

4373 Uppsatser om Enviromental education - Sida 34 av 292

Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen

A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.

Berättande simuleringar : Om datorspel och lärande i GY11:s litteraturundervisning

Uppsatsen försöker kartlägga hur och om datorspel kan användas i samma syfte som skönlitteratur i den litteraturundervisning som GY11 föreskriver. Fokus ligger på beröringsytor mellan skönlitteratur och datorspel gällande lärande; främst identitetsskapande, moral och etik men också stilistiska drag och litteraturvetenskapliga begrepp. Med två exempel, Fallout: New Vegas och Grand Theft Auto IV, visas hur berättandet i datorspel kan ge mediet en plats i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning, samt hur immersion, perspektiv och interaktivitet kan ge spelare något som inte skönlitteratur kan ge läsare..

Avsättningar i pappersmaskiner : Utbildning och förslag till processförbättringar

Deposits can be formed in the paper machine due to sticky materials from wood and recycled paper. These deposits get stuck on process equipment and cause the product quality to deteriorate and the efficiency of the paper machine is reduced. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about deposits among machine operators, and to suggest methods that can be used to reduce the amount of deposits formed in Bravikens paper machines.To fulfill the purpose of the thesis a pre-study, a literature review and interviews with machine operators and production staff, were carried out. These methods led to the planning and creation of an education about deposits for machine operators.The education about deposits for machine operators consisted of an interactive lecture to introduce the subject of deposits and a subsequent discussion. This approach was chosen to give the machine operators the opportunity to discuss their work situation on the paper machines related to their new knowledge about deposits.

När solen går ner : Japan som skådeplats för en negativ modernitet

Den här studien gjordes för att undersöka om lärare uppfattar ett samband mellan elevers koncentrationsförmåga och fysisk aktivitet i skolan. Den baseras på en enkätundersökning som gjorts i årskurserna 1-5 på sju olika skolor i närområdet. Studien visar ett positivt samband mellan all fysisk aktivitet i skolan och lärarnas uppfattning av elevernas koncentrationsförmåga, vilket även kopplats samman med tidigare forskning inom närliggande områden. Nyckelord: physical education AND concentration, physcial activity AND concentration ability, physcial acitivty AND effect in school, excercise AND brain, physical education AND brain..

Vad skola vi göra med litteraturen? : En studie av de nya styrdokumenten samt ett urval av läromedel och deras föreställningar om och legitimeringar av skönlitteratur i det svenska skolsystemet.

In this thesis I set out to study how the reading of fictional literature is viewed, legitimatized and operationalized in two educational domains: the recently revised steering documents that all Swedish teachers must relate to, as well as a selection of teaching materials designed for education in the Swedish language for upper secondary school. The teaching material I have studied has been recently updated in order to correspond with the new steering documents. I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education, and I also combine my analysis of the two educational domains to see whether the underlying intentions of the steering documents have influenced the revision of the teaching material. The outcome indicates that the steering documents? previous focus on culture has diminished although a certain insecurity as to how to use the concept and deal with the issue of whose culture should be taught can be identified.

Morgondagens arbetsledare

There is a lot going on in the construction business right now. It feels like everywhere you turn there is a building sight. Furthermore the business is heading a generation change and the need of recruiting new construction engineers is huge. How is the business going to handle the transition that they are facing? The question has been in progress for at while and I wanted to find out what the current students feel about taking the step into the working life and replace the veterans.A research is made about student?s opinion about their education and future work life.

Att ställa ut eller ställa till det: om utställningsverksamhet och tyst pedagogik på folkbiblioteket

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate whether exhibitions and silent pedagogy can be used to develop more inspiring environments in the public library. Silent pedagogy is a term from the field of museum education describing the silent communication with visitors that takes place in exhibitions through introduction and orientation, layout and installation, as well as signage. In the 1980s, articles in a Swedish library magazine discussed the pedagogical importance of library exhibits and how they make the patrons aware of the library?s resources. This led us to museum education and a desire to investigate whether its theories were transferrable to the library context.

Integration genom språk och museipedagogik : Integration through language and museum education

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how museums, seen as heterotopic places where time and space act simultaneously, can, with the help of museum educators and guides, integrate the foreign citizens in Sweden. The analysis is done with the help of three institutions: The Vasa Museum, the Royal Armory and The Great Synagogue in Stockholm.The author of the thesis argues that recruiting trained personnel with foreign roots by museums would help significantly in the creation of a sense of collective identity and belonging among those citizens who are just adapting to the country. Through the use of Swedish, in conjunction with their mother tongue, as well as analogies, an important contribution can be attained in their integration.In this work, concepts such as the accent, are treated in a categorical manner, as the author, with the assistance of other researchers, concluded that the accent should not influence the perception of the intellectual and work capability of a professional museum educator/guide.History represents another key element in this thesis, as it discusses the way to find a new narrative form to channel history and refer to it, thus sharing historical roots with these new immigrants in Sweden..

Språkstörning i förskoleåldern : En etnografisk studie om hur en kommun organiserar det specialpedagogiska stödet för barn med tal- och språksvårigheter inom förskolan

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the special education, for children with language impairment in preschool, was organised in a municipality in Sweden. The study was based on interviews and field studies as the primary research tools in qualitative and ethnographic method. The result showed that special education teachers were localised in different geographic areas of school and that there were preschools that lacked special educational expertise in language impairment. Literature and the importance of playing for language development were emphasised as well as the use of signs and visual aids as augmentative and alternative communication. In the preschool for children with language impairment, the teachers carried their knowledge into practical and pedagogical work.

Vilka av Skolverkets aspekter tycker du är viktigast i din språkinlärning? : En studie om vad somaliska unga vuxna anser är viktigt vid språkinlärning

Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.

"Är du lika snabb som McQueen?" : En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottslärare i två religiösa friskolor arbetar med könsroller och genus

This thesis examines how teachers in physical education work with gender and gender roles in two religious schools in Stockholm. My main research questions were how the teachers relate to gender roles, if they think of gender when planning the lessons and do the boys or the girls get more attention from the teacher, if so, how do they get it?This study is based on interviews and observations, which makes it a qualitative study. The P. E.

?Ett spöke går runt Europa- kommunismens spöke? : En studie av religionsläromedel med fokus på den marxistiska livsåskådningen mellan åren 1970 och 1991

In the late 20th century the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern European countries were freed from the communist Russian oppression. However, during the Soviet period Marxism was a recurring life stance in the Swedish textbooks for religious education in the gymnasieskola. Today the Soviet Union has collapsed, but the Marxist philosophy has had a huge effect on both single individuals and the modern society as a whole. Nonetheless, the Marxist life stance is nowadays often being replaced by other non- religious life stances in the textbooks of religious education.Therefore, this analysis is a hermeneutic study of the presentation of the Marxist life stance in textbooks for Swedish religious education. The purpose of the paper is to investigate how these textbooks portray the Marxist life stance, and to prove that the societal context and the individual author have an immense effect in the portrayal of both religions and life stances in religious education.

Boken som bot och bildning : En studie av biblioteksservice inom kriminalvården med fokus på kontakten mellan fäder och barn

This two years master´s thesis examines how books and literature can strengthen the contact between imprisoned fathers and their children, and the connection between the treatment of offenders and education in Sweden. The methods used are interviews and textual analysis. The theoretical starting points are influenced by Bernt Gustavssons works concerning the concept of education (the Swedish term ?bildning?) and Foucaults thoughts on the subject of power and its relation to knowledge and resistance.Through history many attempts have been made to ?cure? those who commit criminal acts by educating them, at first to enable them to get employed after serving their sentence, the education thus being for the greater good of the society in general, but since the 1940?s the aim has shifted towards education for the individuals own personal development and readjustment to society.The findings indicate that the service provided to prisons by public libraries play an important role for the inmates, as a source of books for amusement and diversion as well as providing the means for education. This thesis examines four reading programmes in prison, in order to establish their place in the tradition of education within the Swedish penal system.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school.The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils? needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage..

En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor

The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes andhow do they shape the students? encounter with religion and religious people and in what way could religious education help the students problematize these attitudes?The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire, with a Likert scale, posing different questions about religion as such, world religion and religious people. The theoretical basis, in order to discuss the result of the questionnaire, is a gender theory and the theory of social psychology.The result of the study confirms earlier studies of youths both in Sweden and Western Europe. The result shows that there is a certain degree of negative attitudes towards religion, most of all againstIslam.

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