

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 38 av 267

Stamräkning och identifiering av åtgärdsbehov i röjnings- och gallringbestånd med hjälp av låghöjdsbilder

This report is an assessment of the feasibility of using aerial photographs to estimate number of stems per hectare in young forest stands, used together with upper height to determine the need for pre-commercial thinning or ordinary thinning cutting. Aerial photo-interpretation was conducted in 2007 on assignment of Stora Enso Skog AB. A mean height function based on stand age produced with data from Bergvik Skog AB?s 2006 forest inventory assessment was used as a proxy for upper height and used together with photo-interpreted number of stems per hectare to determine the need for thinning cutting according to Bergvik Skog AB?s definitions. The test area is located north of Falun on Bergvik Skog AB?s land.Flight altitude was approximately 900 m above ground and the aerial photos were taken by L&L Flygbildteknik AB.

Folkbibliotekariers användning av sökverktyg på webben i referenstjänst

The web is a constantly growing medium that presumably plays an increasing role in public library reference services. In order to provide high quality reference service the librarians need to be able to master this medium. Therefore it is interesting to get an understanding of how librarians actually use the web. The aim of this Master s thesis is to investigate what web search tools are used by public librarians in reference service. Furthermore, the aim is to get an understanding of how the librarians think about those tools and what background factors influence their selection of tools.

Pallaskattens (Otocolobus manul) beteende i två djurparker - påverkan av hägndesign och miljö

The Pallas cat is a small cat living in central Asia. The cat is approximately the size of a domestic cat but the Pallas cat is more stocky build and has a much thicker fur that enables the cat to live in a climate with temperatures plummeting to -50°C. The thick fur is one of the reasons this cat has been a popular game for hunters in the past. Nowadays there are other threats to the Pallas cat. One of the major threats today is the reduction of food sources.

Bibliotekarier i Film ? en analytisk studie om stereotyper

This paper discusses how librarians are being represented infilm. Is it through stereotypes or with a more modern andrealistic approach? This is something that is examined byreviewing a number of movies based on various stereotypesas previous research has addressed. This work describes whystereotyping of occupational roles are a problem andtherefore examining how well research on the subject isconsistent with films from various years and genres..

Telefonrådgivning : kritisk granskning av aktuell forskning

The telenursing service deals with offering the public guidance as what to do with their health and illness concern. More specifically this service includes triage, support, advice, education, referral, information and coordination. To conduct telephone advice is a complicated task to perform and put specific demands of the nurse?s communication skills.The purpose of this study was to critically review the impact of telephone counseling focused on context of implementation, perspective, design and clinical relevance by a sample of studies within the field.The critical review focused on inconsistencies in the material. Strengths and weaknesses of the studies were explored, with emphasis on detecting areas of skill gaps.Twelve of thirteen studies were made in the context of telenursing.

Mätning av abrasivflöde för vattenskärningsmaskiner

The content of the following report is the summarized result of three students thesis at Blekinge Institute of Technology in co-operation with Water Jet Sweden AB. This report will give the reader a description of principles how to measure the abrasive mass flow in a waterjet cutting system. The work began with a visit to Water Jet Sweden AB to get a closer look at the problem. When the analysis of the problem was done the criteria were defined in the form of demands and desires. The main task of the criteria was to guide the search for the solution.

Selektion av äpplefröplantor på Balsgård :

Today in Sweden, apples are mostly cultivated for direct consumption, i.e. dessert apples. Apple breeding aims at developing cultivars with new and improved qualities in order to meet the demands of different target groups and to increase the interest in apples on the market. Different target groups have different views on the qualities of an apple. The consumer, for instance, wants an apple that is tasty and beautiful, while the grower, in addition, wants an apple cultivar that is healthy, has good winter hardiness and a predictable, annual productivity.

Introduktion av division för alla - en learning study i åk 3

My curiosity concerning what pupils read and write during leisure time led me to gather information using a quantative method. The study's aim is to investigate which reading and writing habits they have during their time outside school. A comparison was done of pupils at school year level 3 and level 4 in two different schools with the intention of investigating the influence of social background on reading and writing habits. 137 pupils filled in survey forms and thereafter the MYSTAT statistic program was used to process the information. The results point towards that the pupils read story books both more often and for a longer time than any other type of literature and that they read them often or very seldom.

Den licensierade vargjaktens betydelse för vargstammen

In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted in a new wolf policy in Sweden. This meant that the wolf population now should be limited to 210 individuals by harvest. The new policy also recognized that the public acceptance of this species must increase and the genetic status improved. In the 17th of December a decision was taken by the Swedish parliament that it should become legal to hunt wolves in Sweden. The wolf hunt resulted in debate on a large scale amongst people, some thought of it as a good decision while others thought it was wrong.

Omvårdnad på akutmottagning

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva patientens upplevelse av besöket på akutmottagningen samt vilka faktorer som påverkade upplevelsen. Syftet var även att beskriva vilka faktorer som möjliggör och hindrar sjuksköterskan att arbeta utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie där 10 artiklar granskades och låg till grund för resultatet vilket visade att patientens upplevelse och faktorer som påverkade upplevelsen av besöket på akutmottagningen var sjuksköterskans omvårdnad, väntetider, akutmottagningens miljö samt vårdpersonalens information och kommunikation. För att sjuksköterskan skulle ha möjlighet att arbeta utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv krävdes vissa kunskaper hos sjuksköterskan, bland annat att ha bred kunskap inte bara i omvårdnad utan även inom medicinska sjukdomar, för att bättre förstå patientens situation. Att vara emotionellt involverad, känna ansvar, ta egna initiativ, vara öppen och lyhörd, genuint intresserad och involverad av patienten och göra det där "lilla extra" gjorde att sjuksköterskan kunde arbeta utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv.

Myndigheters varumärkesarbete och demokrati

The aim of this thesis is to better understand branding work in government agencies. What can systematic branding work result in, in a government agency, besides a strong brand in itself? Can it contribute to the democratic mission that government agencies have?Based on background information on government agencies, their mission in terms of communication, their particular characteristics in relation to the private sector; brands and how they are developed; as well as theories in organizational communication, and research on the possibilities and risks of branding work in the public sector, a qualitative case study on the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) was carried out.The case study consists of a study of PRV?s brand platform, their website as well as an interview with the person responsible for developing the platform. The information gathered during the case study indicates that PRV?s brand work seems to have resulted in a number of positive outcomes.

Evaluation of creditability and risk minimisation : The effect of accounting for intangibles

The recent history knows numerous examples of creditor?s inability to evaluate financial solvency of the client correctly. Creditors? risks do not only concern individual relations between the two parties but the economy in general. The standard loan-giving procedure considers evaluation based on a number of financial ratios.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader i samband med reklamationsprocessen

During the 1970?s the interest for quality management and the concept of quality costs increased considerably. Business leaders noticed that there was a great potential for reducing costs of poor quality. Since up to 10-30% of a company?s total turnover may consist of poor quality costs some consider them as an unexploited goldmine.

Lex Maria och dess betydelse för patientsäkerheten

Bakgrund: Lex Maria är ett avvikelsehanteringssystem vars mål är främjandet av patientsäkerheten. All hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har anmälningsskyldighet enligt Lex Maria. I samband med Lex Maria-anmälan ska händelseanalys genomföras och nya åtgärder tillämpas. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att sammanställa Lex Maria-anmälningarna från fyra akutsjukhus i södra Sverige mellan åren 2009-2011 och betydelsen för patientsäkerheten. Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ metod med retrospektiv inriktning.

Nätverksanalys i GIS-miljö för insatskartor : En fallstudie baserad på Uppsala kommuns vägnät

Att maximera sjukhusens och räddningstjänstens täckning av befolkningen är en viktig säkerhetsfråga som diskuteras inom bland annat hälsovårdsplaneringen. Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) kan användas som ett hjälpmedel för att analysera och presentera andelen befolkning som är utanför sjukvårdens täckningsområden och även visa variationer på täckningsområdena när anläggningar slås ihop eller läggs ned. Syftet med arbetet är att presentera en ny, vektorbaserad nätverksanalys i GIS-miljö för att undersöka hur täckningsområdena för räddningstjänsten i Uppsala kommun påverkas.För att utföra nätverksanalysen användes data från Nationella Vägdatabasen (NVDB) över Uppsala kommun. Attributen som användes från NVDB innehöll information om framförallt hastighetsbegränsningar, väghierarki, tid, restriktioner och gatunamn. Täckningsområdena beräknades med ArcGIS och tilläggsprogrammet Network Analyst och resulterade i en översiktlig karta med räddningstjänstens insatstider och även enskilda insatskartor.

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