

5 Uppsatser om Endgame - Sida 1 av 1

Inför den Andre är jag dum : om dumhet, etik och kreativitet i Samuel Becketts pjäs Slutspel

This study constitutes an attempt to bring the notion of stupidity into relation with ethics and creativity, through a reading of Samuel Beckett's Endgame. Employing Emmanuel Lévinas' theories on ethics - the responsible responsiveness in regard to the Other and the concept of the Face - the objective is to demonstrate how stupidity, conceived as lack of control and knowledge, functions as a precondition for the ethical relation between humans, as well as that of the individual to her creativity..

Spelet i Becketts Endgame

Det huvudsakliga syftet med min studie var att vinna kunskap om högläsningssituationen i förskolan med fokus på lärarens roll. Med hjälp av videoobservationer har jag undersökt hur högläsning går till på en utvald förskola utifrån tre pedagogers agerande och förhållningssätt. Observationer har gjorts vid sex tillfällen, två per pedagog. Resultatet av studien har visat att pedagogens agerande och förhållningssätt absolut påverkar hur högläsningssituationen är utformad vilket framträder beträffande både innehåll och form. Resultatet av det insamlade materialet har analyserats utifrån Bernsteins teori om klassifikation, inramning.

Abstrakt konst idag : En studie av Ann Edholm och Jacob Dahlgrens förhållande till modernismen

This paper presents an approach in contemporary, abstract art for a new way of experiencing modernist abstraction. This has not been possible until now, about 40 years after the postmodern turn against modernism in art, and the closely connected formalism. This new approach is represented in this paper by the Swedish contemporary artists Ann Edholm and Jacob Dahlgren. Modernist artists such as Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian receives a new relevance to contemporary abstract art. This opens up for a new, more complex and more dialectical understanding and re-evaluation of modernism and its abstract art.This is shown by a historical and chronological investigation which highlights modernist abstract art, formalism, and the critical and post-modern Neo-geometric ?abstraction? of the eighties.

Spelar kön någon roll? : En studie om kvinnors uppfattning om jämställdhet i World of Warcrafts värld

The object with this bachelor thesis is to illustrate if equality is present during the interaction between female and male players in the World of Warcraft with focus on the female players conception. The main question is: How does gender matter in the interaction between female and male players in WoW? This question is particularly interesting because WoW is in its own construction neutral in regards to gender in the aspect that gender does not hinder or benefit your avatar when it comes to the avatars development or possibilities. This bachelor thesis describes the views three of female WoW players and how they perceive the interaction with male players with focus on equality. The informants? personal thoughts and experiences are described.

Spelar kön någon roll? - En studie om kvinnors uppfattning om jämställdhet i World of Warcrafts värld

The object with this bachelor thesis is to illustrate if equality is present during the interaction between female and male players in the World of Warcraft with focus on the female players conception. The main question is: How does gender matter in the interaction between female and male players in WoW? This question is particularly interesting because WoW is in its own construction neutral in regards to gender in the aspect that gender does not hinder or benefit your avatar when it comes to the avatars development or possibilities. This bachelor thesis describes the views three of female WoW players and how they perceive the interaction with male players with focus on equality. The informants? personal thoughts and experiences are described.