

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 45 av 267

Insättningsrutinernas effekt på tillväxt samt effekten av klinisk sjukdom på ätbeteendet hos kalvar i gruppbox med automatisk mjölkutfodring :

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of strategy for grouping calves into group pens with automatic milk-feeding systems on the calves' health and growth rate. The usefulness of changes in feeding behavior recorded by the computerized milk-feeder during periods of illness to identify calves with clinical diease was also studied. In the first experiment, 64 calves were moved in and out of group pens in a continuous way, while 46 calves were transferred into group pens until the the pen was considered "full". The calves in the latter groups were then held together until weaning. It was found that calves in the fixed groups grew approximately 100 g / day more compared to the calves in the dynamic groups. Signs of clinical respiratory disease were less frequent in this group, while the incidence of diarrhoea was slightly higher. In the second experiment health parameters, milk consumption and feeding behaviour was recorded daily for 46 calves.

Ekologiska livsmedel i offentlig måltidsverksamhet

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

Balans i arbetet, balans i livet : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslivets inverkan på privatlivet

This study focuses on work related factors which have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life. Commonly discussed in the daily debate is the so called ?livspusslet?, the time puzzle. The question is: How do you balance the demands from work, family and society? A lot of peoples health and family relations suffers from a stressful situation at work.It?s not hard to figure out that the possible factors which could have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life are many.

Energibolagens framtida datainsamling

The Swedish energy companies have several different systems for data collection of the energy consumption of their clients. Often computerized remote meter readers are put in practice in order to register the energy consumption of large companies. The majority of household clients, however, are read off by the assistance of manual methods. Household power consumption is read off once a year. As a result, these clients are not debited for their actual consumption; their invoices during the year are the result of estimations.

Brunbjörnens (Ursus arctos) inverkan på den nya svenska älgförvaltningen

The European Brown bear (Ursus arctos) has gone from basically being extinct in Sweden to, 2008 being estimated to a total of 3298 individuals. When looking at the new Swedish moose management system it is important to have an ecosystem-based approach and therefore include all the parts that moose impacts on and from in the management, especially the brown bear. Primarily in the spring and early summer the brown bear is a significant predator on moose calfs which must be taken into account in moose management. When the bear recolonize areas that it has previously been eradicated from, it will once again come in contact with people who are not accustomed to the bear's role in the ecosystem. We studied three groups of moose management areas with different predation by bears.

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

Jämförelser av olika former av QRA och andra metoder för riskanalys av processindustrier

When performing a QRA you have to consider a number of accident scenarios. How many scenarios you choose often determines the time and resources needed to perform the QRA. The report investigates the possibility that a QRA can be performed using only a few representative scenarios. Further it presents a discussion on how these scenarios should be constructed..

Sjuksköterskors attityder och förhållningssätt kring patienter med psykisk ohälsa - en litteraturöversikt.

AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.

Radon i flerbostadshus : Kartläggning av fastighetsförvaltarnas egenkontroll avseende radon

Radon is a hazardous substance that cannot be perceived by our senses. It has long been known that exposure to high radon levels for a long period of time will ultimately cause lung cancer. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority estimates that 500 people die annually due to this. Although most of them are smokers, even non-smokers suffer from lung cancer caused by radon. The statutory value for radon in homes today is 200 Bq/m³.

Erfarna sjuksköterskors upplevelser av möten med patienter på en akutmottagning : En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Akutmottagningar har generellt ett hög patientflöde alla dagar på året. Hit söker sig människor med olika slags alla möjliga fysiska och psykiska besvär för att hjälp. Med en kraftig arbetsbörda, stressig arbetsmiljö och sjuka patienter ska sjuksköterskorna lyckas skapa vårdande möten med patienterna. Detta kan ibland vara besvärligt för sjuksköterskan då många faktorer påverkar relationen med patienten. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelser av mötet med patienter på en akutmottagning.

Trafiksäkerhet inom ambulanssjukvården : Den operativa personalens syn på utryckningskörning

Att framföra ett utryckningsfordon skiljer sig från att framföra en vanlig bil bland annat för de större friheter gällande trafikregler utryckningsförarna har. Dessa inkluderar både rätten att köra i högre hastigheter än annan trafik, men även möjligheten att kräva fri väg från andra trafikanter. Detta skapar en speciell interaktion mellan trafikanterna i trafiken där utryckningsfordonet kan ses som en lagligt olaglig agent. Avsaknaden på restriktioner gör dock körningen helt beroende på de enskilda utryckningsförarnas bedömning kring körbeteende. Trots det finns det inga nationella riktlinjer i Sverige fällande utbildning av utryckningsförare.Den här studien undersökte normer och värderingar kring trafiksäkerhet hos operativ personal inom en ambulansorganisation.

här sker ett avbrott.

My purpose with this thesis has been to find out how to choreograph a fight sequence in ananimated movie. With the help of professional stuntmen and dancers, I have tried to findmethods and techniques used on stage and in live-action film and apply those to animatedfilms. To successfully identify the techniques used, I conducted a number of interviews andanalyzed literature that deals with the subject of fight choreography. By the analysis of themethods provided by the choreographers and selected parts of the literature, I have compiled anumber of steps I recommend 3D animators should to take in their efforts to create their ownfight choreography..

Genus och etnicitet bland ungdomar och personal på boenden för ensamkommande asylsökande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om riktlinjer kontra praktik

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.


This degree project has been performed along with Classic Garden in Gothenburg andBallongfirman Far & Flyg in Stockholm. Together we have developed a sun- wind- andrain protection. The protection is permanently assembled and mainly intended for publicenvironments as restaurants and outdoor cafés.The design on the sun protection was already done so our task has been to develop theconstruction and to build a prototype in scale 1:4 and one in scale 1:1. The look of thesun protection is approximately as the name implies, equal an igloo. The lamellae aregoing to fold out in different steps all the way down to the ground and the both sides willbe independently of each other.The first stage in the project was to develop differently principle proposal on how thefunction will work when folding in and out the protection.

Ambulanspersonals följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner : En observationsstudie

Bakgrund: Basala hygienrutiner ska enligt Socialstyrelsen tillämpas för att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner (VRI). VRI är ett hot mot patientsäkerheten och kan medföra ökat lidande för patienten och ökade kostnader för samhället.Syfte: Att undersöka följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner inom ambulanssjukvård i ett antal utvalda omvårdnadssituationer.Metod: En deskriptiv kvantitativ studie där data inhämtades genom strukturerad observation. Bekvämlighetsurval tillämpades och totalt 68 observationer gjordes på två ambulansstationer inom samma landsting.Huvudresultat: Följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner varierade, med högst följsamhet till rutinen om kort eller uppsatt hår (87%) samt till användning av handskar (87%). Lägst följsamhet observerades till rutinen om handdesinfektion före patientnära arbete eller användning av handskar (1%). Inte vid någon observation (0%) visades följsamhet till samtliga sju basala hygienrutiner som undersöktes.Slutsats: Att brister av varierande grad fanns i följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner.

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