

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 8 av 267

I havet av siffror och bokstäver : En studie om matematik- och lässvårigheter hos barn i andra klass

It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade.

Skriftligt och muntligt berättande hos vuxna i åldern 30-80 år: påverkar ålder berättande?

This study aimed to investigate written and oral narrative in adults. The participants consisted of 30 subjects aged 32-79 years. They produced one picture elicited and one free narrative, both written and orally. The written narratives were recorded in a keystroke logging program and the oral narratives were transcribed orthographically. Data from all the narratives were analyzed according to: number of words, words/minute, active writing time, total process time, number of characters and number of characters in the final text.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i cancer

It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade.

Management factors influencing sow productivity in successful Swedish and Danish herds

The number of weaned piglets per sow and year is a good measurement of sow productivity since it is affected by the number of piglets born alive, the pre weaning mortality (i.e. mortality of live born piglets between birth and weaning) and the number of litters per sow and year. This measure is also closely connected to the number of piglets produced per year, which partly determines the profitability of the piglet producer. During this study, eleven successful piglet-producing herds were visited. Eight of the producers were Swedish and three of the producers were Danish.

Triage - hälsoekonomi : resursallokering och kostnadsberäkning för olika proriteringsnivåer inom akutsjukvård

When a person arrives at the emergency ward at the Uppsala University Hospital with his or her symptoms he or she explains the problems and then a priority process starts. The staff evaluate at which emergency level the patient is located in a model called Triage. The Triage model helps to decide the priority need and is based upon templates which point out in which of the 5 categories a patient is to be placed, to eliminate any future risk regarding his or her health. A lower triage level means lower priority but implies better health when the evaluation takes place. To obtain optimal effect of the Triage model the evaluation of symptoms must be reproducible so that patients with the same symptoms are placed at the same triage level regardless of whom among the staff conducts the evaluation. The purpose of the study was to see if the resources are allocated based on priority level of the patients.

Lost in translation? En empirisk undersökning av användningen av tesaurer vid queryexpansion inom Cross Language Information Retrieval

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of queries that is expanded before translation in comparison with only translation of the queries using a bilingual dictionary, and also to see if the number of terms that was used to expand the queries was of any importance i. e. if many terms from a thesaurus helped or destroyed a query. To answer these questions i used two online thesauri, Rogets thesaurus and Merriam-Webster Online and one printed bilingual dictionary, Norstedts English-Swedish dictionary. Even though the number of examined queries is too small to draw any definite conclusions, the results suggest that expanding using a general thesaurus may have a negative effect on the queries.

Identifiering av fel i skogliga beståndsregister med hjälp av satellitdata :

This thesis has focused on the possibility to use a satellite image method developed by Metria Mijöanalys to identify stands that are wrongly registered in Holmen Skogs database. The method is only intended for identifying stand with poor descriptions in Holmen?s database that needs to be updated and not for updating the stand information. The study area is located several km west of Hudiksvall on the borderline between Gävleborgs- och Västernorrlands län. The area is covered by a SPOT image from 2005. By which Metria Miljöanalys has made estimates of forest parameters for all stands in the area, and compared them with corresponding estimates according to the stand database.

Psykiatriambulans Akut prehospital psykiatrisk vård

Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskan ska uppta patientberättelsen och utifrån sinspecialiserade kunskap om medicinska eller psykiatriska tillstånd göra en korrekt bedömning.Sjuksköterskan ska från sin bedömning sedan förse patienterna med adekvata vårdåtgärder. IGöteborg har andelen ambulansuppdrag som klassificeras som psykiatrisk sjukdom ökat desista åren. Med anledning av det planerar ambulanssjukvården i Göteborg en speciellpsykiatriambulans med dubbelkompetens, en sjuksköterska som har specialistkunskap inompsykiatri samt en ambulanssjuksköterska. I Stockholm skall en psykiatriambulans införas 1april 2015 men inte med dubbelkompetens. Anledningarna till planen att introducera enpsykiatriambulans är att utveckla den akuta prehospitala vården bland annat genom att hjälpapatienter med psykiatrisk problematik till rätt vårdnivå.

Obesitas. Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete i samband med obesitas

The number of people who gets obesity increase wiht 1/2-1 % every year. Despite this number it is shown that obesity is a chronic and neglected decease. The purposes of this literature study were to describe how obesity effects adult and the risk of complications and the factors the nurse needs to know which effects patiens with obesity. The results shows the connection between obesity and complications and also what methods the nurse can use in the preventive work..

Operationssjuksköterskan-en sterilklädd dörrvakt? En observationsstudie

Current research shows that the number of door openings during surgery is unjustifiably high. It is the operating room nurses task to ensure a hygienic and aseptic environment throughout the surgery with the goal of minimizing the risk of healthcare associated infection. The study aims to investigate whether the operating room nurse is attentive to the number of door openings during surgery and if the operating room nurse is attentive to the reasons behind the door openings. A pilot study with nine observations was carried out on two smaller hospitals in the region of Västra Götaland. The results showed a significant underestimation of the rated door openings compared with the actual ones.

Bentiska evertebraters förekomst i källor på Öland

Abstract The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of 22 natural springs on Öland was sampled, by using a time-standarized kick/sweep sampling technique, in the end of September and early October. The aim was to determine the number of species and their abundances in the macroinvertebrate communities in springs and how/why these may change between different springs. Likewise there was a purpose to investigate possible differences between springs considering the proportions of the number of species and the abundances of the five functional feeding groups; shredders, collectors, filter-feeders, scrapers and predators. There was also an aim to investigate if the distances betweeen springs had any influence on similarity between the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the springs. Analysis from the springs collected material showed several interesting patterns in the number of species and their abundances when compared between springs devided into groups depending on their environmental factors such as depth and pH.

Nätverkssamverkan vid krisberedskap : hur samverkan mellan kommuner kan utvecklas inom krisberedskap

Med anledning av att flera kriser av extraordinära slag har inträffat i fredstid har förmågan att hantera dessa fått stor uppmärksamhet. Ett exempel är stormen Gudrun som lamslog delar av Sverige i januari 2005. För att kunna hantera sådana kriser behövs en fungerande beredskap och här har kommunerna en viktig roll. Om kommunerna har en väl utvecklad krisberedskap kan samhället bättre klara av en kris. Genom utvärderingar och erfarenheter från kriser har det visat sig att samverkan mellan kommuner är av stor betydelse för en god krisberedskap.

Folkmord i läromedlen : En undersökning om folkmords behandling i fem läromedel för gymnasiets A kurs i historia   

A large number of genocides have taken place in our history. The purpose of this essay is to examine how genocide is treated in five high school history textbooks. I have studied a large number of issues. I have examined which genocides are discussed in the textbooks and which genocides the textbooks don?t discuss.

Ny huvöppningslösning för Eco-Logs skördare : Från idé till tillverkningsunderlag

This thesis has been made in cooperation with the forestry machinery producerEco-Log in Söderhamn. The focus of the thesis has been to find a cheaper wayto open the large engine hood of the company?s harvesters. The goal was tofind a solution that could increase the value for the customers by being saferand simpler to use, or, at the least, keep these values at an equal level comparedto the previous solution.In order to make it possible to CE-mark the new solution, it was importantMachinery Directive that came into effect from the beginning of 2010.To begin with, a specification of requirements was set up. Thereafter, anumber of different basic concepts was retrieved and evaluated.

Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudie

Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will beeffects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and theworkplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence.

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