

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 42 av 195

Sustainable business practices : a review of eco-efficiency

The current demanding business environment requires corporations to act fast in finding effective solutions to problems given the myriad of challenges they face (Dyllick & Hockerts, 2001). The challenges include the impact of climate change on business practices, natural resource consumption, chemical pollution, technological change etc. Moreover, the forces of globalization, heightened concerns about the deteriorating quality of the physical environment and increased stakeholder power are also increasingly having a real influence on business practices (Rainey, 2008). Since 1992, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has encouraged the adoption of the concept of ecological efficiency (eco-efficiency) to support business efforts aimed at addressing some of these challenges. The aim of eco-efficiency is to reduce the amount of energy and materials used in production processes to achieve economic and environmental benefits (WBCSD, 2000).

Brasslek och dess inverkan på barnens embouchure

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Vallfoder till slaktgrisar : effekter på tillväxt och social beteende vid utfodring

The aims with the project were to investigate how forage consumption affect production and pigs behaviour around the feeding. This degree project was designed to follow 48 growing/finishing Hampshire*Yorkshire pigs, from 30-110 kg live weight, fed diets with or without 20 % forage inclusion. The pigs were divided in three groups due to dietary treatment. In the first group the pigs were fed 20 % of the energy in the feed ration by long grass/clover silage (LE) and the remaining 80 % by a cereal concentrate. Group two was fed chopped grass/clover silage mixed with cereal concentrate (HE) in the same amounts as LE.

Standardisering av brukarrelaterade indata för energiberäkningar på kommersiella lokaler

In this thesis, input data for energy performance calculations on commercialpremises have been studied. In energy performance calculations, where internal heat gain parameters are unknown, template values that, in a reasonable way represent the activity in the room, are necessary. These values can be used as input data for whole-year calculations, or for calculations on shorter periods of time.The purpose of the Sveby project is to create standardized work practice in energy issues for the construction industry. The work in this thesis is conducted to correlate with the purpose of the Sveby project, with aims of contributing with information and guidelines for the continuing work with commercial premises.In this report, suggestions for template values for internal gains parameters, based on research and calculations in the field are presented. Suggestions on how these can be implemented in a user-friendly way for two energy performance calculation software are also given, VIP Energy and IDA ICE.

Fiolmetodiken hos Leopold Mozart och Paul Rolland

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Har dagens ungdom koll på folkmusiken? : en jämförande studie mellan två åttondeklasser

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Att lova guld och grön energi : En diskursanalys av svenska energibolags CSR-rapporter

The environmental situation is becoming increasingly critical. The energy sector and other industries have a big impact on our climate and the public is raising their voice for companies to admit their responsibility towards the environment and society. Companies engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and happily disclose their responsible performance in annual reports. But what messages are they conveying in their CSR-reporting, and what attitudes towards CSR can be found underneath the explicit content? The aim of this study is to discover which discourses exist in CSR-reports from Swedish energy companies, and how these discourses operate.

Secondhandapparnas dilemma: milj?hj?ltar eller konsumtionsdrivare. Analys av secondhandappars inverkan p? unga vuxna kvinnors konsumtion

This thesis examines how marketing by secondhand apps affects young adult women's consumption habits, investigating whether these platforms promote or counteract overconsumption. While the secondhand market is considered more sustainable than buying new, these apps may still encourage overconsumption. The study focuses on the marketing strategies of three major secondhand apps in Sweden: Tradera, Sellpy, and Vinted, analyzing their impact on consumer behavior using the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Based on qualitative interviews with eleven women aged 20-27 and the authors observations of the apps marketing activities, the study finds that secondhand apps often emphasize environmental benefits and makes secondhand shopping accessible and appealing. However, the marketing tactics used by these apps, including frequent push notifications, targeted advertisements, and influencer collaborations, may lead to increased consumption. Overconsumption causes significant environmental damage, and while the secondhand market can mitigate these effects by extending the lifecycle of items, the emphasis on convenience end environmental benefits can inadvertently encourage more consumption. The study concludes that secondhand apps play a complex role in consumer behavior, balancing the potential for sustainability with the risk of promoting overconsumption.

Energi- och kostnadseffektiva klimatskal : För lager-, industri- och kontorsbyggnader

A study to optimize insulation thickness for stock-, industrial- and office-buildings for external walls and roof in an economical perspective has been conducted on behalf of DynaMate. DynaMate?s role is to maintain all Scania?s buildings. Analysis has also included other parts of the building envelope, such as windows, exterior doors and industrial doors. In this thesis, three different types of exterior wall constructions has been investigated, these are a sandwich design consisting of sheet metal and a another one consisting of concrete, as well as a wall of concrete with a coating of plasters.

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

Energieffektivisering genom förändrad ekonomistyrning

We have chosen to write our essay in collaboration with Varbergs kommun, where our starting point is to improve energy efficiency by management control. Their occupation separates from a pure profit driven corporation and therefore the management controls have to be adapted accordingly.  The reason why we have chosen to write an essay about the management control opportunities to improve the energy efficiency depends on two different reasons. The first reason is that we find it very interesting, how with support from the management control it is possible to improve different parts of the operation. And the second reason is that Varbergs kommun expressed a wish that they wanted to improve their energy efficiency process.The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyze the opportunities with support from the management control to help improving the process of energy efficiency in a municipal operation.

Instrumentvården i grundskolan. Intervjuer med fyra behöriga musiklärare

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Förskolor med passivhusteknik : En utredning av passiva förskolor

As a result of directives from EU, with the ambition to reach environmetal goals, The German organisation Passivhaus Institut has defined a passive house. A passive house is a building that is very energy efficient and makes a small impact on the environment. The energy from the inhabitants as well as the appliances & fixtures in the building should equal the energy that is required to heat the building. A Swedish version of the passive house definition has been defined, taking into account the climate conditions and the difference in building regulations.This thesis is a request from Skanska on how it can improve and develop an ongoing passive house project, involving an infant school. The intention of this thesis is to identify difficulties & display potential development areas for infant schools.The method of research conducted is as follows: interviews of clients, ventilation consultant, consultant for heating system and an energy calculation consultant, an inspection of the infant shcool in process, investigation of completed infant schools and a study of relevant literature.From this research it was found that it is difficult for infant schools to pass the criteria for passive houses. The conclusion of this thesis provide several guidelines on how to improve the outcome of existing projects & the steps needed to be taken for future development in this area..

Från vaggan till grinden, en livscykelinventering på ett par bomullsbyxor

Our common future involves many important challenges. People and nature need to improve the relationship in order to reach an ecologically sustainable development. In a society where consumption of products steadily increases, the consumer awareness about social and environmental issues connected to the products becomes an importent factor. More and more companies choose to work more actively with these issues and more and more products get labelled by some of the eco labelling organisations. From the cradle to the gate means that a study has been done on a part of a products life cycle.

Lönsamhetsbedömning för solceller

We have chosen to write our essay in collaboration with Varbergs kommun, where our starting point is to improve energy efficiency by management control. Their occupation separates from a pure profit driven corporation and therefore the management controls have to be adapted accordingly.  The reason why we have chosen to write an essay about the management control opportunities to improve the energy efficiency depends on two different reasons. The first reason is that we find it very interesting, how with support from the management control it is possible to improve different parts of the operation. And the second reason is that Varbergs kommun expressed a wish that they wanted to improve their energy efficiency process.The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyze the opportunities with support from the management control to help improving the process of energy efficiency in a municipal operation.

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