

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 57 av 267

Färdigförpackad skola : En utvärdering av produkter till skol- och fritidsverksamhet i katastrofläger

Rapporten utvärderar produkter som skickas till katastrofläger för att underlätta skol- och fritidsverksamhet. Fokus ligger på det projekt i vilket den svenska Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB), tillsammans med sin tyska motsvarighet Technisches Hilfswerk (THW), tagit fram ett komplett, färdigförpackat katastrofläger. Detta ska kunna skickas och sättas upp var som helst i världen. Projektet går under namnet Emergency Temporary Shelter (ETS) och ska bidra med bostad, skydd, el, vatten- och sanitetslösningar för totalt tusen personer som tvingats fly sina hem. Lägret ska också tillhandahålla skol- och fritidsverksamhet.

Övertänjd urinblåsa och urinretention på akutmottagningen : en pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Migrän är en långvarig, neurologisk sjukdom som kännetecknas av mycket smärtsam pulserande huvudvärk som kommer anfallsvis. Trots intensiv forskning inom området är det inte helt klarlagt varför man drabbas och någon botande behandling finns inte. Dock finns vissa möjligheter att själv kunna minska antalet anfall, exempelvis genom att undvika faktorer som triggar igång anfall, såsom oregelbundna måltider och stress. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att leva med kronisk migrän. Metod: För att besvara vårt syfte användes systematisk litteraturstudie som metod, där fem kvalitativa och två kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar samt en som var både kvalitativ och kvantitativ inkluderades.

Jämförelse av icke-kryptografiska hashfunktionerför användning i hashtabeller

This report examines some common or otherwise interestingnon-cryptographic hash functions with respect to the number of collisions when used in hash tables for different types of hashkeys. The report answers which of the examined hash functions can be seen as the best performing for the chosen hashkeys. To compare the different hash functions, an experiment which studies avalanche effect behaviour is carried out. The experiments also calculate the fraction of colliding hashkeys, and the distribution of hashkeys in hash tables is studied using Karl Pearson?schi-squared test.

Social förvaltning av kommersiella fastigheter - Ett hållbart koncept

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

SDN : Software defined networks

This report is a specialization in Software defined networking. SDN really comes to revolutionize the industry and it?s under constant development. But is the technology ready to be launched into operation yet? The report would initially involve a number of problems that today's network technology is facing.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om främjandet av trygghet, tillit och hopp i det akuta omhändertagandet vid skada i strid : ? En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har historisk sett haft till uppgift att vårda personer som skadats i strid. Ett arbetsområde för sjuksköterskor idag är att deltaga i insatser utomlands där de kan komma att vårda individer som skadats i strid. Att skadas i strid kan uppfattas som en traumatisk händelse som utmanar individens upplevelse av trygghet, tillit och hopp. Omvårdnadslitteratur belyser att det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor stärker upplevelsen av trygghet, tillit och hopp hos patienter.Syfte: Beskriva hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar att de stödjer en patients upplevelse av trygghet, tillit och hopp i det akuta omhändertagandet vid skada i strid.Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och data har bearbetats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Upplevelsen av trygghet uppfattas av informanterna främjas av smärtlindring, information, säkerhet, kunskap, erfarenhet, strukturerat arbetssätt, lugn samt närhet och beröring.

Modellering av en panna med rörlig rost :  

The aim of this master thesis was to create a dynamic model for the processes in a solid fuel boiler of the moving grate type. Another aim with the model was to keep it as simple as possible but still able to catch the dynamics of the processes in the bedplate of the boiler. The creation of the model had its origin from drying and combustion equations used in earlier modeling work of boilers. The represented model has been used to simulate different kinds of disturbances in a boiler and different ways to control the boiler. These tests show that controlling a number of parameters in the bed of the boiler is an effective way to keep the grate stable during disturbances.

Emån - En Hydrologisk och regleringsteknisk studie

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Kapacitet hos hanteringsutrustning för bulkgods i hamnar

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Dagvattenavrinning från stora asfaltsytor

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Simulering av avloppsutsläpp i Byfjordens ytvattenskikt

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Syntetisk enhetshydrograf för beräkning av dagvattenavrinning

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Fallet Lekvad - Projektering av ett minikraftverk

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Jämförelse av hamnbyggnadsnormer i olika länder

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Göta älv - Undersökning av longitudinell dispersion

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

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