

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 2 av 267

Erfarenheter bland omvårdnadspersonal av att bemöta personer med missbruks- eller beroendeproblem på en akutmottagning : En intervjustudie

The number of persons with problems of abuse or addiction seeking care has increased during the last years in Sweden. Recent international studies show stigmatizing attitudes among nursing staff, which affect the treatment and care negatively. The purpose of this study was to describe experiences among nursing staff of treating persons with problems of abuse or addiction at an emergency department. The participants were six nurses and one assistant nurse who worked at an emergency department. The interviews were analyzed through qualitative content analysis.

Akutmedicinska vårdkedjans bedömning och prioritering av drabbad : En pilotstudie

The study aimed to investigate the acute medical chain consisting of SOS operator, ambulance nurse, emergency nurse and emergency physician with regard to the assessment and prioritization of the victim.The design of this journal study is retrospective with descriptive approach. Data were collected from all ambulance missions carried out in Uppsala county 2009-01-01 between the hours 00:00 to 12:00. Sample period was chosen because the prerequisite for high frequency on the ambulance mission was supposed to be good. In order to be able to systematize the compilation of data a protocol were prepared and used. Applicable data were collected from three databases SOS Alarms, ambulance operations, and the University Hospital in Uppsala.

Synstörning vid fall och fallskador En registrering av det dokumenterade

Falls and fallinjuries are very common in peoples own homes in various institutions. Hospital inpatients often fall during daytime in connection with their visit to the toilet. Visual impairment such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can cause falls. The purpose of this study was to examine patient´s records where falls and fallinjuries were documented at an emergency clinic and to examine if they were registered to visual impairment. The records from 68 hospital inpatients from the age of 65 years and older who did fall during the year of 2004, were examined.

Akutvårdsavdelning och intensivvårdsavdelning - utformning, arbetsuppgifter och vad behöver finnas på plats?

Animals can be ill and need veterinary care for many reasons. The conditions can be more or less emergent, some can even be life-threatening. When an animal is in a life-threatening condition you can save the animals life just by having the right equipment near-by and ready to be used. This literature-study help you, as an active working veterinary nurse, with which these conditions are that can show up in your emergency ward and what you should have near-by to give animals with acute life-threatening conditions the care they need. The author also looked at work tasks at the emergency ward and found out that in Sweden it is not defined who can and/or should execute them. Interviews were also done with nine of the largest small-animal hospitals in Sweden to compare the studies found with the Swedish emergency wards.

Utskrivning från sjukhus ? En studie av utskrivningsprocessen vid en medicinklinik

Introduction: The interaction between different care facilities and professions is important in the care of older patients. Patients do not always get enough time to recover and often have a continued need for care. A discharge process of good structure in which the patient and relatives are participating and the continued need of care is assured is of importance in care of older patients.Objective: The overall purpose of this study is to compare the discharge process for patients over 75 years old admitted to a emergency medicine ward respective a emergency medicine ward with geriatric focus at a medicine clinic, to compare discharge process between these wards and evaluate the patients situation at home after discharge.Methods: A survey of medical records with a protocol and a telephone survey have been performed. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistic. Patients at the medical wards MAVA and care unit number 21/34, which are 75 years or older and are discharged to their own home, within the municipality of Göteborgs stad, in Sweden, are included in this study.Results: The discharge process differed between medicine wards with emergency medicine and geriatric focus.

Kuratorers personliga upplevelser av stress och coping på ett akutsjukhus i Stockhol

AbstractTitle: Welfare officers personal experiences of stress and coping in an emergency hospital in StockholmThe purpose with this study was to describe how welfare officers in an emergency hospital experienced stress in their workplace and what coping strategies they used. Through qualitative interviews the welfare officers thoughts and experiences were examined. The result showed that welfare officers experienced some stress at the workplace; this was related to lacks in the organization, heavy workload and short of time. The most commonly used coping strategies were social support, physical training, short breaks during the day to handle the stress at work. The conclusions of this study was that factors that reduces stress for welfare officers who work at emergency hospitals was a functioning organization and management, the ability to control and at some levels effect their own work, to have guidance and other opportunities to ventilate with co-workers.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta på en akutsjukvårdsavdelning

Background: Previous research demonstrates that negative stress in the current situation is common among nurses working in emergency care. The stress is demonstrated to be associated with poorer provided care for patients and impaired health of nurses. Aim: The purpose of the study was to highlight nurses' perception of stress and their work for a good nursing care on an emergency care department. Method: An empirical design with qualitative approach has been used. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses and forms the basis of the results of the study.

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients? subjective experiences.

Varför vänder sig individen till 112 vid upplevd ohälsa: En intervjustudie med personer som av ambulanspersonal har bedömts som ?icke akuta?

Vården ska ges på den nivå som bäst är anpassad efter patientens individuella tillstånd. Patient väljer ibland att vända sig till akutsjukvården då vårdbehovet egentligen inte är akut utan bättre kan behandlas inom primärvården. Tidigare forskning påvisar att patienter föredrar att söka sig till akutsjukvården framför primärvården då den är mer lättillgänglig samt att den uppfattas som bättre. Att det är flera personer som är inblandade i beslutet att kontakta larmcentralen samt att det är ett svårt beslut framkommer också i tidigare studier. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva patientens beslut att ringa larmcentral i stället för att ta kontakt med primärvården.

Triage på akutmottagning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av nuvarande triagemodell

To sort, is the meaning of the word ?triage?. Triage is used at emergency departments to facilitate prioritization of patients according to the urgency of the chief complaint. The aim of this study was to investigate how the nurses experience the triage model at the emergency department at Uppsala university hospital.Twelve nurses were interviewed. The mean age was 40 years and the mean work experience was three years and four months.

Teamtriage : sjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamtriage på akutmottagningen på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala

The purpose of this study was to investigate registered nurses experiences about the current model for triage at the emergency department at Uppsala University Hospital. The study is descriptive with qualitative approach. The data collection was made in the form of semi structured interviews. The interviews took place at the emergency department. The sample consisted of eight registered nurses with varying work experience of emergency care.

Genuskonstruktionen inom tillfälliga kriscentra : Förstås med hjälp av Bacchis; What?s the problem represented to be?

This essays main focus will be on emergency shelters in disasters, and their understanding in gender awareness, by focusing on the way gender is constructed and seen. This dissertation will examine documents from Australian Red Cross and IASC (Inter Agency Standing Committee) in order to explore how they work with gender and shelter related issues. The objective is to examine and with help from these documents see how gender is constructed. The method and theory is based on Carol Bacchis; What?s the problem represented to be approach? (WPR-approach).

Krishantering i skolan : En studie om hur skolan som helhet arbetar med krishantering.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the school as a whole is working with crisis management. The purpose includes examining the readiness of both school teachers and leisure educators when it comes to dealing with crises that children undergo and also to study how they best can provide support for those children. Accordingly, this thesis aims to provide an insight into what the school's work with crisis management might look like. The basis of this thesis consists of six qualitative interviews with a principal, a school counselor, two class teachers and two leisure educators. The study shows that it is important to have a functioning crisis team and a well-made emergency preparedness plan, which the school in this study is considered to have. The crisis group is responsible throughout the crisis work, attends trainings and updates the emergency plan.

Skadehändelser och preventiva åtgärder bland fotgängare och cyklister i Umeå kommun

Every year, approximately 700 000 individuals´ visit an emergency ward in Sweden as a result of injuries and to the emergency ward at Umea University hospital (NUS) about 12 000 injured arrive every year. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study that surveys injuries caused by crashes among 153 pedestrians and 53 bicyclists, who have been injured in a geographically well defined area during the period January to June 2009. The aim of this study is to survey injuries among pedestrians and cyclists and to examine what preventive measures could reduce these injuries in the Umeå municipality. The results show that falls caused by slipper surface are common among both pedestrians (71 %; n = 109) and bicyclists (32 %; n = 17). Almost one third of the pedestrians (34 %; n = 43) were in the age of 65 or older.

I stundens hetta : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Va?stmanland sommaren 2014

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

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