

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 5 av 195

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The sun is essential to life on earth and no matter where you are, there is a constant need ofenergy. Nearly 800 000 years ago man learned for the first time to use fire in a controlled way.Since then, fire has given us the opportunity to inhabit places despite a cold climate. In Swedenthe resident sector accounts for a major part of the total consumption of energy. In a time whenenvironmental issues and greenhouse effects are increasing, we also see a future of rising energyprices. With this perspective, we have in this bachelor thesis in the Building Environment at theRoyal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm decided to focus on the renewable energysource, solar energy.The energy from solar radiation is a free resource and does not have any negative effects uponthe environment.

Utvärdering av energiberäkningsprogram : Att användas i tidigt planeringsstadium för byggnader

The regulations for energy consumption are consistently getting more and morestrict. This leads to a higher customer demand for energy analysis early in the buildingdesign process. Many building planners and architects use powerful modeling softwareto visualize their projects. These digital models contain sufficient information aboutthe building?s physical characteristics for reliable energy analysis.

Energieffektivisering av Åhlénshuset i Umeå : Utredning av åtgärder för ventilation, värme och kyla

Sweden is a country that has made some progress in developing energy efficient solutions. The problem in Sweden is that many houses and apartment buildings are old and have inefficient ventilation- and heating systems. This energy is lost when systems are inefficient, which then results in huge economic costs. Luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of this, which means that Sweden is on track to become even better within energy efficiency.Energy use for the housing- and service sector amounts to 166 TWh of total use at 616 TWh. Without distribution and conversion losses, these figures show that the housing- and service sector accounts for almost 40 % of the country's total energy consumption.

Energideklarationen : Uppfyller energideklarationen sitt syfte?

The Energy Performance Certification in Sweden was developed as a tool to achieve the Government's target to reduce Sweden's energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020. The Energy Performance Certificate has previously received some criticism for not fulfilling its purpose. Questions that formed the basis for this report is how the energy performance certification provides support to buyers of single-family houses and if the energy performance improved in terms of reliability. The report begins with a background description that describes how the energy declaration works and some of the findings of previous evaluations and surveys. A survey to investigate the broker's position to energy performance have been conducted as well as interviews with buyers and sellers of houses. An investigation whether the energy performance can vary between different calculation programs, depending on various assumptions made by the energy declarant, has been made.Brokers and sellers have proved negative attitudes towards energy performance, particularly brokers.

Energiförbrukning för putsade, odränerade träregelväggar i fuktigt respektive torrt tillstånd

In recent years, moisture damages have been noticed in rendered, undrained stud walls. The design is built on the principle one-stage tightening which means that there is no air gap in the construction. The damages have occurred when water has permeated through the rendering in leaking connections and fittings for windows, doors, canopies, balconies, terraces and awnings. Behind the plaster carrier, which consists of either polystyrene or rigid mineral wool, plasterboard has often been used as a wind protection barrier. In many cases the wind protection barrier and the underlying wooden studs have been exposed to mould and in some cases even rot.

Incitament för energibesparande åtgärder i den byggda miljön

More efficient energy consumption is essential to secure a sustainable future, not least within the building and real estate sector which answers for approximately 40 % of the EU countries total energy consumption. One part of EU: s work to reduce the energy consumption is the directive on energy performance of buildings which among other things have lead to stricter demands on energy performance in new and renovated buildings.One of the difficulties with making buildings more energy effective is that it often demands big investments and although it results in lower operating costs the extent of these savings and therefore also the repayment time can be difficult to decide beforehand. To make it interesting for property owners and also tenants to invest in energy efficient buildings powerful incentives are needed. Favorable loans to energy efficiency projects are one example of governmental instruments that have been tested in other European countries with good results.Reduced operating costs appear to be the main incentive for property owners to make their buildings more energy efficient. The best result of an energy efficiency project is usually achieved by cooperation between property owners and tenants but in order to make that interesting it is important that both parts can profit from the savings.

Energieffektivisering av industribelysning : Planering av belysningsanläggning i mekanisk verkstad

In Uppsala, Sweden, Vattenfall has a combined heat and power plant. On the premises there is an engineering workshop with old fluorescent and mercury lamps that need to be replaced. This provides a great opportunity to save energy and money by installing more efficient lighting. The main purpose of this study was to present two functional and energy efficient lighting systems including control system. The lighting systems were designed by investigating the working environment, measuring illuminance and by simulations in the software DIALux.

Energikrav i upphandling av bygg- och anläggningsprojekt

The building and plant sectors represent a large part of Sweden?s energy use. Putting energy requirements in public procurement as a tool for reducing energy consumption in the building and plant sectors is therefor an opportunity that operators can take advantage of. The aim of this thesis was to map the energy requirements in procurement that operators in the public sector use today in building and plant projects. The analysis was made with respect to if the energy requirements corresponded to the parts with large energy use in building and plant projects and also in which way energy requirements in procurement are written in the contract.

Energianvändning på Volvo Lastvagnar Tuve

Volvo Trucks is the second largest manufacturer of heavy trucks, with factories in several countries and with around 21 000 employees. At the plant in Tuve, trucks have been built since 1982 and the activity mainly consists of producing side members and to assemble and packing kits of trucks. In 2005, the factory in Tuve launched the ambition to be the first carbon dioxide neutral vehicle factory in the world. This will be implemented by streamlining and investing in renewable energy. The aim of this degree thesis is to map the usage of energy within production, and also to prepare a method to measure key figures (use of energy per produced unit).

Energiberäkningar för passivhus

AbstractClimate and environmental issues are of paramount importance. Researchers agreethat we must all contribute to a reduction of gases that contribute to climatechange. Energy consumption must decrease within all sectors and the promotionof renewable sources of energy must be introduced.Each sector should aspire to decrease its energy consumption. Energyconsumption is strongly linked to waste gases that contribute to climate change.Passive houses are a part of the construction industry's methods to attain energyconservation.Passive houses are derived from low energy houses and super insulated houses. Apassive house is intended to obtain heat from the inhabitants and through theiractivities.

Effektiviseringsåtgärder i tryckluftsystemet hos Vattenfall Värme Uppsala

In this work an assessment of the compressed air system in the facilities of Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has been conducted. The facilities constitutes, among others, a combined heat and power plant, and two waste incineration plants. The compressed air is supplied primarily by seven rotary screw compressors and yearly electric energy consumption in these has been determined. Furthermore, the usage of compressed air has been mapped in order to find processes with energy savings potential. Several suggestions how to reduce the usage of compressed air have been presented, resulting in decreased need of electric energy and reduced CO2-emissions.The results show that total need of electric energy in the compressors, during a standard production year, amounts to 5.83 GWh.

Tidsupplösning vid miljövärdering av fjärrvärme : Kontorsbyggnad med solvärmeproduktion - en fallstudie

The demand for environmental assessments on buildings and energy consumption is increasing as well as the energy performance requirements for buildings. At the same time it is increasingly common with self-producers of heat and electricity generation.The main purpose with this master thesis is to investigate how time resolution affects the environmental assessment of energy consumption in office buildings connected to district heating (DH). Environmental assessments were done with both attributional LCA and consequential LCA with system expansion.Fortum´s DH system in Stockholm was analyzed and district heating production was simulated in a Matlab-model. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the production were calculated. The heat demand of the office Gångaren 16 in Stockholm was simulated in IDA ICE.

Energieffektivisering - Laholms kyrkliga samfällighets kulturhistoriska byggnader

Energy efficiency is today more important than ever, mainly due to the high energy prices and the approaching climate changes. Heating of buildings is an essential area within energy efficiency. Many buildings are old and were built at a time when the energy prices were low and the term ?energy efficiency? was unheard of. By applying today?s broad range of energy saving actions on these old, and thereby often, heating ineffective buildings, this area has a large potential in reducing energy consumption and costs.Churches and chapels are generally old buildings with, in many cases, ineffective heating systems and therefore consume much more energy than needed.

Livscykelanalys - en miljöorienterad rapport

Den textila industrin, en egen värld, är nu under rampljuset som en av de största miljöpåverkande industrierna. Precis som i fallet med många andra industrier så måste textilbranschen intensivt arbeta med att minska sin negativa påverkan på miljön. Slutmålet måste vara att helt balansera uttagen och insättningarna så att man skapar en bransch som blir klimat- och miljöneutral. I denna rapport har en livscykelanalys gjorts på en underställströja från Helly Hansen tillverkad av 99 % polypropylene. Inom denna livscykelanalys har vi noggrant studerat och undersökt fakta för att hitta de processer som har den största påverkan på miljön.

Energianalys av hygieniseringssystem : jämförelse av befintlig pastörisering med integrerad termofil hygienisering på Kungsängens gårds biogasanläggning i Uppsala

The biogas plant Kungsängens gård, owned by Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB, produces biogas and biomanure from organic household waste, food processing waste and slaughterhouse waste. In year 2012, 4.4 million Nm3 of biogas were produced from 25 200 tons of waste. Before digestion all substrate is sanitized by pasteurization at 70°C in order to kill pathogens. Another method, integrated thermophilic sanitation (ITS), is of interest in order to decrease the energy demand. The method implies that the substrate is sanitized during ten hours in the digestion chamber, where the temperature is 52°C.

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