriculum Lpo/Lpf 94. In this study I am using a qualitative method to examine how different opinions and views are expressed in two different committee reports, initiated by the Ministry of Education, as well as protocols from the debate in the Swedish Parliament.I will attempt to elucidate the political views of these concepts, which will become an integral part of the base of values in the curriculum. Results show that the politicians are unanimous regarding the content itself, but disagree of the thought of establishing the base of values in Christian ethics. But the discussion is ambiguous because the opinion of the politicians is that the concepts, especially Christian ethics, stand for general human values.

Yrkesutbildningens förändring från 1960 till 2011 ur utbildningspolitiskt perspektiv

We conducted this study because a new school reform begins in 2011. Our study is in between 1960 - 2011. The survey methodology is the following; we use literature, previous studies and curricula. Rating has returned to a more equitable system. This means that the range has decreased in each grade level. Industry has been involved and affected programs and curricula. Short courses have disappeared and GY11kommer to tighten eligibility requirements. This places greater demands on schools and students. The new grading scale will be fairer to the students. The courses have been following the development of society. It is also true that businesses have had opportunities to customize programs for their purposes, so that they have professionals with the basic knowledge they need.

Delaktig eller inte, det är frågan : En intervjustudie kring elevens delaktighet i bedömning i svenska utifrån bedömningsstöden »Läsutvecklingsschema» och »Nya språket lyfter!»

Assessment of the level of the pupils´ knowledge and understanding are important parts of teaching. There are diverse ways to do this and many different tools to use.The purpose of this study is to explore, through qualitative interviews, how five teachers work with assessment. The focus lies on both how they work with assessment in general and how they use the assessment tools called »LUS» and »Nya språket lyfter!». The pupils´ participation in their own education is an important part of the Swedish curriculum, which is why the study also focuses on how the informants work to enable the pupils´ participation in the assessment and in their education.The informants all think that both assessment and the pupils´ participation in the assessment are important, since teaching is easier when the pupils are aware of what they need to know and learn. Many of the informants express that time is an issue when it comes to making the assessment trustworthy.

En undersökning av tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa i grundskolan.

I och med den nya läroplanen för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, Lpo 94, breddades idrottsämnet och ämnet bytte namn från idrott till idrott och hälsa. Då hälsa är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp var syftet med studien att undersöka tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa. Studien inkluderade två olika undersökningar varav den ena avsåg en textanalys av samtliga läroplaner för grundskolan med inkluderande kursplaner för idrottsämnet. Detta för att belysa hur hälsosynen och tolkningsutrymmet har utvecklats över tid. Textanalysen kompletterades sedan med intervjuer av fyra behöriga idrottslärare för grundskolan i en kommun för att få inblick i hur yrkesverksamma tolkar hälsa utifrån kursplanen.

"Om man vill studera och verkligen kämpar så finns det en väg för det här i Sverige" : En intervjustudie om några unga nyanlända irakiers syn på möjligheter och hinder i en gymnasieskola i Södertälje kommun

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

Den föränderliga samtidshistorien : En analys av historieläroböckernas beskrivning av orsakerna till Jugoslavienkriget 1991-1995 och Kosovokriget 1998-1999

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the views Swedish elementary school teachers produce on the subject of ethics. The teachers? thoughts on selection among ethical notions is described and also how these notions are assessed. The essay proceeds from the central content and the knowledge requirement in the syllabus of religious knowledge.The empirical survey is based on qualitative scientific interviews with four teachers employed in grades 4-6 at different schools.The teachers find ethics in its current state of the syllabus hard to define and they find encounters with parents and pupils difficult in their tasks. The selection of ethics is decided by previously planned basic values education or from conflicts erupting during schools hours.

?De handlar inte alltid om att vinna? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om handikappidrott utifrån ledarnas perspektiv

This study aim to investigate the conditions framing the professional development situation for physical education teachers (PE) in a small municipality in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education declare that "focus must be directed towards strengthening the teachers' profession", and that "schools need well-trained teachers and good teaching to help students achieve good results". The study focuses both the schools? contribution and the way in which the teachers take own initiative and are motivated to develop their professional skills. The investigation is all based on teachers' perspectives.

Ipad för undervisning : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasielärares erfarenheter och idéer kring praktisk tillämpning av Ipad i klassrumsundervisning

The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the role of the teacher and the teaching in the classroom is affected when the Ipad is introduced in an one-to-one situation, and if so how these effects occur. Previous research show that the introduction of new technology in education offers hope of a more effective way of learning but that this at the same time leads to challenges for traditional ways of teaching and traditional views on knowledge (Säljö & Linderoth (red.) 2009, Erixon (red.) 2014).The method used is a qualitative interview in combination with observations used as a complement to the interviews. Four teachers working on an upper secondary school have been interviewed and one lesson in English taught as a foreign language and one lesson in social science have been observed.The results show that the use of Ipad changes how the teachers relate to and use the teaching material, as all material can be gathered in the Ipad and accessed at all times and can also be shared with the pupils. The Ipad also makes it easier for the teachers to offer pupils individual instructions which the teachers view as positive. In addition, the Ipad enables a change in regards to the pupils as they switch from being users to becoming producers in the use of the Ipad which in the teachers? opinions offers more profound ways of learning..

Läkarstudenterna och det symboliska kapitalet. : Kulturella och andra symboliska tillgångar hos läkarstudenter på Karolinska institutet.

I uppsatsen undersöks kulturellt och annat symbolisk kapital hos läkarstudenter vid Karolinska Institutet. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av Pierre Bourdieu. I studien jämförs läkarstudenternas investeringar i utbildning, mediavanor och andra kulturella aktiviter med fyra andra elitinriktade utbildningsprogram i Stockholmsområdet. Studien har en kvantitativ del med data insamlat genom en postal enkät till högskolestudenter och en kvalitativ del med personliga intervjuer med läkarstudenter på termin fyra på Karolinska Institutet. Studien visar att läkarstudenterna har mycket gemensamt med studenter vid de andra utbildningarna men att det särkskiljer sig i vissa avseenden.

Ur chefens synvinkel : - om ett jämställdhetsprojekt i Kalmar kommun

Kalmar Municipality has in 2008-2010 made an effort to educate managers on gender, with the goal of mainstreaming gender into public activities so that all citizens should feel safe in that treatment and services are designed and resources are distributed equally to both sexes living conditions and needs. The overall aim of this study was to examine whether the training effort has paid off, and how gender mainstreaming has been implemented in the different activities. We have used a qualitative approach, which we examined through interviews managers' approach to gender equality.Gender was generally described as an important issue of all respondents, and all were working to mainstream gender into their activities and workplaces. The results show that the operational and management needed clearer directives and strategies in their efforts to promote gender equality. Education was necessary because personal definition of gender may differ from the control contents of the documents.

?Det vore en dröm? ? Grundskolerektorers tolkningar och arbetsmetoder gällande tillgång till skolbibliotek

In July 2011, new regulations regarding school libraries came into effect through a new education act for Swedish schools. The wording of the Act has been the basis of much discussion in which the concepts of "school library" and "access" makes it difficult to build consensus among different parties, why this can cause difficulties in ultimately construct equal access to school library. The purpose of this survey is to examine the interpretations and practices that exist around the school library and its functions among primary school principals. The principals have been selected on the basis that they themselves (the schools) already indicated that they do not have access to their own school library within the school premises. As a theoretical starting point, I used the school library researcher David Loertscher?s taxonomy for school leaders.

PROKRASTINERING - gapet mellan avsikt och handling Studenter på högre utbildningar

The definition of procrastination can be described as a behavior with deliberate postponement of tasks or commitments despite expected negative consequences for the individual and his or her environment. This study examined how widespread this behavior is among students in higher education in Sweden. Using a web-based survey, data was collected for analysis. A statistical program, SPSS, was used for evaluation of the collected data. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the degree of procrastination between students located on campus versus students who do their education at distance.

Att vårda patienter i rättspsykiatrisk vård som uppvisar självskadebeteende : sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser

Deliberate self harm as defined pathologically as well as socially is becoming an increasing phenomenon within forensic psychiatry. Nurses working with patients who have self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry face different challenges which affect their feelings and attitudes in different ways, in their nursing practice.Purpose: To explore nurses? experiences of caring for patients who suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry.Method: Qualitative semi- structured interview s from eight nurses working within the forensic psychiatric clinic. Interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis.Results: They worked strategically and emphasized the importance of teamwork, good communication and urged for the need to get necessary education, staff focused tutoring and patient focused therapy.Conclusion: Need for necessary education, patient focused therapy and staff focused tutor is needed to empower staff working with patients who are confined within forensic psychiatry and suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour..

"Förtroende till det läsande folket!" : Folkbiblioteket och folkbildningen under sekelskiftet 1900

The purpous of this master?s thesis is to explore how the swedish public library evolved between 1890-1911, before the state implemented the library reform in 1912. The material used to cunduct the study concists mainly of texts published during the time frame of the thesis in the form of books, booklets and articles from Folkbiblioteksbladet, a journal dedicated to the subject of the swedish public library.Drawing upon Habermas theory of the structural transformation of the public sphere and Bourdieus theories about taste as social distinction and symbolic capital, the thesis seeks to show how the public participated in the evolvement of the public library and which aspects of society that contributed to the public library?s establishment as an institution. The findings are also discussed in relation to previous research of the history of the Swedish public library.

Skolkuratorers kunskap och erfarenhet om tics och Tourette syndrom : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and the experience that school counsellors have about tics and Tourette syndrome. This study is based on a qualitative research which we conducted with semi-structured interviews. We have done five interviews with different school counsellors in a small municipality in southern Sweden. The theoretical approach that was used in this study was theory of knowledge as a comprehensive theory and professional competence which includes formal knowledge and tacit knowledge. Some of the study?s conclusions are that the School Counsellors had different professional competence about tics and Tourette syndrome.

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