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Varumärkesidentitet vs. Varumärkesimage : En studie av Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS och Classic

AbstractTitle: Brand identity vs. Brand image ? a study of Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic.Number of pages: 38Author: Jessika Löwling HelmerskogTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication sciencePeriod: Spring semester 2010University: Informatics and media, media and communication science, Uppsala University.Aim: The aim is to study the brand identity as well as the brand image for each of the brands:Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic. Furthermore the aim is to determine whether the brandsidentity comport with the brands image. Ultimately the study will establish whether or not thebrands can be considered as strong brands.Method/Material: This thesis will first and foremost explain a number of theories related tothe subject which will give a deeper understanding in the subject as well as providing thereader with necessary knowledge to fully understand the study.To create a broad and correct picture of each brand interviews have been made with both thepeople behind the brand as well as with the consumers.The interviews with the brand makers have been made by a questionnaire with questionsabout the brand and its identity.The interviews with the consumers have been made through focus group interviews; twogroups with four people in each group.

Hur butiker påverkar kunden till köp

Abstract Title: How Shops Influence the Customer to Purchase Authors: Lisa Hegestrand, Jonna Olandersson and Anna Sjödahl Advisor: Leif Rytting Course: Marketing C, 61 ? 90 ECTS Purpose Our purpose is to analyze and clarify how a number of shops work to influence their customers? in-store buying behaviour. We would also like to analyze and reflect on how and to what extent these shops use the customer?s senses when trying to influence buying behaviour. Method We have combined a deductive and inductive approach.


Hematology-instruments that analyze blood cells can at specific cases be followed by manual counting with a hemocytometer. The plastic hemocytometer which has a fixed coverslip and is assigned for disposable use, appears to reduce the problems arising from the use of the traditional glass hemocytometer, for instance coverslip-application difficulty and dust particles. Capillary whole blood sampling may be useful for patients at the emergency department and in addition, a smaller volume of blood is taken compared to venous blood sampling. This study will focus on the platelet- and leukocyte count (PLT and WBC) in venous and capillary blood, in order to compare the plastic- and glass hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), and verify if capillary whole blood sampling can be used for the measurement of these hematological parameters. 30 subjects donated both capillary- and venous blood samples and these blood samples were analyzed with glass- and plastic hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 as the reference method.

Resolution 1325, lidandet i Liberia och kvinnors rättigheter

AbstractBetween 1989-1996 and 2000-2003 a civil war took place in Liberia. During the war many, many people were killed or were forced to flee. Another of the war's characteristics was the high number of women being sexually abused and beaten by the soldiers. The aim of this thesis is to analyze to what degree the peacekeeping personnel in Liberia, foremost staff working for the UN and agencies related to the UN, have implemented Resolution 1325 in their work. Resolution 1325 was adopted by the members of the United Nations Security Council in year 2000 and aims to increase the efforts made to secure women's rights and security in parts of the world where war and crisis prevail.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser kring svåra arbetsrelaterade händelser

Healthcare staff working within emergency care must often handle extreme and emotional situations. Most of the certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) will some time during their professionally active lives confront with events that are difficult to handle and for some these events will lead to more or less serious traumatic distress and in certain cases develop post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Many studies demonstrate that staff working in similar stress related environment runs larger risk in order to get stress related symptoms. The aim with the study was to describe the experiences around difficult work related events among CRNAs. The study was implemented as a descriptive study with qualitative run-up via a questionnaire with open questions relevant for the study's aim.

Ledarskap inom ramen för ett systemutvecklingsprojekt : fokus på en arbetsprocess med stöd i Vattenfallsmodellen

Many research reports mention the fact that a huge number of all system development projects never reach a successful ending; with other words never fulfil formulated goals. By identifying and forming success factors (and in some aspect risk factors) that the project manager in practice can use, this study may be seen as a step in the direction towards minimising the high number of failed system development projects. The purpose of this research report is to investigate how a system development project, where the development process is based on a specific development or process model (in this case the Waterfall model), can and should be driven. I aim to clarify what is demanded of a project leader for the specific development process and give an account for which eventual leadership qualities that can be well suited for given situation in relation to the need for technical competence. Among other things the project manager should inspire confidence, drive, be a decision maker, engage and own some form of basic knowledge in the field of system development.

Självskadebeteende ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv: en studie av professionella behandlares syn på självskadebeteendets orsaker och omfattning bland utlandsfödda respektive svenskfödda flickor

The aim of this study was to examine why young females develop self-harm behaviour. We also wanted to look at the differences between young females born in foreign countries and young females born in Sweden and investigate if there were any differences regarding the reasons for developing self-harm behaviour and the actual extent of the self-harm behaviour within the group. We used a qualitative method and performed interviews with nine professionals that work with young females with self-harm behaviour. To be able to analyse our qualitative interviews we used concepts such as modernity, anomie, safety and cultural differences in the bringing up of children. The results of this study shows that self-harm behaviour is a symptom of excessive anxiety, which can be caused by a number of reasons, such as childhood trauma or great demands in modern society.

Sensus Barnmusikskola i Karlstad : Att nå ut för att främja integration och mångfald under perioden 2009-2012.

This is a study of Sensus Barnmusikskola ? Children?s School of Music, in Karlstad, Sweden?s attempts to facilitate integration and diversity in their operation. The Culture and Recreation Management in Karlstad town?s conditions to award the school their grant in 2009 was that Sensus Children?s school of Music should make targeted interventions in the socioeconomic exposed areas Gruvlyckan/Våxnäs and Kronoparken to increase the number of children with foreign background. This would according to the Culture and Recreation Management bring more integration and diversity in to the school?s operation.

Tvåstegsavvänjning av köttraskalvar med hjälp av nosbricka :

When beef calves are weaned abruptly at 5 to 6 months of age this triggers a strong stress reaction, since the animals have not yet untied the bonds to their mothers or stopped suckling. This is displayed as extensive vocalization and restlessness. Attempts to diminish the negative effects of weaning on sucking calves have been showing varying results. The study presented here emanates from the observation that when calves are weaned without human interference they are only prevented from suckling, but are still allowed to have social contacts with their mothers. The hypothesis was that calves weaned in two steps would be calmer, gain more weight, and be healthier than animals that were abruptly weaned. To investigate this, 15 calves where weaned in two stages (Group 2), by fitting the calves with nose tags that prevented them from suckling during 5 days prior to the separation of the cows and calves.

The effect of a lowered light intensity at night on cow traffic and milk yield in automatic milking systems

Automatic milking systems (AMS) provide the opportunity for less manual labour and an increased milking frequency. But in order to reach an optimal milking frequency a well-functioning cow traffic is crucial. There are many factors affecting cow traffic but one factor that has not been studied thoroughly yet is the effect of different light intensities during the night, 22.00 h to 05.00 h. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the effect of different light intensities during the night on number of selection gate passages (GP), milking frequency and milk yield. The study was conducted as a Latin square were three light intensities were applied: LOW (11 ± 3 lux), INT (33 ± 1 lux) and HIGH (74 ± 6 lux), in three different herds.

Traumateamsövningar - vad kommer patienten till del?

Background: In today's Swedish health care, it is required that the various professionals must work together in teams to safer care. Several professionals with various skills expected working together in the traumateam at the care of the traumapatient. At the same time, research shows that substandard teamwork leads to avoidable errors in care. One way to improve teamwork is to practice. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to shed light on the experiences of the traumateam exercises that exercise participants feel has been favorable for the patient at the initial care of trauma patients.

Triage av barn på akutmottagning

Beslutsprocessen vid triage är komplex och triageprocessen bör utföras noggrant. Vid akuta situationer måste snabba beslut tas, oftast med lite information. Det ska under kort tid samlas in data genom observation, frågor och kontroll av vitalparametrar. Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans triagering av barn på akutmottagning. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades.

Att mäta publicering av artiklar: En tillämpning av bibliometri på evidensbasering inom socialt arbete

This thesis examines the scientific publishing in the subject area of evidence based practice EBP in social work. Issues are: How has this publishing evolved, separately and compared to the publishing about evaluation in social work? What authors/countries have produced the largest numbers of articles? What journals have published the largest numbers of articles? Which are the most frequent co-occurrences of a selection of terms? 161 records for articles from 50 different journals were selected from Social Services Abstracts using subject of journal and a query as criteria. For each year, the number of articles about evaluation in social work was larger than about EBP. A decline in the publishing about evaluation coincide with a growth in EBP after the year 2000.

Modellering av reserv- och nödkraftsystem i JAS 39 Gripen

Simulation is a vital tool during development of JAS 39 Gripen, since money and time can be saved.The Auxiliary and Emergency Power System, AEPS, is a subsystem of the secondary power system in Gripen. It has the function of providing the aircraft with electrical and hydraulical power before activation and after deactivation of the main engine. The system also functions as backup in case of a safety critical problem in the main power supply system. The system basically consists of a control unit and an auxiliary gearbox. The gearbox is driven by an air turbine.

Byteskostnader på svenska fasta bredbandsmarknaden

AimThe purpose of this study is to, from a perspective of a PE teacher, look at how teachers of physical education in elementary school designs and assesses the teaching of swimming. The issues underlying the study are as follows:Which elements are included in the swimming education and how do teachers work with these operations?What does the PE teachers classify as swimming ability and what do teachers experience as obstacles for the students development of swimming ability?How do the PE teachers interpret the knowledge requirement in Lgr 11?MethodThe study is based on six interviews of qualitative nature, with PE teachers from various municipalities in the region of Mälardalen.ResultsThe result yielded by the study is that the swimming classes can take different forms depending on whom the teacher is. Common to all the teachers in the study is that they teach emergency management and lifesaving. When it later comes to teaching how to swim and practice, the teachers who teach in the younger age groups work more concentrated and continuously with swimming, while the teachers who work with the older age groups just checks whether students can swim or not.

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