

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 52 av 195

Underlag för framtagning av målningslina : Hantering och layout

Seabased Industry AB develops system for extracting electrical energy from ocean waves with a Wave Energy Converter (WEC). The components is bought from subcontractors and then assembled into wave energy converters, buoys and marine substations by Seabased. In the future Seabased will produce more of the components themselves to reduce costs and to have better control over tolerances. The production line will also include the painting of the WECs and substations, which is performed in a painting line.The purpose of this thesis work is to study what is required to build a painting line, regarding the types of stations, transporting types and the space needed. This will result in layouts for the painting line.To receive the necessary information about production theory and corrosion and surface treatment, literature concerning this area has been studied.

Mode som funk(is)ar - konsumtion som strategi f?r identitetsskapande f?r personer med synliga funktionsneds?ttningar

This essay will discuss consumption as a strategy for creating one?s identity for persons with visible disabilities. Along with this, questions asked and answered are concerning how lack of inclusion in the fashion industry affects the informants? consumption of clothes and how the informants discuss identity in relation to their disability. Compulsory able-bodiness (McRuer, 2006) is a main theory that will influence both the discussion and the results.

Energieffektivisering av rekordårensflerbostadshus

Sandviksvägen 38 är ett av många flerbostadshus byggt under åren 1961 ? 1975, de såkallade rekordårens bostäder. Byggnaden står inför en omfattande renovering, och då finnsdet samtidigt goda möjligheter att minska byggnadens energiförbrukning. I studien undersöksoch beskrivs ett antal av de åtgärder som kan genomföras. Målet är att föreslå åtgärdspaketför att minska byggnadens specifika energiförbrukning med 20 respektive 50 procent jämförtmed dagens användning.

Optimering av blekeriet i CTMP-linjen vid Rottneros Bruk

At Rottneros pulp mill mechanical pulp is bleached with hydrogen peroxide. The changes of bleaching chemicals that are used for different grades are taken from bleaching tables; however these tables are old and need to be updated. The purpose of this thesis was to be the basis of new documentation.In this thesis three pulps where studied with the aim to find the optimal bleaching chemical changes (total NaOH/VP-quote) for each pulp. The pulps were taken from the filter before the bleaching tower and the pulps were bleached in the lab. The most important pulp property in this study was the brightness and how that was influenced by the chemical dosages.

Vad har påverkat utvecklingen av den etiska klädmarknaden? - En jämförande kvalitativ studie av Storbritannien och Sverige

There is a growing interest for ethical consumption, in general as well as in the clothing industry. The consumption of ethical clothes is a complex phenomenon though, where aspects such as quality, style, function, price, time assets, accessibility and ethical attitudes affect the decision making. Researches that have been executed show the diversities in development between different countries. There are fairly strong indications that the ethical clothing market is more advanced in the United Kingdom than in Sweden and therefore these two countries are objects of this research. The aim with this thesis is to describe and explain what have affected the development of the ethical clothing market in the United Kingdom compared to Sweden. For that reason a qualitative approach has mainly been used, where deep interviews with people within the ethical clothing industry have contributed to most of the empirical part. As a complement secondary data such as statistics of the two countries have been used in order to investigate our area. One useful tool, among others, to investigate the macro environment is the SLEPT model.

Problematiken kring ett energieffektiviserande projektförslag i en kommunal organisation

When it comes to the priority of a project proposal, a variety of factors is affecting theoutcome. In the municipal sector, factors of non- economic nature appears to be particularlyimportant when the organization is not intended to be profit-making.This study's research question is What problems can occur around an energy-efficiencyproject proposal in a municipal organization? The purpose of this study is to gainunderstanding of what possible problems an energy efficiency project proposal mayencounter, in the municipal implementation process as well as the problems of a changingownership can bring.To conduct this study, the method was qualitative in nature. We have cooperated withVarberg Energi AB and Varberg kommun, which has stood as respondents for the empiricalbasis of the study. In this study, we have conducted four personal interviews.In this study, we have found that there may be several problematic factors associated with anenergy-efficiency project proposal in a municipal organization.

Optimering baserad på vinds tillgångar

yield optimization, wind energy, sustainability, maintenance..

Reducering av produktionstryck i A-linan : Förflyttning av produkt

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Möjliga alternativ för att ersätta direktverkande el i flerbostadshus

I have in my thesis, examined the possibilities in terms of energy for a condominium association.To have an effective and good energy is becoming increasingly important with today's rising electric and oil prices. In my thesis I have used the condominium association Kärralyckan, which is situated in Falkenberg. The buildings at Kärralyckan are built in the mid-1970s, and are heated by electric radiators. The tap water is heated by an electric boiler.Based on that calculation I can show the various energyststem. The different solutions have been developed by contact manufacturers and installers through phone calls and e-mail.According to the results shows that geothermal heating has been a great solution for Kärralyckan.

Vilken autonomi har amerikanska dotterbolag i Sverige? : En fallstudie av ett amerikanskt dotterbolags Human Resource Management.

Många multinationella företag (MNC) ställs inför problemet hur de skall kunna implementera sina strategier i alla sina dotterbolag då det kan finnas både stora kulturella och legala skillnader mellan olika länder. Ett område som detta märks tydligt på är human resource management (HRM) då företaget måste anpassa sig till både den lokala arbetsmarknadens regler och lagar samt MNC:ts övergripande strategi. För att kunna hantera det här problemet finns det flera lösningar och ett vanligt sätt är att föra över mer eller mindre beslutanderätt till dotterbolaget.Den här uppsatsen undersöker vilken autonomi ett svenskt dotterbolag till ett amerikanskt läkemedelsbolag har när det gäller HRM. För att kunna undersöka det har vi gått igenom aktuell forskning inom området för att se vad som finns skrivet om liknande fall utomlands. Därefter har vi gjort en fallstudie med två kvalitativa intervjuer på Merck Sharp & Dohmes (MSD) svenska dotterbolag.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten : En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare

The purpose of this report is to investigate the possibilities with drain water heat recovery (DWHR) in residential buildings. Information and relevant theory has been collected and summarized in this report. Calculations have been done for given scenarios to evaluate profits. DWHR heat exchangers use simple technology and have long life-time. The heat exchanger is connected to outgoing drainage pipe and incoming cold-water supply so countercurrent flow is accomplished.

Underlag för solcellsproducerad el i Stockholm : Potential och klimatpåverkan

The City of Stockholm has decided to invest in renewable energy and especially in photovoltaics. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the photovoltaic potential on roof areas that the city possesses and to further investigate some buildings of the Property Management Department. The thesis also compares some existing photovoltaic plants with the solar irradiance map which shows available roof area on each building in Stockholm. The report ends with a literature study about the climate impact and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaic.The total available roof area suitable for photovoltaic plants is estimated to 700 000 m2, with a potential electricity production of 110 GWh per year. This corresponds to 17 % of the City of Stockholm?s yearly electricity consumption.

Miniräknarmania : eller hur att få ut så mycket som möjligt från en enkel reklamräknare

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida

This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found in e.g. Alisdain MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, James K.A. Smith, and Roland Spjuth, this study turns to medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas as a potential resource. Combining the teachings in Aquinas' Summa Thologica with a look into his life as a Domninican, a list of moral practices is put forth and analyzed in conjunction with Derrida's ethics.

Energieffektivisering av äldre byggnader : Konstruktion & ventilation i Växjö kommunhus

Inom EU vill man sänka energianvändningen med 20 % till 2020.Växjö kommunhus har gamla och ineffektiva installationer, samt ett dåligt isolerat och otät klimatskal.Denna rapport undersöker vad för slags inverkan byte av installationer, samt byte av klimatskal, har för inverkan på kommunhusets energianvändning. Till detta har energiberäkningsprogrammet VIP-Energy 1.5.5 använts.För att sammanfatta resultatet av arbetet så är det mest effektiva och lönsamma alternativet att byta ut installationerna, samt att kylbehovet ökar då man kraftigt isolerar detta hus..

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